Types of Cause: Tithes – wool

Tithes of wool were mixed or small/minute tithes as they arose from livestock and so were normally payable to the vicar or his farmer (see ‘Tithes – modus’ under ‘Subjects’).

Calves, cows, gardens, lambs, sheep, wool

EDC 5/1566/12 – Hugh Dodd, rector of Coddington, contra Richard Allen.

Calves, wool, foals, lambs

EDC 5/13/2 – Sir Richard Egerton, farmer of the tithes of Prestbury, contra William Andrewe.

Foals, lambs and wool

EDC 5/1/10 – George Cotton, esquire, contra Margery Holford.

Lambs and wool

EDC 5/1/8 – Ralph Done, vicar of Over, contra Robert Young, Edward Harrison and Benedict Barker.
EDC 5/13/5 – Richard Grosvenor contra Humphrey Bold.

Milk, calves, lambs, wool, piglets, geese, eggs, hemp, flax, apples, pears, onions, leeks, garlic

EDC 5/11/1 – Sir Thomas Langton, farmer of the tithes of the chapelry of Low, contra Lawrence Banastre.