Ref: EDC 5/1/8

Catalogue Entry:

EDC 5/1/8 – Libel in tithe cause: Ralph Davie, vicar of Over v. Robert Young, Edward Harrison & Benedict Barker 1538?


Ralph Done, vicar of Over, contra Robert Young, Edward Harrison and Benedict Barker

A dispute arose over entitlement to the tithes of the area of Whitegate, previously within the demesne of Vale Royal Abbey, following its dissolution in the autumn of 1538. Although the dissolution post-dates the months referred to in the libel, it is possible that this tithe dispute relates to non-payment by inhabitants of Whitegate to the vicar of Over.

This is the earliest surviving cause paper after the break with Rome which is reflected in the reference in the introductory paragraph to Henry VIII as head of the English church.




Type of Cause:

Tithes – lambs; tithes – wool

Cause Papers:


Libel (image 1)

Original Document

Click to view fullscreen


[5/1/8 image 1]

In the name of God, Amen: before you, venerable Master Richard Smyth, Bachelor of Law, lawfully deputed to decide ecclesiastical causes by authority of the most illustrious prince in Christ […] by the grace of God king of England and France, defender of the faith, and on earth head under Christ of the English church […] man, William Knight, Doctor of Law, archdeacon of Chester, […][…] Donne, perpetual vicar of the perpetual vicarage of the parish church of Over, of the aforesaid archdeaconry of Chester and of Coventry and Lichfield diocese against Robert Young, Edward Harrison and Benedict Barker of the same parish of Over of the aforesaid archdeaconry and of your jurisdiction, and also against any other whomsoever intervening before you in judgement for the same, or any of them, says, alleges and propounds in these writings in law jointly, severally and in articles as follows:

1          Firstly, namely that the said Sir Ralph Donne was and is canonically instituted to the said perpetual vicarage in the parish church of Over of the archdeaconry of Chester of Coventry and Lichfield diocese, and, thus instituted to it with its universal rights and appurtenances has peacefully and quietly possessed it for some time, just as, saving what is written below, he thus also possesses it at present and also was and is commonly called, held, taken, named and publicly and notoriously reputed as perpetual vicar and canonical possessor of same perpetual vicarage of the parish church of Over aforesaid; and he propounds jointly, severally and concerning any of these points.

2          Also, that as well by the common law and agreement as by ancient laudable and lawful prescribed custom, from time immemorial hitherto inviolably and steadfastly used and observed and often upheld in judgment in a contested cause, the right of receiving and having all and singular tithes as well greater as lesser, mixed and minute, except crops and sheaves, and especially tithes of lambs and wool howsoever proceeding or arising within the bounds and limits of the said parish church of Over aforesaid, belonged and belongs and so should and ought also to belong in future to the perpetual vicar of the said perpetual vicarage of the parish church of Over aforesaid, whomsoever he may be at the time and to the previously- mentioned Sir Ralph, current vicar there, by right and in the name of his vicarage aforesaid;  and he propounds jointly, severally and concerning any of these points.

3          Also, that the vicars of the said perpetual vicarage of the parish church aforesaid, precursors and predecessors of the previously-mentioned Sir Ralph, current vicar, each and every one of them in their successive times, were, in peaceful possession, or virtually so, of the right of receiving and having all and singular tithes aforesaid, proceeding and arising in the manner as aforesaid for 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 years, before and since, and also from the time and throughout the time to the contrary of which there exists no memory of men, and took and had them themselves or their men throughout the same time, and freely disposed of the same through their own free will, as was the same Sir Ralph, present vicar aforesaid, for his whole and entire time until the time of the grievance set out below; and he propounds jointly, severally and concerning any of these points. 

4          Also, that the aforenamed Robert Young, Edward Harrison and Benedict Barker, laymen, who had or have no right in any way in the said vicarage or the tithes aforesaid or in they themselves, despite which but after and in opposition to the fact, they did not pay nor satisfy nor did any of them whosoever pay or satisfy any tithes of lambs or wool within the bounds and limits of the said parish to the vicar of the said parish church before-libelled which belonging and appertaining, and should belong and appertain, to Sir Ralph Donne, present vicar, by right and in the name of this his vicarage in the months of March, April, May and June in the one thousand fifteenth hundred 38th present and current year of our Lord or in any one or other of those months whatsoever contrary to and against the will of the said Sir Ralph, present vicar of the same, but they subtracted, took and kept, or any one of them whatsoever thus subtracted, took and kept, the same tithes; and he propounds jointly, severally and concerning any of these points.

5          Also, that the true value and valuation of the tithes aforesaid as is thus aforesaid not paid and subtracted, kept and taken by them and any of them whomsoever by common report of men notoriously amounts to the sum or value of ten shillings and eight pence, and the party of the said Sir Ralph sets out and propounds of any other lesser sum or value down to the sum of two pence and of any other sum of such and so great an amount as may come to be declared by lawful proofs in the event of this suit; and he propounds jointly, severally and concerning any of these points.


[5/1/8 image 1] 

[In dei] nomine Amen Coram vobis venerabili viro Magistro Richardo Smyth in Jure baccallario Auctoritate Illustrissimi in Christo pri[ncipis]
[… dei] gracia Anglie et Francie Regis fidei [defensoris …] et in terris sub Christo ecclesie Anglicane [caput …]
virum Willielmum Knyght legum doctorem Archidiaconum Cestrie ad causas ecclesiasticas decidendum Officiali legitime deputato […]
Donne vicarij perpetuum vicarie perpetue ecclesie parochialis de Ouere predicte Archidiaconatus Cestrie Couentrensis et lichfeldensis diocesis contra et aduersus Robertum [yong Edwardum]
Harrison et Benedictum Barker euisdem parochie de Ouer predicte Archidiaconatus ac vestre Jurisdicionis necnon contra quemcunque allium coram vobis in J[udicio]
intervenientem pro eisdem seu eorum aliquo dicit allegat et in hijs scriptis in Jure proponit coniunctim et diuisim atque Articulatim prout sequitur

1          In primis videlicet quod dictus dominus Radulphus Donne fuit et est dictam vicariam perpetuam in ecclesia parochiali de Ouere Archidiaconatus Cestrie Couentrensis et lichfeldensis diocesis
canonice assecutus Ipsamque sic assecutam cum suis Juribus et pertinenciis vniuersis per nonnulla tempora possedit pacifice et quiete prout saluis
infrascriptis sic etiam possidet in presenti [necnon] pro vicario perpetuo et canonico possessore eiusdem vicarie perpetue ecclesie parochialis de Ouere [predicte]
fuit et est communiter dictus tentus habitus nominatus et reputatus publice et notorie et ponit coniunctim et diuisim ac de quolibet

2          Item quod tam de Jure communi et composicione quam de antiqua laudabili legitimaque prescripta consuetudine a tempore immemorato hucusque inviolabiliter
et inconcusse vsitata et obseruata ac incontradictorio Judicio sepius obtenta Jus percipiendi et habendi omnes et singulas decimas tam
maiores quam minores mixtas et minutas preter frugis et garbarum ac presertim decimas agnorum et lane infra fines et limites dicte eccl[esie]
parochiali de Ouere predicte qualitercunque provenientes et contingentes ad vicarium perpetuum vicarie perpetue dicte ecclesie parochialis de Ouere predicte quemcunque pro
[tempore] existens prelibatumque dominum Radulphum vicarium modernum Jure et nomine vicarie sue antedicte pertinuit et pertinet et sic pertinere debuit [et]
debet in futurum et ponit coniunctim et diuisim ac de quolibet

3          Item quod vicarij dicte vicarie perpetue ecclesie parochialis predicte prelibati domini Radulphi vicarij moderni  precessores et predecessores omnes et singuli eorum
temporibus successiue existentes fuerunt in pacifica possessione seu quasi Juris percipiendi et habendi decimas predictas omnes et singulas modo quo prefertur provenientes
et contingentes A x xx xxx xl l lx annis vltra et citra necnon a tempore et per tempus cuius contrarij memoria hominum non existit easque per se et suos per
idem tempus perceperunt et habuerunt atque cum eijsdem pro eorum libitis voluntatum libere disposuerunt sicque fuit percepit habuit et disposuit Idem dominus
Radulphus vicarius modernus antedictus toto et omni tempore suo vsque ad tempus grauaminis infrascriptorum et ponit coniunctim et diuisim ac de quolibet

4          Item quod prenominati Robertus yong Edwardus Harrison et Benedictus Barker laici qui nihil Juris in dicta vicaria decimis ve predictis
habuerunt aut habent aliqualiter vel ad eas ipsas quoque non obstantibus sed post et contra ea nonnullas decimas Agnorum et lane infra fines et limites
dicte parochie mensibus Marcij Aprilis Maij et Junij presenti et currenti anno domini Millessimo quingentesimo xxxviijo eorundemve mensium quolibet [aliquo] siue
vno ad vicarium dicte ecclesie parochialis prelibate que dominum Radulphum Donne vicarium modernum Jure et nomine eiusdem sue vicarie spectantes et pertinentes ac
spectare et pertinere debentes preter et contra voluntatem dicti domini Radulphi vicarij moderni eidem non solverunt nec satisfecerunt neque eorum
quilibet soluit aut satisfecit sed easdem decimas subtraxerunt percipuerunt et habuerunt seu eorum quolibet sic subtraxit percepit et
habuit et ponit coniunctim et diuisim ac de quolibet

5          Item quod verus valor et estimacio decimarum predictarum sic vt prefertur non solutarum et per ipsos et eorum quemlibet subtractarum habitarum et
perceptarum ad summam sive valorem decem solidorum et octo denariorum et dat et libellat pars dicti domini Radulphi de qualibet summa siue valore
minore vsque ad summam duorum denariorum ac de tali ac tanta summa qualis et quanta per probaciones legitimas in eventu litis huiusmodi veniet
declarandum communi hominum estimacione notorie extendit et ponit coniunctim et diuisim ac de quolibet

Libel (image 2)

Original Document

Click to view fullscreen


[5/1/8 image 2]

6          Also that the aforesaid Robert Young, Edward Harrison and Benedict Barker have been duly asked and requested, and any of them whatever has thus been asked and requested, at a suitable time and place, to pay and make payment to the said Sir Ralph, present vicar, the tithes aforesaid or otherwise duly to compound with him for these tithes; and he propounds jointly, severally and concerning any of these points.

7          Also, that the aforesaid Robert Young, Edward Harrison and Benedict Barker were asked and requested in the manner as is aforesaid, and any of them whoever was thus asked and requested as in the premises or any of them, they have not troubled to do so, nor has any of them whosoever troubled and thus in the months and year aforesaid, of in any of the same months whatever, in one or another, without there being any reasonable or lawful cause whatever, expressly declined and refused, or at least unduly delayed and deferred and also any of them whoever expressly declined refused and delays and defers at present; and he propounds jointly, severally and concerning any of these points.

8          Also, that the aforenamed Robert Young, Edward Harrison and Benedict Barker were and are, and any of them whatever was and is, of the archdeaconry of Chester and of Coventry and Lichfield diocese and for that reason subordinate and subject to your jurisdiction; and he propounds jointly, severally and concerning any of these points.

Also, that all and singular the premises were and are true, public, notorious, manifest and flagrant and public voice and fame were circulating of and upon the premises, just as they are circulating at present.

Whereupon, due proof being made as is required in this regard, for the making of which according to the requirements of law, the party of the said Sir Ralph offers himself to be proved, at a suitable and opportune place and time, the same party prays that right and justice should be done and administered to him in all and singular the premises, and for his right, title and possession, or virtual possession, of the right of receiving and having the said tithes of sheep and wool and all and singular other tithes (tithes of crops or sheaves only excepted) proceeding and arising within the bounds and limits of the said parish of Over to be adjudged, decreed and declared as his and of his vicarage aforesaid in future successive times in perpetuity. And also that the aforesaid Robert, Edward and Benedict are rightly and canonically obliged and compelled to pay, tithe and deliver their respective tithes thus subtracted by them and any of them whomsoever without any, or any kind of, diminution or the true value of the same at the convenience of the said vicar in the name of his vicarage in the said parish and that they will be condemned in the lawful costs incurred by reason of this suit, and he protests those to be incurred and, having been condemned, that they will be rightly and canonically obliged and compelled to the real payment of the same by you passing your definitive sentence in that behalf, lord judge aforesaid; the party of the said Sir Vicar propounds the premises and prays that they are done jointly and severally, not obliging himself to prove all and singular the premises, but so far as he has proved in the premises and matters concerning them, thus far may he obtain in the petitions, always reserving the benefit of law in all things; in addition the party of the said vicar prays that proceedings in this cause may be plainly heard by way of summary procedure, according to the requirement of law, humbly imploring your office, distinguished judge aforesaid.


[5/1/8 image 2]

6          Item quod prefati Robertus yonge Edwardus Harrison et Benedictus Barker ad soluendum et satisfaciendum dicto domino Radulpho vicario moderno
decimas predictas seu ad aliter debite componendum cum eodem pro huiusmodi decimis ex parte dicti domini Radulphi congruis loco et tempore debite requisiti
fuerunt et interpellati sicque quilibet requisitus fuit et interpellatus et ponit coniunctim et diuisim ac de quolibet

7          Item quod antedicti Robertus yonge Edwardus Harrison et Benedictus Barker modo quo prefertur requisiti et interpellati et eorum quilibet sic
[requisitus] et interpellatus premissa seu eorum aliquod facere non curauerunt nec eorum quilibit curauit sicque mensibus et anno predictis eorundem
ve mensium quolibet siue vno absque causa racionabili seu legitima quacunque subsistens renuerunt expresse et recusauerunt seu saltem plus
debite distulerunt et differunt sicque eorum quilibet renuit expresse et recusauit distulerit et differt in presenti et ponit coniunctim et diuisim ac de quolibet

8          Item quod prenominati dictus Robertus yonge Edwardus Harrison et Benedictus Barker fuerunt et sunt et eorum quilibet fuit et est Archidiaconatus Cestrie
Couentrensis et lichfeldensis diocesis ac eius pretextu uestre Jurisdiccionis subditi et subiecti et ponit coniunctim et diuisim ac de quolibet

Item quod  premissa omnia et singula fuerunt et sunt vera publica notoria manifesta et famosa ac de et super premissis laborarunt in presenti laborant publica vox et fama

Vnde facta fide que requisitur in hac parte ad quam faciendum iuxta Juris exigentiam
offert se pars dicti domini Radulphi se probaturi
pro loco et tempore congruis et oportunis petit eadem pars Jus et Justiciam sibi in premissis omnibus et singulis fieri et ministrari ac pro Jure titulo et
possessione sua seu quasi Juris habendi et percipiendi dictas decimas Agnorum et lane ac omnes et singulas alias decimes (decimis frugum
garbarum ve tuncmodo exceptis) infra fines et limites dicte parochie de Ouere provenientes et contingentes sibi et vicarie sue predicte futuris temporibus

successiuis imperpetuum adiudicari decernis et declarari Necnon prefatos Robertum Edwardum et Benedictum ad soluendum decimandum et
liberandum decimas suas respectiue antedicatas sic per ipsos et eorum quemlibet subtractas sine aliqua seu aliquali diminucione vel verum
valorem earundem ad comodum dicti vicarij nomine vicarie sue in dicta parochia rite et canonice cogi et compelli Atque in expensis legitimis
occasione huius litis factis et protestatur de fiendis condempnari condempnatosque ad
realem solucionem earundem rite et canonice cogi et
compelli per vos et vestram sententiam diffinitiuam in hac parte ferendam domine
Judex antedicte Premissa proponit et fieri petit pars dicti domini vicarij coniunctim
et diuisim Non arctans se ad omnia et singula premissa probanda Sed quatenus probauerit in premissis et ea concernentibus eatenus obtineat in petitis
Juris beneficio in omnibus semper saluo Petit insuper pars dicti vicarij quod procedatur in hac causa summarie et de plano iuxta Juris exigentia
vestrum officium implorando Judex egregie antedicte

Libel (image 3)

Original Document

Click to view fullscreen


[5/1/8 image 3] 


Libel in Donne against Young and others in a cause of subtraction of tithes. 

[in pencil in a different hand]


[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]

Translation copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved


[5/1/8 image 3] 


Libellus done contra yonge et alios in causa subtraccionis decimarum 

[in pencil in a different hand]


[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]

Transcript copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved


Ralph Done– plaintiff

Robert Young – defendant

Edward Harrison – defendant

Benedict Barker – defendant



Richard Smyth – official of the archdeacon of Chester

