Ref: EDC 5/12/2

Catalogue Entry:

EDC 5/12/2 – Sentence in tithe cause: Thomas Cuverden, farmer of tithes of Hutton in pa. Penwortham co. L. v. Richard Serley of Hutton. 16 – ? – 1551.


Thomas Cuverden contra Richard Sherley.

The personal answer of Richard Sherley may be found in the deposition book reference EDC 2/5 at ff. 5v to 6v. In his answer he says that set he out tithe oats and peas which ‘the said thomas bie his seruantes toke awaye owt off the pastures off this respondent for the tenthe parte so bie hym left’. As this sentence refers only to oats it may be that the official was satisfied that the full tithe of peas had been paid.



Type of Cause:

Tithes – oats

Cause Papers:


Sentence (image 1)

Original Document

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[5/12/2 image 1]

In the name of God, Amen: the merits and circumstances of a certain cause of subtraction of tithes which has been disputed for some time and is still disputed and depending undecided having been heard, seen and understood and fully investigated by us, George Wilmesley, Bachelor of Laws, appointed official principal of the royal Chester ecclesiastical court by the right reverend father in Christ, John, by divine permission lord bishop of Chester sufficiently and lawfully deputed for the exercising of spiritual and ecclesiastical jurisdiction within Chester diocese by the supreme authority of the most illustrious Prince in Christ and our lord, Edward the sixth, by the grace of God king of England, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith and on earth supreme head of the English and Irish church under Christ, rightly and lawfully proceeding, between the honest man, Thomas Cuverden, farmer of all and singular tithes of grain and crops growing, proceeding and arising from, out of and in the township of Hutton and the lands, farms and places belonging to the same sited within the parish of the parish church of Penwortham of Chester diocese and the bounds, limits and tithable places of the same parish, the complainant on the one part and Richard Sherley of Hutton of the aforesaid parish of Penwortham and Chester diocese aforesaid, the defendant and party complained of on the other part; the parties aforesaid appearing sufficiently and lawfully before us in judgement; and the party of the said Thomas Cuverden urgently praying and seeking that sentence is passed and that justice may be done to his party while the party of the said Richard Sherley urgently praying and seeking justice for his party.

All and singular acts, enactments, deductions, propositions, allegations, confessions and proofs had and done by all sides in this cause having first been examined and considered by us, and having reviewed and weighed them with promptness and diligence, from the advice of those learned in the law with whom in this behalf


[5/12/2 image 1] 

In dei Nomine Amen [auditis visis et intellectis plenarieque discussis]
per nos Georgium Wymesley in Legibus baccallaureum curie [regie]
ecclesiastice Cestrensis officialem principalem per Reuerendum in ch[risto]
patrem et dominum dominum Johannem permissione diuina Cestrensem episcopum ad
exercendum iurisdictionem spiritualem et ecclesiasticam infra diocesem Cestrensem
auctoritate suprema Illustrissimi in christo principis et domini nostri
Edwardi Sexti dei gracia Anglie Francie et hibernie Regis
fidei defensoris et in terris ecclesie Anglicane et hibernice sub
christo capitis supremi fulcitum sufficienter et legitime deputatum
meritis et circumstantijs cuiusdam cause subtractionis deci-
marum que coram nobis inter probum virum Thomam Cuber-
den firmarium omnium et singularum decimarum granorum et segetum
de ex et in villa de Hutton terrisque predijs et locis ad eandem
spectantibus infra parochiam <ecclesie parochiali> de Penwurtham Cestrensis diocesis finesque
limites et loca decimabilia eiusdem parochie <sitis> crescentium provenientium et con-
tingentium partem querelantem ex vna et Richardum Serley de Hutton
predicte parochie de penwurtham ac cestrensis diocesis predicte partem ream
et querelatam ex altera parte aliquandiu vertebatur et adhuc
vertitur et Pendet indecisa rite et legitime procedentes partibus predictis
coram nobis in iudicio <sufficienter et> legitime comparentibus parteque dicti Thome Cu-
verden Sententiam ferri et iusticiam fieri pro parte sua parte vero dicti
Richardi Sherley Justiciam
pro parte sua instanter postulantibus et petentibus.

Visis primitus per
nos et inspectis omnibus et singulis actis inactitatis deductis
propositis allegatis confessatis et probatis in huiusmodi causa  hincinde
habitis et factis eisque cum maturite et diligentia recensitis
et ponderatis de consilio iurisperitorum cum quibus in hac parte

Sentence (image 2)

Original Document

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[5/12/2 image 2]

we have thus thought fit to proceed to making the pronouncement of [our] definitive sentence or our final decree in the said cause, and we do proceed in this manner which follows:

Forasmuch as we know and clearly find by the acts enacted, set forth, exhibited, propounded, proved and equally confessed in the said cause, had and done by both sides, that the party of the said Thomas Cuverden, farmer aforesaid [has sufficiently and fully established and proved] his claim as to the right, title and possession of the right of having all and singular tithes of grain and crops within the township of Hutton aforesaid and coming and growing from the farms, lands and places belonging to the same township within the said parish of Penwortham in his libel previously judicially given and offered before us by his party in the cause mentioned (the tenor of which libel follows in these words; In the name of God, Amen; before you, the venerable and distinguished Master George Wilmesley, Bachelor of Laws, appointed official principal of the royal Chester ecclesiastical court by the right reverend father in Christ, John, by divine permission bishop of Chester sufficiently and lawfully deputed for the exercising of spiritual and ecclesiastical jurisdiction within Chester diocese by the supreme authority of the most illustrious Prince in Christ and our lord, Edward the sixth, by the grace of God lord king of England, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith and on earth supreme head of the English and Irish church, or any other judge whomsoever competent in this regard, the party of the honest man, Thomas Cuverden, farmer of the tithes of grain and crops within the township of Hutton of the parish of Penwortham of Chester diocese and of and from the farms, lands and places belonging to the said township within the said parish howsoever coming and arising against Richard Sherley of Hutton aforesaid of the said parish and diocese and also against any other person or persons whomsoever lawfully intervening before you in judgement for the same says, alleges etc.) which certain libel as here read


[5/12/2 image 2]

sententie diffinitiue siue decreti nostri  finalis in dicta causa ferendum prola-
cionem sic duximus procedendum et procedimus in hunc qui sequitur modum

Quia per acta inactita deducta exhibita proposita
probata pariter et confessata in dicta causa hinc inde habita et facta
comperimus et luculenter invenimus partem dicti Thome Cuverden
firmarij antedicti intencionem suam quoad ius titulum et possessionem
iuris percipiendi omnes et singulas decimas granorum et segetum
infra villam de Hutton predictam et ex predijs terris et locis ad eandem
villam spectantis infra dictam parochiam de Penwurtham prouenientium et con-
tingentium in libello suo alias per partem suam coram nobis in causa memo-
rate iudicaliter dato et oblato deductam Cuius quidem libelli
tenor sequitur in hec verba In dei Nomine Amen Coram
vobis venerabili et egregio viro Magistro Georgio Wymesley in
Legibus baccallaureo curie regie ecclesiastice Cestrensis officiale
principali per Reuerendum in christo patrem dominum Johannem permissione diuina cestrensem
episcopum ad exercendum iurisdictionem spiritualem et ecclesiasticam infra diocesem cestrensem
auctoritate suprema Illustrissimi in christo principis et domini nostri domini
Edwardi sexti dei gracia Anglie francie et hibernie Regis
fidei defensoris et in terris ecclesie Anglicane et hibernice supremi
capitis fulcitum sufficienter et legitime deputatum seu alio iudice
in hac parte competenti quocunque Pars honesti viri Thome
Cuverden fimarij decimarum granorum et segetum infra villam de
hutton parochie de Penwurtham Cestrensis diocesis atque de et ex
predijs terris et locis ad eandem villam spectantibus infra dictam parochiam
qualitercunque provenientium et contingentium contra et aduersus Richardum
sherley de Hutton predicte dicteque parochie et diocesis Necnon contra
quemcunque alium seu alios coram vobis in iudicio legitime interuenientem
pro eodem dicit allegat et cetera quem quidem libellum pro hic lecto

Sentence (image 3)

Original Document

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[5/12/2 image 3]

and nothing effectual has been or is excepted, set forth, alleged or proved on behalf of Richard Sherley which could destroy or in any way weaken the claim of the aforesaid Thomas Cuverden, farmer aforesaid.

Therefore we, George Wilmesley, official principal aforesaid, having first called upon the name of Christ, and having God himself alone before our eyes, pronounce, decree and declare for the right, title and possession, or quasi-possession of the said Thomas Cuverden, farmer aforesaid, and of the parish church of Penwortham aforesaid, to all and singular tithes of grain and crops from, out of and in the said township of Hutton and the farms, fields, lands and places whatsoever belonging and appertaining to the same sited within the said parish of Penwortham howsoever growing, proceeding and arising; likewise the right of receiving and having all and singular the same tithes belonged and appertained and thus should have and should belong and appertain to the said Thomas Cuverden by right and in the name of the parish church of Penwortham aforesaid and the said Richard Sherley did not fully set forth the tithes or the tenth part in kind of his oats growing, proceeding and arising in the months and year libellate in a certain field of his called ‘the Thre Acres’ within the boundary of the township of Hutton aforesaid in the manner and form expressed and declared in the said libel but subtracted or has not paid the above-written tithes proceeding and arising in the months and year and place in the manner and form expressed and declared in the said libel from the said Thomas Cuverden, farmer aforesaid, and thus approved and approves and likewise accepted this


[5/12/2 image 3]

nihilque effectuale pro parte […] Richardi Sh[erley …] exceptum ded[uctum]
allegatum aut probatum fuisse [et] esse quod intencionem prefati Thome
Cuverden firmarij antedicti elideret seu quomodolibet enervaret

Idcirco Nos Georgius Wylmesley officialis
principalis antedictus christi nomine primitus Invocato ac ipsum solum
Deum pre oculis nostris habentes pro iure titulo et possessione seu
quasi dicti Thome Cuverden firmarij antedicti et ecclesie parochialis de
Penwurtham predicte omnibus et singulis decimis granorum et segetum
de ex et in dicta villa de Hutton predijsque campis terris et locis
ad eandem villam spectantibus et pertinentibus quibuscunque infra dictam parochiam de
Penwurtham sitis qualitercunque crescentium provenientium et contingentium Jus
quoque percipiendi et habendi easdem decimas omnies et singulas ad dictum
Thomam Cuverden firmarium predictum iure et nomine ecclesie parochialis
de Penwurtham predicte spectasse et pertinisse ac sic spectare
et pertinere debuisse et debere dictumque Richardum Sherley decimas siue
decimam partem auenarum suarum mensibus et Anno in hac parte libellatis
in quadam clausura sua vocata the Thre Acres infra precinctum
ville de Hutton predicte crescentium provenientium et contingentium modo et
forma in dicto libello expressis et declaratis in suis <speciebus> integre non ex-
posuisse sed decimas infrascriptas eijsdem mensibus et anno et loco
provenientes et contingentes modo et forma in dicto libello expressis et
declaratis dicto Thome Cuverden firmario antedicto subtraxisse
aut non soluisse seu saltem sic subtrahi aut non solui sic factum
ratum et gratum habuisse et habere pariter et acceptum pronunciamus
decernimus et declaramus Ipsumque Richardum Sherley ad

Sentence (image 4)

Original Document

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[5/12/2 image 4]

[…] 16 sheaves of oats, in English ‘of xxvj thraves and xvj sheves of ootes’ from any of these stacks containing 24 sheaves arising in the months and year aforesaid out of his said close called ‘the Thre acres’ in Hutton aforesaid subtracted and not paid by him or others in his name as is aforesaid if they are still in existence otherwise in the true value of the same, which certain tithes we calculate at the value of five shillings of lawful money of England according to the proofs on the part of the said farmer; and in addition in the payment, imbursement and satisfaction of triple the value of the said tithes subtracted and not paid as is thus aforesaid, which triple value we calculate at the sum or value of 15s of money of England, according to the simple rate and proved on behalf of the said farmer impartially by law; and we condemn him, Richard Sherley, in the said tithes, if they are still in existence, otherwise in their value aforesaid and triple the value aforesaid and also in the expenses incurred and to be incurred on the part of the said Thomas Cuverden, farmer aforesaid, in this matter (which expenses we tax at the sum of […] of money of England) and that he ought to be obliged and compelled to the due payment of the premises by legal remedy of law and with effect he is obliged and compelled to the payment of the aforesaid expenses to the farmer aforesaid, taxed by us as is aforesaid, before the feast of Easter next coming under pain of excommunication then and thenceforward, if he does not obey our warnings to him, which we pass and publish in these writings, we pronounce, decree and declare that he is peremptorily warned by this our definitive sentence or this our final decree which we pass and publish in these writings.

This sentence was read and issued by the aforesaid Master on the 16th day of the month [name of month is missing] in the year of our Lord 1551 in the presence of John Woodward, clerk, Tristram Oswald and Ralph Browne, witnesses etc.

[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]

Translation copyright ©2025 P J Cox All Rights Reserved



[5/12/2 image 4]

[…] <xvj garbarum> avenarum anglice of xxvj
thraves and xvj sheves of ootes quolibet aceruo huiusmodi continenti xxiiijor
garbarum avenarum ex dicta clausura sua vocata the Thre acres
in Hutton predicto provenientes mensibus et anno predictis per eum
seu alios eius nomine vt premittitur subtractas et non solutas <si extent alioquin veri valoris earundem>
quas quidem decimas ad valorem quinque solidorum legalis monete
Anglie <estimamus> iuxta probata ex parte dicti fimarij Atque ad solucionem
prestacionem et satisfactionem Triplicis valoris dictarum decimarum
sic vt prefertur subtractarum et non solutarum quemquidem triplicis valor
ad summam siue valorem xvs monete Anglie estimamus
iuxta ratam simpli et probata ex parte dicti firmarij de iure
temere Et ipsum Richardum Sherley in dictis decimis si extent
alioquin in earum valorem antedictum ac Triplici valorem
predictum necnon in expensis legitimis per partem dicti Thome
Coverden firmarij antedicti in hac parte factis et faciendis
condemnamus  (Quas quidem expensis ad summam […]
[…] monete Anglie taxamus) et ipsum
ad debitam solucionem premissorum per legitima iuris remedia
cogendum et compellendum fore debere <et> cum effectu cogi et compelli
eundemque ad soluendum prefato firmario predictas expensas predictas per
nos vt prefertur taxatas citra festum paschalium iam proximum
futurum sub pena excommunicacionis quam in ipsum monicionibus nostris non
parens extunc prout extunc et extunc prout extunc ferimus et pro-
mulgamus in hijs scriptis peremptorie monendum fore pronunciamus
decernimus et declaramus per hanc nostram sententiam diffinitiuam siue hoc
nostrum finale decretum quam siue quod ferimus et promulgamus
in hijs scriptis.

Lecta et lata fuit huiusmodi sententia per dominum antedictum
xvjto die mensis anno domini 1551o in presentia
Johannis Woodward clerici tristram oswald
et Radulphi Browne testium etcetera

[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]

Transcript copyright ©2025 P J Cox All Rights Reserved


Thomas Cuverden, farmer of the hamlet of Hutton – plaintiff

Richard Sherley – defendant







George Wilmesley – official principal


This sentence is in the format of the earlier surviving sentences from the Chester Consistory Court. It includes a longer extract from the libel than later sentences and also gives the value of the tithes lost and due date for payment of the award as determined by the court.