Ref: EDC 5/1/10
Catalogue Entry:
EDC 5/1/10 – Libel in tithe cause: George Cotton esq. farmer of tithes of Gt. Budworth v. Margery Holford 1540
George Cotton, esquire, contra Margery Holford
This cause concerned the tithes of the chapelry of Lower Peover in the parish of Great Budworth. The parish had belonged to Norton Priory before its dissolution in 1536, as is mentioned in the libel, and it is possible that any failure to pay may have resulted from the change of ownership.
Original Document
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In the name of God, Amen: before you, venerable Master Richard Smyth, Bachelor of Law, by the authority of the most illustrious Prince in Christ, Lord Henry the eighth, by the grace of God King of England and France, Defender of the Faith and Lord of Ireland and in […] through venerable Master William Knight, Doctor of Law, archdeacon of Chester […] to decide ecclesiastical causes, the party of the venerable George Cotton, esquire, farmer of the lord King of the parish church of Budworth, with its chapels, of the aforesaid archdeaconry against Margery, widow of Robert Holford, of the same parish or chapelry of Lower Peover of the aforesaid diocese and notoriously subordinate and subject to your jurisdiction, and also against any other whomsoever […] says, alleges and propounds in these writings
1 Firstly, that the aforesaid George Cotton, esquire, is the true, certain and indubitable farmer […] divisions and grants to the same venerable George Cotton, esquire, by the afore-libelled most puissant King […] by a clause to him and his assigns, and thus he and his assigns are commonly called, held, taken, known […] and he propounds jointly, severally and concerning any of these points.
2 Also, that although the right of receiving and having all and singular tithes as well greater as lesser, mixed and minute […] of foals and of other tithes of old to the Monastery of Norton and the chapter of the same […] of the parish church of Budworth, with the chapels annexed to the same; now, however, by reason of a certain Act of Suppression by the said […] issued by him belongs to the said most excellent Prince in Christ aforesaid and his successors and his lawfully constituted farmers and should have and should belong and appertain at present; and he propounds jointly, severally and concerning any of these points.
3 Also, that the aforenamed Margery Holford, laywoman, who had or has no right in any way in the said parish church of Budworth or the chapels […] or to them themselves, despite which but after and in opposition to the fact, they did not pay nor satisfy any tithes, at least […] of lambs or wool within the limits of the said parish of Budworth, or to the chapels annexed, in the months of March, April, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, January or February in the one thousand fifteenth hundred 38th year of our Lord nor in the months of March, April, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, January or February in the one thousand fifteenth hundred 39th year of our Lord, in any one or other to him, George Cotton, farmer of the said parish of Budworth with its chapels annexed and assigned, by right in the name […] but subtracted, took and kept the same tithes; and he propounds jointly, severally and concerning any of these points.
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In dei nomine Amen Coram vobis venerabili viro Magistro Richardo Smyth in Jure baccallario [Auctoritate Illustrissimi in Christo principis]
domini Henrici octaui dei [gracia Anglie et] Francie Regis fidei defensoris <ac> domini Hibernie et in […]
per venerabilem virum Magistrum Will[ielmum K]nyght legum doctorem Archidiaconum Cestrie ad causas ecclesiastic[as decidendum pars]
Venerabilis viri Georgij Cotton Armigeri firmarij domini Regis ecclesie parochialis de Budworth cum capellis [suis predicte]
Archidiaconatus contra et aduersus Margeriam relictam Roberti Holford euisdem parochie siue cappelle de pevor inferior [predicte]
diocesis ac vestre Jurisdiccionis notorie subdita et subiecta Necnon contra quemcunque allium coram vobis in Judicio [intervenientem]
dicit allegat et in hijs scriptis [proponit]
1 In primis quod predictus Georgius Cotton Armiger est verus certus et indubitatus fi[rmarius …]
diuissionis et concessionis eidem venerabili viro georgio Cotton armigero per prelibatum potentissimum Regem […]
clausula sibi et assignatis suis ac sic pro firmario et assignatis suis est communiter dictus tentus cogn[ominatus …]
et ponit coniunctim et diuisim ac de quolibet
2 Item quod licet Jus percipiendi et habendi omnes et singulas decimas tam
maiores quam minores mixtas et [minutas …]
pullorum ac aliarum decimarum ab antiquo Monasterio de Norton et conventi eiusdem suis te[…]
ecclesie parochialis de Budworth cum capellis eidem Annexis Nunc vero racione cuiusdam Statuti subpressionis dicti […]
suo editi ad ipsum excellentissimum in Christo princepem antedictum et successores ac fimarios suos legitime constitutos spect[antis …]
spectare et pertinere debuerunt et debent in presenti et ponit coniunctim et diuisim ac de quolibet
3 Item quod prenominata Margeria Holford laica qui nihil Juris in dicta ecclesia parochiali de Budworth siue capellis […]
habuit aut habet aliqualiter vel ad eas ipsis quoque non obstantibus sed post et contra ea nonnullas decimas saltem […]
dicte parochie de Budworth seu capellis Annexis mensibus Marcij Aprilis Maij Junij Julij Augusti Septem[bris Octobris Novembris Decem-]
bris Januarij seu februarij Anno domini Millessimo quingentesimo xxxviijo Necnon mensibus Marcij Aprilis Maij Junij [Julij Augusti Septembris Octobris]
Novembris Decembris Januarij siue februarij Anno domini Millessimo quingentesimo xxxixo siue vno ve aliq[uo …]
ad ipsum Georgium Cotton firmarium dicti parochie de Budworth cum capellis Annexis et assignatis suos Jure nomine […]
non solvuit aut satisfecit sed easdem decimas subtraxit percepit et habuit et ponit coniunctim et diuisim ac de quolibet
Original Document
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4 Also, that the true value and valuation of the tithes aforesaid as is thus aforesaid not paid and subtracted, kept and taken by her by common report of men notoriously amounts to the sum or value of twenty shillings, and this party sets out and propounds of any other lesser sum down to the sum of twelve […] and of any other sum of such and so great an amount as may come to be declared by lawful proofs in the event of this suit; and he propounds jointly, severally and concerning any of these points.
5 Also that the aforesaid Margery Holford has thus been asked on behalf of George, the farmer […], to pay and satisfy to the said George Cotton, present farmer, at a suitable time and place the tithes aforesaid or otherwise […] with him for these tithes […]
6 Also, that the aforesaid Margery Holford was thus asked and requested in the manner as is aforesaid as in the premises or any of them, she has not troubled to do so in the months and years aforesaid, of in any of the months or years whatever or in one of them, but without there being any reasonable or lawful cause whatever, she expressly declined and refused, or at least unjustly delays and defers at present; and he propounds jointly, severally and concerning any of these points.
7 Also, that the aforenamed Margery Holford was and is a parishioner of the parish church of Budworth or of the chapel of Lower Peover, of Coventry and Lichfield diocese and for that reason notoriously subordinate and subject to your jurisdiction; and he propounds jointly, severally and concerning any of these points.
8 Also, that all and singular the premises were and are true, public, notorious, manifest and flagrant and public voice and fame were circulating of and upon the same in the parish of Budworth and the chapels annexed to the same and other surrounding places, towns and parishes, just as they are circulating at present.
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4 Item quod verus valor et estimacio decimarum predictarum sic ut premittitur non solutarum et per ipsam subtracta[rum ad summam]
siue valorem viginti solidorum ac dat et libellat pars ista de qualibet summa minore vsque ad summam duo dec[imi … ac de tali et]
tanta summa qualis et quanta per probaciones legitimas in eventu litis huiusmodi veniet
declarandum communi hominum est[imacione notorie extendit et]
ponit coniunctim et diuisim ac de quolibet
5 Item quod prefata Margeria Holford ad soluendum et satisfaciendum dicto Georgio Cottom firmario moderno [decimas predictas]
seu ad aliter cum eodem pro huiusmodi decimis ex parte georgij fimarij congruis loco et tempore requisita […]
6 Item quod antedicta Margeria Holford modo quo prefertur requisita et interpellata premissa seu eorum aliquod facere [non curavit mensibus et]
annis predictis eorum ve annorum vel mensium quolibet siue vno absque causa racionabili seu legitima quacunque sub[sistens renuit expresse et]
recusauit seu saltem plus Juste distulerit et differt in presenti et ponit coniunctim et diuisim ac de quolibet
7 Item quod prenominata Margeria Holford fuit et est parochiana ecclesie parochialis de budworth siue capelle de p[oever inferior Couentrensis et]
lichfeldensis diocesis ac eius pretextu uestre Jurisdiccionis notorie subdita et subiecta et ponit coniunctim et diuisim ac de quolibet
Original Document
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8 Also, that all and singular the premises were and are true, public, notorious, manifest and flagrant and public voice and fame were circulating of and upon the same in the parish of Budworth and the chapels annexed to the same and other surrounding places, towns and parishes, just as they are circulating at present.
Whereupon, due proof being made as is required in this regard, the same plaintiff prays that right and justice should be done and administered to him in all and singular the premises, and that his possession, or virtual possession, of the right of having and receiving and the said tithes of calves and foals and other his customary tithes aforesaid […] proceeding and arising within the bounds and limits of the said parish of Budworth and it annexed chapels to be adjudged in future successive times. And also that the aforesaid Margery Holford is rightly and canonically obliged and compelled to pay, tithe and deliver her respective tithes aforesaid subtracted by her without any diminution or the true value of the same at the convenience of the said farmer and his assigns in the name of his farm in the said parish chapels annexed and that she will be condemned in the lawful costs incurred and to be incurred by reason of this suit, and, having been condemned, that she will be rightly and canonically obliged and compelled to the real payment of the same by you passing your definitive sentence in that behalf, lord judge aforesaid; and otherwise, that what will have been of right and reason in the premises and anything concerning them may be done, established and decreed. The party of the said George Cotton propounds the premises and prays that they are done jointly and severally, not obliging himself to prove all and singular the premises, but so far as he will have proved in the premises, he prays that thus far may he obtain in the petitions, always reserving the benefit of law in all things; in addition the party of the said farmer prays that the aforesaid […], according to the requirement of law, humbly imploring your office, distinguished judge aforesaid.
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8 Item quod omnia et singula premissa fuerunt et sunt vera publica notoria manifesta et famosa ac de et super eis[dem in parochia de Budworth]
ac capellis eidem Annexis et locis alijs villis et parochiis circumvicinis laborarunt et in presenti laborant publica [vox et fama]
[Vnde facta fide]
que requiritur in hac parte petit eadem pars actrix Jus et Justiciam sibi in premissis omnibus et singulis fieri et [ministrari et]
possessione sua seu quasi Juris habendi et percipiendi dictas decimas vitulorum et pullorum ac aliarum d[ecimarum …]
sue predictarum consuetarum infra fines et limites dicte parochie de Budworth cum capellis annexis provenientes et [contingentes]
futuris temporibus successiuis adiudicari [Necnon prefatam]
Margeriam holford ad soluendum decimandum et liberandum decimas suas respectiue antedicatas per ipsam subtra[ctas sine aliqua]
diminucione vel verum valorem earundem ad comodum dicti firmarij et assignati sui nomine firme sue in [dicta parochia et]
capellis annexis rite et canonice cogi et compelli atque in expensis legitimis occasione huius litis factis et [fiendis condempnari]
condempnatamque ad realem solucionem earundem rite et canonice cogi et compelli per vos et vestram sententiam diffi[nitiuam ferendam domine]
Judex antedicte Vlteriusque fieri statui et decerni in premissis et ea concernentibus quod Juris fuerit et racionis [Premissa proponit et fieri petit]
pars dicti Georgij Cotton coniunctim et diuisim Non arctans se ad omnia et singula premissa [probanda] Sed quatenus probauerit in [premissis eatenus]
petit que obtineat in petitis Juris beneficio in omnibus semper saluo petit insuper pars dicti firmarij quod predict[…]
iuxta Juris exigentia vestrum officium humiliter implorando Judex egregie antedicte
Original Document
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Libel of the venerable Mister George Cotton, farmer of the lord King of the church of Budworth, against Margery Holford in a cause of subtraction of tithes.
[in pencil in a different hand]
c. 1540
[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]
Translation copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved
[5/1/10 image 4]
Libellus venerabilis viri Magistri georgij Cotton firmarij domini Regis ecclesie
de budworth contra Margeriam Holford in causa subtraccionis decimarum
[in pencil in a different hand]
c. 1540
[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]
Transcript copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved