Ref: EDC 5/1/4

Catalogue Entry:

Libel in matrimonial cause: Joan Dutton of Weaverham parish v. Richard Comp(.?.), married when aged less than 7 & 13 respectively. 16 Sep. 1533


Joan Dutton alias Sompnor contra Richard Sompnor.  Joan claimed that she was under the age of 7 and Richard under 13 at the time of a marriage which had taken place in Great Budworth church some nine years earlier at the instigation of Joan’s parents and friends. She requested that the marriage be annulled as it was invalid.



Type of Cause:

Matrimonial – annulment (minor)

Cause Papers:


Libel (image 1)

Original Document

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[5/1/4 image 1]

In the name of God Amen: before you, the venerable Master Richard Smyth, Bachelor of Canon Law, official of the lord archdeacon of Chester, or your […] whomsoever lawfully deputed in that behalf; the party of the honest woman Joan Dutton otherwise Sompnor against Richard  Sompnor, pretended husband of the said Joan, of the parish of Weaverham of Coventry and Lichfield diocese and of your jurisdiction, and against any other whomsoever lawfully intervening before you in judgement for the same says, alleges and propounds in these writings in law:

That although she by […] of her parents and friends a certain pretended marriage, or in reality a certain sham of matrimony, was and is de facto celebrated, or, more correctly profaned, and somehow solemnised in the face of the church between the said Joan and Richard Sompnor […] under age and of minor age, namely the said Joan being under the age of seven years and the said Richard under the age of 13 years […] about nine years ago in the church of Budworth.

 She, Joan Dutton, at no time after she […] to the years of puberty or before or after […] to the said pretended marriage, which she immediately and always entirely protested, objected and opposed and nor did she ever agree to him, Richard, as her lawful husband by sexual intercourse or in any other ways whatsoever nor did she ratify or in any way at all confirm this pretended marriage by deed or sign, but always and entirely objected and openly and publicly protested and opposed this, just as at present she objects, protests and opposes it.

All and singular the premises were and are true, public, notorious, manifest and well known, and public voice and fame were circulating and are at present circulating regarding and concerning the same in the parish of Weaverham aforesaid and in surrounding places.

Whereupon, due proof of the premises being made as required by law, the party of the said Joan Dutton otherwise Sompnor asks that this said pretended marriage, as thus aforesaid, de facto, since it was invalid in law, and should not have been celebrated by occasion and reason of the premises, was and is of no […] or moment or lacked and lacks the force of law and to be decreed and declared that it was and is quashed, void and nullified, they Richard and Joan are separated and divorced from each other and from any pretended bond of marriage by passing your definitive sentence in this behalf, lord judge aforesaid; the party of the said Joan […] Sompnor propounds the premises and prays that they are done jointly and severally, not binding himself to prove all and singular the premises, but so far as he shall prove in the premises, and matters concerning them, so much may he obtain of the petitions, always reserving the benefit of law in all things, humbly imploring your office in the premises, judge aforesaid.


[5/1/4 image 1]

In dei nomine Amen Coram vobis venerabili viro magistro Richardo Smyth in decretis baccallario officiali domini Archidiaconi cestrie vestrove […]
in hac parte legitime deputato quocunque pars honeste mulieris Johanne Dutton alias sompnor contra et aduersus Ricardum
Sompnor parochie de Weuerham coven’ et lich’ diocesis et vestre Jurisdiccionis Virum pretensum dicte Johanne ac contra quemcunque alium
coram vobis in Judicio legitime intervenientem pro eodem dicit allegat et in hijs scriptis in Jure proponit Quod licet ex […]
parentum et amicorum suorum quoddam pretensum matrimonium seu verius effigies quedam matrimonij inter dictam Johannam et Ricardum Sompner […]
impuberes et etate minores videlicet dictam Johannam sub etate septem annorum constitutam et dictum Ricardum sub etate xiij Annorum […]
de facto celebratum immo verius prophanatum et in facie ecclesie taliter qualiter solemnizatum circiter novem annos elapsos in ecclesia […]
Budworth fuerit et sit Ipsa nichilominus Johanna Dutton postquam ad Annos pubertatis [..] seu ante post […]
dicto pretenso matrimonio quod statim ac semper et omnino Reclamauit dissensit et contradixit neque in ipsum Ricardum vt in Virum
legitimum per carnalem copulam alijs ve modis quibuscunque unquam consensit illud ve pretensum matrimonium huiusmodi Re aut [signo]
ratificauit seu quomodolibet confirmauit sed semper et omnino dissensit ac palam et publice reclamauit et contradixit pro ut in presenti
dissentit Reclamat et contradicit Que omnia et singula premissa fuerunt et sunt vera publica notoria manifesta et famosa [atque de]
et super eijsdem in parochia de Weuerham predicta et locis alijs circumvicinis laborarunt et in presenti laborant pu[blica vox et fama]
Vnde facta fide in premissis de Jure Requisita petit pars dicte Johanne Dutton alias sompnor
dictum pretensum [matrimonium]
huiusmodi sic ut prefertur de facto cum de Jure nvllum fverit nec sit celebratum premissorum occasione et pretextu nullius […]
aut momenti fuisse vel esse viribusque Juris caruisse et carere debere irritumque cassum nullum et invalidum fuisse et [esse]
decerni et declarari ipsos Ricardum et Johannam abinvicem et a quocunque pretenso vinculo matrimonij separari et divorciari p[er vestram]
sentenciam diffinitiuam in hac parte ferendam domine Judex antedicte Premissa proponit et fieri petit pars dicte Johanne […]
sompnor coniunctim et diuisim Non arctans se ad omnia et singula premissa probanda sed quatenus probaueris in premissis et [ea]
concernentibus eatenus obtineat in petitis Juris beneficio in omnibus semper saluo Vestrum officium in premissis humiliter implorando [Judex]

Libel (image 2)

Original Document

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[5/1/4 image 2]


16th […] of the month of September in the one thousand five hundred and 33rd year of our Lord set forth […] Brian Garnit […]

[in pencil in a different hand]

Sep. 16

[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]

Translation copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved


[5/1/4 image 2]


xvjto […] mensis Septembris Anno domini millesimo quingentesimo xxxiijo […] brianus garnit deduct’ […]

[in pencil in a different hand]

Sep. 16

[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]

Transcript copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved


Joan Dutton – plaintiff

Richard  Sompnor – defendant


Richard Smyth – official of the archdeacon of Chester


Child marriage



Brian Garnett – proctor for the plaintiff


Great Budworth
