Ref: EDC 5/1566/4

Catalogue Entry:

There is no catalogue entry for this cause. The papers are filed in a paper folder labelled EDC 5 (1567) NO 4 BLACKBURN with other cause papers labelled 1566 and there is another set of cause papers labelled EDC 5 (1567) NO 4 filed with those for 1567. It has thus been assumed that these papers relate to reference EDC 5/1566/4.


William Farington, esquire, farmer of the rectory of Blackburn contra Robert Ratcliffe.

Robert claimed that there was a customary payment for the tithes of the lands he occupied in the parish of Blackburn, which William Farington was seeking to overturn




Type of Cause:

Tithes – hay; tithes – oats

Cause Papers:

Exceptions to the libel

Exceptions to the libel (image 1)

Original Document

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[1566/4 image 1]

In the name of God, Amen; in a certain pretended cause of subtraction of tithes, which is disputed and pending undecided before you, the right reverend father in God, William, by divine permission lord bishop of Chester, or your vicar general in spirituals and official principal of your Chester consistory court, between William Farington, esquire, farmer of the rectory of Blackburn, of Chester diocese and of your jurisdiction, pretended party plaintiff and complainant, on the one part and Robert Ratcliffe of the said parish and diocese, pretended defending party and defendant, on the other part. The party of the said Robert Ratcliffe, to all consequence of law following therefrom against the said William Farington, esquire, farmer aforesaid, and against any other person whomsoever lawfully intervening before you in judgement for the same, and also against a certain pretended libel, such as it is, given and offered, although invalidly, on behalf of the said William, and his whole claim in the same says, alleges and in these writings propounds in law in articles as follows;

Firstly, the party of the said Robert Ratcliffe, in excepting, propounds against the said pretended libel given and offered as thus aforesaid on behalf of the said William Farington, esquire, farmer aforesaid, that, from matters set forth and narrated or the contained in this pretended libel he clearly cannot or should not help himself or obtain any advantage for himself following therefrom in any way inasmuch as the said farmer in his libel is acting against this proponent and defendant for tithes of oats, barley and hay as is contained in the second, third, fourth and the rest of the articles of the libel since these tithes should be paid neither by law nor by custom to the said farmer of Blackburn in the manner and form sought


[1566/4 image 1]

In dei nomine [A]men: In quadam pretensa causa subtrac-
tionis decimarum quæ coram vobis Reverendo in christo patre et domino
Domino Willielmo permissione divina Cestrensi Episcopo vestroue
vicario in spiritualibus generali et officiali principali Curie vestre
Consistorialis Cestrensis inter Willielmum Farington armigerum
firmarium Rectorie de Blakebourne Cestrensis diocesis
et vestre Jurisdiccionis partem pretensam actricem et que-
relantem ex vna et Robertum Ratclyff dicte
parochie et diocesis partem pretensam ream et defen-
dentem partibus ex altera vertitur et pendet
indecisa Pars dicti Roberti Ratcliffe ad omnem
Juris effectum exinde sequi valentem contra et adversus
dictum Willielmum Farington armigerum firmarium predictum
ac contra quemcunque alium coram vobis pro eodem in Ju-
dicio Legitime intervenientem nec non contra quendam
pretensum libellum ex parte dicti Willielmi taliter immo
nulliter datum et oblatum totalemque intentionem
eius, in eodem dicit allegat et in hijs
scriptis in Jure proponit articulatim prout sequitur

In primis pars dicti Roberti Ratcliffe excipiendo propo-
nit contra dictum pretensum libellum sic vt prefertur ex parte
dicti Willielmi Farington armigerum firmarij predicti Datum
et oblatum, quod ex deductis scilicet, et narratis
siue contentis in huiusmodi suo libello, se iuvare
aut aliquid commodi sibi exinde reportare seu
consequi non potest neque debet quovismodo
Pro eo videlicet et ex eo quod dictus firmarius in
suo libello, agit contra istum proponentem et defen-
dentum pro decimis avenarum <hordei> ac feni provt
in secundo tercio, quarto et reliquis articulis
libelli continetur quum huiusmodi decimæ, nec de Jure, vel
consuetudine solvi debeant dicto firmario de
Blakeburne modo et forma, quibus petuntur

Exceptions to the libel (image 2)

Original Document

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[1566/4 image 2]

in the said libel nor did  the predecessors or precursors of the farmer aforesaid ever have or receive these tithes of oats or hay, thus unjustly sought, nor has the current farmer had or taken nor ought to have or should take them, as is sought in the articles of his libel, since for the space of 80 years and from the time and throughout the time of the beginning or to the contrary of which there exists no memory of men the reasonable custom, inviolably observed, uninterrupted, prescribed and approved has grown up  that every tenant whomsoever of the messuage or tenement which the said Robert Ratcliffe occupies at present  lying within the parish aforesaid during his time should pay or cause to be paid each year to the farmer aforesaid and to his predecessors for all tithes of grain and hay a certain sum of money which amounted to 2s 8d, which certain sum each and every one of the predecessors of the farmer aforesaid had, took and approved in their time, and also the farmer aforesaid had, took and approved from his farm aforesaid in whatever manner he acquired it, as in the event of this suit will become manifestly clear and appear by lawful proofs; and he propounds jointly, severally and of every part thereof etc..

Each and every part of which is true, public, notorious, manifest, famous etc..

Wherefore, the proof lawfully required in this behalf having been made, the party of the said Robert Ratcliffe prays that right and justice may be done and administered to him in all and singular the premises and anything whatsoever concerning them, and that he, Robert Ratcliffe, is absolved and dismissed from further petition and unjust vexation by the said William Farington, esquire, farmer aforesaid; and that he, William Farington, farmer aforesaid, is condemned in the lawful costs incurred and to be incurred on the part of the said Robert Ratcliffe in that behalf etc.;


[1566/4 image 2]

in dicto libello neque huiusmodi decimas auenarum siue fœni
sic iniuste petitas, firmarij predicti precessores
vel predecessores vnquam habuerunt vel recepuerunt
firmariusve modernus habuit, percepit vel
percipere debuit aut debet iuxta eius in
articulis libelli peticionem, quandoquidem a lxxx
annorum spacio et a tempore et per tempus cuius
initii siue contrarii memoria hominum non existit
consuetudo rationabilis inviolabiliter, observata
continuata prescripta, appropata inolevit quod
quilibet tenens mesuagij siue tenementi quod
in presenti dictus Robertus Ratcliff occupat siue possidet infra
parochiam predictam Jacentis pro tempore suo existens solveret seu
solvi faceret firmario predicto et eius predicessoribus
pro omnibus decimis granij, ac fœni singulis annis, Summa qua-
dam pecuniarum quæ extendebat ad ijs viijd quam quidem
summa firmarij predicti predicessores omnes et singuli eorum temporibus
habuerunt perceperunt et ratum habuerunt necnon habuit per-
cepit et ratum habuit firmarius antedictus ex quo
firmam suam antedictam assecutus est quemadmodum per
probationes Legitimas in eventu huius litis manifeste liquebit
et apparebit et ponit coniunctim diuisim et de quolibet et cetera

Quæ omnia  et singula, sunt vera publica notoria
manifesta et famosa et cetera

Vnde facta fide
de Jure in hac parte requisita petit pars
dicti Roberti Ratcliff Jus et Justiciam sibi
fieri et ministrari in premissis omnibus et singulis
et ea concernentibus quibuscunque ipsumque Robertum
Ratcliffe, ab impeticione et iniusta vexacione dicti
Willielmi Farington armigeri firmarij predicti ab-
solvi et dimitti Ipsumque Willielmum Farington
firmarium antedictum in expensis Legitimis per
partem dicti Roberti Ratcliffe in hac parte
factis et fiendis condempnari et cetera Juris

Exceptions to the libel (image 3)

Original Document

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[1566/4 image 3]

always reserving the benefit of law in all things, humbly imploring your office etc., and this party propounding asserts of adding and amending this material at an agreeable and suitable time and place etc..


[1566/4 image 3]

beneficio in omnibus semper salvo vestrum officium humi-
liter Implorando et cetera et protestatur pars ista
proponens de addendo et emendando
hanc mateream pro loco et tempore
congruis et oportunis et cetera

Exceptions to the libel (image 4)

Original Document

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[1566/4 image 4]


Exceptive material on behalf of Robert Ratcliffe against the pretended libel of William Farington, esquire, in a cause of tithes exhibited in the year of our Lord 1566.

[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]

Translation copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved


[1566/4 image 4]


Materea exceptiua
ex parte Roberti Rat-
cliffe contra pretensum libellum
Willielmi Farington
armigeri in causa de-
cimarum exhibita
Anno domini 1566

[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]

Transcript copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved


William Farington – plaintiff

Robert Ratcliffe – defendant




William Downham



Related Causes

Other tithe causes involving William Farington may be found at
EDC 5/1566/3
EDC 5/1566/5
EDC 5/1572/12 Croston
EDC 5/1576/39 Leyland