Ref: EDC 5/1582/11

Catalogue Entry:

EDC 5/1582/11. TILSTON Richard Masie of Grafton c John Brereton claiming a pew in right of Grafton Hall – libel.


Richard Massey contra John Brereton

At service time, John Brereton had tried to sit in a certain pew in Tilston church, but Richard Massey contended that he was not entitled to do so because use of the pew belonged exclusively to him and his family, as owners of Grafton Hall.

There are two copies of the libel and images of both are included.

There is also another libel filed at this reference which is unrelated to this matter. It is referenced on this website as EDC 5/1582/11a



Type of Cause:

Violation 0f church rights – pew dispute

Cause Papers:


Libel (image 1)

Original Document

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[1582/11 image 1]

In the name of God, Amen: before you, the venerable Robert Leche, Doctor of Laws, lawfully deputed official principal of the Chester consistory court, or any other judge whomsoever competent in this regard; the party of the distinguished Richard Massey of Grafton, gentleman, of the parish of Tilston, of the archdeaconry of Chester and the diocese of Chester, against John Brerton of the parish and diocese aforesaid, and against any other person or persons whomsoever lawfully intervening before you in judgement for the same, by way of complaint and complaining to you in this behalf says, alleges and propounds in these writings in law jointly, severally and in articles as follows:

Firstly, namely that the aforesaid Richard Massey, the precursors and predecessors of the aforesaid Richard Massey, gentleman, each and every one of them in their successive times, for 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 years and also before and since, from the time and throughout the time of the beginning or to the contrary of which there exists no memory of men were, just as they should have been, in peaceful possession of a certain pew or seat in the church of Tilston aforesaid, and in the same pew or seat his precursors and predecessors, as aforesaid, had the right and authority of sitting, kneeling, praying and burying and interring, just as they should have had and the said Richard, the present plaintiff, always peacefully and quietly had, possessed and occupied for himself and his household until the time of this trouble;  and he propounds jointly, severally and concerning any of these points.

Also, that the aforesaid pew or seat always belonged and appertained both to the precursors and predecessors of the aforesaid Richard Massey in their time by reason of the principal residence of the aforesaid Richard called ‘the hall of Grafton’ and controlled by the aforenamed Richard now possessing and inhabiting the same house of Grafton; and he propounds as above.

Also, that the aforesaid John Brereton, who did not have or ought to have any right in the said pew or seat wrongfully, against the requirement of law, to the bad example of other parishioners claiming to expel the aforenamed Richard Massey, gentleman, from the aforesaid seat or at least to sit in the same pew or seat with the same Richard against the wishes of the said Richard saying of the same seat ‘he would sitt there in spyte of his head’[1] or at least wrongfully in some part of the same, to the serious detriment and disturbance of and no small trouble to the said Richard; and he propounds as before.

[1] In spite of his head = in defiance of him


[1582/11 image 1]

In dei nomine amen coram vobis venerabili viro Roberto Leich legum doctori Curie consistorialis Cestrensis officiali principali legitime deputato aut alio Judice in hac
parte competenti quocunque pars discreti viri Richardi Massie
de grafton generosi parochie de Tilston Archidiaconatum Cestrensis
Diocesis Cestrensis contra et aduersus Johannem Brereton parochie et
diocesis predictis ac contra quemcunque alium seu quoscunque alios pro
eodem coram vobis in Juditio legitime intervenientem per viam querele
et vobis in hac parte querelando dicit allegat et in his scriptis
in iure proponit articulatim pro vt sequitur

Inprimis videlicet Quod <predictus Richardus Massie>  precessores et predicessores predicti Richardi Massye
generosi omnes et singuli eorum temporibus successiue existentes a
x xx xxx xl l et lx annos necnon vltraque et citra
a tempore et per tempus cuius initij siue contrarij
memoria hominum non existit fuerunt prout esse debuerunt in
pacifica possessione cuiusdam <scamnum> siue sedilis in Ecclesia de
Tilston predicte in eodemque scamno siue sedili Jus et potestatem
sedendi genuflectendum orandi et sepeliendi et inhumandi
{habuerunt} eius precessores et predicessores vt predicitur habuerunt
prout habere debent dictus Richardus pars iam agens semper habuit
et possedit et occupavit per se et suos pacifice et quiete
vsque ad tempus huius gravamenius et ponit coniunctim diuisim et de

Item Quod predictum Scamnum siue sedile semper spectabat et
pertinebat tam ad precessores et predicessores prefati Richardi
Massie pro tempore existentes Ratione domicilij principalis predicti Richardi
vocati the hall of Gradton quam ad prelibatum Richardum
moderamen eandem domum de Grafton iam possidens et
inhabitans et ponit vt supra

Item quod predictus Johannes Brereton qui nihill iuris in dicto scamno
siue sedili habuit aut habere debet iniuste contra iuris
exigentiam in malum exemplum aliorum parochia-
norum prenominatum Richardum Massie generosum a predicto scamno
expellere vell saltem in eodem scamno et sedili cum
eodem Richardo sedere contra voluntatem dicti Richardi
dicendo he would sitt there in spyte of his head eandem
sedem vell saltem aliquam eiusdem partem iniuste sibi vendicando
in gravem iniuriam et disturbationem atque gravamen
dicti Richardi non modicum
et ponit vt supra

Libel (image 2)

Original Document

Click to view fullscreen


[1582/11 image 2]

Also, that the said John Brereton was and is of the parish of Tilston of Chester diocese and for that reason notoriously subordinate and subject to your jurisdiction; and he propounds as before.

Also, that it was and is on the part and behalf of the said Richard Massey rightly and lawfully complained to you, lord judge aforesaid, and to your Chester consistory court; and he propounds as before.

Also, that all and singular the premises were and are true, public, notorious, manifest and equally well-known, and regarding and concerning the same public voice and fame were and are circulating.

Whereupon, due proof being made as is required by law in this regard, the party of the said Richard Massey prays that right and a complement of justice may be done and administered to him in all and singular the premises, and that the said pew or seat, held by his precursors and predecessors in peaceful possession as thus set out above, is adjudged, decreed and declared as his and his family’s and that he, John Brereton, will be punished on account of his wrongful and presumptuous nuisance and disturbance and also that the party of the said John Brereton will be condemned in the lawful costs incurred on the part of the said Richard Massey in this behalf, and he protests those to be incurred, and, having been condemned that he will be obliged and compelled to the real payment of the same by you passing your definitive sentence in that behalf, lord judge aforesaid; not obliging himself to prove all and singular the premises, nor to the burden of superfluous proof, concerning which he protests, but so far as he will have proved in the premises, thus far may he obtain in the petitions,


[1582/11 image 2]

Item Quod dictus Johannes Brerton fuit et est parochie de
Tilston Cestrensis diocesis et eo pretextu vestre Jurisdiccionis notorie
subditus et subiectus Et ponit vt supra

Item Quod fuit et est ex parte et per partem dicti Richardi Massey
ad vos dominum Judicem antedictum et ad curiam vestram consistorialem Cestrensem
Rite et legitime querelatum Et ponit vt supra

Item Quod  premissa omnia et singula fuerunt et sunt vera
publica notoria manifesta pariter ac famosa atque de et super
huiusmodi laborarunt et laborant publica vox et fama

 Vnde facta fide de iure in hac parte requisita petit pars
dicti Richardi Massy ius et Justiciam complementum sibi
[in premissis] omnibus et singulis fieri et ministrari dictumque Scamnum
siue Sedile sic vt premittitur a suis precessoribus
siue predecessoribus habitum in pacifica possessione sibi
et suis adiudicari decerni et declarari Ipsumque Johannem
Brerton propter suam Iniustam et temerariam vexacionem
et perburbationem puniendum fore necnon in expensis legitimis
per partem dicti Richardi Massy in hac parte factis et protestatur
defiendis parte dicti Johannis Brerton condempnari condempnatumque
ad realem solucionem earundem cogi et compelli per vos et vestram
Sententiam diffinitivam in hac parte ferendum domine Judex antedicte non
arctans se ad omnia et singula premissa probanda nec ad
onus superflue probacionis de quo protestatur sed Quatenus
probauerit in premissis eatenus obtineat in petitis Juris

Libel (image 3)

Original Document

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[1582/11 image 3]

always reserving the benefit of law in all things; and he asserts the right of amending this libel; humbly imploring your office in the premises, distinguished judge aforesaid.



[1582/11 image 3]

beneficio Ac protestatur de Addendo hunc libello In omnibus semper
saluo vestrum officium in premissis Judex egregie antedicte
humiliter Implorando

Libel (image 4)

Original Document

Click to view fullscreen


[1582/11 image 4] 


Libel on behalf of Richard Massey, gentleman, against John Brereton in a cause of seating. Exhibited 1582. 

[in pencil in a different hand]


[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]

Translation copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved


[1582/11 image 4] 


Libellus ex parte Richardi
Massie generosi contra
Johannem Brereton
in Causa Scedilis
Exhibitus 1582

[in pencil in a different hand]


[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]

Transcript copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved


Richard Massey – plaintiff

John Brereton – defendant




Robert Leche


Church seating










Sentence was passed in favour of the plaintiff and survives at reference EDC 5/1587/35. The defendant appealed to York where his libel and Richard Massey’s response survive at reference CP.G.3064 and may be viewed online

The basis of John Brereton’s claim was that lands which he occupied under a three-life lease from John Heath of Overton, and which were situated in Grafton, gave him the right to sit in the contested pew, which Richard Massey continued to dispute.

There were two pews in dispute, both on the north side of the church, one being four back from the pulpit and the other behind it.




Ref: EDC 5/1566/13

Catalogue Entry:

There is currently no catalogue entry for this cause, but the papers are filed in a paper folder labelled EDC 5 (1566) No 13 Waverton


Richard Clive, esquire, contra Joan Calkin, wife of Peter Calkin

Joan Calkin claimed that the right to sit in a certain pew belonged to the tenants of a property called ‘Manifoldes Howse’, the property of Ralph Dutton, esquire, and occupied at the time by Peter Calkin. The plaintiff had the right to occupy a different pew, belonging to ‘the hall of huxley’ where he lived.


Exceptions against the libel (image 1)

Original Document

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[1566/13 image 1]

In the name of God, Amen; in a certain pretended cause of disturbance or claim to a form or seat, which was disputed and is disputed and depending undecided before you, the right reverend father in God, William, by divine permission lord bishop of Chester, or your vicar general in spirituals lawfully deputed to decide ecclesiastical causes in your Chester diocese, between Richard Clive, esquire, of the parish of Waverton of your Chester diocese, pretended party plaintiff and complainant, on the one part and Joan Calkin, wife of Peter Calkin, of the parish of Waverton of the aforesaid diocese and of your jurisdiction, pretended defendant and party complained of, on the other part. The party of the said Joan Calkin against the said Richard Clive aforesaid, and against any other person whomsoever lawfully intervening before you in judgement for the same, and also against a certain pretended libel, such as it is, although invalidly given and offered in the said cause, and the whole claim of the said Richard Clive, based on the same; says, alleges to all consequence of law following therefrom, in every best way, manner and form of law, by which he was or is ablein law in these writings propounds jointly, severally and in articles as follows:

1          Firstly, that this pretended libel is null and void and completely to be excluded and rejected in all points and not to be admitted in law in that it is exceedingly general, obscure, doubtful, vague, false by turns, not only in almost all parts but also chiefly in its parts where it acts against the propounding party in articles 2, 3, 4 and 5 of the libel concerning a certain form or seat called ‘a forme or a knilinge place’ situated and being in the parish church of Waverton aforesaid, which belonged by ancient custom to the house of the plaintiff and her predecessors where the wives of Peter Jenson and Richard Jenson otherwise Duncorn, tenants of the plaintiff and of the predecessors and household of the said plaintiff and of her predecessors for 10, 20 etc. poured forth their prayers at the time of divine worship, and it is recognised to belong to all and each one of them by law and not to any other person, in the way that he has less than truly asserted; whereas in truth this said form or seat, called in English ‘a knilinge place’ belonged to the tenants, inhabitants and lodgers in a certain house, messuage or tenement of the venerable, Ralph Dutton, esquire, and of his predecessors, commonly called ‘Manifoldes Howse’ within the parish of Waverton aforesaid, now in the tenure or occupation of Peter Calkin, husband of the party propounding, for 10, 20, 30,40, 50, 60 years and more and also from the time and throughout the time of the beginning or to the contrary of which there exists no memory of men belonged inviolably without interruption and fully authorised, or at least the use of the same church seat belonged to them, just as it should have and should belong and appertain in future in which certain form or seat the tenant, his wife, children and household of the house, messuage or tenement in which this party now lives for her space of time and years aforesaid peacefully sat, knelt and poured forth and rendered their prayers to God and heard other offices and divine worship according to and in accordance with the laudable use, custom and usage of Christian people, and not ever to the wives of the said Peter Jenson and Richard Jenson or to the household of the aforesaid Richard Clive […]


[1566/13 image 1]

In dei nomine Amen In quadam pretensa causa perturbacionis siue vendicacionis
scamni siue sedilis que coram vobis reverendo in christo patre et domino
domino Willielmo
permissione divina cestrensi Episcopo vestroue vicario in spiritualibus generali ad causas ecclestiasticas decidendum in diocesi vestra cestrensi Legitime deputato
Inter richardum Clyffe armigerum parochie de Wauerton vestre cestrensis diocesis partem
pretensam actricem et querelantem ex vna et Johannam Calkyne vxorem petri calkene parochie
de Wauerton predicte diocesis et vestre Jurisdiccionis partem pretensam ream et querelatam
partibus ex altera vertebatur vertitur et pendet indecisa Pars dicte Johanne
Calkyne contra et aduersus richardum clyffe antedictum ac contra quemcunque alium coram
vobis pro eodem in Judicio Legitime Interuenientem necnon contra quendam pretensum libellum
taliter qualiter immo nulliter in dicta causa datum et oblatum totalemque intentionem dicti
richardi clyffe fundatam in eodem dicit allegat ad omnem Juris effectum
exinde sequi valentem omnibus melioribus via modo et Juris forma quibus potuit aut
potest in hijs scriptis in Jure proponit coniunctim diuisim atque articulatim provt

1          Inprimis quod huiusmodi pretensus libellus est nullus et invalidus ac penitus et omnino reprobandus
et reijciendus ac de iure non admittendus pro eo quod est admodum generalis obscurus
incertus vagus alternatiuus falsus cum in omnibus pene partibus tum in illis maxime
partibus vbi contra partem proponentem agit in 2, 3, 4, et 5 articulis libelli pro scamno quodam siue
sedili vocato a forme or a knilinge place in ecclesia parochialis de Wauerton predicta
situato et existenti quod de antiqua consuetudine ad domum partis actricem ac
predecessorum spectauit vbi vxores petri Jenson et richardi Jenson alias Duncorn
tenentes partis actricis et predecessorum ac familie dicti actoris et predecessorum a
x xx et cetera precaciones suas tempore diuinorum effuserunt ac ad eas omnes de iure
nec ad aliam personam quarumque vt falso ad modum et minus vere asseruit
dinoscitur pertinere quod re vera dictum huiusmodi scamnum siue sedile anglice vocatum
a knilinge place ad tenentes inhabitantes et comorantes in quodam domo
mesuagio siue tenemento venerabilis viri radulphi Dutton armigeri et predecessorium suorum
Communiter vocato Manifoldes Howse infra parochiam de Wauerton predictam nunc
in tenura siue occupacione petri calkin partis proponentis mariti a x xx xxx xl l
lx annis et vltra inviolabiliter et sine interruptione continuatim et plene prescripto
necnon a tempore et per tempus cuius inicii sive contrarii in memoria hominum non
existit pertinebat vel saltem eiusdem scamni ecclesiastici vsus pertinuit provt
pertinere et spectare debuit et debet imposterum in quo quidem scamno siue
sedile tenens vxor liberi et familie domus mesuagij siue tenementi in quo
pars ista nunc habitat temporibus suis spacijs et annis antedictis pacifice sede-
bant genua flectebant et oraciones suas deo effuserunt et reddiderunt
ac alias offitia et obsequia diuina audierunt iuxta et secundum laudabile
vsum morem et consuetudinem christianorum nec vnquam ad vxores dictorum petri
Jenson et richardi Jenson vel ad familias predicti richardi clyffe […]

Exceptions against the libel (image 2)

Original Document

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[1566/13 image 2]

this form or seat should have or should belong at all to the house of the same Richard Clyffe called ‘the hall of huxley’ because the said Richard Cliffe or Clive esquire, holds, occupies and has the use of another place of prayer called ‘a pewe’ belonging to his house or hall where he, his wife, children and household kneel and pray, and it ought not otherwise to have belonged or to belong to the aforesaid wives of Peter Jenson and Richard Jenson or to the household of the aforesaid Richard Clive or to any other person whomsoever in the way in which the plaintiff states in the libel, unless by licence and permission of the said Ralph Dutton, esquire, holding and inhabiting the house aforesaid; seeing that it is not the holding of the said Peter Jenson and Richard Jenson, but a cottage ‘le cottage’, and not a holding granted at any time to a small house or cottage, but the cottage is always granted to the tenement, that is the place given etc. and he propounds jointly, severally and in articles.

2          Also, that the said Joan Calkin, parishioner of the church aforesaid of Waverton, her husband and predecessors, tenants of the aforesaid Ralph Dutton, esquire, in their times held, owned, and occupied for suitable use as specified that same form or seat for the space of time and years above-said without interruption, vexation, molestation and disturbance, just as this party should occupy it by right, interest, title and in the name of the messuage or tenement in which this defending party and her husband live at the present time, who are ready to make and pay for all repairs and rebuilding and to all other necessary obligations to the same church of Waverton and were always contributors in accordance with the form or seat aforesaid, like the other parishioners of the same church occupiers of their seats; and he propounds jointly, severally and concerning any part thereof.


3          Also, furthermore, he says that this seat from time immemorial belonged to the tenement aforesaid by right and interest of his house, and should still belong by right in the manner and form aforesaid nor did the tenant of the said tenement, his predecessors, wife, children or household used to have or have noted or prescribed any other place in the said parish church of Waverton for himself by right, title or in the name of his use or interest in his house or tenement aforesaid; and he propounds as before.


4          Also, in excepting the party aforesaid propounds and says that notwithstanding the premises and matters concerning them, in fact the successors of the tenants of Ralph Dutton, esquire, aforesaid had until now by right the use and interest in the said seat or form and should have in future by reason of the house or tenement, the plaintiff is attempting to expel them unjustly from their peaceful possession against the long-established custom aforesaid and the canons and statute issued in that behalf, just as he contends that they should be expelled in his pretended libel given and offered before you; and he propounds jointly, severally and concerning any part thereof.

All and singular of which matters were and are true, public, notorious, manifest and equally well-known.

Whereupon, due proof being made as required by law in this regard, for the making of which according to the requirement of law this propounding party offers himself, ready and willing, at a suitable and


[1566/13 image 2]

domus eiusdem richardi clyffe vocata the hall of huxley pertinere omnia debuit
vel debet huiusmodi scamnum siue sedile eo quod dictus richardus cliffe <alias cliue> armiger
tenet occupat et vsu possedet alium orandi locum anglice nuncupatum a pewe
vbi ille vxor liberi familie genua flectunt et orant domo siue aule sue
spectantem neque alias ad vxores antedictas petri Jenson et richardi Jenson aut ad
familias predicti richardi clyffe vel ad aliam
quamcunque personam spectare debuit vel debet modo quo in libello narrat pars
Actrix nisi licentia et permissu dicti radulphi Dutton armigeri tenens et inhabitans in
domo predicta quandoquidem d[ictorum] petri Jenson et richardi Jenson non est
tenementum sed cottagium le cottage neque tenementum vnquam tugurio siue cottagio
Cedit sed semper tenemento cottagium redit hoc est locum datum et cetera et ponit coniunctim diuisim atque articulatim

2          Item quod dicta Johanna Calkin parochiana ecclesie predicte de Wauerton maritus et predecessores
tenentes predicti radulphi Dutton armigeri eorum temporibus illud idem scamnum siue sedile spacijs
et annis supradictis sine interuptione vexacione molestacione et perturbacione tenuerunt
possederunt et ad vsum parius spacificatur occupauerunt pro vt illud occupare debet
pars ista iure interesse titulo et nomine mesuagij siue tenementi in quo inpresentiarum
habitat pars ista defendens et maritus qui ad omnies reparaciones reedificaciones
ac ad omnia alia offitia necessaria eidem ecclesia de Wauerton faciendum et
soluendum parati semper contributores fuerunt Juxta scamnum siue sedile antedictum
ita vt alij parochiani eiusdem ecclesie scamna sua occupantes et ponit coniunctim diuisim
et de quolibet

3          Item insuper dicit quod illud scamnum tempore immemorato tenemento antedicto pertinet
iure et interesse domicilij sui et adhuc iure pertinere debet modo et forma predictis
nec alium quidem locum dicte tenemente in dicta ecclesia parochialis de Wauerton
tenens predecessores vxor liberi vel familie sibe notum seu prescriptum
habuerunt vel habent iure titulo nomine vsu vel interesse domus siue tenemento
sui antedicto et ponit vt supra

4          Item excipiendo proponit pars predicta et dicit quod premissis et ea concernentibus non
obstantibus et successores tenentium radulphi Dutton armigeri predicti a suis pacificis
possessionibus iure vsum et interesse que hactenus in dicto scamno siue sedile
habuerunt et in futurum habere debent racione domus siue tenementi
Iniuste contra consuetudinem Longenam antedictam canones et statuta in ea parte
edita expellere conatur pars actrix quemadmodum in suo pretenso libello coram
vobis dato et oblato expellere nititur et ponit coniunctim diuisim et de quolibet

Que omnia  et singula fuerunt et sunt vera publica notoria manifesta pariter et famosa

Vnde facte fide de Jure in hac parte requisita ad quam faciendum iuxta [Juris]
exigentiam pars ista proponens offert se promtam et paratam pro loco et tempore congruis et

Exceptions against the libel (image 3)

Original Document

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[1566/13 image 3]

opportune place and time, for which reason the party of Joan Calkin prays that right and a complement of justice may be done and administered to her in all and singular the premises, and that he […] will be dismissed from further vexation, disturbance, annoyance […] by the aforesaid Richard Clive, esquire, relating to this form or seat […] and is pronounced to be acquitted, and that perpetual silence is imposed upon him and his successors […] in relation to this form or seat and that the said Richard Clive, on account of his rashly […] this suit is condemned in the lawful costs incurred on behalf of the said Joan Calkin, and he protests those to be incurred, by you and the passing of your definitive sentence in this behalf. And otherwise, that what will have been of right and reason in the premises and anything whatsoever concerning them may be done, established and decreed. The party of the said Joan Calkin propounds the premises and prays that they are done jointly and severally, not binding himself to prove all and singular the premises, nor to the burden of a superfluous proof, against which he protests, but so far as he shall prove in the premises so much may he obtain of the petitions; always reserving the benefit of law in all things, humbly imploring your office, lord judge aforesaid.


[1566/13 image 3]

Opportunis quare petit pars Johnne Calkin Jus [et Justicie] complementum
sibi in premissis omnibus et singulis [fieri] et ministrari Ipsamque [Jo]hannam ab vlteriore
vexacione perturbacione molestacione […] antedicti richardi clyffe armigeri circa
huiusmodi scamnum siue sedile […] et absoluta esse pronunciari ac silentiam
perpetuam ei et successoribus […] quoad scamnum huiusmodi impone dictumque richard
cliffe ob suam temere […] litem in expensis Legitimis per partem predicte
Johanne calkine factis et [protestatur] de fiendis condempna[ri] per vos et vestram
Sententiam diffinitiuam in hac [parte fer]endam vlteriusque fieri statui et decerni in
premissis et ea concernentibus [quibusc]unque quod Juris fuerit et racionis premissa proponit
et fieri petit pars dicte Johanne calkine coniunctim diuisim non arctans se ad omnia et
singula premissa probanda nec ad onus superflue probacionis de quo protestatur sed
quatenus probauerit in premissis eatenus obtineat in petitis Juris beneficio in
omnibus semper saluo vestrum offitium domine Judex antedicte humiliter Implorando

Exceptions against the libel (image 4)

Original Document

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[1566/13 image 4]


Exceptive material of Joan Calkin, wife of Peter Calkin, against a certain pretended libel of Richard Clive, esquire, in a pretended cause of claim to a form or seat exhibited in the year 1566.

[in pencil in a different hand]


[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]

Translation copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved


[1566/13 image 4]


[Materia] exceptiua Johanne
[calk]ine vxoris perti
[cal]kine contra et aduersus
pretensum quendam libellum
ex parte richardi cliffe
armigeri in pretensa causa vendi-
cacionis scamni siue
sedilis exhibita
Anno 1566

[in pencil in a different hand]


[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]

Transcript copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved

Interrogatories (image 5)

Original Document

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[1566/13 image 5]

Interrogatories to be administered on behalf of the venerable Richard Clive, esquire, against all and singular pretended witnesses produced and to be produced by Joan Calkin, wife of Peter Calkin, in a certain cause of disturbance of a form or seat in the parish church of Waverton are as follows:

1          Firstly, the penalty for perjury and false witness having been explained, let each pretended witness be asked whether he is related by blood or marriage, servant or tenant of the party producing him, or liable or indebted to the same party in any sum of money, and let him be asked jointly, severally and concerning every part thereof.

2          Also, let each pretended witness be asked with which party of the parties aforesaid he is associated more or which party of the parties he would favour more and would confer victory upon if he had power in that behalf, and let him be asked as before.

3          Also, let each said witness be asked whether he conferred with his fellow witnesses, or any of them, or his fellow witnesses, or any of them with him, what and how and in what way they may depose in this behalf; and let him be asked as before.

4          Also, let each pretended witness be asked whether he knew Peter Calkin and Joan, his wife, and how long he has known them; and let him be asked as before.

5          Also, let each witness be asked whether he knew the form or seat, in English ‘the knylinge place’ in the parish of Waverton which is now in controversy between the venerable Richard Clive, esquire, and Joan Calkin, wife of Peter Calkin, aforesaid; let him be asked as before.

6          Also, let each pretended witness be asked whether he knew the wife of Peter Calkin when she was a maid and before she was married and if he knew her, let him reveal where and in which parish she lived before the wedding, and if it was then in the parish of Waverton, as it now is, let him declare where and in which form or seat she used chiefly and commonly to sit and to offer her prayers, and by what right or title she possessed the said seat, also in which form or seat her mother used to sit during the time that she lived at Huxley in the tenement or messuage of a certain venerable man and by what title or right her mother had the use of the same form or seat; and let him be asked as before.


[1566/13 image 5]

Interroga[toria mini]strata ex parte venrabilis viri
Richardi clive armigeri Contra omnies et singulos pretensos
testes per Jonam Calkyn vxoris petri Calkyn
productos et producendos  in quodam causa disturbationis
scamni siue sedilis in ecclesia parochialis de Waverton

1          In Primis exposita periurij et testis falsidici pena interogetur
quilibet testis pretensus an sit consanguinius affinis domesticus
vel tenens partis eum producentis vel eidem parti
in aliqua pecuniarum summa obnoxius vel
indebitatus Et interogetur Coniunctim diuisim et de quolibet

2          Item Interrogetur quilibet testium pretensorum predictorum cum qua parte partium
predictarum magis conversatur aut cui parti ipsarum partium magis faveat
et conferret victoriam si potestatem habuerit in hac parte ac interogetur
vt supra

3          Item Interrogetur quilibet testis dictus an ipse conferrebat cum contestibus
suis vel eorum aliquo aut contestes sui vel eorum aliquis cum eo
quid et quomodo et qualiter in hac parte deponeret Et interrogetur
vt supra

4          Item Interrogetur quilibet testis pretensus vtrum novit petrum calkyn
et Jonam eius vxorem et quam diu eosdem novit Et interrogetur
vt supra

5          Item Interrogetur quilibet testis vtrum novit scamnum siue sedile
anglice the knylinge place in parochia de Waverton de quo nunc
controvertitur inter venerabilem virum Richardum Clyve Armigerum
et Jonam Calkin vxorem petri Calkyn predictam interrogetur
vt supra

6          Item Interrogetur quilibet testis pretensus vtrum novit vxorem petri
Calkin cum esset virgo et ante quam nupsit et si novit ostendat
vbi et in qua parochia ipsa habitavit ante nuptias et si
fuit tunc parochiana de Waverton vt nunc est declaret vbi
et in quo scamno siue sedile precipue et communiter sedebat
et preces suas efferebat et quo Jure vel titulo dictum
scamnum poscidebat etiam in quo scamno siue sedile sedebat
Mater eius eo tempore quo habitavit apud Huxley in
tenemento siue Messuagio cuiusdam venerabilis viri
et quo titulo et Jure Mater eius vtebatur eodem scamno siue
Sedile et interrogetur vt supra

Interrogatories (image 6)

Original Document

Click to view fullscreen


[1566/13 image 6]

7          Also, let each pretended witness be asked whether he knew the house or tenement in which Peter Calkin and his wife now live and how long she has lived in that place, and let him be asked as before.

8          Also, let each pretended witness be asked whether he knew the person or persons who used to live in the house or tenement (as tenants) in which Peter Calkin now lives before he, Peter, lived there and if he knows let him reveal the name of the tenant and his wife and in addition let him declare whichever form or seat the wife of that tenant had in the parish church of Waverton, and in which she chiefly and commonly used to sit and kneel and if she used to sit in the form or seat which is now in controversy, then let him answer and say, if he can, by what right or title she used to sit there, and let him be asked as before.

9          Also, let each pretended witness be asked whether he knew that a certain William Large has lived at one time in the same tenement or house where Peter Calkin now lives, and if he knew him let him also answer whether he knew the wife of the said William Large to have sat and offered up her prayers commonly and by her own right in the form or seat now in controversy, and let him be asked as before.

10        Also, let each pretended witness be asked whether he knew that the wife of a certain Manifouldes has ever sat in the form or seat aforesaid by reason and right of the house or tenement in which Peter Calkin now lives, and let him be asked as before.

11        Also, let each pretended witness be asked whether he knew and may be able to depose that Joan Calkin, wife of Peter Calkin, commonly sat in the form or seat about which there is controversy, and whether she sat in that place by proper right and just title or not and whether the form or seat aforesaid belongs to the house or tenement in which Peter Calkin, her husband, now lives and if it belonged then let him reveal and declare, whether he can take it upon himself to lay claim to the whole of that form or seat for himself and whether no other persons should share it, and if others can share it how many and who they are, and let him be asked as before.


[1566/13 image 6]

7          Item Interrogetur quilibet testis pretensus vtrum novit domum siue
tenementum in quo nunc habitat petrus Calkyn et eius vxor
et quam diu ipsa habitavit illic et interrogetur vt supra

8          Item Interrogetur quilibet testis pretensus vtrum novit persona vel
personas que habitabant in domo siue tenemento
(tanquam tenentes) in quo petrus Calkin nunc habitat anteque
ipse petrus illic habitavit et si novit ostendat nomen tenentis
et vxoris et preterea declaret quodnam scamnum siue Sedile
vxor illius tenetis habebat in ecclesia parochialis de Waverton
et in quibus precipue et communiter sedebat et flectebat genua
et si sedebat in scamno siue Sedile de quo nunc controversia
est tunc respondeat et dicat si possit quo Jure et titulo
illic sedebat et interrogetur vt supra

9          Item Interrogetur quilibet testis pretensus vtrum novit quendum
Willielmum Large quondam habitasse in eodem tenemento siue
domo vbi nunc petrus Calkyn habitat et si novit
Respondeat preteria [vtrum] novit vxorem dicti Willielmi Large
sedisse et preces suas effucisse communiter et Jure proprio
in scamno siue Sedile de quo nunc controvertitur
et interrogetur vt supra

10        Item Interrogetur quilibet testis pretensus vtrum novit vxorem
cuiusdam Manifouldes vnquam sedisse in scamno siue sedile
predicto Ratione et Jure domus siue tenementi in quo
nunc petrus Calkin habitat et interrogetur vt supra

11        Item Interrogetur quilibet testis pretensus vtrum novit et
deponere possit quod Joanne Calkin vxor Petri
Calkyn sedit communiter in scamno siue Sedile
de quo controversia est et an sedit illic Jure bono et titulo
iusto an non et vtrum scamnum siue Sedile predictum pertinet
ad domum siue tenementum in quo nunc petrus Calkin
eius Maritus nunc habitat et si pertinet tunc ostendat
et declaret an possit suscipere vendicare totum illud scamnum
Siue Sedile sibi ipsi et an non alia personæ debent
participare et si aliæ debent participare quot et quæ sunt
et interrogetur vt supra

Interrogatories (image 7)

Original Document

Click to view fullscreen


[1566/13 image 7]

12        Also, let each pretended witness be asked whether he knew that any other woman or women in addition to Joan Calkin have sat in the same seat and by what right or title they sat in that place, and let him be asked as before.

13        Also, that they render true reasons etc..


[1566/13 image 7]

12        Item Interrogetur [quilibet] testis pretensus vtrum nouit aliquam
vel aliquas sedent [in] eodem scamno preter Joane Calkin et
quo Jure vel titulo illic sedent et interrogetur vt supra

13        Item Quod reddant ve[ras] causas et cetera

Interrogatories (image 8)

Original Document

Click to view fullscreen


[1566/13 image 8]


Interrogatories on behalf of Richard Clive, esquire, against the witnesses produced by Joan Calkin.

[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]

Translation copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved


[1566/13 image 8]


Interrogatoria ex parte
Richardi Clive armigeri
contra testes Joane
Calkin producendes

[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]

Transcript copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved


Richard Clive (or Cliffe) – plaintiff

Joan Calkin – defendant

Peter Calkin – husband of defendant




William Downham





Church seating








Depositions of witnesses on exceptions of Richard Clive and exceptions of Joan Calkin may be found at EDC 2/8 ff. 48-50, 57-57v but as the article numbers do not correspond to those in the above exceptions this may be in connection with other exceptions which have not survived, or a different cause.