Ref: EDC 5/1566/12
Catalogue Entry:
There is no catalogue entry for this cause, but the papers are filed in a paper folder labelled EDC 5 (1566) No 12 . Coddington
Hugh Dodd, rector of Coddington, contra Richard Allen of Farndon regarding the tithes of Bechin.
The libel is at EDC 5/1567/2 and is against both Richard Allen, lately farmer of John Barlow, rector of Malpas, and Richard Barrow of Farndon.
Type of Cause:
Tithes- calves; tithes – cows; tithes – garden produce; tithes – lambs; tithes – sheep; tithes – wool
Cause Papers:
Original Document
[1566/12 image 1]
In the name of God, Amen; in a certain pretended cause of subtraction of tithes and church dues, which was disputed and is still disputed and pending undecided before you, the right reverend father in God, William, by divine permission lord bishop of Chester, or your vicar general in spirituals lawfully deputed to decide ecclesiastical causes in your Chester diocese, between Hugh Dodd, clerk, rector of the parish church of Coddington of your Chester diocese, pretended party plaintiff and complainant, on the one part and Richard Allen of the parish of Farndon of the aforesaid diocese and of your jurisdiction, pretended defendant and party complained of, on the other part. The party of the said Richard Allen against the said Hugh Dodd, clerk, rector aforesaid, and against any other person or persons whomsoever lawfully intervening before you in judgement for the same, and also against a certain pretended libel, such as it is, although invalidly given and offered in the said cause, and the whole claim of the said rector, based on the same; says, alleges to all consequence of law following therefrom, in every best way, manner and form of law, by which he was or is able in law in these writings propounds jointly, severally and in articles as follows:
Firstly, in excepting this party says against the said pretended libel to which in law he is not bound at all to respond, at least as it originates from this suit, inasmuch as it was and is exceedingly general, obscure, vague, false, variable and not suitably devised, not only in many parts but also especially in the part where the plaintiff proceeds against the propounding party as if this party were the principal in this business, that is owner of the cows, calves, lambs, wool and sheep; equally he is impudently and unjustly seeking tithes as is contained in the third, fourth, sixth and seventh articles of the libel, while in fact the said Richard Allen has no rights in the said cows, calves, lambs, wool, garden or sheep, or in those lands, estates, fields, pastures, meadows or grazing in which these animals graze, are brought forth, produced or born; but tithes of these cows, calves, lambs, wool, garden and sheep of all and singular tenants, occupiers and dwellers in Bechin within the demesne and parish of Malpas, belonged and still belong and ought in future to belong peacefully, to whosoever the rectors of Malpas may be at the time, and to their farmers, substitutes and deputies as well by the common law as by ancient laudable and lawful prescribed custom, statutes and injunctions of this glorious realm of England, hitherto inviolably used, observed, continued and prescribed for 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 years, and before and since and also from the time of the beginning or to the contrary of which there exists no memory of men until the time of this grievance, in this manner which follows: namely tenants, inhabitants, occupiers and dwellers in the demesne of Bechin within the parish of Malpas aforesaid having tithable cows, calves, lambs, wool, gardens and sheep grazing, growing, originating and arising in his lands should divide and tithe these tithes of cows, calves, lambs, wool, gardens and sheep equally in three parts of which they have paid and each of them whosoever has paid and should have paid and should pay in future two parts in entirety to the rectors of Malpas, while the third part of the tithes aforesaid belongs and is accustomed to be paid to the rector of Coddington, whoever he may be at the time; and he propounds jointly, severally and in articles.
[1566/12 image 1]
In dei nomine [A]men In quadam pretensa causa subtractionis
decimarum et Jurium ecclesiasticorum q[ue] coram vobis Reverendo in christo patre et domino
domino Willielmo permissione [divina] cestrensi Episcopo vestroue vicario in spiritualibus
generali ad causas eccles[tiasticas] decidendum in diocesi vestra cestrensi Legitime
deputato inter hugone[m D]od <clericum> rectorem ecclesie parochialis de codington
vestre cestrensis diocesis p[artem prete]nsam actricem et querelantem ex vna et richardum
Allen parochie de farento[n] predicte diocesis et vestre Jurisdiccionis partem pretensam ream
et querelatam partibus ex altera vertebatur et ad huc vertitur et pendet
Indecisa Pars dicti Richardi allen contra et aduersus dictum hugonem Dod
clericum rectorem antedictum ac contra quemcunque alium siue alios coram vobis
pro eodem in Judicio legitime interuenientem necnon contra quendam pretensum libellum
taliter qualiter immo nulliter in dicta causa datum et oblatum totalemque intentionem
dicti rectoris fundatam in eodem dicit allegat ad omnem Juris effectum
exinde sequi valentem omnibus melioribus via modo et Juris forma quibus
potuit aut potest in hijs scriptis in Jure proponit Coniunctim diuisim
atque articulatim provt Sequitur
In primis excipiendo dicit pars ista contra dictum pretensum libellum cui de Jure
respondere omnino non tenetur quo lis Saltem oriatur pro eo videlicet quod fuit
et est nimis generalis obscurus vagus falsus incertus et minus apte conceptus
Cum in multis partibus tum in ea presertim parte vbi agit pars actrix contra partem
proponens ac si pars ista in hoc negotio principalis esset hoc est dominus
vaccarum vitulorum agnorum lane et ovorum equibus impudenter et iniuste
petit decimas provt in tertio quarto sexto et septimo articulis libelli continetur
tum re vera dictus Richardus Allen nihil Juris in dictis vaccis
vitulis agnis lana gardino vel ovis aut in illis terris fundis agris
pascuibus pratis siue pasturis in quibus huiusmodi pascuntur oriuntur
gignuntur siue nascuntur sed decime huiusmodi vaccarum vitulorum agnorum lane
Gardina et ovorum omnium et singulorum tenentium degentium et comorantium in bechen
infra dominicum et parochiam de Malpas tam Jure communi quam de antiqua
Laudabili Legitime que prescripta consue<tu>dine statutis et iniunctionibus huius
incliti regni Anglie hucusque inuiolabiliter vsitata observata continuata
et prescripta a x xx xxx xl l lx annis vltraque et citra necnon
a tempore cuius inicij siue contrarij in memoria hominum non existit vsque ad
tempus huius grauaminis ad rectores de Malpas quoscunque pacifice
temporibus suis existens firmariosque subsitutos et deputatos pertinuerunt
et ad huc pertinent et pertinere debent imposterum in hunc qui
Sequitur modum videlicet tenentes inhabitantes degentes et commorantes in dominico
de bechen infra parochiam de Malpas antedictam vaccas vitulos agnos
lanas gardium et oua habentes decimabilia in terris suis pascentes crescentes
orientes et deuenientes huiusmodi decimas vaccarum vitulorum agnorum lanorum gardini et
ovorum in tres partes equaliter deuiderent <et decimarent> quarum due partes Integre
ad rectores de Malpas soluerunt et eorum quilibet soluit et soluere de-
buit et debet etiam in futurum tertia vero pars decimarum predictarum ad rectorem de
codington quecunque pro tempore suo pertinuit et solui consueuit
et ponit Coniunctim diuisim atque articulatim
Original Document
[1566/12 image 2]
Also, in excepting the party aforesaid alleges that the false claim of the plaintiff that the cows, calves, gardens, wool and sheep aforesaid of which in the libel he unjustly seeks tithes […] from the party propounding, were and still are of a certain John Corser, tenant and inhabitant within the aforesaid demesne of Bechin who has paid his tithes and caused them to be paid according to and in accordance with the lawful and laudable use of the place and the ancient custom aforesaid; and he propounds as before.
Also, that this party is a parishioner of the parish church of Farndon, who has always paid and caused to be paid his tithes both predial and personal, mixed and minute, and other church dues due and accustomed to be paid by law to the parish church of Farndon aforesaid; and he propounds jointly, severally and of every part thereof.
All and singular of which matters were and are true, public, notorious, manifest and equally well-known.
Whereupon, due proof being made as required by law in this regard, for the making of which according to the requirement of law this party propounding offers himself, willing and ready, at a suitable and opportune place and time, whereby the party of the said Richard Allen prays that right and a complement of justice may be done and administered to him in all and singular the premises, and that he, Hugh Dodd, will be dismissed from further suit for these tithes and that perpetual silence is imposed upon him in relation to the premises and he, Richard Allen, will be pronounced to be dismissed and completely absolved, with the costs incurred in this behalf, and he protests those to be incurred, by you and passing your definitive sentence in this behalf. And otherwise, that what will have been of right and reason in the premises and anything whatsoever concerning them may be done, established and decreed. The party of the said Richard Allen propounds the premises and prays that they are done jointly and severally, not binding himself to prove all and singular the premises, nor to the burden of a superfluous proof, against which he protests, but so far as he shall prove in the premises so much may he obtain of the petitions; always reserving the benefit of law in all things, humbly imploring your office, lord judge aforesaid.
[1566/12 image 2]
Item excipiendo allegat pars pred[icta quod] intentionem frustratoriam partis actricis quod vacce
vituli agni gardini Lana et [ova] predicti quarum quorumque decimas iniuste in libello
petit […] parte proponenti fuerunt [et] ad huc sunt Cuiusdam Johannis Corswore
tenentis et habitantis infra pred[ictum do]minicum de bechen qui decimas suas soluit et
solui fecit Juxta et secundum legit[imam et] laudabilem vsum loci et consuetudinem
Longenam antedictam et ponit vt supra
Item quod pars ista est parochianus ecclesie parochialis de farnton qui decimas
suas tam prediales quam personales mixtas et minutas et cetera iura
Ecclesiastica ecclesie parochiali de farneton predicte debitas et de iure solui
Consuetas semper soluit et solui procurauerit et ponit coniunctim diuisim et de quolibet
Que omnia et singula fuerunt et sunt vera publica notoria manifesta
pariter et famosa
Vnde facte fide de Jure in hac parte requisita ad quam
faciendum iuxta Juris exigentiam pars ista proponens offert se peremptam et paratam
pro loco et tempore congruis et oportunis Quare petit pars dicti Richardi
Allen Jus et Justicie complementum sibi in premissis omnibus et singulis
fieri et ministrari Ipsumque hugonem Dod ab vlteriori peticione
decimarum huiusmodi ac ipsum richardum Allen dimmitendum fore pronunciari
et cum expensis in hac parte factis et protestatur de fiendis dimitti et
penitus absolui et et imposterum silentiam ei perpetuum quoad premissa
per vos et vestram sententiam diffinitiuam in hac parte ferendam vlteriusque
fieri statui et decerni in premissis et ea concernentibus quibuscunque quod
Juris fuerit et rationis premissa proponit et fieri petit pars dicti Richardi
Allen coniunctim [et] diuisim non arctans se ad omnia et singula premissa probanda
nec ad onus superflue probationis de quo protestatur sed quatenus probauerit
in premissis eatenus obtineat in petitis Juris beneficio in omnibus semper saluo
vestrum officium domine Judex antedicte humiliter Implorando
Original Document
[1566/12 image 3]
Exceptive material of Richard Allen against the libel of Hugh Dodd, clerk, rector of Coddington exhibited in the year 1566.
[in pencil in a different hand]
[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]
Translation copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved
[1566/12 image 3]
Materia exceptiua [Richardi]
allen contra libellum [Hugonis]
Dod clerici recto[ris]
de codington
exhibita Anno 1566
[in pencil in a different hand]
[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]
Transcript copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved
Original Document
[1566/12 image 4]
In the name of God, Amen: the merits and circumstances of a certain cause of tithes which was disputed, is disputed and is still pending undecided before us having been heard, seen, understood and fully investigated by us, Robert Leche, bachelor of laws, commissary general of the right reverend father in God, William, by divine permission lord bishop of Chester, and lawfully appointed official principal of his consistory court, duly and lawfully proceeding; between the Hugh Dodd, rector of the parish church of Coddington, plaintiff and complaining party on the one part, and Richard Allen of the parish of Farndon of Chester diocese, the defendant and party complained of on the other part, with the parties aforesaid appearing sufficiently and lawfully before us, namely, the party of the said rector appearing personally and by William Man, Master of Arts, lawfully appointed proctor according to the acts of the court, with the party of Richard Allen appearing personally and by John Prichard, Bachelor of Laws, his proctor lawfully appointed according to the acts of the court; the party of the said Richard Allen praying that sentence is passed and justice is done to him, with the party of the said rector also praying that justice is done to him.
All and singular acts, enactments, deductions, propositions, allegations, confessions and proofs had and done by all sides in the said cause having first been examined and diligently inspected by us, and having reviewed, examined and considered them with promptness and the greatest diligence, with the advice of those learned in the law with whom we have communicated in this behalf, and having observed what according to law should be observed by us in this behalf, we have thus thought fit to proceed to the pronouncement of the passing of our definitive sentence or final decree in this cause, and we do proceed in this manner which follows:
Forasmuch as we know and clearly find by the acts enacted, set forth, alleged, exhibited, confessed and proved had and done in the said cause, that the party of the said rector has not in any way sufficiently and fully established and not at all proved his intention in his certain libel given and offered before us (the tenor of which follows and is thus; In the name of God, Amen: before you, William, by divine permission bishop of Chester etc., which libel we will have here read and inserted) and has by no means sufficiently and fully founded and in no way proved, but has altogether failed in proof of this cause.
Therefore we, the official aforesaid, having first called upon the name of Christ, and having God only before our eyes, of and with the advice of those learned in the law with whom we have communicated promptly in this behalf, have thought fit to completely dismiss the said Richard Allen, defendant, from further instance and unjust suit of the said Hugh Dodd, plaintiff, in and upon the same cause, just as we do fully absolve and dismiss him by this our definitive sentence. We decree that the said Hugh Dodd, plaintiff, is to be condemned to pay to the said Richard Allen his costs necessarily incurred and to be hereafter incurred in the said cause, on account of his suit rashly started and the unjust vexation inflicted on the said Richard Allen in this cause, just as we condemn him, Hugh Dodd, rector of Coddington aforesaid, in all and singular the same expenses payable to the said Richard Allen, as aforesaid, by this final decree or definitive sentence judicially issued, read and promulgated in writing; likewise reserving the taxation of these costs to us, and we do reserve it.
This sentence was read and issued by the judge aforesaid in the chapter house of Chester cathedral church on 10th day of October in the year of our Lord 1566, being then present there Edmund Winstanley, gentleman, and with witnesses as in the acts etc..
[1566/12 image 4]
In Dei Nomine Amen auditis visis et intellectis plenarieque discussis per nos Robertum
lech in legibus
baccalaureum reverendi in christo patris et domini domini Willielmi permissione divina Cestrensis episcopi Commissarium generalem ac eius
Curie consistorialis officialem principalem Legitime deputatum Meritis et circumstancijs cuiusdam cause decimarum que coram
nobis inter Hugonem Dodde rectorem ecclesie parochialis de Coddington partem actricem et querelantem ex una et et richardum
Allen parochie de Farenton cestrensis diocesis partem ream querelatam partibus ex altera vertebatur vertitur et adhuc
pendet indecisa rite et Legitime procedentes partibus predictis coram nobis sufficienter et legitime comparentibus parte videlicet dicti
rectoris per se personaliter et per Willelmum Man Artium Magistrum <legitime apud acta procurator constitutum parte vero richardi Allen
per se personaliter et per Johannem Prichard in legibus baccallarium Legitime apud acta constitutum procuratorem >
parte dicti richardi Allen Sententiam ferri et iusticiam sibi fieri parte etiam dicti rectoris Justiciam sibi
fieri instanter postulantibus
Visis primitus per nos diligenterque inspectis omnibus et singulis actis inactitatis deductis propositis
allegatis confessatis et probatis in dicta causa hincinde habitis et factis eijsque cum maturitate et summa cum diligen-
tia recensitis examinatis et ponderatis de consilio iurisperitorum quibuscum in hac parte Communicauimus seruatisque
per nos de iure in hac parte seruandis ad nostre sententie diffinitiue siue finalis decreti prolacionem in huiusmodi causa ferende
sic duximus procedendum et procedimus in hunc qui sequitur modum
Quia per acta inactitata deducta allegata exhibita
confessata et probata in dicta causa habita et facta comperimus et Luculenter invenimus partem dicti rectoris intencionem suam
in quodam suo libello coram [nobis] dato et oblato cuius quidem libelli tenor sequitur <et> talis est In dei nomine amen Coram vobis Willielmo
permissione divina cestrensis episcopo et cetera quem quidem libellum pro hic lecto et inserto habere volumus nequaquam sufficienter et ad plenum
fundasse nullatenusque probasse sed in huiusmodi cause probacione omnino defecisse
Idcirco nos officialis antedictus christi nomine primitus
invocato ac ipsum solum deum pre oculis nostris habentes de et cum consilio iurisperitorum quibuscum mature in hac
parte Communicauimus dictum Richardum Allen partem ream ab vlteriori instancia et impeticione iniusta dicti Hugonis
Dodde partis actricis in et de predicta causa penitus dimmitendum duximus provt Ipsam per hanc nostram Sentenciam diffinitivam penitus
dimmittimus et absoluimus dictumque Hugonem Dodd partem actricem propter suam litem temere incohatam iniustamque vexacionem
in dicta causa dictum richardum allen illatam ad soluendum prefato richardo allen expensas suas in dicta causa necessa-
rio factis et imposterum fiendis condempnandum fore decreuimus provt ipsum Hugonem Dodde rectorem de Coddington
antedictum per hoc finale decretum siue diffinitivam sententiam in scriptis per nos Judicaliter latam Lectam et promulgatam in eijsdem
expensis omnibus et singulis dicto richardo allen vt premittitur soluendum condempnamus taxacionem huiusmodi expensarum
nobis reseruantam et reseruamus
lecta et lata fuit huiusmodi sentencia per iudicem antedictum in domo
capitulari Ecclesia cathedralis cestrensis xo die Octobris Anno domini
1566 presentibus tunc ibidem Edmund Winstanley generoso et alijs
testibus inactis et cetera
Original Document
[1566/12 image 5]
Absolutory sentence of Richard Allen against Hugh Dodd, rector of Coddington, exhibited in the year 1566.
[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]
Translation copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved
[1566/12 image 5]
Sententia absolutoria
Richardi Alen
contra Hugonem
Dodd rectorem
de Coddington
exhibita Anno
[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]
Transcript copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved
Hugh Dodd, rector of Coddington – plaintiff
Richard Allen – defendant
Edmund Winstanley – witness to the sentence
The libel in this cause is filed as EDC 5/1567/2