Ref: EDC 5/1587/8

Catalogue Entry:

EDC 5/1587/8 HOLT Kathryn Clubb c John Ledsom of Holt for breach of marriage contract, letter from William Oldham.


Katherine Clubb contra John Ledsam. This is a letter from William Ledsam of ‘Comen Woodd’ concerning Katherine Clubb of Farndon and John Ledsam the younger of Holt in Denbighshire, his brother, concerning a marriage between John and Katherine.



Type of Cause:

Matrimonial – enforcement of marriage contract

Cause Papers:

Miscellaneous (letter)

Miscellaneous (image 1)

Original Document

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[5/1587/8 image 1]


betwixt Katheren Clubb, of Farndon in the County
of Cheshyre, Spynster, And John Ledsam, the
younger, of Holt, in the County of Denbygh Joyner
for, touchinge & consyninge (amongst other thinges)
a Contract of Marryaidge, to bene had & made
betwixt the seid Katheren, And the seid John; An[d]
the same lyke to accrewe, & be to the greate
Indempnyte & detryment to <some one of> the seide partyes, for
wante of the trueth, touchinge the same, to be
shewed & explayned therof to the heareres by
some soche person, or persons, as haue (as yet)
the seyd theyre Contract (amongst other thing[es)]
& manner of promysses of theyre marryadge in Rype
remembraunce: Foreasmoch therfore as yt ys no
Lesse then a merytoryousse deedd to be doen
of all persons, in lettinge a trueth in […]
Ambyguyties, & doubtes manyfestly […]
be knowen; And the rather at the parte […]
request & petycion: I haue therefore thought
yt good to lett the seid honerable Cort, & you, &
euery of you to wytte, to whome thees my present
lettres shallbe come to be seen reedd, hard or vnderston-
ded That I Wylliam Ledsam, brother vnto the seyd
John Ledsam, they younger, haue bene in the
place, and haue hard the seid John ledsam, my seid
brothe, promesse faythfully the seid Katheren
Clubb, to marry her, and that vpon the seid his
promesse, that he caused the Curat at two seuerall[1]
tymes to Aske the Bannes of Marryadge betwixt
theym aswell in the parishe Churche of Holt, as
also in the paryshe Churche of Far[n]don & further
that the seid John named the day of Marryadge
caused sixe bushells of Malt (or thereaboutes)
three Bushells of whyette, and all to be grounded
against the seid day of Marryadge And that he
the seid John, dyd dysbursse the Chardges & pay
for the keapinge of his Chylde beinge a wenshe
& being begotten by the seid John by & vpon the boddy
of the seid Katheren: And further I sygnyfye that
the seyd Katheren hath at all tymes hethervnto
lyved in good name, & fame, & in good credyct withall
persons & so contynually withall her neighbors well
knowen to be, reputed, & so taken: Thus moch
haue I thought good of a trueth to signyfye, as  I
and <so> wyll <be> ready at all tymes (yf nede requyre) too
deposse the same: Comen Woodd xjth November

yor Frende

William ledsam

[1] several = separate

Miscellaneous (image 2)

Original Document

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[5/1587/8 image 2]




November xviijto

To his verey lovinge
Frendes, Mr Harry penant
and John Yardley, gent,
And to euery or eny one
of theym yeue thees


[in pencil in a later hand]

Holt Denbigh

[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]

Transcript copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved


Katherine Clubb

John Ledsam

William Ledsam – wrote the above letter

John Yardley – one of the intended recipients of William Ledsam’s letter


Henry (Harry) Pennant – Deputy Registrar of the diocese and one of the intended recipients of William Ledsam’s letter


Probably written in connection with cause reference EDC 5/1586/3 Farndon. The catalogue entry for this cause is ‘Catherine Clubb c John Hodson senior of Holt for a clandestine marriage-libel.’

Ref: EDC 5/1566/7

Catalogue Entry:

There is no catalogue entry for this matter, but the papers are filed in a paper folder labelled EDC 5 (1566) No 7 –


Ratification of the marriage of Roger Downes and Elizabeth Stanley otherwise Downes. They had been married when Roger was under the age of 12 and he was now 14. The sentence was read in Alderley parish church, probably because Elizabeth was the daughter of Thomas Stanley of Alderley.




Type of Cause:

Office matter

Cause Papers:


Sentence (image 1)

Original Document

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[5/1566/7 image 1]

In the name of God, Amen: the merits and circumstances of a certain cause of ratification of marriage which was pending before us having been heard, seen and understood and fully investigated by us, Robert Leche, bachelor of laws, vicar etc., recently sitting publicly and judicially, proceeding rightly and lawfully, between Roger Downes, esquire, and Elizabeth Stanley otherwise Downes; with the parties aforesaid appearing personally before us, and because the same Roger, appearing personally before us, acknowledged of his own free will that being under age, namely of the age of about twelve, contracted and solemnised a true, unconditional and lawful marriage with the said Elizabeth Downes, then being under age, which certain marriage he has ratified before us now that he has come to mature age and more, his age being fourteen, and he prayed that he and the said Elizabeth, present in person, are adjudged as lawful man and wife in the presence of the said Elizabeth, aged [blank], on her part consenting freely and voluntarily to this ratification, and praying the same, and in addition because it appears from the testimony of trustworthy witnesses produced in this cause, sworn and examined while under oath, that this marriage as aforesaid was and is solemnised between the parties aforesaid.

Therefore we, the vicar general in spirituals aforesaid, having first called on the name of Christ, and setting God himself alone before our eyes, pronounce, decree and declare by this our definitive sentence etc. this marriage as thus aforesaid contracted and solemnised between the parties aforesaid as true, unconditional and lawful, and the said Roger and Elizabeth should be and are […] lawfully joined as lawful man and wife

This sentence was read by the judge aforesaid in the parish church of Alderley on the 12th of September in the year 1566, being then present there Robert Hyde, Jasper Worth, esquire, John Masterson, Robert Davenport, William Crewe and other witnesses etc.


[5/1566/7 image 1]

In dei nomine amen Auditis Visis et Intellectis ac plenarie discussis
per nos Robertum Leche in legibus baccallarium vicarius et cetera  Meritis et circumstantijs cuiusdam
Ratificacionis Matrimonij que coram nobis nuper Iudicaliter et pro tribunali sedenti inter Rogerum
Downes armigerum et Elizabeth Stanley alias Downes vertebatur rite et legitime procedentes
Partibus predictis coram nobis personaliter comparentibus Et quia
idem Rogerus coram nobis
personaliter comparens sua sponte confessus est se in eius Minoritatis etatis existens
videlicet circiter xij sue etatis annorum Matrimonium verum purum et legitimum cum Dictam Elizabeth Downes
adtunc in eius minoritatem Constituta contraxisse <et solempnizasse> quod quidem Matrimonium nunc ad eius
Maturam etatem <veniet et vltra> Decimum quartum <sue etatis> Annorum
coram nobis ratificavit ac petijt <se et> Dictam Elizabeth personaliter presentem pro viro et vxore
legitimis adiucari in presentiam Dicte Elizabeth <etatis> huius ratificationem <per sua parte sponte et voluntarie> consentientis et
<idem petentis> ac insuper <quia> apparet per testimonium testium fidedignorum in  huiusmodi Causa
productorum ac medijs eorum Iuramentis iuratorum et examinatorum Matrimonium huiusmodi sic vt prefertur inter
partes predictas <Solempnizatum> fuisse et esse

Idcirco nos vicarius in Spiritualibus generalis
antedictus christi nomine primitus invocato ac ipsum solum deum oculis nostris preponentes huiusmodi
Matrimonium sic vt prefertur inter predictos partes contractum et solempnizatum pro vero puro
et legitimo dictosque Rogerum et Elizabeth <legitime copulatos et> pro viro
et vxore legitimis […] fore et esse debere pronuntiamus decernimus et declaramus per hanc
nostram Sententiam diffinitiuam et cetera

Lecta fuit huiusmodi sententia per Iudicem antedictum in Ec[clesia]
parochialis de Alderley xijo Septembris Anno 1566
presentibus tunc ibidem Roberto Hide Jasparo Worth armigero
Johanne Maisterson Roberto Davemporte Willelmo Crue
et alijs testibus et cetera

Sentence (image 2)

Original Document

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[5/1566/7 image 2]


Sentence for the ratification of the marriage between Downes and Stanley.


[5/1566/7 image 2]


Sententia pro
ratificacionis matrimonij
inter Downes et

[in pencil in another hand]

1566 Sep 12

Sentence (image 3)

Original Document

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[5/1566/7 image 3]


Gowther Mossock, clerk
Roger Whittle, clerk
Rogers Downes
Roberts Adished
Randolph Stanley
William Stanley
John Knutsford

[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]

Translation copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved


[5/1566/7 image 3]


Galtherus Mossock Clericus
Rogerus Whitle Clericus
Rogerus Downes
Robertus Adished
Randolphus Stanley
Willielmus Stanley
Johanne Knottisford

[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]

Transcript copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved


Roger Downes – party to the marriage

Elizabeth Stanley – party to the marriage

Robert Hyde – witness to the sentence

Jasper Worth – witness to the sentence

John Maisterson – witness to the sentence

Robert Davenport – witness to the sentence

William Crue – witness to the sentence




Robert Leche



Related Causes



Ref: EDC 5/1566/2

Catalogue Entry:

There is no catalogue entry for this cause but the papers are filed in a paper folder labelled EDC 5 (1566) NO 2 CHESTER


Elizabeth Wilson contra William Gooddigar of the parish of Walton.

Elizabeth, of the parish of St Mary in Chester, claimed that the couple had been married in a private house in the parish of Walton by words of present consent or words of future consent with consummation.



Libel (image 1)

Original Document

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[1566/2 image 1]

In the name of God Amen: before you, William, by divine permission bishop of Chester, or your commissary general or other judge whomsoever competent in this regard, the party of the honest woman, Elizabeth Wilson of the parish of Saint Mary on the Hill within the city of Chester of Chester diocese against William Gooddigar of the parish of Walton of the aforesaid diocese and of your jurisdiction, and against any other or others whomsoever lawfully intervening before you in judgement for the same, in a certain cause of matrimony or contract  says, alleges and propounds in these writings in law jointly, severally and in articles as follows:

 1          Firstly, that the said Elizabeth Wilson and William Gooddigar free from and unrestricted by all matrimonial contract, and being in the same freedom and liberty, often talked of and discussed having and making a marriage between them; and he propounds as before.

2          Also, that after this talk and discussion thus had and done between the same Elizabeth Wilson and William Gooddigar they lawfully contracted together a true, unconditional and lawful marriage by appropriate words of present consent or of future espousals as expression of their mutual consent (with consenting sexual intercourse), in the house or dwelling of Robert Carver within the parish of Walton aforesaid in the months of May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December in the year of our Lord 1564 or in any of those months whatsoever, in one or another, they lawfully contracted a true and lawful marriage or sworn espousals, as aforesaid; and he propounds as before.

3          Also, that after the matters set out above, the aforesaid William Gooddigar fathered a child from the body of the aforesaid Elizabeth Wilson and maintained and loved the same Elizabeth as his wife; and he propounds jointly, severally and of every part thereof.

4          Also that the aforesaid Elizabeth and William Gooddigar were and are commonly deemed, held, called and named and reputed as man and wife and bride and groom in several parts within the parish of Walton and in other neighbouring and surrounding places; and he propounds as before.

5          Also that the said William Gooddigar was and is of the parish of Walton of Chester diocese and for that reason notoriously subordinate and subject to your jurisdiction and he propounds as before.

6          Also, that it was and is on the part and behalf of the said Elizabeth Wilson rightly and lawfully complained to you, lord judge aforesaid, and to your court; and he propounds jointly, severally and of every part thereof.


[1566/2 image 1]

In dei nomine Amen Coram Vobis Willielmo permissione divina Cestrensi
Episcopo vestroue Comissario generali seu alio Judice in hac parte competenti quocunque Pars honeste mulieris Elizabeth Wilson parochie de sancti marie super
Monte infra ciuitatem cestrie  <cestrensis> diocesis contra et aduersus Willielmum gooddigar
parochie de Walton predicte diocesis et vestre Jurisdiccionis ac contra quemcunque alium
siue alios coram vobis in Judicio pro eodem Legitime Interuenientem siue
Interuenientes In quadam causa matrimonialis siue contractus dicit
allegat et in hijs scriptis in Jure proponit coniunctim diuisim atque articulatim
pro vt Sequitur

1          In primis Quod dicta Elizabeth Wilson et Willielmus gooddigar ab omni
contractu Matrimoniali Liberi et Immunes et in eadem libertate
Immunitateque existentes de matrimonio inter eos habendo et fiendo sepius
communicauerunt et tractauerunt Et ponit vt supra

2          Item Quod post huiusmodi communicationem et tractatum sic inter eosdem Elizabeth
Wilson et Willielmum gooddigar habitum et factum Matrimonium verum purum
et Legitimum per verba de presenti siue per sponsalia de futuro (cum
Obsequenti carnali copula) ad hoc apta Mutuum eorum consensum
exprimentia in domo siue habitacione Roberti carver infra parochiam de
Walton antedictam mensibus Maij Junij Julij Augusti Septembris octobris
nouembris et Decembris Anno domini 1564 eorundemve mensium quolibet
vno siue aliquo Matrimonium verum et Legitimum vt prefertur siue sponsalia
Iurata adinvicem legitime contraxerunt ac ponit vt supra

3          Item Quod post premissa predictus Willielmus gooddigar ex corpore predicte
Elizabeth Wilson prolem suscepit ac eandem <elizabeth> tanquam vxorem aluit et
dilexit Et ponit coniunctim diuisim et de quolibet

4          Item Quod predicta Elizabeth et Willielmus gooddigar vt vir et vxor ac vt
sponsus et sponsa in nonnullus partibus infra parochiam de Walton ac in alijs
locis vicinis et circumvicinis fuerunt et sunt communiter habiti tenti dicti ac
nominati et reputati palam publice et notorie et ponit vt Supra

5          Item quod dictus Willielmus gooddigar fuit et est parochie de Walton Cestrensis
diocesis et eo pretextu vestre Jurisdiccionis notorie subditus et subiectus et ponit vt

6          Item Quod fuit et est ex parte et per partem dicte Elizabeth Wilson ad vos
domine Judex antedicte  et ad curiam vestram rite et Legitime querelatum
Et ponit Coniunctim Diuisim et de quolibet

Libel (image 2)

Original Document

Click to view fullscreen


[1566/2 image 2]

Also, that all and singular the premises were and are true, public, notorious, manifest and equally well known, and regarding and concerning this public voice and fame were and are at present circulating in the parish of Walton and in other parishes.

Whereupon, due proof being made as required by law in this regard, the party of the said Elizabeth Wilson prays that right and justice may be done and administered to her in all and singular the premises and also that the marriage between the aforesaid William Gooddigar and Elizabeth Wilson is adjudged, decreed and declared as true, just and lawful, and that the said Elizabeth Wilson is pronounced and declared as lawful wife of the said William Gooddigar and the aforesaid William Gooddigar as lawful husband of the afore-named Elizabeth; and that he, William Gooddigar, is obliged and compelled to the solemnization of the same marriage with Elizabeth Wilson mentioned at a suitable and convenient time and place  by you and your definitive sentence or final decree, reverend Judge aforesaid; and that it will be decreed as in the premises and otherwise that what will have been of right and reason may be done; not binding himself to prove all and singular but etc..


[1566/2 image 2]

Item  Quod  premissa omnia et singula fuerunt et sunt vera publica notoria
Manifesta pariter ac famosa atque de et super huiusmodi in parochia de Walton et alijs parochiis Laborarunt ac in presenti laborant publica vox et fama

Vnde facta
fide de Jure in hac parte requisita petit pars dicte Elizabeth Wilson
Jus et Justiciam sibi in premissis omnibus et singulis fieri et ministrari nec
non pro vero Justo ac Legitimo matrimonio inter predictum Willielmum gooddigar et Elizabeth Wilson adiudicari decerni et declarari dictamque Elizabeth
Wilson in vxorem legitimam dicti Willielmi gooddigar ac prefatum Willielmum
gooddigar in virum legitimum prenominate Elizabeth pronunciari ac declarari
Ipsumque Willielmum gooddigar  ad solempnizacionem eiusdem matrimonij cum commemorata Elizabeth Wilson pro loco et tempore congruis et oportunis cogi
et compelli per vos et vestram Sententiam diffinitivam siue finale decretum reuerende
Judex antedicte et decerni in premissis et vlterius fieri quod Juris fuerit
Et racionis <non arctans> se ad omnia et singula probanda sed et cetera

 [There is an illegible doodle, which may be a signature, at the bottom.]

Libel (image 3)

Original Document

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[1566/2 image 3]


Libel of Elizabeth Wilson against William Gooddigar in a cause of contact, exhibited in the year of our Lord, 1566.

[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]

Translation copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved


[1566/2 image 3]


Libellus Elizabeth W[ilson]
contra et aduersus W[illiam]
Gooddigar in causa
contractus exhibit[us]
Anno domini 1566

[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]

Transcript copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved


Elizabeth Wilson – plaintiff

William Gooddigar – defendant

Robert Carver – mentioned in the libel



William Downham