Proctors: Prichard, John


Notary public


Qualifications: Bachelor of Laws

Career: acting as proctor in the Chester Consistory Court by 1565

 Possibly studied at Oxford he may be ‘John ap Prichard – studied 5 years, B.C.L. 29 May, 1560.’ British History Online:

 Sat as substitute for the bishop’s official, Robert Leche, in July 1566 and passed sentence in a defamation cause (EDC 5 1566/20).


ReferenceType of causeRoleOutcomeNotes
EDC 5/1566/8 Tithes - barley, hay   Proctor for defendantPlaintiff won
EDC 5/1566/12 Tithes - calves, cows, gardens, lambs, sheep, woolProctor for defendantDefendant wonIt was unusual for a plaintiff not to win
EDC 5/1566/15 Tithes - hay   Proctor for defendantPlaintiff won
EDC 5/1575/2  Defamation -sexual slander Proctor for defendantPlaintiff wonSee EDC 5 1576/2 for sentence
EDC 5/1575/5     Defamation - unknownProctor for defendantPlaintiff won
EDC 5/1575/15   Tithes - hay   Proctor for defendantPlaintiff won