Ref: EDC 5/13/1
Catalogue Entry:
EDC 5/13/1 – Libel in tithe cause: Roger Lever (s. of Alexander Lever dec. & Elizabeth) gent., farmer of tithes of Bolton-le-Moors v. Roger Walmysley sen. & Roger Walmysley jun. 1552.
Roger Lever contra Roger Walmysley, senior and Roger Walmysley, junior.
Alexander Lever had held a lease of the prebend of Bolton-le-Moors from 1499. When William Knight became archdeacon of Chester and prebendary of Bolton in 1522 a new lease was agreed for sixty years for £40. Alexander Lever died in 1539, having paid only half of the agreed amount. Knight attempted to relet the prebend to Thurstan Tyldesley for a greater amount, but Lever’s executors instituted proceedings in the Duchy of Lancaster court. Although the outcome of this suit is not known a lease of the prebend to Tyldesley was made and ratified by the bishop, dean and chapter of Lichfield in 1539. It is possible that Roger Lever had arranged a new lease of the tithes following the transfer of the prebend of Bolton to bishopric of Chester. (James Christopher Scholes, History of Bolton: with Memorials of the old Parish Church, (ed. William Pimblett, Bolton, 1892), pp. 101-105). This cause suggests that there may have been some confusion about the right to receive the tithes in question as reference is made to years immediately following the appropriation of the prebend of Bolton-le-Moors by the new bishopric of Chester in 1541.
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[…] Bachelor […] official principal of the Chester ecclesiastical court sufficiently and lawfully deputed by the reverend father in Christ, John, by divine permission lord bishop of Chester upheld for the exercising of spiritual and ecclesiastical [jurisdiction] in and throughout the whole Chester diocese by the authority of the most illustrious and most resolute and most chaste virgin and our lady queen, the lady Mary, by the grace of God queen of England, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith and on earth supreme head under Christ of the English and Irish church, or any other judge whomsoever competent in that behalf; the party of the worthy and distinguished Roger Lever, gentleman, natural and legitimate son of Alexander Lever, deceased, and Elizabeth Lever, formerly his wife, farmer of all and singular tithes as well greater as lesser, mixed and minute coming and growing wherever, whenever, however often and howsoever from, in and out of any lands, meadows, pastures, fields and farms and any other places whatsoever sited or situated within the limits or boundary of the township of Bolton le Moors of Chester diocese, formerly part or parcel of the prebend of Bolton aforesaid, against Roger Walmysley, senior, and Roger Walmysley, junior, of the said diocese and of your jurisdiction and either or each of them jointly and severally and also against any other whomsoever lawfully intervening before you in judgement for them, by every better way, method and form of law that can follow thereon by which he was or is able says, alleges and in these writings in law propounds jointly and severally and in articles in the manner which follows:
1 Firstly, namely, that a certain Elizabeth Lever or Chetham received, had and farmed all and singular tithes aforesaid to farm for a certain term of years not yet ended and the same Elizabeth was and is deputed the lawful farmer of all and singular the tithes aforesaid, by sufficient and lawful authority and the same Elizabeth was and is commonly called, taken, held and reputed openly, publicly and notoriously as this farmer; and he propounds jointly and severally and concerning any of these points.
2 Also, that the aforesaid Roger Lever in the months of March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, January or February in the one thousand five hundred 46th or 47th year of our Lord or in any of those same months in any one whatsoever or in another, and in either of the said years or the other, all and singular tithes from the aforesaid Elizabeth, original farmer aforesaid for a certain term of years not yet withdrawn, received, had, held, farmed and occupied to farm and thus receives, has, holds, farms and occupies at present, and the said Roger Lever was and is farmer
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[…] baccallario Curie ecclesiastice Cestrensis [offic]iali principali per Reuerendum
[in christo] patrem dominum Johannem permissione diuina Cestrensem Episcopum ad
spiritualem et ecclesiasticam in et per totam diocesem Cestrensem Auctoritate illustrissime
ac Invictissime et pudicissime Virginis et domine nostre domine Marie dei
gracia Anglie Francie et Hibernie Regine fidei defensoris et in ter-
ra ecclesie Anglicane et Hibernice sub christo supremi capitis fulcito sufficienter
et legitime deputato seu alio Judice in hac parte competenti quocunque pars
honesti et discreti viri Roggeri leuer generosi filij naturalis et legitimi
Alexandri Lever defuncti et Elizabeth Lever eius nuper vxoris firma-
rij omnium et singularum decimarum tam maiorum quam minorum mixtarum et
minutarum de in et ex quibuscunque terris pratis pascuis campis ac predijs et
locis alijs infra limites siue precinctum ville de Bolton in Lee mors
Cestrensis diocesis porcionis siue parcelle nuper prebende de bolton predicte sitis
et situatis vbicunque quandocunque quociescunque ac qualitercunque prouenientium
et crescentium contra et aduersus Roggerum Walmysley seniorem et Roggerum
Walmysley Juniorem dicte diocesis et vestre Jurisdiccionis ac contra eorum vtrumque siue
alterum coniunctim et diuisim nec non contra quemcunque alium coram vobis in Judicio
legitime Interuenientem pro eijsdem omnibus melioribus via modo et Juris forma que
exinde sequi potuerit aut potest dicit et allegat et in hijs scriptis in Jure
proponit coniunctim et diuisim atque articulatim modo prout sequitur
1 In primis videlicet quod quedam Elisabeth Lever alias Chetham omnes et singulas
decimas predictas pro certo annorum non dum elapsorum termino ad firmam recepit
habuit et conduxit fuitque et est eadem Elisabeth firmaria legitima omnium et singu-
larum decimarum predictarum auctoritate sufficienti et legitima deputata atque pro fir-
maria huiusmodi fuit et est eadem Elisabeth communiter dicta tenta habita et reputata
palam publice et notorie et ponit coniunctim et diuisim ac de quolibet
2 Item quod prefatus Roggerus Lever mensibus martij aprilis maij Junij Julij augusci Septembris octobris novembris decembris Januarij siue februarij Anno domini Millesimo quingentesimo xlvjto
siue xlvijo eorundem ve mensium vno quolibet siue aliquo et dictorum annorum vtroque siue
altero omnes et singulas decimas predictas a prefata Elisabeth firmaria origi–
nali predicta pro certo annorum non dum retroactorum termino ad firmam recepit
habuit tenuit conduxit et occupauit atque sic recepit habet tenet conducit
et occupat in presenti fuitque et est dictus Roggerus Lever Firmarius
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was and is commonly called, taken, held, named […] openly, publicly and notoriously as this;
and he propounds as before.
3 Also, that from the time and throughout the time of the beginning or to the contrary of which there exists no memory of men until the one thousand five hundred and 42nd, third or fourth years of our Lord the aforesaid parish church or prebend of Bolton aforesaid, together with all and singular offerings and tithes and other ecclesiastical rights and emoluments whatsoever belonging to the same church or prebend has been and was rightly, duly and lawfully united, annexed, appropriated and incorporated to Chester archdeaconry and to any archdeacon whosoever possessing that archdeaconry for the time being to their own continuous use by sufficient authority and by and with the consent of all and singular having a right or interest in that respect, and it has been and was whichever archdeacon of the archdeaconry aforesaid for the time being for the whole time abovesaid lawfully obtained the aforesaid church or prebend aforesaid, with its rights and appurtenances aforesaid, and the same thus obtained, with its rights and appurtenances aforesaid possessed it peaceably and quietly for the whole time abovesaid and whichever aforesaid archdeacon has been and was rector, proprietor or prebendary and lawful possessor of the same church or prebend and of its rights and appurtenances aforesaid, and each aforesaid archdeacon for the time being has been and was for the whole and entire time aforesaid commonly called, taken, held, named and reputed openly publicly and notoriously as rector, proprietor or prebendary and lawful possessor of this by reason of the premises; and he propounds jointly and severally and concerning any of these points.
4 Also, that as well by the common law as by ancient laudable and lawful prescribed custom, hitherto inviolably and steadfastly used and observed from time immemorial and often upheld in judgment in a contested cause, the right of receiving and having all and singular tithes both great and small, mixed and minute and ecclesiastical rights and emoluments whatsoever within the bounds and limits and the tithable places within the parish church or prebend of Bolton the Moors wherever, howsoever and however often proceeding and arising by right and in the name of the said parish church or prebend belonged and appertained to the aforesaid archdeacons of Chester archdeaconry and to all and singular their precursors and predecessors in their successive times throughout the whole time aforesaid and so ought also to belong and appertain in future; and he propounds as above.
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huiusmodi fuit et es[t c]ommuniter dictus tentus habitus nominatus [… p]alam
publice et notorie Et ponit ut supra
3 Item quod a tempore et per tempus cuius inicij siue contrarij in memoria hominum non
existit vsque ad annos domini millesimo quingentesimo xl2um tercium aut quartum predicta ecclesia
parochialis siue prebenda de bolton predicta vna cum omnibus et singulis oblacionibus
et decimis ac ceteris Juribus et emolumentis ecclesiasticis quibuscunque ad eandem
ecclesiam siue prebendam spectantibus fuit et erat archidiaconatui Cestrensi
Ipsique archidiaconatus archidiacono cuicunque pro tempore successiue existens in eorum proprios
vsus perpetuo possedendum auctoritate sufficienti atque de et cum concensu omnium
et singulorum Jus aut Interesse in ea parte habentium Recte rite et legitime
vnita anexa appropriata et incorporata fuitque et erat quilibet archidiaconus
predicti pro tempore existens per omnem tempus supradictum antefatam ecclesiam siue preben-
dam predictam cum suis Juribus et pertinentibus predictis legitime assecutus
Ipsamque sic assecutam cum suis Juribus et pertinentibus predictis pro omnem supra–
dictum tempus possedit pacifice et quiete fuitque et erat quilibet
predictus archidiaconus Rector proprietarius siue prebendarius et legitimus possessor eius-
dem ecclesie siue prebende Juriumque et pertinentium suorum predictorum atque pro rectori
proprietario siue prebendario et legitime possessore huiusmodi fuit et erat quilibet
antedictus archidiaconus pro tempore existens toto et omne predicto tempore communiter dictus tentus
habitus nominatus et reputatus palam publice et notorie Racione premissorum Et ponit
coniunctim diuisim ac de quolibet
4 Item quod tam de Jure communi quam de antiqua Laudabili legitimaque prescripta
consuetudine a tempore immemorato hucusque inviolabiliter et inconcusse
vsitata et obseruata ac in contradictorio Judicio sepius obtenta Jus percipiendi
ac habendi omnes et singulas decimas tam maiores quam minores mixtas et minutas
ac Jura et emolumenta ecclesiastica quecunque infra fines et limites
ac Loca decimabilia dicte ecclesie parochialis siue prebende de bolton in le
mores vbicunque qualitercunque et quocienscunque prouenientes et
contingentes Jure et nomine dicte ecclesie parochialis siue prebende ad
prefatos archidiaconos archidiaconatus cestrensis suosque precessores et predecessores omnes et
singulos successiue existentes per omne tempus antedictum spectauit
et pertinuit ac sic spectare et pertinere debuit et debet etiam
in futurum Et ponit ut supra
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5 […] aforesaid rectors, proprietors or […] his possessors, precursors and predecessors each and every one of them in the same church or prebend in their successive times, were, just as they should have been, in peaceable possession, or virtually so, of the right of taking and having all and singular tithes aforesaid in the manner which is aforesaid coming and arising within the bounds and limits and the tithable places of the said parish church or prebend of Bolton le Moors for ten, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 years and before and since and also from the time and throughout the time of the beginning or to the contrary of which the memory of men does not exist, and they themselves and through their men took and had them during the same time and disposed of and with them at their pleasure and thus any of them was and is, took and had until the time of trouble described below; and he propounds as above.
6 Also, that the aforesaid Roger Walmysley, senior, in the months of March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, January or February in the one thousand five hundred fifty second year of our Lord or in any of those months in any one whatsoever or in another, held, had and occupied two acres of arable land, or thereabouts, notoriously sited and situated in a certain close called Gladishyll pyke within the precinct and the bounds and limits and tithable place of the said township of Bolton le Moors sown with rye, and from the same he himself and his men, mowed, cut down, took and had and converted and applied to his own use, thirty thraves of rye ‘euery thraue conteyning xxiiijti shevis whiche yeldytt ij wyndyls of Rye’: and this propounding party submits and libels of whatever other intermediate or lesser number down to the number of 4 thraves and ‘one wyndyll’ of this rye and also of such and so great a number than this of what sort and amount as will be come to be declared by lawful proofs in the outcome of this suit; and he propounds as above.
7 Also, that the same Roger Walmysley, senior, in the months and year aforesaid in the aforesaid close called Gladishyll pyke held, had and occupied two acres of arable land, or thereabouts, sown with barley and from the same he himself and his men, mowed, cut down, had and took and converted and applied to his own use, 30 thraves of barley ‘euery thraue conteyng xxiiijti shevis whiche yeldytt a wyndyll of barleye’ and this propounding party submits and libels of whatever other intermediate or lesser number down to the number of 4 thraves ‘and halfe a wyndyll ‘of this barley and also of such and so great a number than this of what sort and amount by lawful proofs
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[5] […]
[…] predicte Rectores proprietarij siue […] possessores ac precessores et
[prede]cessores sui omnes et singuli in eadem ecclesia siue Prebenda eorum tem-
poribus successiue existentes fuerunt et sunt in pacifica possessione seu
quasi Juris percipiendi et habendi omnes et singulas decimas predictas modo quo prefertur
infra fines et limitas locaque decimabilia dicte ecclesie parochialis siue prebende
de bolton in le mores provenientium et contingentium a decem xx xxx xl l
et lx annis vltraque et citra necnon a tempore et per tempus cuius inicij
siue contrarij memoria hominum non existit Easque per se et suos per idem
tempus perceperunt et habuerunt ac de et cum eisdem pro eorum libitis
disposuerunt sicque eorum quilibet fuit et est percepit et habuit usque ad
tempus grauaminius infrascripti Et ponit ut supra
6 Item quod prefatus Roggerus Walmysley Senior mensibus martij aprilis maij Junij
Julij augusti Septembris octobris novembris decembris Januarij siue februarij
anno domini Millesimo quingentesimo quinquagesimo secundo eorundem ve mensium vno quolibet siue aliquo
duas acras terre arabilis aut circiter in quadam clasura vocata
Gladishyll pyke infra precinctum ac fines et limites atque loca decimabilia
dicte ville de bolton in le mores notorie sita et situata cum siligine
seminatas tenuit habuit et occupauit atque ab eadem triginta thrauis siliginis
euery thraue conteyning xxiiijti shevis whiche yeldytt ij wyndyls of Rye
per se et suos metijt defalcauit percepit et habuit atque ad eius vsum conuertit
et applicauit : ac dat et libellat pars ista proponens de quolibet alio numero
medio vel minori usque ad numerum iiijor thrauis and one wyndyll siliginis
huiusmodi ac de tali et tanto numero qualis et quantus per probaciones legitimas
in euentu huius litis veniet declarandum Et ponit vt supra
7 Item quod idem Roggerus Walmysley senior mensibus et anno predictis in prefata clasura
vocata Gladishylpyk duas acras terre arabilis aut circiter cum ordeo
seminatas tenuit habuit et occupauit atque ab eadem xxxta thraves ordei euery
thraue conteyng xxiiijti shevis whiche yeldytt a wyndyll of barleye per
se et suos metijt defalcauit habuit et percepit atque ad eius vsum conuertit
et applicauit ac dat et libellat pars ista proponens de quolibet alio numero
medio vel minori usque ad numerum iiijor thravis and halfe a wyndyll ordei
huiusmodi ac de tali et tanto numero qualis et quantus per probaciones legitimas
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8 Also, that the true value of each thrave of rye aforesaid […] ‘of Rye’ to the amount or value of four shillings and of each thrave of barley aforesaid to the amount or value of twenty pence and this propounding party submits and libels of whatever other intermediate or lesser sum or value down to the sum or value of four pence for each thrave respectively of the same grain, and of such and so great a sum as notoriously extends respectively of what kind and amount as will come to be declared or proved by lawful proofs in the outcome of this suit; and he propounds as above.
9 Also, that the true value or valuation of all and singular thraves of rye aforesaid to the sum or value of 6 shillings and all and singular thraves of barley aforesaid to the sum or value of five shillings and this propounding party submits and libels of whatever other intermediate or lesser sum or value of the tithes of rye and barley aforesaid down to the sum or value of one penny of either type of grain aforesaid and of such and so great a sum or value of what kind and amount as will come to be declared or proved by lawful proofs in the outcome of this suit; and he propounds as above.
10 Also, that the aforesaid Roger Walmysley, junior, in the months and year aforesaid or in any of those months in any one whatsoever or in another, held, had and occupied three acres of arable land, or thereabouts, notoriously sited and situated in the said close called Gladishyll pyke within the said township of Bolton and the tithable place of the same sown with oats, and from the said acres he himself and his men, mowed, cut down, took and had and converted and applied to his own use, a hundred thraves of oats ‘every thrave
yeldyng a wyndylle of otis euery wyndylle wurth xijd’ and this propounding party submits and libels of whatever other intermediate or lesser number of these thraves of oats down to the number of ten thraves of oats and of whatever other intermediate or lesser sum down to the value of two pence and also of such and so great a number and of such and so great a sum than this of what sort and amount as will be come to be declared or proved by lawful proofs in the outcome of this suit; and he propounds as above.
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8 Item quod verus valor [cuius]libet le thrave Siliginis predicti […]
of Rye ad summam siue valorem quatuor solidorum ac cuiuslibet [le th]rave
ordei predicti ad summam siue valorem viginti denariorum ac dat et
libellat pars ista proponens de qualibet alia summa siue valore media vel
minori usque ad summam ve valorem quatuor denariorum cuiuslibet le thrave
respectiue eorundem granorum ac de tali et tanta summa qualis et quanta
per probaciones legitimas in eventu huiusmodi litis veniet declarandum siue comprobandum notorie se repectiue extendit Et ponit ut supra
9 Item quod verus valor siue estimacio decimarum omnium et singulorum le thravis siliginis
predicte ad summam ve valorem vjsolidorum ac omnium et singulorum le thravis ordeij predicte
ad summam ve valorem quinque Solidorum ac dat et libellat pars ista proponens
de qualibet alia summa ve valore decimarum siliginis et ordij predictarum media
vel minori usque ad summam ve valorem vnius denarij valoris decime
vtriusque generis granorum predictorum ac de tali et tanta summa ve valore
qualis et quanta per probaciones legitimas In eventu huius litis veniet declarandum
siue comprobandum Et ponit ut supra
10 Item quod prefatus Roggerus Walmysley Junior mensibus et anno predictis eorundem ve mensium vno quolibet siue aliquo in dicta clausura vocata gladishyllpyke infra
dictam villam de bolton ac loca decimabilia eiusdem notorie sita et situata
tres acras terre arabilis aut circiter cum avenis seminatas tenuit habuit et
occupauit atque ex dictis acris Centum thravis avenarum every thrave
yeldyng a wyndylle of otis euery wyndylle wurth xijd per se et suos
metijt defalcauit percepit et habuit atque ad eius commodum conuertebat et
et applicauit ac dat et libellat pars ista proponens de quolibet alio numero de le
thravis avenarum huiusmodi medio vel minori usque ad numerum decem
thravis avenarum et de quolibet alia summa earundem medio vel
minori usque ad valorem duorum denariorum necnon de tali et tanto nu-
mero ac de tali et tanta summa qualia et quanta per probaciones legitimas
in Eventu huius litis veniet declarandum siue comprobandum
Et ponit vt supra
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11 […]
[…] notoriously amounted and amounts to the value of ten shillings of lawful money of England and this propounding party submits and libels of whatever other intermediate or lesser sum down to the sum or value of ten pence and also of such and so great a sum or value of what kind and amount as will come to be declared or proved by lawful proofs in the outcome of this suit; and he propounds as above.
12 Also, that among other laws and statutes of this celebrated realm of England and particularly the 14th chapter of the session of parliament held and had at Westminster in the 2nd and third years of our lord king Edward the Sixth, recently deceased, a statute was provided and established under the following form of words, namely ‘Also be hyt further Inactyd by the Auctoritye of this present parlement yt euery of the kynges subiectes shalle from hensforth yelde and paye all maner of ther predialle tethes in ther proper kynd as they ryse and happen in such maner and forme as of Ryght hath ben yeldytt & payd within xlti years next before the makyng of this act or of Ryght or custome ought to haue ben payd And yt noe person shalle from hensforth take or carye awaye any such or lyke tethes Which haue ben payd within the sayd xlti yers or of Ryght ought to haue bene payd in the place or placis tethable for the same by fore he haue Justlye deuydytt or sett forth for the tethe therof the tenthe of the same or otherwyse Agreyd for the same tythes with the parson Viccar or other Awner or proprietari or fermer of the same tyjthes Vnder payne of forfeture of tribyll valure of the tethes soe taken or caryed Awaye et cetera’ and this was and is true, clear, notorious, manifest and well-known; and he propounds as above.
13 Also, that the aforesaid Roger Walmysley, senior, and Roger Walmysley, junior, laymen, who had or have nothing of right in the parish church aforesaid or the tithes abovesaid in any way, knowledgeable enough of all and singular the premises and notwithstanding them, but in contravention of that, all and singular tithes in the year aforesaid from the place in which they should have been tithed, before they justly divided the tenth part of the same no lawful compensation in that respect with the aforesaid farmer
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[11] […]
[…] valore decem solidorum legalis [mone]te anglie ac dat et libellat
[pa]rs ista [prop]onens de qualibet alia summa ve valore media vel minori usque
ad summam ve valorem decem denariorum necnon de tali et tanta summa ve
valore qualis et quanta per probaciones legitimas in eventu huius litis veniet
declarandum siue comprobandum notorie se extendebat et extendit et ponit ut supra
12 Item quod inter alias leges et statuta huius incleti Regni Anglie et presertim
xiijo capitulo sessionis parlamenti Anno domini nostri Regis Edwardi Sexti
nuper defuncti 2o et tercio Apud Westmonasterium tento et habito Statutum
cavtum et stabilitum fuit sub verborum tenore sequentium videlicet Also be hyt
further Inactyd by the Auctoritye of this present parlement yt euery of
the kynges subiectes shalle from hensforth yelde and paye all maner of ther
predialle tethes in ther proper kynd as they ryse and happen in such ma-
ner and forme as of Ryght hath ben yeldytt & payd within xlti years
next before the makyng of this act or of Ryght or custome ought to
haue ben payd And yt noe person shalle from hensforth take or carye
awaye any such or lyke tethes Which haue ben payd within the sayd
xlti yers or of Ryght ought to haue bene payd in the place or pla-
cis tethable for the same by fore he haue Justlye deuydytt or sett
forth for the tethe therof the tenthe of the same or otherwyse Agreyd
for the same tythes with the parson Viccar or other Awner or proprietari
or fermer of the same tyjthes Vnder payne of forfeture of tribyll
valure of the tethes soe taken or caryed Awaye et cetera hocque fuit et
est verum purum notorium manifestum et famosum Et ponit vt supra
13 Item quod prefati Roggerus Walmysley senior et Roggerus Walmysley Junior
laici qui nihil Juris in Ecclesia parochiali predicta aut in decimis supradictis
aliqualiter habuerunt aut habent: premissorum omnium et singulorum satis scioli ipsisque
non obstantibus sed post et contra ea decimas omnes et singulas Anno predicto
A loco in quo decimari debuerunt Antequam Juste deuidebant decimam
partem earundem nulla legitima compensacione in ea parte cum prefato firmario
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they and either of them caused them to be taken and conveyed away and maliciously and unjust in fact subtracted, took and had the tithes aforesaid, or at least they ordered and caused them to be this subtracted, taken and had and they likewise approved and approve and accept this subtraction, taking and having in their names; and he propounds as above.
14 Also, that the aforesaid Roger Walmysley, senior, and Roger Walmysley, junior were requested and asked often {often} or at least once to pay or cause to be paid to the aforesaid Roger Lever, farmer aforesaid, the aforesaid tithes subtracted, taken and kept or at least not paid by them in the manner aforesaid or otherwise duly to compound with him for the same on the part and behalf of the same farmer; and he propounds as above.
15 Also, that although Roger Walmysley, senior, and Roger Walmysley, junior themselves thus asked and requested to do as in the premises or in any of them, they have not troubled and do not trouble to do so, but have expressly declined and refused or unduly delayed and delay at present; and he propounds as above.
16 Also, that the aforesaid Roger Walmysley, senior, and Roger Walmysley, junior, were and are of the archdeaconry of Chester and notoriously subordinate and subject to your jurisdiction in this respect, lord judge aforesaid; he propounds as above.
17 Also, that all and singular the premises were and are true, public, notorious, manifest and equally well-known, and public voice and fame were and are at present circulating regarding and concerning the same in the said parish of Bolton and other parishes neighbouring the same. Whereupon, due proof being made, as required by law in this behalf, the party of the said Roger Lever, farmer aforesaid, prays that right and justice may be done and administered to him with effect concerning and upon all and singular the premises jointly and severally, and anything whatsoever concerning them and also that the aforesaid Roger Walmysley, senior, and Roger Walmysley, junior, are condemned in the lawful costs incurred and to be incurred in this respect on the part of the said Roger Lever, farmer aforesaid and, having been condemned, that that they are canonically obliged and compelled to due payment of the same by your passing your definitive sentence or your final decree in that behalf, lord judge aforesaid; and otherwise, that what will have been of right and reason in the premises and anything concerning them may be done, established and decreed, the party of the said farmer propounds the premises and prays that they are done jointly and severally, not binding himself to [prove] all and singular
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abduci et transv[ehi] eorum vterque fecit necnon decimas predictas ma[lici]ose et
inJuste defacto subtraxerunt perceperunt et habuerunt seu saltem sic subtrahi
percepi et haberi manduerunt et fecerunt atque subtraccionem perceptionem et
habicionem huiusmodi eorum nominibus factum ratum et gratum habuerunt et habent pariter
et acceptant Et ponit vt supra
14 Item quod predicti Roggerus Walmysley Senior et roggerus Walmysley Junior
ad soluendum seu solui faciendum prefato Roggero lever firmario antedicto
prefatas decimas per eos modo premisso subtractas perceptas et habitas seu saltem non solutas
vel ad aliter debite componendum cum eodem pro eijsdem ex parte et per partem eiusdem
firmarij sepius sepius seu semel requisiti fuerunt et Interpellati Et ponit ut supra
15 Item quod ipse Roggerus Walmysley Senior et Roggerus Walmysley Junior sic
requisiti et Interpellati premissa seu eorum Aliquod facere non curauerunt neque
curant sed expresse Renuerunt et recusauerunt seu plus debito distulerunt et
differunt in presenti Et ponit ut supra
16 Item quod prefati Roggerus Walmysley senior et Roggerus Walmysley Junior
fuerunt et sunt archidiaconatus cestrie ac vestre in hac parte Jurisdictioni domine Judex
antedicte notorie subditi et subiecti ponit ut supra
17 Item quod premissa omnia et singula fuerunt et sunt vera publica notoria manifesta et famosa ac de et super eijsdem in dicta parochia de bolton ac alijs parochijs eidem
vicinis laborarunt et in presenti laborant publica vox et fama Vnde facta fide
in hac parte de Jure requisita petit pars dicti Roggeri Lever firmarij
predicti Jus et Justiciam sibi de et super premissis omnibus et singulis et ea concernentibus
quibuscunque coniunctim et diuisim fieri et ministrari cum effectu necnon prefatos
Roggerum Walmysley Seniorem et Roggerum Walmysley Juniorem in expensis legitimis
per partem dicti Roggeri Lever firmarij predicti in hac parte factis et fiendis condempnari ac condempnatos ad debitam solucionem earundem canonice cogi et compelli
per uos et vestram sententiam diffinitiuam siue vestrum finale decretum in hac
ferendam domine Judex antedicte Vlteriusque fieri statui et decerni in premissis
et ea concernentibus quod Juris fuerit et Racionis premissa proponit et fieri petit
pars dicti firmarij coniunctim et diuisim non arctans se ad omnia et singula
[5/13/1 image 7]
[… in prem]issis e[a]tenus obtineat [in petitis] Juris beneficio in omnibus
[sem]per saluo vestrum officium in premissis humiliter implorando Judex
Egregie antedicte
[5/13/1 image 8]
libellus lever
contra Walmysley
[in pencil in a different hand]
[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]
Transcript copyright ©2025 P J Cox All Rights Reserved
Roger Lever – plaintiff
Alexander Lever – mentioned in the libel
Elizabeth Lever – mentioned in the libel
Roger Walmysley, senior – defendant
Roger Walmysley, junior – defendant