Ref: EDC 5/1575/3

Catalogue Entry:

EDC 5/1575/3 CHESTER (St Oswald) John and Richard Vaudrey impropriators of tithes of Churton Heath (Bruera) c Ralph Calveley – libel, interrogations, decree.


John Vawdrey and Richard Vawdrey contra Ralph Calveley.

John and Richard Vawdrey claimed in their libel that they were the lawful farmers of the tithes of the township of Churton Heath and that Ralph Calveley of Churton Heath had not paid the tithes of grain due from him for 1575. Calveley claimed that the lawful farmer was Robert Vawdrey, brother of John and Richard Vawdrey, so that they did not have right of action against him.

Libel (image 1)

Original Document

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[1575/3 image 1]

In the name of God Amen: before you, William, by divine permission bishop of Chester, or your commissary general or any other judge whomsoever competent in this regard; the party of the worshipful John Vawdrey and Richard Vawdrey, gentlemen, farmers of the tithes of the church or chapel of Churton Heath of the parish of Saint Oswald of your Chester diocese and jurisdiction against Ralph Calveley, gentleman, of the chapel and parish aforesaid of your diocese and jurisdiction aforesaid, and against any other whomsoever lawfully intervening before you in judgement for the same by way of complaint and complaining to you in this behalf says, alleges and propounds in these writings in law as follows:

1            Firstly, the party of the said farmers states that for some space of time now passed the same farmers were and yet are farmers of the tithes of the church or chapel of Churton Heath and of all of the perpetual vicarage of the aforesaid parish church of Saint Oswald aforesaid and during the same time were and yet are in lawful possession of the said farm of the tithes of the church or chapel aforesaid, lawfully and in fact appointed; and also commonly called, deemed, held and reputed openly, publicly and notoriously as farmers there in the said parish of Saint Oswald aforesaid and in other neighbouring and surrounding places; and the party propounds jointly, severally and in articles.

2            Also, that as well by the common law, statutes and injunctions of this realm of England, as by ancient laudable and lawfully prescribed custom, hitherto inviolably and steadfastly used and observed from time immemorial and often upheld in judgment in a contested cause, the right of  receiving and having all and singular tithes, as well greater as lesser, mixed and minute and other church rights and emoluments whatsoever within the said parish or chapelry and the bounds and limits and tithable places of the same, wherever, howsoever and whenever proceeding, growing, renewing and occurring belonged and should and ought also to belong in future to the farmers of the church or chapel of Churton Heath in the parish of St Oswald aforesaid, whosoever he may be at the time, by law and in the name of his aforesaid farm; and he propounds as above.






[1575/3 image 1]

In dei nomine Amen Coram vobis Willelmo permissione divina Cestrensi Episcopo vestroue commissario
generali seu alio Judice in hac parte competenti quocunque Pars discretorum virorum  Johannis Vaudrey et
Ricardi Vaudrey generosorum fimariorum decimarum Ecclesie siue capelle de church heath parochie
sancti oswaldi vestre cestrensis diocesis et Jurisdiccionis contra et aduersus Radulphum Calueley generosum
capelle et parochie predicte vestre diocesis et Jurisdiccionis predicte ac contra quemcunque alium coram vobis pro eodem
in iudicio legitime interuenientem per viam querele et vobis in hac parte querelando dicit allega[t]
et in hijs scriptis in iure proponit prout sequitur

1            Imprimis pars dictorum firmariorum dicit quod Idem firmarii per nonullum temporis sp[acium]
Jam elapsis fuerunt et adhuc sunt firmarii decimarum Ecclesie siue capelle de churchehethe
ac totius vicarie perpetue Ecclesie parochialis sancti oswaldi predicte ac per idem tempus fuerunt et
adhuc sunt in possessione legitima dicte firme decimarum ecclesie siue capelle predicte legitime et
realiter constituti Necnon pro firmarijs ibidem communiter dicti tenti habiti et reputati palam pu[blice]
et notorie in dicta parochia sancti oswaldi antedicta alijsque locis vicinis et circumvicinis et ponit pars
coniunctim diuisim atque articulatim

2            Item quod tam de Jure communi statutis et iniunctionibus huis Regni Anglie quam de
antiqua laudabili legitimeque prescripta consuetudine a tempore immemorato hucusque inviolabiliter et inconcusse vsitata et obseruata ac in contradictorio Judicio sepius obtenta
ius percipiendi et habendi omnes et singulas decimas tam maiores quam minores mi[xtas]
et minutas ac cetera iura et emolumenta Ecclesiastica quemcunque infra dictam paroch[iam] siue capellariam finesque et limites ac loca decimabilia euisdem vbicunque qualitercunque et
quandocunque provenientes crescentes renovantes et contingentes ad firmarios Ecclesie siue capelle
de churcheheath parochie sancti oswaldi antedicti quoscunque pro tempore existentes iure et no[mine]
firme sue predicte pertinuit et pertinere debuit et debet etiam in futurum Et ponit vt supra






Libel (image 2)

Original Document

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[1575/3 image 2]

 3          Also, that the said Ralph Calveley in the year of our Lord 1575 in the months of March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, January, February or any of the months whatsoever, in one or another, had and possessed 18 acres of land notoriously sited and situated within the church or chapel of Churton Heath aforesaid and the bounds and limits and the tithable places of the same, sown with corn or wheat, from which he or his men have taken 6 score thraves[1] of grain. And this party propounds of any other lesser number of thraves whatsoever up to ten thraves and of any other number of such amount as will become more fully clear and appear by lawful proofs in the outcome of this suit; and he propounds jointly, severally and concerning any part thereof.

4            Also, that the aforesaid Ralph Calveley in the year and months aforesaid or in any of the months whatsoever, in one or another, subtracted paying the tenth part of wheat growing, renewing and arising, as is thus aforesaid, in the said chapelry of Churton Heath and the parish of St Oswald aforesaid and the titheable places of the same and approved this subtraction; and he propounds as above.

5            Also, that the true value of any thrave of wheat whatever in the year and months aforesaid by common report of men notoriously extends to the sum of 9s of good and lawful money of England; and this party propounds of whatever lesser sum up to two shillings and of any other sum of such amount as will come to be proved in the outcome of this suit; and he propounds as above.

6            Also, that the true value of the tithes or tenth part of wheat thus as is aforesaid subtracted, taken and not paid by the aforesaid Ralph Calveley in the year and months above-said notoriously extended and extends to the sum or value of ten pounds of good and lawful money of England; and this party propounds of whatever other lesser sum, up to the sum of two shillings, and of any other sum of such amount as will come to be proved in the outcome of this suit; and he propounds as above.

[1] Thrave  – a measure of sheaves of grain which varied regionally (see OED). In Cheshire this amounted to twelve sheaves of corn or twenty-four of straw.


[1575/3 image 2]

3            Item quod dictus Radulphus Calueley anno domini 1575 mensibus martij Ap[rilis]
maij  Junij Julij Augusti septembris Octobris novembris decembris Januarij [et]
februarii eorumve mensium quolibet vno siue aliquo habuit et possidet infra Ecclesiam
siue capellam de churchheath predictam finesque et limites ac loca decimabilia ei[usdem]
xviij acras terre notorie sitas et situatas seminatas frumento siue tritico ex quibus [habuit]
et percepit per se et suos vjxx le thraves grani Et ponit pars ista de quolibet
alio minori numero le thraves vsque ad decem le thraves et de tali et tanto
numero qualis et quantus in eventu huius litis per probaciones legitimas plenius
liquebit et apparebit Et ponit coniunctim diuisim et de quolibet

4            Item Quod prefatus Radulphus Calueley anno et mensis predictis eorumve mensium quoli[bet]
vno siue aliquo decimam partem tritici sic vt prefertur in dicta capella de churchhethe
et parochie sancti oswaldi antedicte et locis decimabilibus eiusdem crescentes renovantes et contingentes
soluendum subtraxit ac subtraccionem huiusmodi Rationem et gratiam habuit Et ponit vt supra

5            Item quod verus valor cuiuislibet le thrave tritici anno et mensibus predictis communi ho[inum]
etimacione notorie se extendit ad summam ixs bene et legalis monete Anglie Et pon[it]
pars ista de qualibet alia summa minori vsque ad duos solidos ac de tali et tanta sum[ma] qualis et quanta in eventu huis litis veniet comprobandum Et ponit vt supra.

6            Item quod verus valor decimarum siue decime partis tritici sic vt prefertur per prefatum R[adulphum]
Calueley anno et mensibus supradictis subtractarum perceptarum et non solutarum ad summam siue val[orem]
decem libris bone et legalis monete Anglie notorie se extendebat et extendit Et ponit pars
ista de qualibet alia summa minori vsque ad summam duorum solidorum ac de tali et tanta sum[ma]
qualis et quanta in eventu huius litis veniet comprobanda Et ponit vt [supra]

Libel (image 3)

Original Document

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[1575/3 image 3]

7            Also, that the aforesaid Ralph Calveley has not paid or set forth the tithes as in the premises, although having been requested and asked on the part and behalf of the said farmers or their deputies, he has completely refused to pay and set forth the same to the famers aforesaid, or, at least, he has delayed unduly, just as he unjustly delays at present, to no little prejudice of the said farmers and to the pernicious example of other Christian faithful; and he propounds as above.

 8            Also, that the aforesaid Ralph Calveley was and is of the parish of Saint Oswald and of the chapel of Churton Heath aforesaid of Chester diocese and by reason thereof subordinate and subject to your jurisdiction; and he propounds as above.

9            Also, that it was and is on the part and behalf of the said farmers that complaint is rightly and lawfully made to you, lord judge aforesaid, and to your Chester consistory court; and he propounds as above.

10          Also, that of and upon all and singular the premises there was and is public voice and fame in the said parish of Saint Oswald and the chapel of Churton Heath aforesaid and in other neighbouring places; and he propounds as above.


[1575/3 image 3]

7            Item quod prefatus Radulphus Calueley decimas ex premissis non soluit vel exposu[it]
sed ex parte et per partem dictorum firmariorum seu eorum deputatorum Requisitus et interpellatus easd[em]
soluere et exponere predictis firmarijs penitus Recusauit seu saltem plus iusto distu[lit]
prout in presenti differet minus iuste in dictorum firmariorum preiudicium non modicum alio[rumque]
christifidelium perniciosum exemplum Et ponit vt supra

8            Item quod predictus Radulphus Calueley fuit et est parochie sancti oswaldi et capelle d[e]
churcheheath antedictis cestrensis diocesis et eo pretextu vestre Jurisdiccionis subditus e[t]  subiectus Et ponit vt supra

9            Item quod fuit et est ex parte et per partem dictorum firmariorum ad vos dominum
Judicem antedictum et ad curiam vestram consistorialem cestrensem rite et legitime querelatum Et
ponit vt supra.

10          Item Quod de et super premissis omnibus et singulis fuit et est publica vox
et fama in dicta parochia sancti oswaldi et capella de churcheheath predicta alijsque locis
vicinis Et ponit vt supra

Libel (image 4)

Original Document

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[1575/3 image 4]

Whereupon, due proof being made as required by law in this regard, the party of the said farmers, prays that right and justice may be done and administered to him with effect in all and singular the premises, and that the said Ralph Calveley is condemned in the tithes aforesaid, or their true value in accordance with the statute of the realm set forth in that behalf, and also in the lawful costs incurred on the part of the said farmers in this behalf and he protests those to be incurred, and, having been condemned, that he is obliged and compelled to the due and real payment of the same by you and your definitive sentence, lord judge aforesaid; which the party of the said farmer propounds and prays to be done jointly and severally by way of summary petition simply and plainly, not binding himself to prove all and singular the premises, nor to the burden of a superfluous proof, against which he protests, but so far as he shall prove in the premises so much may he obtain of the petitions, always reserving the benefit of law in all things, humbly imploring your office in all the premises, distinguished judge aforesaid; and this party asserts the right of adding to, amending  and correcting this libel at a suitable and opportune time and place etc.


[1575/3 image 4]

Vnde facta fide de iure in hac parte Requisita petit pars dictorum firmariorum ius
et iusticiam in premissis omnibus et singulis sibi fieri et ministrari cum effectu dictumque
Radulphum Calueley in decimis predictis seu eorum vero valore iuxta statutum inde editum Necnon
in expensis [legitimis] ex parte dictorum firmariorum in hac parte factis Et protestatur de faciendis
condempnari condempnatumque ad debitam et Realem solucionem earundem cogi et compel[li]
per vos et vestram sentenciam diffinitiuam domine Judex antedicte Que proponit et
fieri petit pars dictorum firmariorum coniunctim diuisim per viam summarie peticionis simpliciter et d[e]
plano  Non arctans se ad omnia et singula premissa probanda Nec ad onus
superflue probacionis de quo protestatur sed quatenus probauerit in premissis eate[nus] obtineat in petitis iuris beneficio in omnibus semper saluo vestrum officium Judex egreg[ie] in premissis omnibus humiliter Implorando
Et protestatur pars ista de addendo emendando et Corrigendo hunc libellum
pro loco et tempore congrius et opportunis et cetera

Libel (image 5)

Original Document

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[1575/3 image 5]


 Libel of the distinguished John Vawdrey and Richard Vawdrey, farmers of the tithes of Churton Heath, against Ralph Calveley, gentleman, in a cause of subtraction of tithes, exhibited 1575.

[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]

Translation copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved


[1575/3 image 5]


[Libellus discretorum] virorum Johannis Vaudrey et Ricardi Vaudrey firmariorum decimarum de churcheth contra Radulphum Calveley generosum in causa subtraccionis decimarum exhibitus 1575

[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]

Transcript copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved

Exceptions to the libel

Original Document

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[1575/3 image 6]

[…] October in the year of our Lord 1575

[Marginal note] John Vawdrey and Richard Vawdrey against Ralph Calveley, esquire, in a cause of subtraction of tithes

On which day William Man, Master of Arts, proctor of Master Ralph Calveley, gentleman, appeared and for every consequence of law that can follow thereupon, alleged that the aforesaid John Vawdrey and Richard Vawdrey are not (as they less than truthfully assert in their pretended libel given and offered against the pre-libelled Ralph Calveley, gentleman) the true and lawful farmers of the tithes coming, growing, renewing and arising within the bounds and limits and the tithable places of Churchen Heath within the parish of Saint Oswald and they are not reputed, accepted, named and held as true and lawful farmers of the tithes within the chapel and parish aforesaid and they do not have title or right of action against the aforesaid Ralph Calveley, gentleman, But if anyone has title and right of action, Robert Vawdrey, clerk, natural and legitimate brother of the said John Vawdrey and Richard Vawdrey has right and title of action.

Wherefore the party of the said Ralph Calveley, gentleman, prays to be dismissed from the suit of the said John Vawdrey and Richard Vawdrey and from further vexation, petition and molestation, and to be absolved together with expenses

And otherwise that what will have been of right and reason in the premises and anything whatsoever concerning them will be done, established and decreed; which allegation the party of the said Ralph Calveley, gentleman, propounds jointly and severally etc., not binding etc., and he prays that this allegation will be admitted etc..

[1575/3 image 8]


[…] exhibited on the 15th day of October in the year of our Lord 1575 against John Vawdrey and  Richard Vawdrey in a cause of tithes


[1575/3 image 6]

 […]Oct[ob’] Anno domini  1575

[Marginal note] Johannes Vawdrey et Richardus Vawdrey contra et aduersus Radulphum Calveley armigerum in causa subtraccionis decimarum

Quo die comparuit Willelmus Man Artium magister
procurator magistri Radulphi Calveley generosi et ad
omnem Juris effectum exinde sequi valentem
allegauit quod prefati Johannes Vawdrey et Richardus Vawdrey
non sunt (vt minus vere asserunt in pretenso
suo libello contra pre libellatum Radulphum Calveley generosum
dato et oblato) veri et legitimi firmarij decimarum
provenientium, Crescentium, Renovantium, et Contingentium infra
fines et limites locaque decimibilia de Churchheth
infra parochij Sancti Oswaldi neque sunt reputati
accepti, nominati, et habiti pro veris et legitimis
firmarijs decimarum infra Capellam et parochiam predictas
neque habent Titulum aut Jus agendi
contra prefatum Radulphum Calveley g[ener]osum Sed
si aliquis habet Titulum et Jus agendi
Robertus Vawdrey Clericus frater naturalis
et legitimus dictorum Johannis Vawdrey et Richardi Vawdrey
habet Jus et Titulum agendi Quare
petit pars dicti Radulphi Calveley generosi
dimitti ab instantia vlteriorique vexacione
impeticione et molestacione dictorum Johannis Vawdrey
et Richardi Vawdrey vnaquecum expensis absolui
Vlteriusque fieri statui et decerni
in premissis et ea concernentis quibuscunque
quod Juris fuerit et racionis Quam
Allegacionem proponit pars dicti Radulphi Calveley
generosi Coniunctim et diuisim et cetera non arctans et cetera
et petit huiusmodi allegacionem admitti et cetera

[1575/3 image 8]


[…] [e]hibit’ xvo die octobris Anno domini 1575 contra Johannem Vawdrey et Richardum Vawdrey in causa decimarum


Original Document

Click to view fullscreen


[1575/3 image 9]

[…] follow on behalf of Ralph Calveley, gentleman, against all and singular the witnesses produced on the part and behalf of John Vawdrey and Richard Vawdrey, pretended  farmers of the tithes of the vicarage of the parish church of Saint Oswald and of the chapel of Churton Heath.

1          Firstly, the danger of perjury and the penalty for bearing false witness having been explained, let each pretended witness be asked by virtue of his sworn oath, with which party of the parties litigant he is associated and which party he would favour more and would confer victory upon if it were in his power to confer it; and let him be asked jointly, severally and concerning any part thereof.

2          Also, let each pretended witness be asked whether he is related by blood or marriage, a servant or of the household of the party producing him and let it be done as before.

3          Also, let each pretended witness be asked what advantages he might receive in the event that the party producing him has the victory in this cause and what damages he might suffer by reason of their defeat.

 4          Also, let each pretended witness be asked this; whose tenant he is and at whose expense he has come here, whether voluntarily or by compulsion, and whether he has conferred with any precontest or any other with him about how or in what way he might depose and let it be done as above.

5          Also, let each pretended witness be asked this; whether he did at the tyme of his production with an audible voice saie and pronounce theise woordes before the Judge sitting judicially in open court namely let vs haue Justice whereby he made hym self a partie and vsed suche other wordes of maintaynaunce grudginge and murmuringe speaches and let him be asked jointly severally and concerning any part thereof.

6          Also, let them render the true reasons for their knowledge of all and singular the premises etc.

[1575/3 image 11]


[…] 17th day of November in the year of our Lord 1575

[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]

Translation copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved


[1575/3 image 9]


[…] parte Radulphi C[alveley generosi] contra et adversus
omnies et singulos testes [productos] ex parte et per
partem Johannis Vawdrey et Richardi Vawdrey
firmarios se pretendentes decimarum [vicarie] ecclesie parochialis
Sancti Oswaldi et Capelle de Churchethe

 1          Inprimis periculo periurij et pena testis falsidici exposito Interrogetur
quilibet testis pretensus huiusmodi virtute Juramenti sui prestiti cum qua parte
partium litigantium conuersetur et cui parti magis faueat et conferret
victoriam si esset in illius potestate conferrendum et Interrogetur
coniunctim diuisim et de quolibet

2      Item Interrogetur quilibet testis pretensus huiusmodi an sit consanguineus
affinis, famulus, domesticus partis eum producentis et fiat vt

 3          Item Interrogetur quilibet testis pretensus huiusmodi quid commodi sit
recepturus casu quo pars eum producens victoriam habuerit
in hac causa et quid damni sit passurus modo succubuerit

4          Item Interrogetur quilibet testis pretensus huiusmodi cuius tenens est
et cuius sumptibus huc accessat num sponte vel coactus
et vtrum conferrebat cum aliquo precontesto vel aliquis cum
eo quid aut qualiter deponeret et fiat vt supra

5          Item interrogetur quilibet testis pretensus huiusmodi whether he did
at the tyme of his production with an audible voice saie
and pronounce theise woordes coram Judice pro tribunali
sedente in plena Curi[a] videlicet let vs haue Justice whereby
he made hym self a partie and vsed suche other wordes
of maintaynaunce grudginge and murmuringe speaches
et Interrogetur Coniunctim Diuisim et de quolibet

6          Item quod reddant veras causas scientarum suarum in premissis
omnibus et singulis et cetera

[1575/3 image 11]


[…] xvijo die Novembris Anno Domini 1575

[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]

Transcript copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved


Ralph Calveley – defendant

John Vawdrey – plaintiff

Richard Vawdrey – plaintiff

Robert Vawdrey – brother of plaintiffs





William Downham 

Related Causes

EDC 5/1580/6 – John Vawdrey and Richard Vawdrey, gentlemen, farmers of the tithes of Saint Oswald contra Richard Webb, William Janeon the elder and William Janeon the younger


Cheshire Sheaf, 3rd series, xxi, p. 37 has extracts of a case in the Chester Exchequer dating from 1575 between Robert Vawdrey and John and Richard Vawdrey, with others, concerning the ownership of the farm of these tithes, among other property. Images of the records of some of these proceedings in the Exchequer can be seen online at under ‘Cheshire Orders and Decrees’ for 1575 and 1576.



Ref: EDC 5/3/2

Catalogue Entry:

EDC 5/3/1,2 – Libel & exceptions in tithe cause: Thomas Valentyne gent. Of Benclif in pa. Eccles co. L v. Sir Richard Brereton kt. Farmer of tithes of Eccles. 1542


Sir Richard Brereton contra Thomas Valentine – exceptions against the witnesses for the plaintiff

These exceptions indicate that Thomas Valentine had been working for Sir Richard Brereton and deponents in this cause (CALS EDC 2/2 ff. 456v-457v) stated that it had been agreed that his wages would comprise tithes of his own land ‘as longe as they cold agree and now about mydsomer last Master Brereton … discharged hym’. However, Thomas Valentine claimed that he was still entitled to the tithes in dispute. He also claimed that any dispute in this matter should be heard by the secular courts.

Exceptions against the libel are filed as EDC 5/3/1.




Type of Cause:

Tithes – wheat

Cause Papers:

Exceptions against the witnesses for the plaintiff

Exceptions against the witnesses for the plaintiff (image 1)

Original Document

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[5/3/2 image 1]

In the name of God, Amen; in a certain pretended cause of subtraction of tithes, which is disputed and depending undecided before you, venerable Master George Wilmesley, Bachelor of Laws, vicar general in spirituals and lawfully supported official principal for deciding ecclesiastical causes within the diocese of Chester of his consistory by the authority of our most illustrious prince in Christ and our lord Henry the Eighth, by the grace of God king of England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, and on earth supreme head under Christ of the English and Irish church […] bishop by the same authority;  or your commissary or any other judge whomsoever competent in this behalf; between the venerable Sir Richard Brereton, knight, pretended plaintiff and complaining party on the one part and the distinguished Thomas Valentine, gentleman, defendant and party complained of, on the other part, in the term judicially assigned to him for speaking and excepting against the persons, statements and depositions of certain pretended witnesses invalidly produced upon […] and the articles of a certain pretended libel on behalf of the said venerable Sir Richard Brereton, knight; the party of the said Thomas Valentine, against all and singular the same pretended witnesses, and their persons, statements and the pretended depositions of the same, says, alleges and in these writings propounds, excepting, jointly and severally as follows:

1          Firstly, the party of Thomas Valentine, in excepting, propounds against James Crompton, the first pretended witness, that his testimony is null, false and invalid and for the whole and entire time of his production, admission and oath-swearing he has been and was a useless, inept and unsuitable witness and to be prohibited, excluded and rejected from testimony in this respect inasmuch as the said James is a tenant and servant of the said Richard Brereton, knight, and of his livery and profits and emoluments namely, the collected, received and acquired the tithes both mixed and minute and real, predial and personal within the parish of Deane and in any parts of the same parish, to the use and profit of the said Sir Richard Brereton; and he is a supporter and promoter of the said pretended suit; and he maintains and keeps in his house a certain […] Brereton, son of the said Sir Richard begotten from an illegitimate union, and he is unreliable […] and changeable and not in agreement with his fellow-witnesses as clearly appears in his pretended depositions and statements, to which this party refers so far as is necessary to him and not otherwise or in any other way.

2          Also, this party, in excepting, propounds against Ralph Heyton, the second pretended witness, that his testimony is null, false and invalid and he is to be prohibited, excluded and rejected from testimony in this respect inasmuch as for the whole and entire time of his production, admission and oath-swearing he has been and was, just as he still is, principal supporter, sustainer, friend and prosecutor of this pretended cause of the said Sir Richard Brereton, knight, not only in this pretended cause but also in a certain other pretended cause which the said venerable knight before you against William Hulton of Farnworth, esquire, Thomas Lee, Hugh Forster and Peter Bradshaw; and […] Ralph Heyton occupies and holds certain lands and tenements in the parish of Deane by concession, rental and demise of the said Richard Brereton […] and the said Ralph Heyton dwells, sleeps and stays in his mother’s house and occupies and holds certain of her lands and has converted […]  to his own benefit and so lives with and under his mother for his board and lodging and support as will become clear and appear by lawful proofs; and this party refers as before.

3          Also, in excepting, this party propounds against John Carison, the third pretended witness, that his testimony is null, false and invalid and he is to be prohibited, excluded and rejected from testimony in this respect inasmuch as for the whole and entire time of his production, admission and oath-swearing he has been and was, just as he still is, principal supporter and friend of the party producing him, and he is a stranger and outsider in this […] Eccles because he is of the parish or chapelry of Shocklach in the county of Chester; and he has effectually deposed nothing of his own certain knowledge […] from hearsay and the reports of others, nor of the name or position of this pretended close called ‘heefeld’ or ‘Barnerfeld’ within […] of Eccles because such a close does not […] within the township of Eccles, as is suggested or supposed in the said pretended libel, […] conflicting, unique and singular, as is clearly evident from his pretended depositions and statements, to which this party refers himself as far as is necessary to him and not otherwise.


[5/3/2 image 1]

In dei nomine Amen In quadam pretensa causa subtraccionis decimarum que coram vobis  venerabili viro Magistro Georgio [Wilmesley]
in legibus baccallario Auctoritate Illustrissimi in christo principis et domini nostri Henrici octaui dei gratia Anglie Francie et [Hibernie Regis]
fidei defensoris et in terris ecclesie Anglicane et Hibernice sub christo capitis suprimi per reuerendum in christo […]
permissione diuina Cestrensis episcopum eandem Auctoritate ad causas ecclesiasticas decidendum infra diocesem Cestrensem [vicario in spiritualibus]
generali ac eius Consistorij Officiali principali legitime fulcito vestro ve Commissario [seu alio Judice] in hac parte competente quocunque [inter]
venerabilem virum Richardum Brereton militem partem pretensam actricem et querelantem ex vna et discretum virum [Thomam]
Valentyne generosum parochie de Eccles partem ream et querelatam partibus ex altera vertitur et pendet indec[isa in termino sibi]
Judicaliter assignato ad dicendum et excipiendum contra personas dictas et depositiones quorundam pretensorum testium [super …]
et articulis cuiusdam pretensi libelli ex parte dicti venerabilis viri Richardi Brereton militis nulliter productorum pars d[icti Thome Valentine]
contra eosdem pretensos testes omnes et singulos eorumque personas dicta et deposiciones pretensis eorundem dicit allegat et [in hijs]
scriptis excipiendo proponit coniunctim et diuisim prout sequitur

1          In primis pars Thome Valentyne excipiendo proponit contra Jacobum Crompton primum
pretensum testem quod ipsius testi[monium est]
nullum falsum et invalidum ac toto et omni tempore sue produccionis admissionis ac Juramenti prestacionis fuit et erat testis [inutilis]
ineptus et Inidoneus ac a testimonio in hac parte prohibendo repellendo et reijciendo pro eo <videlicet> et ex eo quod dictus J[acobus est]
tenens et serueus dicti Richardi Brereton militis ac de eius roba proficuaque et emolumenta videlicet decimas tam [mixtas]
et minutas quam reales prediales et personales ad vsum et proficium dicti domini Richardi Brereton infra parochiam de Dean […]
aliquibus partibus eiusdem parochie collegit recipit et acquirit fautorque et promotor dicti pretensi litis Ac quendam […]
Brereton filium dicti domini Richardi ex illegitimo coitu procreatum in domo suo fouet et tenet estque varius […]
ac discrepans et non concordans cum contestibus suis prout in suis pretensis deposicionibus et dictis liquide apparet […]
se refert pars ista excipiens quatenus sibi expedit et non aliter neque alio modo.

2          Item pars ista excipiendo proponit contra Radulphum Heyton secundum pretensum testem quod ipsius testimonium est nullum falsum et invalidum [ac a]
testimonio in hac parte prohibendo repellendo et reijciendo pro eo et ex eo quod toto et omni tempore sue produccionis admissionis [et]
Juramenti prestacionis fuit et erat prout adhuc est principalis fautor sustentator amicus et prosecutor huiusmodi pretensa [causa]
dicti domini Richardi Brereton militis non solum istius pretense litis veram eciam in quadam alia <pretensa> causa que dictus venerabilis miles coram vo[bis]
contra Willielmum Hulton de Farnworth Armiger Thomam Lee Hugonem Fostar et petrum Bradsha occupatque et tenet […]
Radulphus Heyton quasdam terras et tenementa in parochia de Dean ex concessione locacione et dimissione dicti Richardi Brere[ton]
habitatque cubat et Jacet dictus Radulphus Heyton in domo matris sue ac quasdam ex illis terris occupat et tenet […]
et commodum suum proprium conuertit et sic cum et sub matre sua quoad victum  et vestitum ac tenens viuit prout per probaciones l[egitimas liquebit]
et plene apparebit et refert se pars ista ut supra

3          Item excipiendo pars ista proponit contra Johannem Caryson tercium pretensum testem quod ipsius testimonium est nullum falsum et invalidum [ac a]
testimonio in hac parte prohibendo repellendo et reijciendo pro eo et ex eo quod toto et omni tempore sue produccionis admissionis [et Juramenti]
prestacionis fuit et erat prout adhuc est principalis fautor et amicus partis eum producentis estque extraneus et alienus in huiusmodi […]
Eccles quia est parochie siue capelle de Shocklach Comitatis Cestrie Nichilque effectualiter deponit ex certa sua scientia […]
auditu et relacione aliorum neque de nomine seu situacione ipsius pretense clausure vocate heefeld siue Barnerfeld infra […]
de Eccles quia talis clausura saltem infra villam de Eccles prout in dicto pretenso libello suggeritur seu supponentur non […]
varius vnicus et singularis prout in suis pretensis deposicionibus et dictis liquide patet ad quas et que se refert pars ista
quatenus sibi expedit et non aliter

Exceptions against the witnesses for the plaintiff (image 2)

Original Document

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[5/3/2 image 2] 

4          Also, in the case that the said Thomas Valentine received, took and had certain tithes of  wheat from a certain close of his and converted and applied them to his own use (but not from a certain close called ‘heefeld’ or ‘Branefeld’ as in the said […] libel is alleged) which this party expressly does not admit but denies, however the aforesaid Thomas tithed […] in heaps, ‘hattockes’[1] […] and after he tithed them he applied and […] them to his own use by concession, rental, gift and demise of the […] Richard Brereton, knight, for the true and faithful service done and rendered to the aforesaid Richard and his salary, as was fair, permissible and just to him as will become clear and clearly appear by lawful and sufficient proofs.

5          Also, that all and singular the said pretended witnesses are singular, conflicting and in no way in agreement, lying, incited, coached and instructed how and what they should depose in the said pretended cause, and clearly appears in their pretended depositions and statements; to which this excepting party refers so far as is necessary to him, and wishes to have here inserted, and not otherwise or in any other way, and he propounds […] and concerning any part thereof.

6          Also, that all and singular the premises were and are true, public, notorious, evident and famous and public voice and fame were, just as they are at present, are circulating of and upon the same in the parish of Eccles and other surrounding parishes, townships and places.

Whereupon, due proof being made as required in this regard, the party of the said Thomas Valentine, gentleman, all and singular these said […] coached, instructed, presumptuous, hired, pretended witnesses and their statements and depositions are decreed, pronounced and declared to be null and void, by reason that they are thoroughly lacking in all proof […]; and that he, Thomas Valentyne, is to be […] and  absolved from the petition and presumptuous vexation of the same Richard Brereton, knight, aforesaid, together with the lawful expenses incurred in this respect, and he protests those to be incurred, and that this pretended cause will be dismissed to the royal court by you and your passing definitive sentence in this respect, lord judge aforesaid. The party of the aforesaid Thomas Valentine propounds the premises and prays that they may be done jointly and severally, not binding himself to proving all and singular the premises, but so far as he shall prove in the premises so much may he obtain of the petitions, always reserving the benefit of law in all things, humbly imploring your office so far as is necessary for a complement of justice.

[1] hattock = a group of sheaves of corn, placed upright with two sheaves placed over them to keep off the rain (OED online).


[5/3/2 image 2] 

4          Item casu quo dictus Thomas Valentyne recepit percepit et habuit certas decimas siliginis ac ad vsum suum proprium co[nvertit et]
applicauit ex quadam sua clausura (sed non ex quadam clausura vocata heefeld siue Branefeld prout in dicto […]
libello allegatur quod non expresse fatetur pars ista sed diffatetur Attamen prefatus Thomas in Acervos hattockes […]
decimauit et postque decimauit easdem ad vsum proprium ex concessione locacione donacione et dimmissione […]
viri Richardi Brereton militis ac pro vero et fideli seruicio ac salario suo prefato Richardo facto et impenso applicauit et […]
equium licitum et iustum sibi fuerat prout per probaciones legitimas et sufficientes liquidabitur et plene apparebit

5          Item quod dicti pretensi testes omnes et singuli sunt varij singulares discrepantes et nullo modo concordantes falsi subornate doc[ti et]
Instructi qualiter et quid in dicta pretensa causa deponerent prout in suis pretensis deposicionibus et dictis plene liquet ad [quem]
se refert pars ista excipiens quatenus sibi expedit et hic pro insertis habere vult et non aliter neque alio modo et ponit […]
ac de quolibet

6          Que omnia  et singula premissa fuerunt et sunt vera publica notoria manifesta et famosa ac de et super eisdem in dicta [parochia de]
Ecclijs alijsque parochiis villis et locis circumvicinis laborarunt prout in presenti laborant publica vox et fama

 Vnde fact[a fide in]
in hac parte de Jure requisita petit pars dicti Thome Valentyne generosi dictos huismodi pretensos testes omnes et singulos […]
doctos instructos subornatos conductos eorumque dicti et deposiciones nullas et invalidas omnique fide prorsus carentes […]
pretextu decernendum pronunciandum et declarandum Ipsumque Thomam Valentyne ab impeticione et iniusta ac temeraria [vexacione]
dicti Richardi Brereton militis antedicti vnacum expensis legitimis in hac parte factis et protestatur de faciendis […]
et absolui ac huismodi pretensam causam ad forum regium dimittendum fore per vos et vestram sentenciam diffinitiuam in hac parte ferendam [domine Judex]
antedicte. Que omnia et singula premissa proponit et fieri petit
pars antedicti Thome Valentyne coniunctim et diuisim Non arc[tans se ad]
omnia et singula premissa probanda Sed quatenus probauerit in premissis eatenus obtineat
in petitis Juris beneficio in omnibus [semper]
saluo vestrum officium quatenus oporteat pro complemento  Justicie humiliter implorando.

Exceptions against the witnesses for the plaintiff (image 3)

Original Document

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[5/3/2 image 3] 


Exceptions Valentine against Richard Brereton, knight, in a cause of subtraction of tithes.


[in pencil in a different hand]


[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]

Translation copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved


[5/3/2 image 3] 


Excepciones Valentine contra Richardum Brereton
militem in causa subtraccionis decimarum


[in pencil in a different hand]


[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]

Transcript copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved


Sir Richard Brereton – plaintiff

Thomas Valentine – defendant

James Crompton – witness for the plaintiff

Ralph Heyton – witness for the plaintiff

John Carison – witness for the plaintiff





George Wilmesley – chancellor of the diocese of Chester

Related Causes

EDC 5/3/1 – Sir Richard Brereton contra Thomas Valentine

Ref: EDC 5/3/1

Catalogue Entry:

EDC 5/3/1,2 – Libel & exceptions in tithe cause: Thomas Valentyne gent. Of Benclif in pa. Eccles co. L v. Sir Richard Brereton kt. Farmer of tithes of Eccles. 1542


Sir Richard Brereton contra Thomas Valentine – exceptions against the libel

These exceptions indicate that Thomas Valentine had been working for Sir Richard Brereton and deponents in this cause (CALS EDC 2/2 ff. 456v-457v) stated that it had been agreed that his wages would comprise tithes of his own land ‘as longe as they cold agree and now about mydsomer last Master Brereton … discharged hym’. However, Thomas Valentine claimed that he was still entitled to the tithes in dispute. He also claimed that any dispute in this matter should be heard by the secular courts.

Exceptions against the witnesses are filed as EDC 5/3/2.




Type of Cause:

Tithes – barley; tithes – rye

Cause Papers:

Exceptions against the libel

Exceptions against the libel (image 1)

Original Document

Click to view fullscreen


[5/3/1 image 1]

In the name of God, Amen; in a certain pretended cause of subtraction of tithes, which is in effect disputed and pending undecided before you, venerable Master George Wilmesley, Bachelor of Laws, official principal of the Chester consistory court, between Sir Richard Brereton, knight, farmer, as he alleges, of the rectory of […], of Chester diocese on the one part, and the distinguished Thomas Valentine, gentleman, of Bentcliffe, of the parish […] of the parish of Eccles, on the other part; the party of the said Thomas Valentine against the said Richard Brereton and against any other person whomsoever lawfully intervening before you in judgement for the same, and also against a certain pretended libel on behalf of him, Sir Richard Brereton, against the aforesaid Thomas Valentine in this alleged cause, and whether offered and by the power of […] consonant way, method and form of law and to every suitable effect of law which may follow therefrom, says, alleges and in these writings propounds in law jointly and severally as follows;

Firstly, that the party of the said Sir Richard Brereton should not nor cannot help himself by reason of the declarations or narratives in his said pretended libel, nor the tithes in that respect […] which or […] acquire or intend any other advantage or benefit in law whatever inasmuch as the said Thomas Valentine for the whole and entire time libellate in that respect and before and since was, just as he is at present, […] or an inhabitant of the village or hamlet of Eccles of the said parish of Eccles, and as such and for such was commonly held […] openly, publicly and notoriously.

[…] libelled in that whence and to whom the tithes of grain by the said Sir Richard Brereton from the aforesaid Thomas Valentine […] are and claimed within the neighbourhood, surroundings and confines of the village or hamlet of Monton are confirmed and lay and […] commonly held and reputed.

[…] that although the said Thomas took and had and applied and converted to his own use tithes of barley and oats of the said third of an acre or half an acre in a certain place called […] in Monton as is suggested in libelling, which thus alleged […] which this party does not admit, propounding in turn, but denies; not only the same tithes of barley and oats […] and singular tithes of grain from Bentcliffe, his demesne farm, of Henry Oldham, Thomas Smyth, Richard Nedham, of the village or hamlet […] of Eccles, and also of all and singular tithes of grain ‘in the whetcroft’ and ‘stokkynkes’ in the village or hamlet of Barton […] tithed for two complete years without the interruption or opposition of any aforesaid […] before the aforesaid suit was moved or begun […] Valentine used, enjoyed and gained possession of and also took, had, applied and converted to his own use all and singular the same tithes with knowledge and permission formerly (as is aforesaid) tithed by the aforesaid Richard Brereton, farmer aforesaid, […] and with the permission of the said venerable Richard Brereton, knight, for his true, just and faithful service and for his salary […] and was spent he took, had and applied and converted to his own personal use as would have been fair, permissable and just to him on account of […] lawful and sufficient as will become clear and plainly appear.

[…] that by reason of matters set out already and by occasion and reason of the premises this said pretended cause better appertains to the royal court than to the ecclesiastical by reason […] all and singular the said tithes should first of all have been tithed and afterwards taken and kept by the said Thomas Valentine by reason of the gift […] of the rental and discharge aforesaid to him by the said venerable man permitted him to do on account of the true, just and faithful service and as his salary […] [and] converted and applied to his own use as is fair and just.

Also, that all and singular the premises were and are true, public, notorious, evident and famous and public voice and fame were and are circulating upon the same.

Whereupon, due proof being made as required in this regard, the party of the said Thomas Valentine prays that justice may be done and administered to him in the premises […] and that the complaint of the aforesaid Sir Richard Brereton will be sent and dismissed to the royal court and with the observation of your judgement in that respect; and also that he, Sir Richard Brereton will be condemned in the costs of this suit, by you and your passing definitive sentence or final decree in this respect; and otherwise, that what will have been of right in the premises and anything concerning them may be done, established and decreed, which the party of the said Thomas Valentine propounds and prays will be done jointly and severally; not binding himself to prove all and singular the premises, nor to the burden of a superfluous proof, against which he protests, but only as much may realise the confirmation of his claim as in the premises, or may be required by law; reserving the benefit of law in all things, humbly imploring your office, lord judge aforesaid.



[5/3/1 image 1] 

[In dei] nomine Amen in quadam pretensa causa subtraccionis decimarum que coram vobis  venerabili viro Magistro Georgio W[ilmesley]
[in legibu]s baccallario Officiali Consistorialis Episcopalis Cestrensis inter Richardum Brereton militem firmarium ut asseruit rectorie de
[…] Cestrensis diocesis ex parte vna et discretum virum Thomam Valentyne de benchlif generosum parochie […]
[par]ochie de Eccles ex parte altera de facto vertitur et pendet indecisa pars dicti Thome Valentyne con[tra et adversus]
[dictum] Richardum Brereton ac contra quemcunque alium coram <vobis> pro eodem in Judicio legitime intervenientem Necnon contra quendam [pretensum]
[libellum ex] parte ipsius domini Richardi Brereton contra prefatum Thomam Valentyne in asserta causa huiusmodi vtrumque oblatum vimque […]
[…] consonum via modo et Juris forma melioribus ac ad omnem Juris effectum commodiorem qui exinde sequi poterit […]
[dicit allegat] et in hijs scriptis in Jure proponit coniunctim et diuisim prout sequitur

[In pri]mis quod pars dicti domini Richardi Brereton ex deductis et narratis in dicto suo pretenso libello Juuare aut decimas in ea parte […]
[…] qui vel […] quicquid aliud comodum seu emolumentum acquerere vel sentere de Jure non debet neque potest
[pro] eo videlicet ex eo quod dictus Thomas Valentyne toto et omni tempore in hac parte libellato anteaque et citra fuit prout in presenti est
[…] siue habitatorum villule seu hamelecte de Eccles dicte parochie de Eccles ac pro tali et ut talis communiter habitus […]
[…] palam publice et notorie

 […] in hac libellatum vnde et de quabus decime granorum per dictum dominum Richardum Brereton ab predicto Thoma Valent[yne …]
[…] sunt et vendicate infra ambitum circuitum et precinctum villulle seu hamlecte de Monton firmantur et Jacent ac per […]
[…] communiter habiti et reputati

[…] quod licet dictus Thomas decimas ordij et Avenarum dictarum tercium acrarum siue dimedium Acre in quodam loco vocato […]
[…]ackes in monton percepit et habuit ac ad vsum suum proprium applicauit et conuertit prout per libellantem suggeritur que sic all[egatur…]
[…] non fatetur pars ista respectiue proponens sed diffatetur Non solum easdem decimas ordij et Auenarum […]
[…] singulas decimas granorum de benclif fundum sui domincalis Henrici Oldome Thome Smyth Richardi Nedham villule seu [hamlecte]
[…] de Eccles Necnon omnes et singulas decimas granorum in the whetcroft et stokkynkes villenele seu hamlecte de Barton
[…] decimatorum per duos annos integros ante pretencis litis mote seu inchoate absque interrupcione seu contradiccione alicuis prefat[…]
[… V]alentyne vsus gauisus et potitus sunt ac eciam percepit habuit applicauit et ad vsusm suum proprium conuertit prefatus Richardus B[rereton]
[firm]arius antedictus ad sciente et tollerante Easdem decimas omnes et singulas per prius (ut prefertur) decimatas […]
[…] et dimissione dicti venerabilis viri Richardi Brereton militis pro vero iuste ac fideli seruicio ac sala[rio] suo […]
[…] et impenso percepit habuit ac ad vsum suum proprium prout equium licetum et iustum sibi fuerat applicuit et conuertit pro […]
[… legit]imas et sufficientes liquidabitur et plene apparebit

[…] quod dicta huiusmodi pretensa causa occasione premissa ac premissorum occasione et pretextu potius tangit forum Regnium quam ecclesiasticam rac[…]
[…] dicte decime <omnis et singulis> primo et ante omnia decimato fuerint ac postmodum per dictum Thomam Valentyne percepte et habite racione dona[…]
[…] locacionis et dimmissionis predictis sibi per dictum venerabilem virum pro vero iusto et fideli seruicio ac salario suo […]
[…] suum proprium conuerte et applicate prout equium et iustum ei licebat facere

[Item] quod premissa omnia  et singula fuerunt et sunt vera publica notoria manifesta et famosa ac de et super eisdem laborarunt et laborant pu[blica]
[vox et] fa[m]a

 Vnde facta fide de Jure in hac parte requisita petit pars dicti Thome Valentyne Justiciam
sibi in premissis fieri [et ministrari]
[…] predicti domini Richardi Brereton instanciaque et obseruacione Judicij vestrum in hac parte ac ad forum regnium premissorum occasione […]
[…] mittendum fore et dimitti Necnon ipsum dominum Richardum Brereton in expensis huius litis condempnari per vos et vestram s[ententiam]
[diffinitivam si]ue finale decretum in hac parte ferendam Vlteriusque fieri statui et decerni in premissis et ea concernentibus quod Juris fuerit […]
[…] q[ue] proponit et fieri petit pars dicti Thome Valentyne coniunctim et diuisim Non arctans se ad omnia et singula premissa <probanda> nec ad onus
[su]perflue probacionis de quo protestatur Sed ad ea tantum que ad suam intencionem in premissis fundandam proficiat vel fuit de Jure requisit[…]
[Ju]ris beneficio in omnibus semper saluo vestrum officium domine Judex antedicte humiliter implorando

Exceptions against the libel (image 2)

Original Document

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[5/3/1 image 2] 


Material on behalf of Thomas Valentine against Richard Brereton, knight, in a cause of subtraction of tithes


[in pencil in a different hand]


[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]

Translation copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved


[5/3/1 image 2] 


Materia ex parte Thome Valentyne contra Richardum Brereton
militem in causa subtraccionis decimarum


[in pencil in a different hand]


[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]

Transcript copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved


Sir Richard Brereton – plaintiff

Thomas Valentine – defendant





George Wilmesley – chancellor of the diocese of Chester


Right of action






Related Causes

EDC 5/3/2 – Sir Richard Brereton contra Thomas Valentine