Ref: EDC 5/1/3

Catalogue Entry:

EDC 5/1/3 – Sentence of divorce between Margery Thornycrofte & John Cokke alias Stokes. 30 Nov. 1527


Margery Thornycrofte contra John Cokkes alias Stokes. The marriage between Margery Thornycrofte and John Cokkes was declared to be invalid because John was found to have been previously married to Joan Cheryngton who was still living.



Type of Cause:

Matrimonial – annulment (bigamy)

Cause Papers:


Sentence (image 1)

Original Document

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[5/1/3 image 1]

In the name of God, Amen: the merits and circumstances of a certain cause of marriage and divorce which is disputed and still depending undecided having been heard, seen and understood and fully investigated by us, official of the lord archdeacon of Chester, between Margery Thornycrofte, plaintiff and complaining party on the one part, and John Cokkes otherwise Stokes, defendant and party complained of, on the other part; the parties aforesaid appearing before us, namely the said Margery in person and the aforesaid John through his proctor and seeking definitive sentence to be passed and promulgated in the said cause, and  justice to be done in that behalf with no little urgency.

Having observed all and singular matters which according to law should be observed by us, we have thus thought fit to make the pronouncement of our definitive sentence in the above-mentioned cause and between the parties aforesaid, and we do proceed in this manner which follows;

forasmuch as we know and clearly find by the acts enacted, set forth, propounded, alleged, confessed and proved had and done before us in the said cause that the aforesaid John Cokkes otherwise Stokes contracted a true and unconditional marriage by words of present consent with Joan Cheryngton who is still living, and that was duly solemnised and confirmed by sexual intercourse before any marriage was solemnised, or, more correctly, profaned, between the parties aforesaid

therefore we, the official aforesaid, having first called upon the name of Christ, and from the counsel of the learned in the law with whom we have consulted promptly in this behalf, decree and declare that all and whatever marriage between the said John and Margery, as is thus aforesaid, contracted and profaned took place de facto and not in law and was and is […] and invalid by reason of the premises, and we separate and divorce John and Margery from each other. The marriage between the aforesaid John Cokkes otherwise Stokes and Joan Cheryngton hitherto […] as is thus aforesaid contracted, solemnised and confirmed we declare and decree as a true, unconditional and lawful marriage by this our definitive sentence which we thus pass and promulgate in these writings.

This sentence was issued and read in the collegiate church of Saint John of Chester on the penultimate day of November in the year of the Lord 1526, in the presence of Sir William Case, chaplain, and […]


[5/1/3 image 1]

In dei nomine Amen Auditis visis et intellectis plenarieque discussis <per nos officialem domini archidiaconi cestrie> meritis et
circumstancijs cuiusdam cause matrimonialis et diuorcij que coram nobis inter Margeriam
thornycrofte partem actricem et querelantem ex una Et Johannem cokkes alias
stokes partem ream et querelatam partibus ex altera vertitur et pendet adhuc indecise
partibus prefatis coram nobis videlicet dictam Margeria personaliter ac prefato Johanne per
suum procuratorem comparentibus ac sententiam diffinitiuam in dicta causa fieri et promulgari
Justiciamque in hac parte fieri cum instancia non modica postulantibus

 servatis per nos
omnibus et singulis de Jure servandis ad nostre sententie diffinitiue prolacionem [in]
memorata causa et inter partes predictas ferende sic duximus procedendum et in hunc qui
sequitur procedimus modum

Quia per acta inactita deducta proposita allegata
confessata et probata coram nobis in prefata causa habita et facta comperimus et lucu[lenter]
Invenimus prefatum Johannem Cokkes alias stokes verum ac purum [matrimonium cum]
Johanna cheryngton <adhuc superstite> per verba de presenti contraxisse illudque debite sol[emnisatum]
ac per carnalem copulam confirmatum fuisse Ante quodcunque matrimonium [inter]
[partes predictas] solemnisatum seu verius prophanatum

 Idcirco nos officialis an[tedictus]
christi nomine primitus Invocato de consilio iurisperitorum cum quibus mature in ha[c parte]
communicauimus omne et quodcunque matrimonium inter dictos Johannem et M[argeriam]
sic ut premittitur contractum et prophanatum de facto et non de Jure processisse […]
et invalidum fuisse et esse premissorum occasione decernimus et declaramus Ip[sosque]
Johannem et Margeriam abinvicem separamus et diuorciamus Matri[monium]
inter prefatos Johannes Cokkes alias stokes et Johannam cheryngton adhuc […]
sic vt premittitur contractum solemnisatum et confirmatum pro Vero puro et [legitimo]
matrimonio declaramus et decernimus per hanc nostram sententiam di[ffintivam]
quam ferimus et promulgamus in hijs scriptis

Lata et lecta fuit hec sententia in ecclesia collegiali [Sancti]
Johannis cestrie penultimo die mensis Nouembris Anno [domini]
mo cccccmo xxvjo in presencijs domini Willelmi Case <capellani> et […]

Sentence (image 2)

Original Document

Click to view fullscreen


[5/1/3 image 2]


There follow the definitive sentences issued by Master Adam Beconsall, bachelor of canon law, official of the venerable Master William Knight, doctor of both laws, archdeacon of Chester; in the presence of Richard Wydhope, notary public, general scribe of his acts and registrar as is made fully clear below.

Sentence of Margery Thorneycrofte

[in pencil in a different hand]


[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]

Translation copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved



[5/1/3 image 2]


Sequuntur diffinitive sententie per Magistrum Adam becansaw in decretis baccallarium
Officialem Venerabilis viri Magistri Willelmi <knyght> vtriusque Juris doctoris Archidiaconi
cestrie In presencia Ricardi Wydhope notarij publici Actorum suorum scribe generalis
et registrarij prout inferius patet late

Sentencia Margerie Thornycrofte

[in pencil in a different hand]


[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]

Transcript copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved


Margery Thornycrofte – plaintiff

John Cokkes – defendant

Joan Cheryngton – lawful wife of defendant

William Case – witness to sentence




Adam Beconsall – archdeacon’s official

William Knight – archdeacon of Chester

Richard Wydhope – registrar







Ref: EDC 5/1/2

Catalogue Entry:

EDC 5/1/2 – Sentence of divorce between Elizabeth & Adam Lever 27 Jan 1525/6


Elizabeth Levar contra Adam Levar. Separation a mensa et thoro was granted to Elizabeth because of Adam’s adultery, following which the couple had not been reconciled.

Sentence (image 1)

Original Document

Click to view fullscreen


[5/1/2 image 1]

In the name of God, Amen: the merits and circumstances of a certain cause of marriage or divorce having been heard, seen and understood and fully investigated by us, the official of the lord archdeacon of Chester, between Elizabeth Levar, plaintiff and complaining party on the one part, and Adam Levar, defendant, on the other part; the party of the said Elizabeth appearing through her proctor and the said Adam appearing in person and praying definitive sentence to be made and promulgated in the said cause.

The whole and entire proceeding had and done before us in the said cause having first been examined and diligently considered by us, and having observed all and singular matters which according to law should be observed in this behalf, we have thus thought fit to proceed to making the pronouncement of our definitive sentence in the above-mentioned cause between the parties aforesaid, and we do proceed in this manner which follows;

Forasmuch as we know and clearly find by the acts and enactments set forth, propounded, alleged and confessed and equally proved had and done before us in the aforesaid cause that the claim of the said Elizabeth Levar in a certain summary petition written on record (the tenor of which is thus; On which day, etc. which we wish to hold as here read and inserted)  was sufficiently and fully established and proved, and nothing has been or is set forth, alleged and proved on the other side on behalf of the said Adam which has destroyed or in any way weakened the claim of the said Elizabeth in this behalf.

And because we clearly find the said Adam has openly publicly and notoriously sinned and transgressed through the crime of adultery within the laws of matrimony and he was and is not at any time thereafter reconciled to the said Elizabeth, therefore we separate and divorce the said Adam and Elizabeth from bed and board by this our definitive sentence, which we pass and publish in these writings.


[5/1/2 image 1]

In dei nomine Amen. auditis visis et intellectis plenarieque discussis
per nos officialis domini Archidiaconi cestrie
meritis et circumstancijs cuiusdam cause matrimonialis seu diuorcij
que coram nobis inter Elizabeth <levar> partem Actricem et querelantem ex una
et Adam levar partem ream ex altera pars dicte Elizabeth per procuratorem
suum et dictus Adam personaliter comparentibus ac sententiam in dicta causa diffinitiuam
fieri et promulgari postulantibus

Rimato primitus per nos diligenterque
recensito toto et integro processu coram nobis in dicta causa habito et facto
ac seruatis omnibus et singulis de Jure in hac parte seruandis ad nostre
sententie diffinitiue prolacionem in memorata causa et inter partes predictas
ferendum sic duximus procedendum et procedimus in hunc qui sequitur

Quia per acta et inactita deducta proposita
allegata et confessata pariter et probata coram nobis in prefata causa
habita et facta comperimus et luculenter invenimus dictam Elizabeth
levar suam intencionem in quadam summaria peticione
apud acta scripta Cuius tenor talis est Quo die et cetera quam pro
hic lecta et inserta haberi volumus sufficienter et ad plenam fundasse
et probasse Nichilque ex aduerso pro partem dicti Adam fuisse aut esse
deductum allegatum et probatum quod intencionem dicte Elizabeth in hac
parte elideret seu quomodolibet enervaret

Et quod luculenter Inuenimus
eidem Adam pro crimine adulterij in leges coniugij palam publice et
notorie peccasse et deliquisse nec vnquam postea a dicte Elizabeth
fuisse et esse reconsiliatus idcirco dictos Adam et Elizabeth ab
Invicem <a mensa et thoro> seperamus et diuorciamus per hanc nostram
sententiam diffinitivam quam ferimus et promulgamus in hijs scriptis

Sentence (image 2)

Original Document

Click to view fullscreen


[5/1/2 image 2]


This present sentence was passed and read on the 27th day of the month of January in the year of our Lord 1525/6 in the presence of Otwell Worsley, William Pillyn and Richard Crew and others.

Sentence of divorce in the cause of Elizabeth Levar

[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]

Translation copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved


[5/1/2 image 2]


lata et lecta fuit hec presens sentencia xxvijo die
mensis Januarij Anno domini 1525o In presencia otueli Worsley
Willielmi pyllen et Ricardi Crew et aliorum

sentencia diuorcij in causa Elizabeth levar

[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]

Transcript copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved


Richard Crew – witness to sentence

Adam Levar – defendant

Elizabeth Levar – plaintiff

William Pyllyn – witness to sentence, probably proctor for Elizabeth Levar

Otwell Worsley – witness to sentence

Ref: EDC 5/1/1

Catalogue Entry:

EDC 5/1/1 – Sentence of divorce between Ellen Knottisford & Ralph Bury of pa. Huyton co. L. 30 Sep. 1525


Ellen Knottisford contra Ralph Bury. Ellen Knottisford had been married while under age to Ralph Bury. She had always objected to the marriage and sworn witnesses confirmed that the marriage had never been consummated.

This is the earliest of the surviving Chester Cause Papers and was heard while the consistory court was under the control of the archdeacon of Chester in the bishopric of Coventry and Lichfield.



Type of Cause:

Matrimonial – annulment (minor)

Cause Papers:


Sentence (image 1)

Original Document

Click to view fullscreen


[5/1/1 image 1]

 […] having been seen and understood and fully investigated by us, the official […] of a matrimonial or divorce cause which is disputed and now depending undecided between [Ellen Knottisford] on the one [part] and Ralph Bury of the parish of Huyton of Coventry [and Lichfield diocese] on the other […] the parties aforesaid […] before us […] definitive [sentence] may be passed and published in the said cause and with no [little] urgency that justice may be done […]

The whole and entire proceedings had and done before us in the said cause having first been examined and diligently considered by us, and all and singular matters which according to law should be observed in this respect having been observed by us, we have thus thought fit to proceed to making the pronouncement of our definitive sentence in the afore-mentioned cause between the parties aforesaid, and we do proceed in this manner which follows:

Forasmuch as we know and clearly find by the acts enacted before us in the aforesaid cause […] that Ellen Knottisford has sufficiently established and fully proved her claim in a certain libel judicially offered before us, of which, indeed […] is thus, In the name of God, Amen: before you, the worshipful etc. which here as read and inserted […] and that nothing to the contrary on behalf of the said Ralph Bury has been […] alleged or proved which could destroy or in any way […] weaken the petition of the aforesaid Ellen in that behalf […] acts enacted, brought propounded and confessed we fully and judicially find that the aforesaid Ellen […] being then young and before she had reached marriageable years through the planning of her parents, and objecting, to the same […] was and is joined in a certain pretended marriage, in fact but not in law, and she, Ellen, immediately after she reached […] has always objected, dissented and spoken against this pretended marriage and objects […] and speaks against at present. And furthermore, to avoid all damaging fear and suspicion of collusion in this matter […] she, Ellen, by the inspection of six honest and willing matrons, sworn in this behalf and by virtue of their oath […] that she was and is a virgin and was and is not known by her said pretended husband and any others whomsoever.

[…] this pretended marriage between the same Ralph and Ellen, as thus aforesaid made in fact but not in law […] by occasion and reason was and is of no force or authority but in all things was and is invalid, null and void and […] and we pronounce and declare that it lacked and was lacking the force of law, and we separate and divorce the same Ralph and Ellen from each other by this our definitive sentence which we pass and publish in these writings.

This sentence of divorce was passed and read on the last day of September in the 1525th year of our Lord, in the presence of John Burges and John Par, chaplains, and Ralph Venables, literate man, and of others.


[5/1/1 image 1]

 […] visis et intellectis plenarieque discussis per Nos offi[cialis] […]
[…] cause  matrimonialis seu divorcij que coram nobis inter […]
[…] ex vna Et Radulphum Bury parochie de hyton Coun’ […]
[…] ex altera vertitur et pendet adhuc indecise prefatis partibus coram nobis […]
[…] diffinitiuam in dicta causa fieri et promulgari Justiciamque fieri cum instantia non […]

 Rimato primitus per nos diligenterque recensito toto et integro processu coram nobis in dicta causa
[habito et] facto ac seruatis per nos omnibus et singulis de Jure in hac parte seruandis ad nostre sententie diffinitive
prolacionem in memorata causa et inter partes predictas ferendam sic duximus procedendum et procedimus [in hunc]
qui sequitur modum

Quia per Acta inactitata coram nobis in prefata causa comperimus et lucul[enter invenimus] […] Elenam Knottisford suam intentionem in quodam libello coram nobis Judicaliter oblato cuius quidem […]
[…] talis est In dei nomine Amen Coram vobis venerabili viro et cetera quem hic pro lecto et inserto […]
[suffic]ienter et ad plenum fundasse et probasse Nichilque ex aduerso per partem dicti Radulphi Bury fuisse […]
[…] allegatum seu probatum quod intentionem dicte Elene in hac parte elideret seu quomodolibet […]
[…] per acta inactitata deducta proposita et confessata in hac parte plenarie ac Judicaliter comperimus prefatam Elenam
[…] tunc impuberam et antequam ad annos nubiles pervenisset ac reclamantem ex medicacionem parentum suorum eidem
[…] de facto et non de Jure quodam pretenso matrimonio copulatam fuisse et esse Ipsamque Elenam statim postquam ad
[…] perveneret huiusmodi pretenso matrimonio semper reclamasse dissenssisse et contradixisse ac reclamare
[…] et contradicere in presenti Et vlteriusque ad evitandum omnem sinistrum collusionis metum et suspicionem in hac parte
[…] ipsam Elenam per inspectionem sex honestarum <et paritarum> matronarum  in hac parte Juratarum et virtute Juramenti
[…] fuisse et esse virginem et pro dictum virum suum pretensum et alios quoscumque fuisse et esse in cognitam
[…] huiusmodi pretensum matrimonium inter eosdem Radulphum et Elenam sic vt premittitur de facto et non de Jure factum
[…] occasione et pretextu nullius efficacie aut momenti fuisse et esse sed omnino irritum cassum nullumque et
[…] fuisse et esse viribusque Juris caruisse et carere debere pronunciamus et declaramus Eosdemque Radulphum
et Elenam abinvicem separamus et diuorciamus per hanc nostram sentenciam diffinitiuam quam ferimus et promulgamus
in hijs scriptis

Lata et lecta fuit hec diuorcij sententia vltimo die mensis septembris anno domini <1525o> in presenciam
Johannis Burges et Johannis par capellanorum et Radulphi Venables literati et aliorum

Sentence (image 2)

Original Document

Click to view fullscreen


[5/1/1 image 2]


Sentence of divorce between Ellen Knottisford and Ralph Bury

[in pencil in a different hand]

30 Sept 1525

[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]

Translation copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved


[5/1/1 image 2]


Sententia diuorcij inter elenam Knottisford et Radulphum Bury

[in pencil in a different hand]

30 Sept 1525

[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]

Transcript copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved


John Burges – witness to the sentence

Ralph Bury – defendant

Ellen Knottisford – plaintiff

John Par – witness to the sentence

Ralph Venables – witness to the sentence