Ref: EDC 5/1587/8

Catalogue Entry:

EDC 5/1587/8 HOLT Kathryn Clubb c John Ledsom of Holt for breach of marriage contract, letter from William Oldham.


Katherine Clubb contra John Ledsam. This is a letter from William Ledsam of ‘Comen Woodd’ concerning Katherine Clubb of Farndon and John Ledsam the younger of Holt in Denbighshire, his brother, concerning a marriage between John and Katherine.



Type of Cause:

Matrimonial – enforcement of marriage contract

Cause Papers:

Miscellaneous (letter)

Miscellaneous (image 1)

Original Document

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[5/1587/8 image 1]


betwixt Katheren Clubb, of Farndon in the County
of Cheshyre, Spynster, And John Ledsam, the
younger, of Holt, in the County of Denbygh Joyner
for, touchinge & consyninge (amongst other thinges)
a Contract of Marryaidge, to bene had & made
betwixt the seid Katheren, And the seid John; An[d]
the same lyke to accrewe, & be to the greate
Indempnyte & detryment to <some one of> the seide partyes, for
wante of the trueth, touchinge the same, to be
shewed & explayned therof to the heareres by
some soche person, or persons, as haue (as yet)
the seyd theyre Contract (amongst other thing[es)]
& manner of promysses of theyre marryadge in Rype
remembraunce: Foreasmoch therfore as yt ys no
Lesse then a merytoryousse deedd to be doen
of all persons, in lettinge a trueth in […]
Ambyguyties, & doubtes manyfestly […]
be knowen; And the rather at the parte […]
request & petycion: I haue therefore thought
yt good to lett the seid honerable Cort, & you, &
euery of you to wytte, to whome thees my present
lettres shallbe come to be seen reedd, hard or vnderston-
ded That I Wylliam Ledsam, brother vnto the seyd
John Ledsam, they younger, haue bene in the
place, and haue hard the seid John ledsam, my seid
brothe, promesse faythfully the seid Katheren
Clubb, to marry her, and that vpon the seid his
promesse, that he caused the Curat at two seuerall[1]
tymes to Aske the Bannes of Marryadge betwixt
theym aswell in the parishe Churche of Holt, as
also in the paryshe Churche of Far[n]don & further
that the seid John named the day of Marryadge
caused sixe bushells of Malt (or thereaboutes)
three Bushells of whyette, and all to be grounded
against the seid day of Marryadge And that he
the seid John, dyd dysbursse the Chardges & pay
for the keapinge of his Chylde beinge a wenshe
& being begotten by the seid John by & vpon the boddy
of the seid Katheren: And further I sygnyfye that
the seyd Katheren hath at all tymes hethervnto
lyved in good name, & fame, & in good credyct withall
persons & so contynually withall her neighbors well
knowen to be, reputed, & so taken: Thus moch
haue I thought good of a trueth to signyfye, as  I
and <so> wyll <be> ready at all tymes (yf nede requyre) too
deposse the same: Comen Woodd xjth November

yor Frende

William ledsam

[1] several = separate

Miscellaneous (image 2)

Original Document

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[5/1587/8 image 2]




November xviijto

To his verey lovinge
Frendes, Mr Harry penant
and John Yardley, gent,
And to euery or eny one
of theym yeue thees


[in pencil in a later hand]

Holt Denbigh

[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]

Transcript copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved


Katherine Clubb

John Ledsam

William Ledsam – wrote the above letter

John Yardley – one of the intended recipients of William Ledsam’s letter


Henry (Harry) Pennant – Deputy Registrar of the diocese and one of the intended recipients of William Ledsam’s letter


Probably written in connection with cause reference EDC 5/1586/3 Farndon. The catalogue entry for this cause is ‘Catherine Clubb c John Hodson senior of Holt for a clandestine marriage-libel.’