Types of Cause: Tithes – other
Personal tithes differed from predial tithes in that, if personal, the recipient was entitled to deduct expenses before paying tithe on the balance. If predial, profits should be tithed in full.
Andrew Lewis, ‘Tithe Personal and Praedial’, The Journal of Legal History, 42.2 (2021), pp. 123-146.
Agistment refers to the profit made from letting out land to pasture another person’s cattle. The tithe is chargeable on the person who received the rent.
EDC 5/5/1 – John Fellowe, rector of Coddington, contra Jane Brereton
Easter and other offerings
Easter offerings were not strictly tithes as they were not derived from an increase in produce or income, but were intended to pay for the communion bread and wine. However, they were often grouped with small modus payments, such as the ‘house penny’ and together described as ‘tithes’. (Anne Tarver, Church Court Records: an Introduction for Family and Local Historians (Chichester, 1995), pp. 111-112.)
EDC 5/8/1 – Richard Smyth, rector of Bury, contra Arthur Cay