Ref: EDC 5/1566/6

Catalogue Entry:

There is no catalogue entry for this cause but the papers are filed in a paper folder labelled EDC 5 (1566) NO 6. PRESTBURY


John Legh, esquire, farmer of the tithes of the hamlets of Sutton and Wincle contra William Sutton and Ralph Gardner




Type of Cause:

Tithes- barley; tithes – oats; tithes – hay

Cause Papers:


Libel (image 1)

Original Document

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[1566/6 image 1]

[…] and against any other whomsoever lawfully intervening before you in judgement for the same by way of complaint and complaining to you in this behalf says, alleges and propounds in these writings in law in articles as follows:

1          Firstly, that the said John Leigh, esquire, farmer of the hamlets of Sutton and Wincle, lying and being within the parish of Prestbury aforesaid, and as farmer of the tithes and church rights proceeding, growing, renewing and arising within the bounds and limits and tithable places of the said hamlets called Sutton and Wincle he was and rightly and lawfully possessed of the farm of the same and he was and is commonly called, taken, deemed, named, and openly, publicly and notoriously reputed as farmer there; and he propounds jointly, severally and concerning any part thereof.

2          Also, that the practice and custom of tithing or paying tithes of oats, barley and hay proceeding, growing and arising within the said parish of Prestbury from the time and throughout the time of the beginning or to the contrary of which there exists no memory of men has grown up that any parishioner whomsoever or places there should render tithes of oats, barley and hay coming, growing, arising and renewing within the bounds and limits and the tithable places of the same hamlets of Sutton and Wincle according to and in accordance with the laudable and lawful usage, practice and custom of the parish and places where these tithes come, or should do so; and he propounds as before.

3          Also, that the said William Sutton and Ralph Gardner who had and have no right in the said farm of the tithes of Sutton and Wincle, or in the tithes aforesaid in any way, heedless of the welfare of their souls, being induced, as it is believed, by an evil spirit, scorning the statutes of this realm and not fearing to fall under penalty of the law in the months of March, April, May, June, July and August last, namely in this present year of our Lord one thousand five hundred and sixty six, […] had and converted and applied to their own use oats, barley and hay coming and arising on their lands or fields […] and Wincle paying, rendering or tithing no tithes of the same to the present farmer there, or to any deputy of his whatever, nor otherwise duly compounding for the same, or any part thereof; and he propounds as before.


[1566/6 image 1]

[…] ac contra quemcunque alium coram vo[bis]
pro eodem in Judicio Legitime Interuenientem per viam querele et vobis in hac parte querelando dicit allegat [et in]
hijs scriptis in Jure proponit Coniunctim Diuisim atque articulatim pro vt Sequitur

1            Inprimis Quod dictus Johannes Leigh armiger firmarius hamletarum de Sutton et Winckle iacentium et existentium [infra]
parochiam de Presbury predicte ac pro firmario decimarum et Jurium ecclesiasticorum infra fines et limites locaque d[ecimibilia]
dictorum hamletarum vocatarum Sutton et Winckle provenientium crescentium renouantium et contingentium fuit et est firmam ear[undem]
rite et legitime consequtus ac pro firmario ibidem fuit et est communiter dictus tentus habitus nominatus et reputatus p[alam]
publice et notorie Et ponit Coniunctim diuisim et de quolibet

2          Item Quod mos et consuetudo decimandi siue Soluendi decimas Auenæ hordei et fæni provenien[tium crescentium] et contingentium infra dictam parochiam de Presbury a tempore et per tempus cuius inicij siue contrarij memoria hominum
non existet inoleuit quod quilibet parochianus siue Loci ibidem redderet decimas Auenæ hordei et fæni  provenientium cres[centium]
contingentium et renouantium inæra fines et Limites Locaque decimabilia eiusdem hamletorum de Sutton et Winckle
iuxta et secundum Laudabilem et legitimam vsum morem et consuetudinem parochie et Loci vbi huiusmodi decime proveniu[nt seu]
debentur Et ponit vt supra

3          Item Quod dictus Willielmus Sutton et Radulphus Gardner qui nihil Juris in dicta firma decimarum de
[Sutton et] Winckle vel in decimis predictis habuerunt et habent aliqualiter animarum suarum salutis immemores spiritu
[vt creditur m]aligno duc[ti] statuta regia huiusmodi vilipendentes et in penam Juris cadere non formidantes men[sis]
[martij Aprilis] Maij J[unij] Julij et Augusti vltimo videlicet in instanti Anno domini Millesimo Quingentesimo Sex[agesimo]
[Sexto decimas Auenæ hordei et fæni pro]venientes et contingentes in terris siue agris suis <[…]> et Winckle […]
[…] habuerunt et in proprios vsus conuertebant et applicuer[unt nullas]
decimas de eijsdem firmario ibidem moderno aut suo deputato cuicunque soluendum reddendum aut decimandum n[ec]
aliter debite componendum pro huiusmodi vel aliqua parte earundem  Et ponit vt supra

Libel (image 2)

Original Document

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[1566/6 image 2]

4          Also, that the true value or valuation of the tithes or tenth part of oats thus withdrawn, stored away and subtracted by the aforesaid William Sutton in the year libellate notoriously amounted and amounts to the sum or value of thirteen shillings and six pence of good and lawful English money; and this party propounding propounds of whatever other intermediate or lesser sum and also of such and so great a sum as in the event of this suit will become clear and appear by lawful proofs; and he propounds as before.

5          Also, that the true value or valuation of the tithes or tenth part of barley thus withdrawn, stored away and subtracted by the aforesaid William Sutton in the year libellate notoriously amounted and amounts to the sum or value of six pence of good and lawful English money;  and this party propounding propounds of whatever other intermediate or lesser sum and also of such and so great a sum as in the event of this suit will become clear and appear by lawful proofs; and he propounds as before.

6          Also, that the true value or valuation of the tithes or tenth part of hay thus withdrawn, stored away and subtracted by the aforesaid William Sutton in the year libellate notoriously amounted and amounts to the sum or value of five shillings of good and lawful English money;  and this party propounding propounds of whatever other intermediate or lesser sum and also of such and so great a sum as in the event of this suit will become clear and appear by lawful proofs; and he propounds as before.

7          Also, that the true value or valuation of the tithes or tenth part of oats thus withdrawn, stored away and subtracted by the aforesaid Ralph Gardner in the year libellate notoriously amounted and amounts to the value or valuation of thirteen shillings of good and lawful English money; and this party propounding propounds of whatever other intermediate or lesser sum and also of such and so great a sum as in the event of this suit will become clear and appear by lawful proofs; and he propounds as before.


[1566/6 image 2]

4          Item Quod verus valor siue estimatio decimarum siue decime partis Auene sic per prefatum Willielmum Sutton
in anno Libellato decise reposite et subtracte ad summam siue valorem tresdecem solidorum et sex denariorum bone et
legalis monete anglie notorie se extendebat et extendit Et ponit pars ista proponens de qualibet alia su[mma]
siue valore inter media vel minori ac de tali et tanta summa de qua in eventu huius litis per
probaciones legitimas liquebit et apparebit Et ponit vt supra

5          Item Quod verus valor siue estimatio decimarum siue decime partis hordei sic sic per prefatum Willielmum Sutton in
anno Libellato decise reposite et subtracte ad summam siue valorem Sex denariorum bone et Legalis monete Anglie
notorie se extendebat et extendit Et ponit pars ista proponens de qualibet alia Summa siue valore
inter media vel minori ac de tali et tanta Summa de qua in eventu huius litis per
probaciones legitimas liqu[ebit]
et apparebit Et ponit vt Supra

6          Item Quod verus valor siue estimatio decimarum siue decime partis fæni sic sic per prefatum Willielmum Sutton in
anno Libellato decisi repositi et subtracti ad summam siue valorem Quinque solidorum bone et legalis monete anglie
notorie se extendebat et extendit Et ponit pars ista proponens de qualibet alia summa siue valore inter med[ia]
vel minori ac de tali et tanta Summa de qua in eventu huius litis per probationes legitimas liquebit [et]
apparebit Et ponit vt supra

7          Item Quod verus valor siue estimatio decimarum siue decime partis Auene sic per prefatum Radulphum
[Gardner in] anno libellato decise reposite et subtracte ad valorem siue estimationem tresdecem solidorum bone
[et legalis] monete anglie notorie se extendebat et extendit Et ponit pars ista proponens de qualibet alia
[summa siue valore inter media vel minori ac] de tali et tanta Summa de qua in eventu [huius]
litis per probationes legitimas liquebit et apparebit Et ponit vt Supra

Libel (image 3)

Original Document

Click to view fullscreen


[1566/6 image 3]

8          Also, that the true value or valuation of the tithes or tenth part of hay thus withdrawn, stored away and subtracted by the aforesaid Ralph Gardner in the year libellate notoriously amounted and amounts to the sum or value of five shillings of good and lawful English money;  and this party propounding propounds of whatever other intermediate or lesser sum and also of such and so great a sum as in the event of this suit will become clear and appear by lawful proofs; and he propounds as before.

9          Also, that the aforesaid William Sutton and Ralph Gardner have often, or at least once, been asked and requested on behalf of the said farmer to pay, give and deliver to the aforesaid John Leigh, esquire, farmer aforesaid, or to his deputy these tithes taken, had and not paid as is thus aforesaid by themselves and their men, or otherwise duly to compound for the same; and he propounds as before.

10        Also, that although the aforesaid William Sutton and Ralph Gardner were thus asked and requested to do as in the premises or in any of them, they have not troubled but they have expressly declined and refused or at least unduly delayed and delay, and deny at present, to the grave danger of their souls, the pernicious example of other Christian faithful and to no small prejudice and grievance of the farmer there; and he propounds jointly, severally and of every part thereof.

11        Also, that the aforesaid William Sutton and Ralph Gardner were and are of the parish of Prestbury of Chester diocese, and for that reason notoriously subordinate and subject to your jurisdiction; and he propounds as before.

12        Also, that it was and is on behalf of the venerable John Leigh, esquire, current farmer of the tithes of Sutton and Wincle aforesaid  that this action is rightly and lawfully brought both to you, lord judge aforesaid, and to your Chester consistory court; and he propounds jointly, severally and of every part thereof.

13        Also, that all and singular the premises were and are true, public, notorious, manifest and equally well-known, and public voice and fame were and are circulating regarding and concerning this in the parish of Prestbury and in other neighbouring and surrounding places.

Whereupon, due proof being made as required by law in this regard, the party of the said farmer aforesaid prays that right and justice may be done and administered to him with effect in all and singular the premises, and also that the aforesaid William Sutton and Ralph Gardner are condemned in the tithes aforesaid subtracted by them and their men and in double the value of the same according to the aforesaid statute of the realm issued in that behalf; and in the lawful costs incurred on the part of the said farmer in this behalf, and he protests those to be incurred; and, having been condemned, that they are canonically obliged and compelled to the due and real payment of the same tithes and expenses by you and passing your definitive sentence in this behalf, lord judge aforesaid: and otherwise, that what will have been of right and reason in the premises and anything whatsoever concerning them may be done, established and decreed. The party of the said farmer propounds the premises and prays that they are done jointly and severally, not binding himself to prove all and singular the premises, nor to the burden of a superfluous proof, against which he protests, but so far as he shall prove in the premises so much may he obtain of the petitions, always reserving the benefit of law in all things, humbly imploring your office in the premises, distinguished judge.


[1566/6 image 3]

8          Item Quod verus valor siue estimatio decimarum siue decime partis fæni sic sic per prefatum Radulphum Gardner in anno
libellato decisi repositi et subtracti ad summam siu valorem quinque Solidorum bone et legalis monete anglie
notorie se extendebat et extendit Et ponit pars ista proponens de qualibet alia summa siue valore inter media
vel minori ac de tali et tanta summa de qua in eventu huius litis per probationes legitimas liquebit et apparebit
Et ponit vt supra

9          Item Quod prefati Willielmus Sutton et Radulphus Gardner ad soluendum tradendum et liberandum prefato Johanne
Leighe armigero firmario antedicto aut eius deputato huiusmodi decimas sic vt prefertur per se et suos perceptas habitas et
non solutas seu aliter debite componendum pro eijsdem sepius seu saltem semel ex parte dicti firmarij requisiti  sunt et
interpellati Et ponit vt Supra

10        Item Quod predictus Willielmus Sutton et Radulphus gardner licet sic requisiti et interpellati premissa seu eorum
aliquod facere non curauerunt sed expresse renuerunt et recusauerunt seu saltem plus debite distulerunt et
differunt ac denegant in presenti in animarum suarum grave periculum aliorumque Christifidelium perniciosum ex[emplum dictique firmarij ibidem]
[preiudicium non mo]dicum et grauamen Et ponit Coniunctim diuisim et de quolibet

11        Item Quod predicti Willielmus Sutton et Radulphus gardner fuerunt et sunt parochie de Presbury Cestrensis [diocesis]
et eo pretextu vestre Jurisdiccionis notorie subditi  et subiecti Et ponit vt supra

12        Item Quod fuit et est ex parte venerabilis viri Johannis Leigh armigeri firmarij decimarum de Sutton et Winckle predictarum mod[erni]
et ad vos dominum Judicem antedictum et ad curiam vestram Consistorialem Cestrensem Rite et legitime querelatum Et ponit Coniunctim
diuisim et de quolibet

13        Item Quod Premissa omnia  et singula fuerunt et sunt vera publica notoria manifesta pariter et
[famosa atque] de et super huiusmodi in parochia de Presbury  et in alijs locis vicinis et circumvicinis Laborarunt [et]
laborant  publica vox et fama

Vnde facta fide de Jure in hac parte requisita petit pars dicti f[irmarij]
antedicti Jus et Justiciam sibi in premissis omnibus et singulis fieri et ministrari cum effectu Necnon pref[atos]
Willielmum Sutton et Radulphum Gardner in decimis predictis per se et suos subtractis et in duplici valore
earundem iuxta predicta statuta regia  in ea parte edita  et in expensis legitimis per partem dicti firmarij  in hac parte fa[ctis]
et protestatur defiendis Condempnari ac condempnatum ad debitam et realem solucionem earundem decimarum et exp[ensarum]
canonice cogi et compelli per vos et vestram Sententiam diffinitiuam in hac parte ferendam domine Judex antedicte
Vlteriusque fieri statui et decerni in premissis et ea concernentibus quibuscunque quod Juris fuerit et
Rationis Premissa proponit et fieri petit pars dicti firmarij Coniunctim et diuisim [non] arctans se ad [omnia]
et singula premissa probanda nec ad onus superflue probacionis de quo protestatur sed quatenus probauerit
in premissis eatenus obtineat in petitis Juris beneficio in omnibus semper saluo vestrum officium in premissis Jud[ex]
egregie antedicte humiliter Implorando

Libel (image 4)

Original Document

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[1566/5 image 4]


Libel of the venerable John Leigh, esquire, against William Sutton and Ralph Gardner in a cause of subtraction of tithes, exhibited in the year of our Lord 1566.

[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]

Translation copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved


[1566/5 image 4]


libellus venerabilis viri Johannis
Leigh armigeri contra et aduersus
willielmum Sutton et Radulphum
Gardner in causa subtract-
ionis decimarum exhibitus Anno
domini 1566

[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]

Transcript copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved


John Leigh (or Legh) – plaintiff

William Sutton – defendant

Ralph Gardner – defendant



William Downham




Farm of tithes






Related Causes

Other tithe causes involving John Legh were heard at York, and the papers are held at the Borthwick Institute there under the following references: