Ref: EDC 5/13/2
Catalogue Entry:
EDC 5/13/2 – Libel in tithe cause: William, Dean of Chester, rector of Prestbury v. William Andrewe of Prestbury. 1552.
Sir Richard Egerton, farmer of the tithes of Prestbury, contra William Andrewe.
The tithes in dispute were mixed tithes normally payable to the vicar. The libel claims tithes relating to 1552 to 1555, so is likely to date from at least 1555. The crossing through of the name of George as bishop of Chester would also suggest a date later than 1552 as he was bishop from 1554 to the end of 1555.
Type of Cause:
Tithes – calves; tithes – foals; tithes – lambs; tithes – wool
Cause Papers:
Original Document
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In the name of God, Amen: before you […][1] by divine permission bishop of Chester or any other judge whomsoever competent in that behalf; the party of the distinguished and venerable Richard Egerton, knight, farmer of the venerable dean William[2] and the chapter of the cathedral church of Chester, rectors of the parish church of Prestbury and the perpetual rectory of the same, against William Andrewe of the aforesaid parish of Prestbury of Chester diocese and of your jurisdiction and also against any other or others whomsoever lawfully intervening before you in judgement for the same, by every better way, method and form of law that can follow thereon by which he was or is able says, alleges and in these writings in law propounds jointly and severally and in articles as follows:
1. Firstly, that the said venerable dean William and the chapter aforesaid, rectors aforesaid, were and are canonically instituted to the said parish church and rectory of Prestbury, and thus instituted to it with its universal rights, tithes and appurtenances, have had possession of it for some peaceful and quiet time just as (saving what will be said below) they thus have also at present and also were and are commonly called, held, named and reputed openly, publicly and notoriously as rectors and canonical possessors of the said rectory of Prestbury; and he propounds jointly and severally and concerning any of these points.
2. Also, that as well by common law, deed, right and re-grant of presentation of the said rectory of Prestbury, as by ancient laudable and lawful custom, hitherto inviolably and steadfastly used and observed from time immemorial and often upheld in judgment in a contested cause, the right of receiving and having all and singular tithes, as well greater as lesser, mixed and minute (except corn and grain) especially of calves, wool, foals and lambs proceeding and arising within the parish of Prestbury and the bounds and limits and tithable places of the same belonged and thus should have and ought also to belong and appertain to the said venerable dean William and chapter, present rectors there, or to the present farmer by right and in the name of his said rectory and to all and singular his precursors and predecessors in their successive time; and he propounds jointly and severally and concerning any of these points.
3. Also, that all and singular rectors of the said rectory of Prestbury in their successive times, were and are in peaceable possession, or virtually so, of the right of taking and having all and singular tithes abovesaid coming and arising in the manner as is aforesaid (except corn and grain) for 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 years and before and also from the time and throughout the time of the beginning of which does not exist in the memory of men, and they and through their men took them during the same time and so the said venerable dean William and chapter, present rectors, and their farmer had and disposed for their whole and entire time there until the time of trouble described below; and he propounds jointly, severally and concerning any part thereof.
4 Also, that in a parliament of England held and celebrated at Westminster in the 27th and 32nd [years of the reign] of the most serene prince in Christ Henry the eighth, formerly king of England, of happy recollection and memory among other statutes it was and is ordained that all and singular persons of this realm of England whatever his status, degree or condition might be, every year faithfully pays and is bound to and should pay tithes and offerings to God and the church due and accustomed to be paid according to and in accordance with the laudable and legal use, practise and custom of the parishes and places where the tithes and offerings grow and arise or are owed; and he propounds jointly and severally and concerning any of these points.
[1] The name of ‘George’ as bishop of Chester has been crossed out but unfortunately any subsequent insertion is illegible. George Cotes was the first Marian bishop of Chester, appointed in 1554 he died in office early in December 1555, suggesting that this cause dates from late 1555 or early 1556.
[2] William Cliffe was dean of Chester from 1547 to 1558.
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In [dei] nomine amen coram vobis […]
permissione diunia cestrensi episcopo
seu alio Judice in hac parte competenti quocunque pars preclari ac venerabilis viri
Richardi egerton equitis aurati firmarij venerabilium virorum Willielmi decani et capituli ecclesie
cathedralis cestrie Rectorium ecclesie parochialis de prestburye ac Rectorie perpetue eiusdem
contra et aduersus Willielmum andrewe parochie predicte de prestburye cestrensis diocesis et vestre Jurisdiccionis
necnon contra quemcunque alium seu alios coram vobis in Juditio legitime intervenientem pro eodem
omnibus melioribus via modo et Juris forma que exinde sequi poterit aut potest dicit
allegat et in hiis scriptis in iure proponit coniunctim et diuisim et articulatim prout sequitur
1. Imprimis quod dicti venerabiles viri Willielmus decanus et capitulum Rectores antedicti sunt dictam
ecclesiam parochialem et Rectoriam de prestburye canonice assecuti ipsamque sic assecutam cum suis
Juribus decimis et pertinentiis vniuersis per nonnulla tempora quieta ac pacifica possessione
habuerunt prout (saluis infrascriptis) etiam in presenti habent necnon pro Rectoribus et
canonicis possessoribus dicte Rectorie de prestburye fuerunt et sunt communiter dicti tenti nominati et
reputati palam publice et notorie et ponit coniunctim et diuisim ac de quolibet
2. Item quod tam de Jure communi fundatione donatione redotatione dicte Rectorie de prestburye quam de antiqua
laudabili legitimaque consuetudine a tempore immemorato hucusque inviolabiliter et inconcusse
vsitata et obseruata ac in contradictorio Judicio sepius obtenta Jus percipiendi et habendi omnes et
singulas decimas tam maiores quam minores mixtas et minutas (preter frugum et garbarum) presertim vitulorum
larne etulam et agnorum infra parochiam de presteburye finesque et limites ac loca decimabilia euisdem
provenientes et contingentes ad dictos venerabiles viros Willielmum decanum et capitulum Rectores
ibidem modernes seu eorum firmarium moderni Jure et nomine dicte sue Rectorie suosque precessores
ac predecessores omnes et singulos eorum temporius successiuis pertinuit ac sic spectare
et pertinere debuit et debet et ponit coniunctim et diuisim ac de quolibet
3. Item quod Rectores omnes et singuli dicte Rectorie de presteburye eorum temporibus successiue existentes
fuerunt et sunt in pacifica possessione seu quasi iuris percipiendi et habendi omnes et singulas decimas
supradictas modo que prefertur provenientes et contingentes preter frugum et garbarum a x xx
xxx xl l et lx annis vltraque necnon a tempore et per tempus cuius initij in memoria hominum
non existit easque per se et suos per idem tempus perceperunt sicque habuerunt et
disposuerunt dicti venerabiles viri Willielmus decanus et capitulum Rectores moderni
et eorum firmarius toto et omni tempore suo vsque ad tempus gravaminis infrascriptum
et ponit coniunctim et diuisim et de quolibet
4 Item quod in parliamento anglie apud Westmonastarium serenissimi in Christo principis henrici octaui
nuper felices recordacionis et memorie Rex anglie xxvijo et xxxijo tento et celebrato inter alia
statuta fuit et est ordinatum quod omnes et singule persone huius regni anglie cuiuscumque
status gradus et conditionis fuerint decimas et oblationes deo et ecclesie debitas et solui
consuetas iuxta et secundum laudabilem seu legitimum vsum moremque et consuetudinem parochianum
et locorum vbi decime et oblaciones crescunt et perveniunt seu debentur quotannis fideliter persoluant et persoluere tenentur et debent et ponit coniunctim et diuisim et de quolibet
Original Document
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5 Also, that in a parliament of England held and celebrated at Westminster in the 2nd and 3rd [years of the reign] of the most serene prince in Christ Edward the sixth of good and happy memory, late king of England, in confirmation of the payment of all and singular sorts of tithes and offerings it was and is established and ordained, for all and singular his tithes having been subtracted [but] accustomed to be paid by law and custom they shall have given back triple value of the tithes as is thus aforesaid subtracted, just as is more fully clarified and contained in the same statute, to which this party refers himself, as far as it is expedient for himself, and not otherwise; and he propounds jointly and severally and concerning any of these points.
6. Also, that the said William Andrewe, layman, who had or has no right in any way in the said rectory of Prestbury or in the tithes aforesaid, forgetful of the welfare of his soul, being induced (as it is believed) by an evil spirit and not respecting the statutes of the realm and not fearing to fall under penalty of the law in the one thousand five hundred and fifty-first year of our Lord had, raised and kept seven cows and the same number of calves within the parish of Prestbury and the bounds and the tithable places of the same and applied and converted them to his own use where by law and custom he should have paid one tithe calf and in the one thousand five hundred and fifty-2nd year of our Lord he had, raised and kept six cows and the same number of calves, compounding with the farmer for two cows and the same number of calves, omitting five cows and four calves in his account with the farmer namely for any cow and calf 2d for each of the same. Also, in the one thousand five hundred and fifty-3rd year of our Lord he had, raised and kept seven cows and the same number of calves coming from the same cows, from which he paid not even one tithe calf […] the law, practice and custom of that place and parish requires Also, in the one thousand five hundred and fifty-fourth and fifth years of our Lord he had, raised and kept within the bounds of the parish aforesaid seven or at least six cows with the same number of their calves, rendering account for not more than two cows and the same number of calves omitting (as above) four cows with their calves in calculating with the farmer and he approved and approves and accepts the subtraction thus done in his name by him and his men; and he propounds jointly and severally and concerning any of these points.
7 Also, that the said William Andrewe, layman, forgetful of the welfare of his soul (as above) in the one thousand five hundred and fifty-2nd, 3rd, 4th and fifth years of our Lord, in the months of November, December, January, February, March and April had, raised and kept and (as he agrees) overwintered in each year in the months aforesaid at least fifty sheep, commonly called ‘yenys & wedders’[1] and applied and converted them to his own use, delivering to the rectors or their farmer no tithe or tenth part neither of the wool nor the lambs therefrom, where each year he should have delivered to God and the church five fleeces and at least two tithe lambs; and he propounds jointly and severally and concerning any of these points.
8 Also, that the true value or valuation of the tithes or tenth part subtracted, as is thus aforesaid, by the aforesaid William Andrewe, namely ‘fore ij tythe caluis fore kie & caluis iij yere´ for tithe calves not paid extends to the sum or value of 8s and for cows and their calves, according to the custom, for three years as above mentioned is 2s
[1] Probably ‘jennys’ and ‘wethers’ – female animals and castrated male sheep.
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5 [Item quod in parliamento anglie apud Westmonastarium serenissimi in Christo principis Edwardi]
sexti nuper bone et felicis [m]emorie Regis angli[e 2]o et 3o tento et [cel]ebrato in corrobora-
tionem solutionis omnium et singulorum generum decimarum et oblationum statutum et ordinatum
fuit et est per omnes et singuli subtractas habentes decimas suos de iure et consuetudine
solui consuetas redderint triplum valorem decimarum sic vt premittitur subtractarum prout
in eodem statuto plenius liquet ac continetur ad que se refert pars ista quatenus sibi
expedit et non aliter et ponit coniunctim et diuisim et de quolibet
6. Item quod dictus Willielmus andrewe laicus qui nihil Juris in dicta rectoria de prestburye decimisve predictis
habuit seu habet aliqualiter anime sue salutis immemor spritu (vt creditur) maligno ductus
ac statuta regia predicta negligens et in penam Juris cadere non formidans septem
vaccas ac totidem vitulos habuit aluit ac custodiuit anno domini Millesimo quingentesimo
quinquagesimo primo infra parochiam de presteburye finesque ac loca decimabilia eiusdem et
ad vsum suum proprium applicauit et convertit vbi de Jure et consuetudine redderet
vnum vitulum decimalium et anno domini Millesimo quingentesimo
quinquagesimo 2o habuit aluit
ac custoduit sex vaccas ac totidem vitulos computans cum firmario pro duabus
vaccis ac totidem vitulos quintuor ac quatuor vitulos in compoto suo
cum firmario videlicet per quale les vacca ac vitulo eiusdem ijd Item anno domini Millesimo
quingentesimo quinquagesimo 3o habuit aluit ac custoduit septem vaccas ac totidem
vitulos ex eisdem vaccis provenientes e quibus ne vitulum quidem decimalem […]
lex mos ac consuetudo illius loci ac parochie exegit redderet Item annis domini Millesimo
quingentesimo quinquagesimo quarto et quinto habuit aluit ac custoduit infra limites
parochie predicte septem vell ad minus sex vaccas cum totidem suos vitulos reddens
compotum pro duabus dumtaxat vaccis ac totidem vitulis omittens (vt supra) quatuor
vaccas cum suis vitulos computando cum firmario et huius nomine subtractionem
per se suosque sic factam ratum et gratum habuit et habet pariter et acceptat
et ponit coniunctim et diuisim et de quolibet
7 Item quod predictus Willielmus andrewe laicus vt supra anime sue salutis immemor annis domini
Millesimo quingentesimo quinquagesimo primo 2o 3o 4o et quinto mensibus novembris decembris
Januarij februarij martij et aprilis habuit aluit ac custodiuit et (vt
annuit) hibernauit quotannis mensibus predictis quinquaginta ad minus
oves vulgariter appellatas yenys & wedders et ad vsum suum proprium
applicauit et convertit nullam inde decimam seu decimam partem neque lane neque
agnorum reddens Rectoribus vell eorum firmario vbi quotannis redderet deo et
ecclesie quinque vellera et ad minus duos agnellos decimales et ponit
coniunctim et diuisim et de quolibet
8 Item quod verus valor siue estimacio decimarum siue decime partis per prefatum Willielmi andrewe
videlicet fore ij tythe caluis fore kie & caluis iij yere sic vt premittitur
subtractarum pro vitulis decimalibus non solutarum extendit ad summam siue valorem viijs
et pro vaccis et earum vitulis secundum consuetudinem pro tribus annis vt
supra memorata est ijs
Original Document
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and for two lambs […] in the one thousand five hundred and fifty-first year of our Lord 3s 4d and for the same number in the following year, namely the one thousand five hundred and fifty-second 5s and for similar in the following year 3s and for similar in the following year 2s 4d and for similar […] 2s, and this propounding party submits and libels of whatever other intermediate or lesser sum or value down to the sum or value of 13s 4d, and of such and so great a sum or value of what kind and amount as extends by common report of men as will come to be proved by lawful proofs in the outcome of this suit; and he propounds as above.
9 Also, that the aforesaid William Andrewe was asked and requested on the part and behalf of the aforesaid rectors or their farmer within the precincts of the said parish of Prestbury and the tithable places of the same to pay, give and deliver to the aforenamed venerable men, dean William and the chapter, rectors aforesaid, or to their farmer the tithes abovesaid subtracted, taken and had by him and his men in the months and years recited above, or in any of those months whatever, in one or the other, in the manner as is aforesaid or otherwise duly to compound for the same; and he propounds as above.
10 Also, that the aforesaid William Andrewe having been asked and requested as is aforesaid to give, pay or deliver the tithes aforesaid, or otherwise duly to compound for them, he has not troubled and is not troubling to do so, but in the months and years aforesaid, or in any of those months whatever, in one or the other, without there being reasonable or lawful cause at all expressly declined and refused, or at least inequitably delayed and delays at present, to the grave danger of his soul and to no small prejudice and grievance of the aforesaid rectors and their farmer and the pernicious example of other Christian faithful; and he propounds as above.
11 Also, that the aforenamed William was and is of the parish of Prestbury, of Chester diocese and of York province and notoriously subordinate and subject to your jurisdiction; he propounds as above.
12 Also, that all and singular the premises were and are true, public, notorious, manifest and well-known, and public voice and fame were and are at present circulating regarding and concerning this in the said parish of Prestbury and other surrounding parishes, townships and places. Whereupon, due proof being made, as required by law in this behalf, the party of the said farmer of Prestbury prays that right and justice may be done and administered to him with effect in the premises and also that the aforesaid William Andrewe is condemned in the tithes aforesaid subtracted by him and his men and not paid, if they are in existence, and otherwise in true value of the same, according to the provisions of the statute aforesaid and in the lawful costs incurred and he protests those to be incurred by reason of this suit on the part of the said farmer aforesaid and, having been condemned, that that he is canonically obliged and compelled to the real payment of these same tithes and expenses by you and passing your definitive sentence or your final decree in that behalf, lord judge aforesaid; and otherwise, that what will have been of right and reason in the premises and anything concerning them may be done, established and decreed etc.
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et pro duobus agnellis […] anno domini Millesimo q[uinge]ntesimo quinquagesimo primo iijs iiijd
et pro totidem anno sequenti videlicet Millesimo Do q[uin]quagesimo s[e]c[und]o vs et pro consimilibus
anno sequenti iijs et pro consimilibus anno sequenti ijs iiijd et pro consimilibus
[…] ijs ac dat et libellat pars ista proponens de qualibet
alia summa vel valore intermedia vel minori usque ad summam siue valorem <xiijs> iiijd
deque tali et tanta summa siue valore qualis et quanta per probationes legitimas
in eventu huius litis veniet comprobandum communi hominum estimatione se extendit
et ponit ut supra
9 Item quod prefatus Willielmus andrewe ad soluendum tradendum et leberandum prenominatis
venerabilibus viris Willielmo decano et capitulo rectoribus antedictis
seu eorum firmario decimas supradictas modo quo prefertur per se et
suos subtractas perceptas et habitas seu aliter debite componendum
pro eosdem mensibus et annis superius recitatis eorundemve mensium
quolibet vno siue altero ex parte et per partem prefatorium rectorium siue
eorum firmarij infra precinctam dicte parochie de presteburye et loca decimalia
eiusdem requisitus fuit et interpellatus et ponit ut supra
10 Item quod prefatus Willielmus andrewe sic vt premittitur requisitus et interpellatus decimas
predictas tradere soluere seu liberare seu aliter debite componere pro eisdem
curauerit nec curat sed mensibus et annis predictis eorumve mensium quolibet vno siue altero absque causa rationabili seu legitima quocunque subsistens renuit expresse
et recusauit seu saltem plus equo distulit et differt in presenti in anime sue
graue periculum dictorumque rectorium et eorum firmarij preiudicium non
modicum et gravamen aliorumque christifidelium pernitiosum exemplum
et ponit ut supra
11 Item quod prenominatus Willielmus fuit et est parochie de presteburye cestrencis diocesis
eboracensisque provincie et vestre Jurisdictionis notorie subditus et subiectus et ponit
ut supra
12 Item quod premissa omnia et singula fuerunt et sunt vera publica notoria manifesta et
famosa ac de et super huiusmodi in dicta parochia de prestburye alijsque parochijs
villis et locis circumvicinis laborarunt et in presenti laborant publica
vox et fama Vnde facta fide in hac parte de Jure requisita
petit pars dicti firmarij de prestburye Jus et Justiciam sibi in premissis
fieri et administrari cum effectu necnon prefatum Willielmum andrewe
in decimis predictis per se et suos subtractis et non solutis si extent
alioquin in vero valore eorundem iuxta limitationes statuti predicti
ac in expensis legitimis per partem dicti firmarij predicti occasione huius litis
factis et protestatur de faciendis condempnari et condempnatum ad realem
solutionem earundem decimarum et expensarum huiusmodi canonice cogi et compelli per vos
et vestram sententiam diffinitiuam siue vestrum finale decretum in hac
ferendam domine Judex antedicte vlteriusque fieri statui et
decerni in premissis et ea concernent[ibus quod] Juris fuerit et rationis / et cetera
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[the endorsement is illegible apart from the year]
[in pencil in a different hand]
[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]
Transcript copyright ©2025 P J Cox All Rights Reserved
Sir Richard Egerton – plaintiff
William Andrewe – defendant
George Cotes – bishop of Chester