Ref: EDC 5/2/1
Catalogue Entry:
EDC 5/2/1 – Libel in tithe cause: Sir Ralph Brereton Kt. Farmer of tithes of Eccles & Dean co. L. v. Peter Bradshaw, William Hilton, Thomas Lee & Hugh Forster of pa. Dean 1541. (roll form, c. 8 ft. long)
Sir Richard Brereton contra William Hilton, Thomas Lee, Hugh Forster and Peter Bradshaw
This cause concerned the tithes of the parishes of Eccles and Deane. The parishes had belonged to Whalley Abbey before its dissolution in 1537, as is mentioned in the libel, and it is possible that any failure to pay may have resulted from the change of ownership. The situation was complicated by two factors. Firstly, the farm of the parishes had been granted by the king to John Penne, who had sub-let to Sir Richard Brereton. Secondly, at the time of the first lease Deane was a chapelry of Eccles, but by the time of this libel it had been made a parish in its own right.
This libel is very long and the original catalogue entry states that leaves, as sewn together, were in a roll about eight feet long. It is the only libel that I have seen so far in Chester which ends ‘finis’ as though the scribe were relieved to have got through it all.
Original Document
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In the name of God, Amen: before you, venerable and distinguished Master George Wilmesley, vicar general in spirituals and official principal of the right reverend father in Christ, John, by divine permission lord bishop of Chester […] and to determine certain ecclesiastical causes in the diocese of Chester lawfully deputed by authority of the King or any other judge whomsoever competent in that behalf; the party of the venerable and distinguished Sir Richard Brereton, knight, farmer of our lord, Henry the Eighth, by the grace of God king of England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, and on earth supreme head of the churches […] of Ireland, of the rectories of the parish churches of Eccles and Deane, with the chapels of the same, against William Hilton, Thomas Lee, Hugh Forster, parishioners of the parish church of Deane […] of the parish church of Eccles of the archdeaconry of Chester and the diocese of Chester and of your {and} jurisdiction and any of them whomsoever, jointly and severally; and also against any other whomsoever lawfully intervening before you in judgement for the same, or any of them, by way of complaint and complaining to you in this behalf, says, alleges and propounds in these writings in law in articles as follows:
1 Firstly, namely that once, in times gone by, in the county of Lancashire, then of Coventry and Lichfield diocese, at this time of the diocese of Chester, there was a certain monastery rightly and lawfully founded, erected, constructed and established called in the common tongue, Whalley, in honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary and of Saint […] consisting of one abbot and of monks perhaps to the number of about thirty of the Cistercian order, […]the rule of almighty God was served continuously there; and this was and is […] notorious, manifest and well-known; and he propounds jointly, severally and concerning any of these points.
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In dei nomine Amen Coram vobis venerabili et egregio viro Magistro georgio Wemmysley Reuerendi In Christo patris et domino domino
Johannis permissione diuina Cestriensis episcopi vicarius In spritualibus generalis ac eius consistorij Officialis principalis
[…] ad quascunque causas ecclesiasticas terminandum in diocesis Cestriensis auctoritate Regio legitime deputato aut
Alio Judice In ea parte competenti quocunque pars venerabilis et Egregij viri magistri Richardi brereton militis firmarij
domini nostri Henrici octaui dei gracia Anglie Francie et Hibernie regis fidei defensoris et in terris Ecclesiarum
[…] Hibernie Capitis supremi Rectoriarum Ecclesiarum Parochialium de Eccles et Dene cum capellis eijsdem
[contra et aduer]sus Willielmum Hilton Thomam Le Hugone Forstar parochianos Ecclesie parochialis de Deane
[…] ecclesie parochialis de Eccles Archidiaconatus <cestrie> Cestrensisque diocesis et vestre et Jurisdicionis ac
eorum quemlibet per se diuisim et in solidum necnon Contra quemcunque allium coram vobis pro eijsdem seu eorum quemlibet
in Iudicio legitime Interuenientem per viam querele et vobis in hac parte querelando
dicit Allegat <et> In hijs scriptis
in Jure proponit articulatim provt sequitur
[1] In primis videlicet quod olim retroactis temporibus In comitatu Lankaustrie Tunc Couentrensis et lichfeldensis diocesis modo Cestriensis
diocesis quoddam monasterium vulgariter nuncupatum Whalley In honore beate Marie Virginis et sancti [blank] de
vno abbato et circiter triginta [?] forsan expresse numero monachorum ordinis cisterciensium omnipotenti deo subregulari
[…] continue ibidem deseruitur rite et legitime fundatum erectum constructum et stabilitum fuit hocque fuit et est
[… no]torium manifestum et famosum et ponit coniunctim et diuisim et de quolibet
Original Document
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2 […] by the erection, construction of these rectories of the parish churches of Eccles and Deane, formerly of Coventry and Lichfield diocese and Canterbury province, at this time of the diocese of Chester and York province, and the chapelries belonging to them, together with their universal rights and appurtenances, belonged to the same monastery while it existed as an entity with its essentials, of and with the consent and assent of all and singular persons who had right or interest in that respect, rightly and lawfully annexed, appropriated and incorporated into one, and were donated and granted to the abbey and convent’s own use for their possession perpetually, saving for the time being reserving the portion of the vicars of those parish churches in their time and this was and is true, public, notorious and well-known; and he propounds jointly, severally and concerning any of these points.
3 Also, that the abbey and convent of the said monastery of Whalley, by reason of this appropriation, unification and incorporation of the said rectories of Eccles and Deane and the chapels belonging to them, together with their tithes and other dues and emoluments […] belonging were lawfully attained for some space of time and possessed peacefully and quietly, and as true […] and commonly called, held, had, named and reputed openly, publicly and notoriously as proprietors of the same rectories and parish churches of Eccles and Deane with their chapels; and he propounds jointly, severally and concerning any of these points.
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[2] […] erectione constructione huismodi Rectorie ecclesiarum parochialarum de
Eccles et dene nuper Couentrensis et lichfeldensis diocesis ac Cantuarensis provincie modo Cestriensis diocesis et Eboracensis provincie
et capelle eijsdem pertinentes vna cum suis Juribus et pertinentijs vniuersis eidem monasterio dum in rerum natura ac suis
Essentialibus extiterat de et cum consensu et assensu omnium et singulorum Jus aut interesse in ea parte habetum
Rite et legitime vniter annexe appropriate et incorporate ac in Abbatis <et> conuentis ibidem proprius vsus perpetuo
possidendum donate et concesse fuit salua dumtaxat et Reseruata porcione vicariarum ipsarum Ecclesiarum parochialium
pro tempore existentium hocque fuit et <est> verum publicum notorium et famosum et ponit coniunctim et diuisim et de quolibet
3 Item quod Abbas et conuentus dicti monasterij de Whalley <ratione> appropriationis vnionis et incorporationis huismodi dictas
Rectorias de Eccles et Dene ac capellas eijsdem pertinentes vna cum suis decimis et alijs Juribus et emolumentijs
[…] spectantijs per nonnulla tempora legitima assequti sunt et possidebant pacifice et quiete proque veris et
[…] et propriatarijs earundem Rectoriarum et Ecclesiarum parochialium de Eccles et Dene cum earum capellis
[…] communiter Tenti habiti nominati et Reputati palam publice et notorie Et ponit coniunctim
diuisim Et de quolibet
Original Document
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4 Also, that the monastery, to which the said rectories of Eccles and Deane, with the chapels belonging to them, were then appropriated, united and, as aforesaid, annexed together with their all dues, emoluments and universal appurtenances both spiritual and ecclesiastical and temporal whatsoever, was attended, suppressed, brought down and dissolved some time ago by sufficient authority, and for that reason rightly and lawfully transferred, translated and devolved to the legal right and ownership of the said most serene prince, our lord, Henry the Eighth, by the grace of God king of England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, and on earth supreme head under Christ of the English and Irish churches, and this was and is true, public, notorious, manifest and well-known; and he propounds as before.
5 Also, that by reason of this attention, suppression, destruction and dissolution and for other reasons the said most serene master, our King, lawfully acquired and for some time thereafter peacefully possessed openly, publicly and notoriously the aforesaid monastery of Whalley, while it was in existence, together with the rectories of Eccles and Deane aforesaid […] just as is aforesaid perpetually united, annexed and incorporated, and either of them respectively, with their rights and universal appurtenances; and he propounds jointly, severally and concerning any of these points.
6 Also, that the same most powerful lord, our king, after and since the premises and being in full possession and seised of the aforesaid rectories of Eccles and Deane with their chapels belonging to them and the tithes, emoluments, rights and universal appurtenances rented and demised them to farm to the venerable Jon Penne, his servants and assigns, for certain years not yet passed by his letters thereupon drawn up and signed, or otherwise, and this was and is true, public, notorious, manifest and well-known; and he propounds jointly, severally and concerning any of these points.
7 Also, that the said John Penne, farmer of the said lord, our king, after he obtained to farm the said rectories of the parish churches of Eccles and Deane with their chapels and with all tithes, dues and emoluments belonging to and flowing from them, and either of them, and held them with all their rights and appurtenances for some time and occupied this to his own use and was openly, publicly and notoriously reputed, called and known as farmer of the same churches with the chapels belonging to them; and the same John Penne, in peaceful possession of the said parishes
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4 Item quod dictum monasterium de Whaley cui dicte Rectorie de Eccles et Dene cum capellis eijsdem spectantis tunc
Appropriate vnite et vt premittitur incorporate fuerant vna cum suis Juribus emolumentis ac pertinentis vniuersis
tam spiritualibus et ecclesiasticis quam temporalibus quibuscunque fuit Jamdudum auctoritate sufficiente attentum suppressum
extinctum et dissolutum ac ea de causa ad ius et propprietas dicti serenissimi principis domini nostri Henrici
octaui dei gracia Anglie francie et Hibernie regis fidei defensoris et in terris ecclesie anglicane et
Hiberniae sub christo capitis supremi Rite et legitime deuectum translatum et deuolutum fuit Hocque fuit et
est verum publicum notorium manifestum et famosum Et ponit vt Supra
5 Item quod Ratione attencionis suppressionis Extincionis et dissolutionis huiusmodi ac aliorum premissorum pretextu
dictus serenissimus dominus noster Rex prefatum monasterium de Whalley vna cum rectorijs de Eccles et deane predictis […]
sicut predicitur perpetue vnite annexe et incorporate eorumque respectiue Juribus et pertinentijs vniversis legitima assecutum fuit
per aliquid tempus et extunc pacifice possidet palam publice et notorie Et ponit coniunctim et diuisim et de quolibet
6 Item quod idem potessimus dominus noster Rex post et citra premissa atque in eorum plena possessione et sesina existens
prefatas rectorias de eccles et deane cum suis capellis eijsdem spectantiis et decimis Emolumentijs Juribus
et pertinentiis uniuersis venerabili viro John Penne eius seruenti et Assignatis suis per certis Annis nondum effluxis per suas
litteras superinde confectas et Sigillatas seu Alias ad firmam locauit et dimisit hocque fuit et est verum publicum
notorium manifestum et famosum Et ponit coniunctim diuisim et de quolibet
7 Item quod dictus Johannis Penne fermiens dicti domini nostri regis postque dictas Rectorias Ecclesiarum parochialium de
Eccles et Dene cum capellis et omnibus decimis iuribus et emolumentis eijsdem et eorum vtrique spectantijs et
effluxis ad firmam obtinerit et illas cum omnibus suis iuribus et pertinentijs habuerit et pro nonnulla tempore
huiusmodi ad vsum suum occupauerit ac pro firmario earandem Ecclesiarum cum capellis eisdem spectantijs palam publice
et notorie reputatus et nominatus et cognitus <fuerit> et idem Johannes Penne in pacifica possessione dictorum
Original Document
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and emoluments and all future years […] and not yet passed which he had and also […] his right title and interest which he had and at present has in this farm by rental made by the said most illustrious Prince to him and his assigns during his term, he has given up to the said venerable Master Richard Brereton, knight, and the said rectories of the parish churches of Eccles and Deane with their chapels and tithes and he has newly leased, demised and granted all other rights and emoluments belonging and appertaining to the same for the years and entire term to farm to him and his assigns; and by his letters drawn up upon the same and sealed with his seal or otherwise has named, assigned and deputed the same venerable Master Richard Brereton, knight, as his assign and farmer of the same as is aforesaid; and this was and is true, public, notorious, manifest and well-known; and he propounds jointly and severally and concerning any of these points.
8 Also, that by pretext and reason of the aforesaid, the said venerable Master Richard Brereton was and is commonly called, held, had, named and reputed openly, publicly and notoriously as farmer of the said rectories of Eccles and Deane and their chapels, together with these their tithes, emoluments and dues in the months of March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, January and February in the one thousand five hundred and fortieth year of our Lord and also in the months of March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, January and February in the one thousand five hundred and forty-first year of our Lord, now current, and in either of those years in either or the other, and in any of the months aforesaid, in one or another, and long before; and he propounds jointly and severally and concerning any of these points.
9 Also, that as well by common law and by the union, appropriation and incorporation aforesaid by reason of the premises as by ancient laudable and lawful prescribed custom, hitherto inviolably and steadfastly used and observed from time immemorial and often upheld in judgment in a contested cause, the right of receiving and having all and singular tithes both greater and lesser, mixed and minute tithes and other ecclesiastical emoluments and dues whatsoever (excepting the portion of the vicars aforementioned) and especially tithes of grain, namely corn, wheat, barley, oats and peas, or of any other grain whatsoever and also of hay in whatsoever lands, farmland, fields, meadows and pastures within the two parishes of Eccles and Deane and the bounds and limits and the tithable places of the same, whenever and in whatever way to the said monastery of Whalley, and to the abbot and convent there with their possessions
[5/2/1 image 4]
parochijs et emolumentiis ac omnes Annos <…> futuros et nondum effluxos quos habuit ac etiam […] Jus
suum titulum et interesse quod in huiusmodi firmam habuit et in presenti habet per locatione dicti illustrissimi
Principis sibi et Assignatis suis durante termino suo factam dicto venerabili viro magistro Ricardo Brerton
militi ac assignatis suis relaxauit ac dictas rectorias Ecclesiarum parochialium de Eccles et Dene
cum eorum capellis et decimis ac omnibus Alijs Juribus et emolumentis eijsdem spectantijs et pertinentijs pro annis
et toto termino suis sibi et Assignatis suis de nouo ad firmam locauit dimisit et concessit ipsumque
venerabile virum magistrum Ricardum brerton militem Assignatum suum et firmarium earandem vt prefertur per litteras suas
superinde confectas ac suo sigillio Sigillatas seu Alias nominauit Assignauit et deputauit hocque fuit
et <est> verum publicum notorium manifestum et famosum Et ponit coniunctim et diuisim et de quolibet
8 Item quod obtentu et Ratione premissorum dictus venerabilis vir magister Ricardus brerton dictas rectorias de Eccles et
Dene et eorum capellis vna cum suis decimis emolumentis et iuribus huiusmodi mensibus martij Aprilis
maij Junij Julij Augusti septembris octobris nouembris decembris Januarij et februarij Anno domini
millesimo quingentecimo quadragesimo necnon mensibus martij Aprilis maij Junij Julij Augusti septembris octobris nouembris
decembris ianuarij et februarij Anno domini millesimo quingentesimo quadragesimo primo Jam instante ipsorumque Annorum vtraque
siue Altro ac mensium predictorum Aliquibus vno siue Aliquo et large Antea pro firmario dictarum
Rectoriarum fuit et est communiter dictus tentus habitus nominatus et reputatus palam publice et notorie
Et ponit coniunctim et diuisim et de quolibet
9 Item quod tam de iure communi ac vnione Appropriacione et incorporacione predictorum Aliorumque premissorum pretextu
quam de antiqua laudabili legitimeque prescripta consuetudine a tempore immemorato hucvsque inviolabiliter et
inconcusse vsitata et obseruata ac in contradictorio iudicio sepius obtenta ius
percipiendi et habendi
omnes et singulas decimas tam maioris quam minores mixtas minutas ac alia Jura et emolumenta
ecclesiastica quemcunque (salua portione vicariorum prememoratorum et presertim decimas granorum videlicet frumenti
siliginis ordij auenorum et pisorum seu Alterius cuiuscunque granorum ac etiam feni in quibuscunque
terris fundis pratis pascuis et pasturis infra dictas parochias de eccles et dene finesque
et limites ac loca decimabilia earandem quandocunque et quamodocunque Respectiue prouenientes et contingentes
Original Document
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while they existed as an entity, and after the dissolution, extinction and suppression of that place, as related before, notoriously belonged and belongs and so ought also to have belonged, to belong and ought in future to our lord king aforesaid and afterwards to the said John Penne, farmer of the said lord king and now to the said venerable Sir Richard Brereton, knight, depute and assign of the said John Penne, farmer respectively by right and in the name of the said rectories of Eccles and Deane with their chapels; and this was and is true, public, notorious, manifest and well-known; and he propounds as before.
10 Also, that the abbot and convent of the said monastery of Whalley, during the time it was in existence, while they existed as an entity, and before the dissolution, attention and suppression aforesaid in peaceful possession, or virtually so, of the right of receiving and having by right and in the name of the said rectories all and singular tithes, both greater and lesser, mixed and minute, and the dues and emoluments aforesaid, and especially tithes of corn, wheat, barley, oats and peas, or of any other grain whatsoever and also of hay, arising and growing in the manner aforesaid for 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 years, and before and since and also from the time and throughout the time of the beginning or to the contrary of which there exists no memory of men, and in succession after and since this dissolution and suppression, our aforesaid lord king and the said John Penne, farmer mentioned before, similarly were hitherto, and they and their men respectively took them during the same time and freely disposed of and with them as it suited them peacefully and quietly of their own free will and likewise the aforenamed venerable Sir Richard Brereton, knight, farmer aforesaid, took, had and disposed at present by right and in the name of
[5/2/1 image 5]
{provenientes et contingentes} ad dictum monasterium de Whalley <ac> abbatem et conuentem ibidem dum in rerum natura ac suis
essentialibus extiterunt atque post illius loci dissolutionem extinctionem et suppressionem prenarratos
ad prefatum dominum nostrum regem ac postea ad dictum Johannem Penne firmarium dicti domini regis et nunc
Ad dictum venerabilem virum dominum Ricardum brerton militem deputatum et Assignatum dicti Johannis Penne
Firmarij huiusmodi Respectiue Jure et nomine <dictorum> Rectoriarum de eccles et dene cum capellis notorie pertinuit
pertinetque ac sic pertinere debuit et debet et debebit etiam in futurum hocque fuit
et est verum
publicum notorium manifestum et famosum Et ponit vt Supra
10 Item quod Abbas et conuentus dicti monasterij de Whallae pro tempore existens dum in eorum essentialibus
ac rerum natura existebant ac ante dissolutionem Attencionem et suppressionem predictorum fuerit in
pacifica possessione seu quasi iuris percipiendi [et] habendi iure et nomine dictarum rectoriarum omnes
et singulas decimas tam maiores quam minores mixtas <et> minutas et iura et emolumenta predictas
et presertim decimas frumenti siliginis ordij Auenarum pisorum seu alterius cuiuscunque granorum
ac <etiam> feni modo premisso prouenientes et contingentes A x xxti xxxti xlta lta et lxta annis vltraque
et citra necnon A tempore et per tempus cuius initij siue contrarij memoria hominum non
existit ac successiue post et citra dissolucionem et suppressionem huiusmodi prefatus dominus noster
Rex et dictus Johannes Penne firmarius prelibatus memoratus hucusque similiter fuerit easque per se
et suos per idem tempus respectiue perceperit atque de et cum eijsdem per ipsorum libitis voluntatum
libere deposuerunt pacifice et quiete sicque percepient possident habent et disponent in presenti
prenominatus venerabilis vir dominus Ricardus brerton miles firmarius memoratus iure et nomine dictarum
Original Document
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[…] was and is true, public, notorious, manifest and well-known; and he propounds as before.
11 Also, that the said William Hilton in the months of March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, January and February in the one thousand five hundred and fortieth and 41st year of our Lord, in any of the same months and years whatsoever, in one or another, held, had and occupied ten acres of arable land of oats in the place or field commonly called ‘derlayglad hey’ and ‘Redford in his demayne’ sited and situated within the said parish of the parish church of Deane of Chester diocese, and this propounding party gives and libels of whatever lesser number of acres aforesaid, down to two acres of land; and he propounds as before.
[marginal note]
W Hilton
‘Darlay glad
haye’ and ‘Radford
in his demesne’ 10
12 Also, that the said Thomas Lee in the months of March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, January and February in the one thousand five hundred and fortieth and 41st year of our Lord, in any of the same months and years whatsoever, in one or another, held, had and occupied four acres of oats in the field commonly called ‘mutchaw the new marled yerth in the hyll’ sited and situated within the said parish of the parish church of Deane, and this propounding party gives and libels of whatever lesser number of acres aforesaid, down to two acres of land; and he propounds as before.
[marginal note]
Thomas Lee
4 acres
in ‘notshawe
the newe
[5/2/1 image 6]
[…] fuit et est verum publicum notorium manifestum et famosum
Et ponit vt Supra
11 Item quod dictus Willielmus Hilton mensibus martij Aprilis maij Junij Julij Augusti Septembris
octobris nouembris decembris Januarij et februarij Anno domini millesimo quingentesimo quadragesimo et xljo
eorundemve mensium et Annorum quolibet vno siue Aliquo decem Acras terre Arabiles avenorum
in loco sie in campo vulgo vocato derlayglad hey et Redford in his demayne infra parochiam ecclesie parochialis
de dene Cestrensis diocesis siti et situati ac dat et libellat pars ista proponens de quolibet numero
minorem acrarum predictarum vsque ad duas acras terre tenuit habuit et occupauit et ponit vt supra
[marginal note]
W Hulton
Darlay glad
haye et Radford
in dominico x
12 Item quod dictus Thomas le mensibus martij Aprilis maij Junij Julij Augusti septembris octobris
nouembris decembris Januarij et februarij Anno domini millesimo quingentesimo quadragesimo et xlio eorundemve
mensium et Annorum quolibet vno siue Aliquo quatuor Acras Avenorum <in campo> vulgo vocato mutchaw the new
marled yerth in the hyll infra parochiam dictam parochialis Ecclesiale de dene siti et situati ac dat et
libellat pars ista proponens de qualibet numero minorem Acrarum predictarum vsque ad duas acras terre tenuit
habuit et occupauit Et Ponit vt Supra
[marginal note]
Thomas lee
iiijo acras
in notshawe
the newe
Original Document
[5/2/1 image 7]
13 Also, that the said Hugh Forster in the months of March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, January and February in the one thousand five hundred and fortieth and 41st year of our Lord, in any of the same months and years whatsoever, in one or another, held, had and occupied 4 acres of oats and barley in the field called ‘the newe close mosse Filde’ and ‘barli crofft’ sited and situated within the parish of the parish church of Deane aforesaid, and this propounding party gives [and] libels of whatever lesser number of acres aforesaid, down to two acres of land; and he propounds as before.
[marginal note]
Hugh Forster
4 acres in
a field called
‘the newclose mosse feld’
and ‘barly croft’
14 Also, that the said Peter Bradshaw in the months of March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, January and February in the one thousand five hundred and fortieth and 41st year of our Lord, in any of the same years and months whatsoever, in one or another, held, had and occupied three acres of oats and barley in the field called ‘the heythe’ sited and situated within the parish of the parish church of Eccles, and this propounding party gives and libels of whatever lesser number of acres aforesaid, down to two acres of land; and he propounds as before.
[marginal note]
Peter Bradshaw
three acres in
a field called
‘the heyth’
15 Also, that the said William Hilton in the years and months mentioned in a recent article and in one or other of the years and months aforesaid, in one or another, had, possessed or occupied ten acres of land, farm or meadow called ‘horhey medo’ and ‘steward medo’ and hay growing and coming on and from the same farms, lands or meadows respectively within the parish of Deane aforesaid, and the bounds and limits of the same by him and his men to the number of twenty vehicles loaded with hay in English ‘xxty lode of haye’; and he propounds of whatever other number of vehicles intermediate or lesser down to the number of two vehicles thus loaded totally and completely gathered, had and taken by him and his men and at his own freedom and will disposed, applied and converted to his own convenience and use and of such and so great a number of which in the event of this suit by lawful proofs will become more clear and this was and is true, public and notorious, manifest and famous; and he propounds as before.
[marginal note]
William Hilton
10 acres called
‘horhey medo’
and ‘steward
[5/2/1 image 7]
13 Item quod dictus Hugo forstart mensibus martij Aprilis maij Junij Julij Augusti septembris octobris
nouembris decembris Januarij et februarij Anno domini millesimo quingentesimo quadragesimo et xlio
eorundemve mensium et Annorum quolibet vno siue Aliquo iiijor Acras Avenorum et ordij In campo vocato
the newe close mosse Filde et barli crofft infra parochiam ecclesie parochialis de dene Antedictam siti et situati
ac dat libellat pars ista proponens de qualibet numero minorem Acrarum predictarum vsque ad duas acras terre
tenuit habuit et occupauit Et ponit vt Supra
[marginal note]
Hugo foster
iiijo acras in
campo vocato
the newclose mosse feld
et barly croft
14 Item quod dictus Petrus Bradsha mensibus martij Aprilis maij Junij Julij Augusti septembris octobris
nouembris decembris Januarij et februarij Anno domini millesimo quingentesimo quadragesimo et xlio
eorundem ve mensium et Annorum quolibet vno siue Aliquo tres Acras Avenarum et ordij In campo vocato
the heythe Infra parochiam ecclesie parochialis de Eccles siti et situati ac dat et libellat pars
ista proponens de qualibet numero minorem acrarum predictarum vsque ad duas acras terre tenuit
habuit et occupauit Et ponit vt supra
[marginal note]
Petrus bradsha
iijes acras in
campo vocatas
the heyth
15 Item quod dictus Willielmus Hilton Annis et mensibus in proximo Articulo mencionatis dictorum que Annorum vtroque
siue altro ac mensium predictorum aliquibus vno siue Aliquo decem Acras terre fundi
et prati
vocati horhey medo et steward medo habuit possidebat et occupauit atque fenum in et ex
eijsdem fundis terris siue pratis respectiue crescens et proveniens per se et suos ad numerum
viginti vehiculorum feno onustatorum anglice xxty lode of haye infra parochiam de deane predictam
ac fines et limites eiusdem Et ponit de quolibet aliud numero Intermedio vel minori
vehiculorum huiusmodi vsque ad numerum duorum vehiculorum sic onustatorum de talique et tanto numero de quo in
eventu litis huiusmodi per probationis legitimas plenius liquebit per se et suos totaliter et integraliter
collegit habuit et percepit atque ad eius libituam et voluntatem propriumque comodum et vtilitatem
disposuit Applicuiut et convertebat hocque fuit et est verum publicum et notorium manifestum et
Famosum Et ponit vt supra
[marginal note]
Willielmus hulton
x Acras vocatas
horhey medo
et steward
Original Document
[5/2/1 image 8]
16 Also, that the said Thomas Lee in the years and months mentioned in a recent article and in one or other of the years and months aforesaid, in one or another, had, possessed or occupied five acres of land, farm or meadow and hay growing and coming on and from the same farms, lands or meadows respectively within the parish of Deane aforesaid, and the bounds and limits of the same by him and his men to the number of ten vehicles loaded with hay in English ‘ten lode of hay’; and he propounds of whatever other number of vehicles intermediate or lesser down to the number of two vehicles thus loaded totally and completely gathered, had and taken by him and his men and at his own freedom and will disposed, applied and converted to his own convenience and use and of such and so great a number of which in the event of this suit by lawful proofs will become more clear and this was and is true, public and notorious, manifest and famous; and he propounds as before.
[marginal note]
Thomas Lee five
acres of farm and
17 Also, that the said Hugh Forster in the years and months mentioned in a recent article and in one or other of the years and months aforesaid, in one or another, had, possessed or occupied ten acres of land, farm or meadow called ‘chodlachmedo’ and hay growing and coming on and from the same farms, lands or meadows respectively within the parish of Deane aforesaid, and the bounds and limits of the same by him and his men to the number of ten vehicles loaded with hay in English ‘x lode of haye’; and he propounds of whatever other number of vehicles intermediate or lesser down to the number of two vehicles thus loaded totally and completely gathered, had and taken by him and his men and at his own freedom and will disposed, applied and converted to his own convenience and use and of such and so great a number of which in the event of this suit by lawful proofs will become more clear and this was and is true, public and notorious, manifest and famous; and he propounds as before.
[marginal note]
Hugh Forster 10
acres called
[5/2/1 image 8]
16 Item quod dictus Thomas le Annis et mensibus in proximo Articulo mencionatis dictorum que annorum
vtroque siue altero ac mensium predictorum aliquibus vno siue Aliquo quique acras terre fundi
et prati habuit possidebat et occupauit atque Fenum in et ex eijsdem fundis terris siue
pratis Respectiue crescens et proveniens per se et suos ad numerum decem vehiculorum
feno onustatorum anglice ten lode of hay infra parochiam de deane predicto ac fines et limites
eiusdem Et ponit de quolibet Aliud numero Intermedio vel minori vehiculorum huiusmodi vsque ad
numerum duorum vehiculorum sic onustatorum de talique et tanto numero de quo In eventu litis
huiusmodi per probationis legitimas plenius liquebit per se et suos totaliter et integraliter collegit
habuit et percepit atque ad eius libitum et voluntatem propriumque comodum et vtilitatem disposuit
applicuiut et convertebat hocque fuit et est verum publicum et notorium manifestum et famosum
Et ponit vt Supra
[marginal note]
Thomas lee quinque
acras fundi et
17 Item quod dictus Hugo Forstart Annis et mensibus In proximo Articulo mencionatis dictorumque annorum vtroque siue
altro ac mensium predictorum aliquibus vno siue aliquo decem acras terre fundi et prati vocati
chodlachmedo habuit possidebat et occupauit atque fenum in et ex eijsdem fundis terris siue pratis
Respectiue crescens et inde proveniens per se et suos ad numerum decem vehiculorum feno onustatorum
anglice x lode of haye infra parochiam de deane predicto ac fines et limites eiusdem Et ponit
de quolibet aliud numero intermedio vel minori vehiculorum huiusmodi vsque ad numerum duorum vehiculorum
sic onustatorum de talique et tanto numero de quo in eventu litis huiusmodi per probationis legitimas plenius
liquebat per se et suos totaliter et integraliter collegit habuit et percepit atque ad eius libitate et
voluntate propriumque comodum et vtilitatem disposuit <applicuiut> et conuertebat hocque fuit et est verum publicum
et notorium manifestum et famosum et ponit vt Supra
[marginal note]
Hugo fostar x
acras vocatas
Original Document
[5/2/1 image 9]
18 Also, that the said Peter Bradshaw in the years and months mentioned in a recent article and in one or other of the years and months aforesaid, in one or another, had, possessed or occupied one acre of land, farm or meadow and hay growing and coming on and from the same farms, lands or meadows respectively within the parish of Eccles aforesaid, and the bounds and limits of the same by him and his men to the number of five vehicles loaded with hay in English ‘Fyue lode of haye’; and he propounds of whatever other number of vehicles intermediate or lesser down to the number of two vehicles thus loaded totally and completely gathered, had and taken by him and his men and at his own freedom and will disposed, applied and converted to his own convenience and use and of such and so great a number of which in the event of this suit by lawful proofs will become more clear and this was and is true, public and notorious, manifest and famous; and he propounds as before.
[marginal note]
Peter Bradshaw
one acre of farm and meadow land
19 Also, that the said William Hilton in the years and months abovesaid, or in any of them, in one or another, caused and employed the said ten acres and parcels of arable land and ten acres of farm and meadow, specified above, or any of them, to be sown and caused to be occupied and used for some seeds: corn, wheat, oats, barley and hay and other similar things as set out above and he had and converted and applied to his own use this grain and hay thus arising therefrom and proceeding from the same places or acres; and he propounds as before.
[marginal note]
W. Hilton 10 acres etc.
20 Also, that the said Thomas Lee in the years and months abovesaid, or in any of them, in one or another, caused and employed the said four acres and parcels of arable land and five acres of farm and meadow, specified above, or any of them, to be sown and caused to be occupied and used for some seeds: corn, wheat, barley, oats and hay and other similar things as set out above and he had and converted and applied to his own use this grain and hay thus arising therefrom and proceeding from the same places or acres; and he propounds as before.
[marginal note]
Thomas Lee 4 acres
five acres
of farm and meadow
[5/2/1 image 9]
18 Item quod dictus Petrus Bradsha annis et mensibus in proximo Articulo mencionatis dictorumque annorum vtroque
siue altro ac mensium predictorum aliquibus siue aliquo vnam acram terre <fundi> et prati habuit
possidebat et occupauit atque fenum in et ex eijsdem Fundis terris siue pratis Respectiue crescens
et proveniens per se et suos ad numerum quinque vehiculorum feno onustatorum anglice Fyue lode of haye
infra parochiam de Eccles predicto ac fines et limites eiusdem Et ponit de quolibet aliud numero
intermedio vel minori vehiculorum huiusmodi vsque ad numerum duorum vehiculorum sic onustatorum de talique
et tanto numero de quo in eventu litis huiusmodi per probationis legitimas plenius liquebat per se et suos
totaliter et integraliter collegit habuit et percepit atque ad eius libertate et voluntate propriumque comodum
et vtilitatem disposuit applicuiut et conuertebat hocque fuit et est verum publicum et notorium
manifestum et famosum Et ponit vt Supra
[marginal note]
Petrus bradsha
vnam acram terre
fundi et prati
19 Item quod dictus Willielmus Hilton mensibus et annis supradictis seu eorum Aliquibus vel aliquo dictas
x acras et parcellas terrarum Arabiles ac decem acras terre fundi et prati superius
seu eorum aliquas nonnullis granis vti frumento siligine ordio auenis ac feno et
Alijs similibus
suprascriptis seminari et occupari fecit et obtinuit ac grana et feni huiusmodi sic
inde proueniens et
ab eisdem locis siue Acris contingens habuit et ad vsum proprium conuertit
et applicauit
Et ponit vt Supra
[marginal note]
W. Hulton x acras etcetera
20 Item quod dictus Thomas le mensibus et annis Supradictis seu eorum Aliquibus vel aliquo dictas
quatuor acras et parcellas terrarum Arabiles ac quinque acras terre fundi et prati superius
specificatas seu eorum Aliquas nonnullis granis vti frumenti siligine auenis ordio et feno ac
alijs similibus suprascriptis seminari et occupari fecit et obtinuit ac grana fenique huiusmodi sic
inde proueniens et ab eisdem locis siue acris contingens habuit et ad vsum proprium conuertit
et applicauit et ponit vt supra
[marginal note]
Thomas lee iiijor acras
quinque acras
fundi et prati
Original Document
[5/2/1 image 10]
21 Also, that the said Hugh Forster in the years and months abovesaid, or in any of them, in one or another, caused and employed the said four acres and parcels of arable land and ten acres of farm, specified above, or any of them, to be sown and caused to be occupied and used for some seeds: corn, wheat, barley, oats and hay and other similar things as set out above and he had and converted and applied to his own use this grain and hay thus arising therefrom and proceeding from the same places or acres; and he propounds as before.
[marginal note]
Hugh Forster 4
acres and 10 acres
of farm and meadow
22 Also, that the said Peter Bradshaw in the years and months abovesaid, or in any of them, in one or another, caused and employed the said three acres and parcels of arable land and one acre of farm and meadow, specified above, or any of them, to be sown and caused to be occupied and used for some seeds: corn, wheat, barley, oats and hay and other similar things as set out above and he had and converted and applied to his own use this grain thus arising therefrom and proceeding from the same places or acres; and he propounds as before.
[marginal note]
Peter Bradshaw
three acres and
one acre
23 Also, that the same William Hilton, Thomas Lee, Hugh Forster, Peter Bradshaw and any of them whomsoever in the years and months aforesaid, or in any of those years, in one or another, and in any of those months whatsoever, in one or another, did not pay tithes of grain aforesaid and hay, as it thus aforesaid, proceeding and arising and belonging and appertaining to the said venerable Sir Richard Brereton knight, farmer of the rectories of the parish churches of Eccles and Deane together with the chapels annexed to the same by right and in name of the parish church of Eccles and Deane aforesaid by reason of his farm aforesaid, to the same venerable Master Richard Brereton, knight, the farmer, or to his assign or deputy, nor did they make satisfaction for the same tithes in fact and unjustly subtracted, taken and had by them and their men in the months and years aforesaid, or in any of them whatever, in one or another, or at least ordered and caused them to be thus subtracted and taken and never paid and had and have ordered and approved the subtraction, taking and keeping or non-payment of them in their name and equally accepted it; and he propounds as before.
[marginal note]
W. Hilton Thomas
Lee Hugh Forster
Peter Bradshaw
[5/2/1 image 10]
21 Item quod dictus Hugo Forstart mensibus et annis supradictis seu eorum Aliquibus vel aliquo dictas quatuor
acras <et parcellas> terrarum arabiles ac decem acras terre fundi supius specificatas seu eorum aliquas
nonnullis granis vti frumento siligine ordio et Auenis ac feno et Alijs similibus suprascriptis seminari
et occupari Fecit et obtinuit ac grana et feni huiusmodi sic inde proueniens et ab eisdem locis
siue acras contingens habuit et ad vsum proprium conuertit et applicauit Et ponit vt supra
[marginal note]
Hugo Fostar iiijor
acras et x acras
fundi et prati
22 Item quod dictus Petrus Bradshae mensibus et annis supradictis seu eorum aliquibus <vel aliquo> dictas tres acras et
parcellas terrarum arrabiles ac vnam acram terre fundi et prati superius specificatas seu eorum aliquas
nonnullis granis vti Frumento siligine ordio Auenis ac Feno et Alijs similibus suprascriptis seminari
et occupari Fecit et obtinuit ac grana huiusmodi sic inde proueniens et [ab] eisdem locis siue acras contingens
habuit et ad proprium vsum conuertit et applicauit et ponit vt supra
[marginal note]
Petrus Bradshae
tres acras et
vnam acram
23 Item quod ijdem Willielmus Hylton Thomas le Hugo forstar Petrus Bradshae et eorum
annis et mensibus predictis eorumve annorum vno siue Altro ac ipsorum mensium aliquibus siue aliquo decimas
granorum supradictorum et feni sic vt profertur prouenientium et contingentium et ad dictum venerabilem virum dominum
Ricardum Brerton militem firmarium Rectoriarum Ecclesiarum parochialium de Eccles et dene vna cum
capelliis eisdem annexis Jure et nomine ecclesie parochiali de Eccles et deane predicte et Ratione
sue firme predicte spectantes et pertinentes eidem venerabili viro magistro Ricardo Brerton
Firmario seu eius assignato vel deputato non soluit neque pro eisdem satisfeat que eisdem decimas
mensibus et Annis predictis seu eorum Aliquibus vel aliquo per se et suos de facto et iniuste subtraxit
percepit et habuit seu saltem sic subtrahi percepi et haberi et nunc solui mandauit et fecit et
subtractione perceptione et habitione seu non solutionem huiusmodi suo nomine sic Factum ratum et gratum
habuit et habet pariter et acceptit Et ponit vt Supra
[marginal note]
W. Hilton Tho
lee hugo fostar
Petrus bradshae
Original Document
[5/2/1 image 11]
24 Also, that the true value and valuation of the said grain and hay as is thus aforesaid by him, William Hilton, and his men in the months and years aforesaid, or in any one or more of them (in the manner as is aforesaid) collected, kept and taken and disposed of and converted by him by common report of men notoriously amounts to the sum or value of eight shillings sterling, and this party propounding of any other intermediate or lesser sum or value to the sum of 12 pence and of any other sum or value of such and so great an amount as may come to be proved and declared more fully by lawful proofs in the event of this suit; and he propounds as before.
[marginal note]
William Hilton of grain and hay 8 shillings etc.
25 Also, that the true value and valuation of the said grain and hay as is thus aforesaid by him, Thomas Lee, and his men in the months and years aforesaid, or in any one or more of them (in the manner as is aforesaid) collected, kept and taken and disposed of and converted by him by common report of men notoriously amounts to the sum or value of four shillings sterling, and this party propounding of any other intermediate or lesser sum or value to the sum of 12 pence and of any other sum or value of such and so great an amount as may come to be proved and declared more fully by lawful proofs in the event of this suit; and he propounds as before.
[marginal note]
Thomas Lee of grain and hay 4 shillings etc.
26 Also, that the true value and valuation of the said grain and hay as is thus aforesaid by him, Hugh Forster, and his men in the months and years aforesaid, or in any one or more of them (in the manner as is aforesaid) collected, kept and taken and disposed of and converted by him by common report of men notoriously amounts to the sum or value of four shillings and 4 pence sterling, and this party propounding of any other intermediate or lesser sum or value to the sum of 12 pence and of any other sum or value of such and so great an amount as may come to be proved and declared more fully by lawful proofs in the event of this suit; and he propounds as before.
[marginal note]
Hugh Forster of grain and hay 4 shillings 4 pence.
[5/2/1 image 11]
24 Item quod verus valor siue estimatio dictorum granorum et feni sic vt premittitur per ipsum Willielmum Hilton et
suos mensibus et annis prelibatis seu eorum aliquibus vel aliquo (modo quo prefertur) collectorum habitorum
et perceptorum et per eum dispositum et conuersum ad summam siue valorem octo solidorum sterlingorum
ac dat et libellat pars ista proponens de qualibet alia Summa siue valore intermedia
vel minori vsque ad summam siue valorem xije denariorum de talique et tanta Summa siue valore qualis
et quanta per probationes legitimas In euentu huius litis plenius veniet comprobandum et declarandum
communi hominum estimatione notorie se extendit Et ponit vt Supra
[marginal note]
W. Hilton
granorum et feni
viijs etcetera
25 Item quod verus valor siue estimatio dictorum granorum et feni sic vt premittitur per ipsum Thomam lee et suos
mensibus et annis prelibatis seu eorum aliquibus vel aliquo modo quo prefertur Collectorum habitorum et perceptorum
et <per eum> dispositum et conuersum ad summam siue valorem quatuor solidorum sterlingorum ac dat et libellat pars
ista proponens de qualibet alia summa siue valore intermedia [vel] minori vsque ad summam siue valorem
xije denariorum de talique et tanta Summa siue valore qualis et quantus per probationes legitimas
in euentu huius litis plenius veniet comprobandum et declarandum communi hominum estimatione <notorie> se extendit
Et ponit vt Supra
[marginal note]
Thomas lee granorum
et feni iiijs etcetera
26 Item quod verus valor siue estimatio dictorum granorum et feni sic vt premittitur per ipsum hugonem Forstart et
suos mensibus et annis prelibatis seu eorum aliquibus vel aliquo (modo quo prefertur) Collectorum habitorum et
perceptorum et per eum dispositum et conuersum ad summam siue valorem quatuor solidorum et iiijd sterlingorum ac
dat et libellat pars ista proponens de qualibet alia Summa siue valore intermedia vel minori vsque ad
Summam siue valorem xije denariorum de talique et tanta Summa siue valore qualis et quantus per probationes
legitimas <in euentu> huius litis plenius veniet comprobandum et declarandum communi hominum estimatione notorie se extendit
Et ponit vt Supra
[marginal note]
Hugo fostar granorum
et feni iiijs iiijd
Original Document
[5/2/1 image 12]
27 Also, that the true value and valuation of the said grain and hay as is thus aforesaid by him, Peter Bradshaw, and his men in the months and years aforesaid, or in any one or more of them (in the manner as is aforesaid) collected, kept and taken and disposed of and converted by him by common report of men notoriously amounts to the sum or value of two shillings and 4d sterling, and this party propounding of any other intermediate or lesser sum or value to the sum of 12 pence and of any other sum or value of such and so great an amount as may come to be proved and declared more fully by lawful proofs in the event of this suit; and he propounds as before.
[marginal note]
Peter Bradshaw of grain and hay 2 shillings etc.
28 Also, that the abovementioned William Hilton, Thomas Lee, Hugh Forster, Peter Bradshaw and any of them whomsoever in the months and years aforesaid, or in any of them, have often been suitably, urgently and lawfully asked and requested to pay, make payment and deliver all the tithes of grain and hay aforesaid to the aforenamed Sir Richard Brereton, knight, farmer or to his deputy or [either] of them, according to the custom of the parishes aforesaid, by them, William Hilton, Thomas Lee, Hugh Forster, Peter Bradshaw or by their men, collected, taken, had and not paid and subtracted in the manner aforesaid or the true value or valuation of the same, as mentioned above, or otherwise duly to compound with the same Sir Richard Brereton, knight and farmer, and his assign, or either of them, for the same tithe on the part and behalf of him, Sir Richard Brereton, knight, or either of them; and he propounds as before.
29 Also that the same William Hilton, Thomas Lee, Hugh Forster, Peter Bradshaw and any of them whomsoever thus asked and requested by him, as in the premises or any of them, has not troubled to do so, and does not trouble in the months, year and places aforesaid, or any of them, without there being any reasonable or lawful cause whatever, expressly declined and refused, or at least unduly delayed and deferred and thus delays and defers at present; and he propounds as before.
[5/2/1 image 12]
27 Item quod verus valor siue estimatio dictorum granorum et feni sic vt premittitur per ipsum Petrum Bradshae
et suos mensibus et Annis prelibatis seu eorum Aliquibus vel aliquo (modo que prefertur) Collectorum habitorum
et perceptorum et per eum disposit et conuersit ad Summam siue valorem duorum solidorum et iiijd sterlingorum
ac dat et libellat pars ista proponens de qualibet alia Summa siue valore intermedia seu
minore vsque ad summam
siue valorem xije denariorum de talique et tanta Summa siue valore qualis et quantus per probationes
legitimas In eventu huius litis plenius veniet comprobandum et declarandum communi hominum estimacione notorie se
extendit Et ponit vt Supra
[marginal note]
Petus Bradshae
granorum et feni ijs etcetera
28 Item quod prememoratus Willielmus Hilton Thomas le Hugo Forstar Petrus Bradshae et eorum
quilibet mensibus et Annis predictis seu eorum Aliquibus ad soluendum tradendum et liberandum prenominato domino
Richardo Breton militi firmario aut eius deputato seu eorum iuxta consuetudine parochiarum predictarum decimas
omnias granorum et feni predictorum modo predicto per ipsos Willielmum Hilton Thomam le Hugonem Forstar Petrum
Bradshae seu per suos collectas perceptas habitas et non solutas ac subtractas seu verum valorem et estimationem
eiusdem supramencionatas vel ad aliter debite componendum Cum eodem domino Richardo brerton militi et fimario
et eius Assignato et eorum <altio> pro eadem decima ex parte et per partem ipsius domini Richardi Breton militis
et eius deputato aut alterius eorundem sepius congrue instanter et legitime Requisiti fuerunt et interpellati
Et ponit vt Supra
29 Item quod ijdem Willielmus Hilton Thomas le Hugo forstar Petrus Bradshae Et eorum
per se sic Requisiti et interpellati premissa seu eorum aliquod facere non curauit necque curat
Annis mensibus et locis predictis seu eorum aliquibus absque causa rationabili seu legitima quacunque subsistens
Renuit expresse et recusauit seu saltem plus debite distulerit sic recusat et differt in presenti
Et ponit vt Supra
Original Document
[5/2/1 image 13]
30 Also, that the said William Hilton, Thomas Lee, Hugh Forster, Peter Bradshaw and any of them whomsoever, were and are of the parish of Eccles, of Chester diocese and of York province and notoriously subordinate and subject to your jurisdiction in this respect.
31 Also, that it was and is of and upon all and singular the premises that complaint is rightly and lawfully brought on the part and behalf of the aforesaid Sir Richard Brereton, knight, […] farmer of the parish churches aforesaid to you, the aforesaid lord judge and to the aforesaid Chester court, and he propounds as before.
32 Also, that all and singular the premises were and are true, public, notorious, manifest and equally well-known and public voice and fame were circulating of and upon the premises, and they are circulating at present.
Whereupon, due proof being made as is required by law in this regard, the party of the said venerable Sir Richard Brereton, knight, farmer of our lord the King, of the said parish churches of Eccles and Deane with their chapels appertaining to them, prays for justice and a complement of justice to be administered to him with effect in the premises and anything whatsoever concerning them and also that the aforesaid William Hilton, Thomas Lee, Hugh Forster, Peter Bradshaw and any of them will be condemned in the tithes of grain and hay aforesaid as is thus aforesaid had, taken, subtracted and not paid by them, and any of them whosoever, if they are still in existence, otherwise in the true value or valuation aforesaid and additionally in the lawful expenses incurred on behalf of him, Sir Richard Brereton, knight, and farmer aforesaid in that respect and he protests those to be incurred, and, having been condemned, that they are obliged and compelled to the due payment of these tithes and expenses by you and your definitive sentence or your final decree, lord judge aforesaid; and otherwise, that what will have been of right and reason in the premises and anything concerning them may be done, established and decreed; which the party of the said venerable Sir Richard Brereton, knight, farmer of the lord king of the said rectories of Eccles and Deane with their chapels jointly and severally, propounds not obliging himself to prove all and singular the premises, nor to the burden of superfluous proof, concerning which he protests, but so far as he will have proved in the premises, thus far may he obtain in the petitions, always reserving the benefit of law in all things, humbly imploring your office, lord judge aforesaid.
The end.
[5/2/1 image 13]
30 Item quod dictus Willielmus Hilton Thomas le Hugo Forstar Petrus Bradshae et quilibet eorum
fuit et est parochie de Eccles Cestrensis diocesis Eboracensis et prouincie ac uestre Jurisdiccionis in ea parte notorie subditi
et subiecti
31 Item quod de et super premissis omnibus et singulis fuit et est ex parte et parte antedicti domini Richardi Brerton militis
[…] firmarij Ecclesiarum parochialorum predictorum ad vos prefatum dominum Judicem dictamque curiam Cestrensem Rite et
legitime querelatum Et ponit vt Supra
32 Item quod premissa omnia et singula fuerunt et sunt vera publica notoria manefesta pariter et famosa
atque de et super eijsdem laborarunt et in presenti laborant publica vox et fama
Vnde facta fide
de Jure In hac parte requisitur petit pars dicti venerabilis viri domini Richardi Brerton militis fimarij
domini nostri Regis dictarum Ecclesiarum parochialium de Eccles et Deane cum eorum capellis eisdem pertinentijs Justiciam
ac Justicie complementum sibi in premissis et in ea consernentibus quibuscunque cum effectu ministrari necnon
prefatos Willielmum Hilton Thomam le Hugonem Forstar Petrum Bradshae et eorum quilibet In decimis granorum
et feni predictis sic vt premittitur per eos et eorum quemlibet habitis preceptis subtractis et non solutis si
extent alioquin In eorum vero valore siue estimacione supradicte et in expensis legitimis per partem ipsius
domini Richardi Brerton militis et fimarij predicti in hac parte factis et protestatur de faciendis insuper
condemnari ac condemnatos ad debite solutionem decimarum et expensorum huiusmodi legitime cogi et compelli per
vos et vestram sentenciam diffinitiuam siue vestrum finale decretum domine Judex antedicte Vlteriusque
Fieri statui et decerni in premissis et ea consernentibus quibuscunque quod iuris fuerit et racionis Que
proponit et fieri petit pars dicti venerabilis viri magistri Richardi Brerton militis Fimarij domini Regis dictarum
Rectoriarum de Eccles et Deane cum capellis coniunctim et diuisim non arctans se ad omnia et singula
premissa probanda nec ad onus superflue probationis de quo protestatur sed quatenus probauerit in premissis
eatenus obtineat in petitis Juris beneficio in omnibus semper saluo vestrum officium domine Judex antedicte
humiliter Implorando
Original Document
[5/2/1 image 14]
Libel of Richard Brereton, knight, farmer of Eccles, against Peter Bradshaw, William Hulton and others in a cause of tithes.
[This is followed by an illegible note]
[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]
Translation copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved
[5/2/1 image 14]
Libellus Richardi
Brereton militis
firmarius de Eccles
Contra Petrum
Bradshawe Willielmum
Hulton et alias
in Causa decimarum
[This is followed by an illegible note]
[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]
Transcript copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved
Sir Richard Brereton – plaintiff
John Penne – holder of the head lease of the tithes in dispute
William Hilton – defendant
Thomas Lee – defendant
Hugh Forster – defendant
Peter Bradshaw – defendant
Field names in the parish of Deane:
derlayglad hey
mutchaw (or notshawe) the new marled yerth in the hyll
the newe close mosse Filde
barli crofft
horhey medo
steward medo
Field names in the parish of Eccles:
the heythe