Ref: EDC 5/10/1
Catalogue Entry:
EDC 5/10/1 – 1549 Libel in tithe cause: William Aldersey of Chester, farmer of tithes of Saighton in pa. St. Oswald v. Thomas Wright of pa. Eccleston & Richard Broster of pa. St. John. 1549(?) book form, ff. 6.
William Aldersey contra Thomas Wright and Richard Broster.
The dean and chapter of Chester Cathedral had acquired the tithes of Saighton in the parish of St Oswald in Chester following the dissolution of St Werburgh’s Monastery in January 1540. William Aldersey rented the tithes of the demesne lands of Saighton and claimed that he was entitled to receive tithes from the produce of this land which was farmed by tenants, Thomas Wright of Eccleston and Richard Broster of the parish of St John in Chester.
Type of Cause:
Tithes – gorse; tithes – hay; tithes – oats; tithes – pasture; tithes – peas
Cause Papers:
Original Document
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[…] George Wilmesley, Bachelor of Laws, sufficiently and lawfully deputed official principal of the Chester episcopal consistory upheld by the authority of the most illustrious Prince in Christ and our master, Lord Edward the Sixth, by the grace of God King of England, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith and on earth supreme head of the English and Irish church, or any other judge whomsoever competent in that behalf; the party of the distinguished William Aldersey of the city of Chester, farmer of all and singular tithes arising from the demesne lands, in English ‘the demaynes’, of the lordship or manor of Saughton on the Hill or ‘Saughton vpon the hill’ of the parish of Saint Oswald of Chester city against Thomas Wright of the parish of Eccleston of Chester diocese and Richard Broster of the parish of Saint John of the city of Chester aforesaid, of your diocese and jurisdiction and either or each of them jointly and severally and also against any other whomsoever lawfully intervening before you in judgement for them or either of them by way of complaint and complaining to you says, alleges and propounds in these writings in law in articles as follows:
1 Firstly, namely that the aforesaid parish church of Saint Oswald of the city of Chester, together with all and singular oblations and tithes, both greater and lesser, mixed and minute and other rights and ecclesiastical emoluments belonging and appertaining to the same parish church of St Oswald (saving the share of the perpetual vicar of the same), was and is of and with the consent and equally with the assent of all and singular having an interest in that respect, of the Chester cathedral church and of the dean and chapter of the cathedral church of the same whomsoever they may be in turn, possessing and having united, annexed, incorporated and appropriated by sufficient and lawful authority to their own perpetual use and this was and is true, public, notorious, evident and well-known; and he propounds jointly, severally and concerning any of these points.
2 Also, that the aforesaid dean and chapter of Chester cathedral church were and are lawfully instituted to the said parish church of Saint Oswald, together with all and singular oblations and tithes, greater and lesser, and other ecclesiastical rights and emoluments whatsoever belonging and appertaining to the same church (saving and excepting in all things the share of the perpetual vicar of the said parish church), and having thus been instituted they had and possessed the same peacefully and quietly for some time and thus should and ought to have and possess and (saving what will be written below) they thus possess it at present and the aforesaid dean and chapter of Chester cathedral church aforesaid were and are rectors or proprietors and lawful occupiers of the said parish church of Saint Oswald and its universal rights and appurtenances, and as rectors or proprietors
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Georgio Wilmesley in leg[ibus] baccallaureo officiali principali Consistorij
Episcopalis Cestrensis Illustrissimi in christo principis et domini nostri domini
Edwardi Sexti dei gracia Anglie Francie et Hibernie regis
fidei defensoris et in terra ecclesie Anglicane et hibernice Supremi capitis
auctoritate fulcito sufficienter et legitime deputato seu alio Judice in hac
parte competenti quocunque Pars honesti viri Willielmi Aldersey Ciuitatis
Cestrensis firmarij omnium et singularum decimarum ex terris Dominicalibus
Anglice the demaynes dominij siue manerij de Saughton super
montem alias Saughton vpon {vpon} the hill parochie sancti Oswaldi
Ciuitatis Cestrensis prouenientium contra et aduersus Thomam Wright
parochie de Eccleston Cestrensis diocesis et Richardum Broster parochie sancti
Johannis Ciuitatis Cestrensis predicte vestre diocesis et Jurisdictionis et eorum
vtrumque siue alterium coniunctim et diuisim Necnon contra quemcunque alium coram
vobis in Judicio legitime interuenientem pro eijsdem seu eorum altero per
viam querele et vobis querelando dicit allegat et in hijs scriptis in
iure proponit articulatim prout sequitur
1 In primis videlicet quod prefata ecclesia parochialis Sancti Oswaldi Ciuitatis
Cestrie vnacum omnibus et singulis oblacionibus et decimis tam maioribus quam
minoribus mixtis et minutis ac ceteris iuribus et emolumentis ecclesiasticis
ad eandem ecclesiam parochialem sancti oswaldi spectantibus <et> pertinentibus (salua porcione
vicarij perpetui eiusdem) fuit et est de et cum consensu pariter et assensu
omnium et singulorum interesse in ea parte habentium Ecclesie Cathedralis Cestrensis et ipsius
ecclesie cathedralis decano et capitulo quibuscunque successiue existentium in eorum proprios
vsus perpetuo possidendo et habendo auctoritate sufficienti et legitima vnito
annexo incorporato et appropriato hocque fuit et est verum publicum notorium
manifestum et famosum ac ponit coniunctim diuisim et de quolibet
2 Item quod prefati Decanus et capitulum ecclesie cathedralis Cestrensis fuerunt et sunt dictam ecclesiam parochialem Sancti oswaldi vnacum omnibus et singulis oblacionibus et decimis maioribus et minoribus ac ceteris Juribus et emolumentis
ecclesiasticis quibuscunque ad eandem ecclesiam spectantibus et pertinentibus (porcione
vicarij perpetui dicte ecclesie parochiali omnino salua et excepta) legitime asse-
quutis Ipsisque sic assequutis per nonnulla tempora habuerunt et possiderunt
pacifice et quiete et sic habere <et> possidere debuere et debent atque
saluis infrascriptis sic possident in presenti fueruntque et sunt
prefati decanus et capitulum ecclesie cathedralis Cestrensis predicte Rectoris siue
proprietarij et legitimi possessores dicti ecclesie parochialis Sancti Oswaldi
Juriumque et pertinentium suorum vniuersorum atque pro Rectoribus siue proprietarijs
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named and reputed openly, publicly and notoriously by reason of the premises; and he propounds as before.
3 Also, that from the time and throughout the time of the beginning or to the contrary of which there exists no memory of men, there was and at present is a certain lordship or manor commonly called Saighton on the hill or ‘Saughton on the hill’ together with its enclosures, fields, meadows, grazing, pastures and other property, places and demesne lands belonging and appertaining to the said parish of Saint Oswald of the city of Chester and notoriously sited, situated and lying within the bounds and limits and tithable places of the same and the same lordship or manor together with its fields, property, places and demesne lands aforesaid was and is commonly called, held, had, named and reputed openly, publicly and notoriously in, of, and from the same parish of Saint Oswald and as parcel of the same parish; he propounds etc.
4 Also, that as well by the common law as by ancient laudable and lawful prescribed custom, hitherto peaceably and steadfastly used and observed from the time and throughout the time to the contrary or of the beginning of which there exists no memory of men and often upheld in judgment in a contested cause, the right of receiving and having all and singular offerings and tithes, both greater and lesser, mixed and minute, whenever, howsoever and however often growing, arising and proceeding in the said parish of Saint Oswald and the bounds and limits and tithable places of the same (saving and excepting in all things the share of the perpetual vicar of the same), and especially the tithes from the said manor or demesne of Saighton on the Hill aforesaid and the property and fields, places and demesne lands belonging to the same manor and sited and lying in the same parish and within the bounds and limits and tithable places of the same, whenever, however and however often growing and arising appertained and belonged and thus should have appertained and belonged and ought also to belong in future to the rectors or proprietors of the same parish church of Saint Oswald whosoever they may be in their successive times by reason of the premises; and he propounds as before.
5 Also, that the rectors or proprietors of the said parish church of Saint Oswald for 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 years and before and since, and also from the time and throughout the time of the beginning or to the contrary of which there exists no memory of men, all and singular the precursors and predecessors of the said rectors or proprietors of the same church in their successive times being were, just as they should have been, in peaceable possession, or quasi possession, of the right of taking and having all and singular offerings and tithes aforesaid coming, growing and arising in the said parish of Saint Oswald and within the bounds and limits and tithable places of the same in the manner aforesaid, and especially all and singular
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nominati et reputati [palam] publice et notorie racione premissorum ac
ponit vt supra
3 Item quod a tempore et per tempus cuius inicij siue contrarij memoria hominium
non existit fuit et in presenti est quoddam dominium siue manerium
vulgariter nuncupatum Saughton super montem alias Saughton on the
hill vna cum suis fundis campis pratis pascuis pasturis et
alijs predijs locis et terris dominicalibus ad idem dominium spectantibus et
pertinentibus in dicta parochia sancti Oswaldi Ciuitatis Cestrie atque infra fines
et limites locaque decimibilia eiusdem notorie situm situatum et iacentem
fuitque et est idem dominium siue manerium vnacum suis campis predijs
locis et terris dominicalibus predictis in de et ex eadem parochia sancti oswaldi
atque pro percella eiusdem parochie communiter dictum tentum habitum nominatum et
reputatum palam publice et notorie ponit etc
4 Item quod tam de Jure communi quam de antiqua laudabili legitimeque prescripta consue-
tudine a tempore et per tempus cuius contrarij siue initij memoria hominium
non existit pacifice et inconcusse vsitata et obseruata in contradictorio
iudicio sepius obtenta Jus percipiendi et habendi omnies et singulas oblaciones
et decimas tam maiores quam minores mixtas et minutas in dicta parochia
sancti oswaldi atque infra fines et limites locaque decimabilia eiusdem quandocunque
qualitercunque et quocienscunque crescentes contingentes et prouenientes (porcione
vicarij perpetui eiusdem omnino salua et excepta) et presertim decimas ex
dicto manerio siue dominio de Saughton super montem predijs et campis
locis et terris dominicalibus ad idem manerium spectantibus atque in eadem
parochia et infra fines et limites locaque decimabilia eiusdem situm
et iacentem quandocunque qualitercunque et quotienscunque crescentes et contingentes
ad rectores siue proprietaros eiusdem ecclesie parochialis sancti oswaldi
quoscunque pro tempore successiue existentes spectauit et pertinuit atque sic
spectare et pertinere debuit et debet atque debebit etiam in futurum racione
premissorum ac ponit vt supra
5 Item quod a x ‧ xx ‧ xxx ‧ xl ‧ l et lx Annis vltraque et citra necnon a
tempore et per tempus cuius initij siue contrarij memoria hominium non
Rectores siue proprietarij dicte ecclesie parochialis sancti oswaldi dictorum Rectorum
siue proprietariorum eiusdem ecclesie modernorum precessores et predecessores
omnes et singuli eorum temporibus successiue existentes fuerunt prout esse
debuerunt in pacifica possessione siue quasi iuris percipiendi et habendi
omnes et singulas oblaciones et decimas predictas in dicta parochia sancti
oswaldi atque infra fines et limites locaque decimabilia eiusdem modo
premisso prouenientes crescentes et contingentes et presertim omnes et singulas
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[…] demesne lands […] manor […] and sited and situated in the said parish of Saint Oswald and growing, arising and coming within the bounds and limits and tithable places of the same as set out before (except those already excepted) and took and had them themselves or through their men by right and in the name of the same church of Saint Oswald, and freely disposed of the same through their own free will, and thus the present rectors or proprietors ought to have and should do, take, have and dispose, and, saving what is written below, they do, take, have and dispose at present by reason of the premises; and he propounds jointly, severally and concerning any of these points.
6 Also, that in the months of March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, January and February in the one thousand five hundred 46th, 47th, 48th and ninth years of our Lord or in any of those years and months whatever, in one or other, and other months and years now to come, the aforesaid William Aldersey received, had, rented and occupied all and singular tithes, as well greater as lesser, mixed and minute, whenever, however and however often growing, arising and proceeding as is thus aforesaid in, of or from the said manor or demesne called Saighton on the hill or ‘Saughton on the hill’ or the fields, enclosures, property, places and demesne lands of the same manor or belonging to it in any way and sited and situated in the said parish of Saint Oswald and the bounds and limits and tithable places of the same (except those already excepted) and to the aforesaid rectors or proprietors, or to those their assigns in that respect to farm for an annual rent agreed between them, and so he has, rents and occupies at present and the same William Aldersey was and is the farmer of all and singular these tithes (except those already excepted) and he is commonly called, held, had, named and reputed openly publicly and notoriously as farmer of the same by reason of the premises; and he propounds as before.
7 Also, that the aforesaid Thomas Wright, in the months of March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, January and February in the one thousand five hundred 46th, 47th, 48th and 49th years of our Lord last, or in any of those years and months whatever, in one or other, rented, had, held and occupied one half (or thereabouts) of a certain close pasture commonly called ‘Beggars boroughe’ in the said parish of Saint Oswald and within
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[…] terris dominicalibus […] manerium […] atque in dicta
parochia sancti Oswaldi et infra fines et limites locaque decimabilia
sitis et situatis ut premittitur crescentes prouenientes et contingentes Exceptis
preexceptis easque per se et suos iure et nomine eiusdem ecclesie sancti
oswaldi perceperunt et habuerunt et per ipsorum libitis voluntatem libere
disposuerunt de eisdem atque sic esse percipere habere et disponere
debuerunt et debent dicti Rectores siue proprietarij moderni atque
saluis infra scriptis sic sunt percipuit habent et disponunt in presenti
racione premissorum ac ponit coniunctim diuisim et de quolibet
6 Item quod prefatus Willielmus {Willielmus} Aldersey mensibus martij Aprilis Maij
Junij Julij Augusti Septembris octobris Nouembris decembris
Januarij et februarij Annis domini Millesimo quingentesimo xlvjto xlvijmo
xlviiijno et nono eorundem ve Annorum et mensium quolibet vno siue
aliquo et alijs mensis et Annis iam futuris omnes et singulas decimas
tam maiores quam minores mixtas et minutas in de aut ex dicto
manerio siue dominio nuncupato Saughton super montem alias
Saughton on the hill siue campis fundis predijs locis et terris
dominicalibus ipsius manerij siue ad illud quouismodo spectantis atque in dicta
parochia sancti oswaldi ac infra fines et limites locaque decimabilia eiusdem
sitis et situatis quandocunque qualitercunque et quotienscunque vt premittitur
crescentes prouienientes et contingentes (exceptis preexceptis) ac prefatis
rectoribus siue proprietarijs seu ipsorum in ea parte assignatis pro
Annuo redditu inter eos statuto ad firmam recepit habuit conduxit
et occupauit sicque habet conducit et occupat in presenti fuitque et est
idem Willielmus Aldersey firmarius omnium et singularum decimarum
huiusmodi (exceptis preexceptis) ac pro firmario earundem communiter dictus
tentus habitus nominatus et reputatus palam publice et notorie racione
premissorum ac ponit vt supra
7 Item quod prefatus Thomas Wright mensis martij Aprilis Maij Junij
Julij Augusti septembris octobris nouembris decembris Januarij
et februarij Annis domini Millesimo quingentesimo xlvjto xlvijmo
xlviiijno et xlixno vltimis eorundem ve Annorum et mensium quolibet
vno siue aliquo conduxit habuit tenuit et occupauit vnam
medietatem vel circiter cuiusdam clausure pasture vulgariter
nuncupatem Beggars boroughe in dicta parochia sancti oswaldi ac infra
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[…] he propounds as before.
8 Also, that the annual rent or annual church-rent of the said one half of the aforesaid close pasture rented and occupied by the aforesaid Thomas Wright as is thus aforesaid notoriously amounted or amounts by the common estimation of men to the amount or value of 24s of lawful money of England and this party propounding submits and libels of whatever other intermediate or lesser sum or value of annual rent in any single year of the years aforesaid as notoriously amounted and amounts by the common estimation of men down to the sum or value of 13s 4d and also such and so great a sum of such sort and amount as will be come to be proved more fully in the outcome of this suit; and he propounds as before.
9 Also, that all the said close called ‘Beggarsborough’ was and is parcel of the demesne lands of the said demesne or manor called ‘Saughton vpon the hill’ and all the same close was and is totally and notoriously sited and situated in, of and from the said parish of Saint Oswald of the city of Chester and within the bounds and limits and tithable places of the same parish, and this was and is true, public, notorious, evident and famous; and he propounds as before.
10 Also, that the aforesaid Richard Broster in the years and months aforesaid or in any of the months and years whatever, in one or another, received, rented, held and occupied to farm the other part or half of the said close called ‘Beggarsboroughe; and he propounds as before.
11 Also, that the annual rent or annual church-rent of the said half of the aforesaid close let, rented and occupied to farm by the aforesaid Richard Broster in the years and months aforesaid as is aforesaid notoriously amounted to the amount or value of 24s of English money and the party of the said farmer submits and libels of whatever other intermediate or lesser sum or value of annual rent or annual church-rent aforesaid down to the sum of 13s 4d in any single year of the years aforesaid as will be come to be proved more fully in the outcome of this suit; and he propounds as before.
12 Also, that in the years and months aforesaid and for a long time before, Thomas Wright has been, was and at present is, a parishioner of the parish of
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[…] ponit vt supra
8 Item quod Annuus redditus siue Annua pensio vnius medietatis
prefate clausure pasture per predictum Thomam Wright vt premittitur
conducte et occupate ad summam siue valorem xxiiijs legalis monete
anglie se extendit ac dat et libellat pars ista proponens de qualibet
alia summa siue valore Annui reddditus eiusdem medietatis medio
vel minori vsque ad summam siue valorem xiijs iiijd necnon de tali et
tanta summa qualis et quanta per probaciones legitimas in eventu litis
huiusmodi plenius veniet comprobanda singulis Annis Annorum
predictorum communi hominium estimacione notorie se extendebat et extendit
ac ponit vt supra
9 Item quod tota dicta clausura nuncupata Beggarsborough fuit
et est parcella terrarum dominicalium dicti dominij siue Manerij
vocati Saughton vpon the hill fuitque et est eadem tota clausura
in de et ex dicta parochia sancti oswaldi Ciuitatis Cestrie atque
infra eandem parochiam finesque et limites ac loca decimibilia eiusdem
parochie totaliter et notorie sita et situata hocque fuit et est verum
publicum notorium manifestum et famosum ac ponit vt supra
10 Item quod prefatus Richardus broster annis et mensibus predictis eorundem ve
annorum et mensium quolibet vno siue aliquo alteram partem siue
medietatem dicte clausure nuncupate Beggarsboroughe ad
firmam recepit conduxit tenuit et occupauit ac ponit
vt supra
11 Item quod Annuus redditus siue Annua pensio dicte medietatis
prefate clausure per predictum Richardum broster Annis et mensibus
predictis vt premittitur ad firmam recepte conducte et occupate
ad summam siue valorem xxiiijs monete Anglie ac dat et libellat
pars dicti firmarij de qualibet alia summa annui redditus siue
Annue pensionis predicte medio vel minori vsque ad summam xiijs iiijd
necnon de tali et tanta qualis et quanta per probaciones legitimas in
eventu huius litis plenius veniet comprobanda singulis
Annis Annorum predictorum notorie se extendebat ac
ponit vt supra
12 Item quod Annis et mensibus predictis diuque antea prefatus Thomas
Wright fuit erat ac in presenti est parochianus parochie de
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[…] abovesaid this […] and is true, public, notorious, evident and famous; and he propounds as before.
13 Also, that in the same years and months and for a long time before, the aforesaid Richard Broster was, and is at present, of the parish of Saint John of Chester city aforesaid and a parishioner of the same and notoriously lived in the same parish during all the time abovesaid, and thus lives at present; and he propounds as before.
14 Also, that from the time and throughout the time of the beginning or to the contrary of which there exists no memory of men, there was and has prevailed and is prevailing in the said parish of Saint Oswald of the city of Chester a certain laudable and lawful prescribed custom or practice or use of tithing or of paying tithes of pasture ground of animals, by custom of use approved and accepted ‘That whansoeuer yt chaunceth any pasture grownde beinge of the said parishe of St Oswold to be letten to ferme to any person or persones dwellinge owte of the same parishe that than euerie person so dwellinge owte of the same parishe and hyvinge and takinge to ferme any pasture grownde lyenge in the said parishe owght to paye to the said parsons and proprietories of the said churche of St Oswold for the tyme beinge or vnto their fermers or deputies for every somme of iijs iiijd of the Annuall rente of the said grownde so letten iiijd and for euery somme of vjs viijd of the Annuall rente xijd’ and at an increasing and decreasing level according to the rate aforesaid in the name of tithes and as tithes aforesaid of pasture ground for animals, once in a year in each year and thus he should have and ought to pay and satisfy at present by reason of the premises; and he propounds as before.
15 Also, that the said part or one half of the aforesaid close, commonly called ‘Beggers boroughe’ rented, held and occupied in the years and months aforesaid or in any of the same years and months whatever by the aforesaid Thomas Wright, as is aforesaid, ‘laye to pasture and was eaten with diuers beasts euerie yere abovesaid’ and this was and is true, public, notorious and famous; and he propounds jointly, severally and concerning any of these points.
16 Also, that the said Thomas Wright in each year of the years aforesaid took, cut down and felled, had and bound into bundles or thus procured, ordered and caused to be taken, cut down felled and bound into bundles and converted to his own use 20 thousand ‘le faggotts of Gorse’ otherwise ‘fyerse’[1] in the said one half
[1] furze – another name for gorse which had a number of uses, including the construction of winter shelters for young cattle (Robert Holland (ed), A Glossary of Words used in the County of Chester (1885)).
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[…] supradictum hoc […] et est verum publicum notorium mani-
festum et famosum ac ponit vt supra
13 Item quod eijsdem Annis et mensibus longeque antea predictus Richardus Broster
fuit in presentique est de parochia sancti Johannis Ciuitatis Cestrensis predicte
ac parochianus eiusdem atque in eadem parochia notorie habitabat per omnem
tempus supradictum atque sic habitat in presenti ac ponit vt supra
14 Item quod a tempore et per tempus cuius inicij siue contrarij memoria
hominum non existit fuit et inoleuit estque et inolet in dicta parochia
Sancti oswaldi Ciuitatis Cestrie quedam Laudabilis legitimeque prescripta
consuetudo siue mos aut vsus decimandi siue soleundi decimas
herbagij pasturarum animalium moribus vtentium comprobatus et acceptus
That whansoeuer yt chaunceth any pasture grownde beinge
of the said parishe of St Oswold to be letten to ferme to any person
or persones dwellinge owte of the same parishe that than euerie
person so dwellinge owte of the same parishe and hyvinge and
takinge to ferme any pasture grownde lyenge in the said
parishe owght to paye to the said parsons and proprietories of the
said churche of St Oswold for the tyme beinge or vnto their fermers
or deputies for every somme of iijs iiijd of the Annuall rente of
the said grownde so letten iiijd and for euery somme of vjs viijd
of the Annuall rente xijd et sic ascensiue et descensiue iuxta
rata predicta nomine decimarum et pro decimis herbagij pasture animalium
predictis semel in anno singulis Annis soluere et satisfacere
tenebatur et tenetur in presenti racione premissorum ac ponit vt supra
15 Item quod dicta pars siue vna medietas prefate clausure vulgariter
nuncupate Beggers boroughe per prefatum Thomas Wright vt
premittitur conducta tenta et occupata Annis et mensibus predictis
eorundemve Annorum et mensium quolibet siue aliquo laye to pasture
and was eaten with diuers beasts euerie yere abovesaid hocque
fuit et est verum publicum notorium et famosum ac ponit coniunctim et diuisim
et de quolibet
16 Item quod dictus Thomas Wright singulis Annis Annorum predictorum
percepit defalcauit et succidebat habuit et in fasciculos composuit
siue sic percepi defalcari succidi haberi et in fasciculos composuit
et in eius vsus proprios converti procurauit mandauit et fecit
xxti millia de le faggotts of Gorse alias fyerse in dicta vna medietate
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occupied, growing, arising and proceeding, and this party propounding submits and libels of whatever other number of ‘faggottes’ intermediate or lesser than this down to the number of four thousand ‘faggottes’and also of such and so great a number of such sort and amount as will be come to be proved more fully in the outcome of this suit; and he propounds jointly, severally and concerning any of these points.
17 Also, that the true value and valuation of any number of one hundred of these bundles whatever, in English ‘of euery C of the said faggottes’ in any single years of the years aforesaid notoriously amounted and amounts by common valuation of men to the sum or value of 2s 8d of English money, and this party propounding submits and libels of whatever other intermediate or lesser sum or value of any number of one hundred ‘faggottes’ aforesaid down to the sum or value of 16d and also such and so great and amount as will be come to be proved more fully by lawful proofs in the outcome of this suit; and he propounds jointly, severally and concerning any of these points.
18 Also, that the true value and valuation of the tithes or tenth part of any number of one hundred of the aforesaid ‘faggottes’ whatever in any single years of the years aforesaid notoriously extended and extends by common valuation of men to the amount or value of 3d of English money, and this party propounding submits and libels of whatever other intermediate or lesser value down to the sum of 1½d and also of such and so great a sort and amount as will be come to be proved more fully in the outcome of this suit; and he propounds jointly, severally and concerning any of these points.
19 Also, that the whole of that half of the close aforesaid called ‘Beggars borowghe’ rented and occupied by the aforesaid Thomas Wright as is thus aforesaid in all and singular the months aforesaid or in any of them whatsoever ‘dyd lye to pasture and was eaten with beastes’; and he propounds as before.
20 Also, that the aforesaid Thomas Wright tithes of the said ‘faggottes’ and grazing aforesaid growing, arising and proceeding in the said half of the aforesaid close pasture called ‘Beggarsboroughe’ rented and occupied by him as is thus aforesaid in the years and months mentioned before and to
[5/10/1 image 6]
occupate crescen’ pr[ouenie]n’et contingen’ ac dat et libellat pars
ista proponens de quolibet alio numero de le faggottes huiusmodi medio
vel minori vsque ad numerum quatuor millium le faggottes Necnon
de tali et tanta numero qualis et quanto per probaciones legitimas in
eventu litis huiusmodi plenius veniet comprobando ac ponit coniunctim
diuisim et de quolibet
17 Item quod verus valor et estimacio cuiuslibet numeri centium fascicu-
lorum huiusmodi anglice of euery C of the said faggottes ad
summam siue valorem ijs viijd monete Anglicane ac dat et
libellat pars ista proponens de qualibet alia summa siue valore
cuiuslibet numeri centum le faggottes predictum medio vel minori
vsque ad summam siue valorem xvjd necnon de tali et quali
et quanta per probaciones legitimas in eventu litis huiusmodi plenius veniet
comprobando singulis Annis Annorum predictorum communi hominium
estimacione notorie se extendebat et extendit ac ponit coniunctim
diuisim et de quolibet
18 Item quod verus valor et estimacio decimarum siue decime partis cuiuslibet
numeri centum le faggottes predictum ad summam siue valorem iijd
monete Anglicane ac dat et libellat pars ista proponens
de qualibet alia summa siue valore decimarum seu decime partis cuiuslibet
numeri centum le faggottes predictum media vel minori vsque ad summam
siue valorem jd obuli necnon de tali et tanta qualis et quanta per probaciones
legitimas in euentu litis huiusmodi plenius veniet comprobanda singulis
Annis annorum predictorum communi hominium estimacione notorie se exten-
debat et extendit ac ponit coniunctim diuisim et de quolibet
19 Item quod tota illa medietas clausure prefate nuncupate Beggars
borowghe per predictum Thomam Wright vt premitittitur conducte
et occupate mensibus predictis omnibus et singulis seu eorum aliquibus dyd
lye to pasture and was eaten with beastes ac ponit vt supra
20 Item quod predictus Thomas Wright decimas dictorum le faggottes et
herbagij predicti in dicta medietate prefate clausure pasture vocate
Beggarsboroughe per eum vt premittitur conducte et occupate
Annis et mensibus prenarratis crescentes prouenientes et contingentes et ad
Original Document
[5/10/1 image 7]
and singular or any of them […] and against the will, order or consent of the same farmer he or his men wickedly and unjustly subtracted, took and had and converted and disposed of them to his own use and thus converts and disposes at present, or at least he has paid or made available no tithes of ‘faggottes’ or grazing aforesaid up to now nor compounded with the same farmer for these tithes; and he propounds jointly and severally and concerning any of these points.
21 Also, that either half of the said close pasture respectively rented and occupied by the aforesaid Thomas Wright and Richard Broster as is thus aforesaid contained in any one year of the years aforesaid and thus contains at present 12, 11, 10, 9, eight, seven or at least six acres of pastures by common estimation of men; and he propounds as before.
22 Also, that the said part or one half of the aforesaid close, commonly called ‘Beggars boroughe’ rented, held and occupied by the aforesaid Richard Broster in the one thousand five hundred and 46th year of our lord in the months of March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, January and February or in any of those same months whatever or another ‘laye all to pasture and was eaten with diuerse beasts the said yeare’ and this was and is true, clear, notorious and famous; and he propounds jointly, severally and concerning any of these points.
23 Also, that the true value and valuation of the tithes or tenth part of the grazing of the said half close pasture commonly called ‘Beggars boroughe’ occupied by the aforesaid Richard Broster in that year, namely 1546, as it thus aforesaid, notoriously amounted and amounts by the common estimation of men to the amount or value of 2s 4½d, according to that laudable, ancient and lawful and prescribed custom of tithing or paying tithes of grazing of animal pasture as mentioned and specified above in the fourteenth article of this libel, and this party propounding submits and libels of whatever other intermediate or lesser amount or value down to the sum of 6d and also of such and so great a sort and amount as will be come to be proved more fully in the outcome of this suit for the year aforesaid; and he propounds jointly, severally and concerning any of these points.
[5/10/1 image 7]
et singulas seu eorum aliquod […] et contra voluntatem mandatum
aut consensum eiusdem firmarij per se aut suos nequiter et iniuste
subtraxit percepit et habuit atque in eius vsus proprios conuertebat et
disposuit sicque conuertit et disponit in presenti seu saltem nullas
decimas de le faggottes aut herbagij predictis hactenus soluit nec
prestitit neque cum eodem firmario composuit pro decimis huiusmodi ac
ponit coniunctim et diuisim et de quolibet
21 Item quod vtraque medietas dicte clausure pasture per prefatos Thomam
Wright et Richardum Broster vt premittitur respectiue conducta
et occupata xij ‧ xj ‧ x ‧ ix ‧ octo septem seu saltem sex Acras pasture
communi hominium estimacione continebat singulis annis annorum predictorum ac sic
continet in presenti ac ponit vt supra
22 Item quod dicta pars siue medietas prefate clausure vulgariter
nuncupate Beggars boroughe per prefatum Richardum Broster ut
premittitur conductus tentus et occupatus Anno Domini Millesimo
quingentesimo xlvjto mensibus martij Aprilis Maij Junij Julij Augusti
Septembris octobris Nouembris decembris Januarij et februarij
eorundemve mensibus quolibet siue aliquo laye all to pasture and
was eaten with diuerse beasts the said yeare hocque fuit et
est verum purum notorium et famosum ac ponit coniunctim diuisim et de quolibet
23 Item quod verus valor et estimacio decimarum siue decime partis herbagij
dicte medietatis clausure pasture vulgariter nuncupate Beggars
boroughe per prefatum Richardum Broster sic vt premittitur illo Anno videlicet
Mo vo xlvjto occupate ad summam siue valorem ijs iiijd obuli iuxta et
secundum illam Laudabilem antiquam legitimeque prescripta consuetudinem
decimandi siue soluendi decimas herbagij pasturarum animalium
superius in decimo quarto articulo huius libelli memoratum et
specificatum ac dat et libellat pars ista proponens de qualibet alia
summa siue valore medio vel minori vsque ad summam vjd necnon
de tali et tanta qualis et quanta per probaciones legitimas in euentu
huius litis plenius veniet comprobanda pro Anno predicto communi hominium estimacione notorie se extendebat et extendit ac ponit coniunctim diuisim et
de quolibet
Original Document
[5/10/1 image 8]
[24] […]
[…] in the months of March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, January and February in the one thousand five hundred 47th, 48th years of our Lord or in any of those years, in either or the other, and any of the said months whatever, in one or other, he sowed with oats, or caused thus to be sown, six, five or four acres of the said half close aforesaid rented and occupied by him, as is aforesaid, and from each acre thus sown with oats mowed, cut down, took, collected and had in either year of the years aforesaid 82 ‘thraues of ootes euery thraue conteyninge xxiiij sheves’ and this party propounding submits and libels of whatever other intermediate or lesser number of ‘Thraues’ of oats cut down, taken and had in any acre of the acres aforesaid down to the number of 16 ‘Thraues’ also of such and so great a number of such sort and amount as will be come to be declared more fully in the outcome of this suit; and he propounds as before.
25 Also, that any number of eight ‘Thraues’ of oats aforesaid threshed or flailed (in English ‘thresshyd’) in either year of the said years provided, produced and gave forth one quarter[1] of oats or somewhat less and this was and is true, clear, notorious, evident and famous; and he propounds as before.
26 Also, that the true value and valuation of any quarter of oats aforesaid notoriously amounted and amounts by common report of men in either year of the years aforesaid to the sum or value of 6s of English money, and this party propounding submits and libels of whatever other intermediate or lesser sum or value of any quarter of these oats down to the sum or value of 3s and also of such and so great an amount as may come to be proved and specified more fully by lawful proofs in the outcome of this suit; and he propounds as before.
[1] This was measure of weight for various commodities, including grain. It varied according to the area of the country and the commodity measured. Probably here equal to a quarter of a hundredweight, which was equal to 2 stone or 28 pounds, equal to 12.7 kg.
[5/10/1 image 8]
[24] […]
[…] mensibus mar[tij Aprilis] Maij Junij
Julij Augusti Septembris octobris Nouembris decembris
Januarij et februarij Annis domini Millesimo quingentesimo xlvijmo
xlviiijno eorumue Annorum vtroque siue altero et dictorum mensium
quolibet vno seu aliquo sex quinque aut quatuor acras dicte
medietatis clausure predicte per eum vt premittitur conducte et
occupate cum auenis seminauit seu fecit sic seminari atque ex qualibet
acra cum auenis sic seminata defalcabat succidebat percipie-
bat colligebat et habuit vtroque anno annorum predictorum lxxxij
thraues of ootes euery thraue conteyninge xxiiij sheves ac
dat et libellat pars ista proponens de qualibet alio numero de
le Thraues auenarum de qualibet acra acrarum predictarum
succiso percepto et habito medio vel minori vsque ad numerum
xvj Thraues necnon de tali et tanto qualis et quanto
per probaciones legitimas in euentu litis huiusmodi plenius veniet
declarando ac ponit vt supra
25 Item quod quilibet numerus octo le Thraues Auenarum predictarum
vtroque anno dictorum annorum triti et conculcati Anglice thresshyd
prestitit edidit et effundebat vnum quarterium auenarum vel
paulo minus hocque fuit et est verum purum notorium manifestum et
famousum ac ponit vt supra
26 Item quod verus valor et estimacio cuiuslibet quarterij Avenarum
predictarum ad summam siue valorem vjs monete Anglicane ac
dat et libellat pars ista proponens de qualibet alia summa
siue valore cuiuslibet quarterij avenarum huiusmodi medio vel
minori vsque ad summam iijs necnon de tali et tanta quali
et quanta per probaciones legitimas in euentu litis huiusmodi plenius
veniet comprobando et specificando vtroque Anno Annorum predictorum
communi hominium estimacione notorie se extendebat et extendit ac
ponit vt supra
Original Document
[5/10/1 image 9]
27 Also, that the true value and valuation of the tithes or tenth part of any quarter of oats aforesaid notoriously amounted and amounts by common report of men in either year of the years aforesaid to the sum or value of 7d of English money, and this party propounding libels of whatever other intermediate or lesser sum or value of this tenth part down to the sum or value of 3d and also of such and so great an amount as may come to be proved more fully in the outcome of this suit; and he propounds as before.
28 Also, that the aforesaid Richard Broster in the one thousand five hundred 49th year of our Lord last sowed with peas six, five or four acres of the said half close aforesaid and from the same acres sown with peas took, collected and had 12 cartloads of peas and this party propounding submits and libels of whatever other intermediate or lesser number than this of cartloads of peas down to the number of two cartloads and also of such and so great a number of such sort and amount as will be come to be declared more fully in the outcome of this suit; and he propounds as before.
29 Also, that the true value of any cartload of these peas notoriously amounted and amounts by common report of men to the sum or value of 10s of English money, and this party propounding libels of whatever other intermediate or lesser sum or value of any cartload of peas aforesaid down to the sum of 3s 4d and also of such and so great an amount or value of such sort and amount as may come to be proved more fully by lawful proofs in the outcome of this suit; and he propounds as before.
30 Also, that the true value and valuation of the tithes or tenth part of any cartload of peas aforesaid notoriously amounted and amounts by common report of men to the sum or value of 12d, and this party propounding submits and libels of whatever other intermediate or lesser sum or value of this tenth part of a cartload of peas down to the sum or value of 4d and also of such and so great an amount of such sort and amount as may come to be proved more fully in the outcome of this suit; and he propounds jointly, severally and concerning any of these points.
[5/10/1 image 9]
27 Item [quod ve]rus valor et [estimacio decim]arum [siue decime] partis cuiuslibet quarterij auenarum predictarum [ad sum]mam siue valorem vijd monete
Anglicane et libellat pars ista proponens de qualibet alia summa siue
valore decime partis huiusmodi medio vel minori vsque ad summam
siue valorem iijd Necnon de tali et tanta quali et quanta per
probaciones legitimas in euentu huius litis plenius veniet com-
probando vtroque anno annorum predictorum communi hominium estimacione
notorie se extendebat et extendit ac ponit vt supra
28 Item quod prefatus Richardus Broster Anno domini Millesimo quingentesimo
xlixno vltimo sex quinque aut quatuor Acras dicte medietatis
clausure antedicte cum pisis seminauit atque ex eisdem acris
cum pisis seminatis percipiebat colligebat et habuit xijcim carucas
pisarum ac dat et libellat pars ista proponens de quolibet alio
numero carucarum pisorum huiusmodi medio vel minori vsque ad numerum
duarum carucarum pisorum necnon de tali et tanto qualis et quanto
per probaciones legitimas in euentu huius litis plenius veniet
declarando ac ponit vt supra
29 Item quod verus valor cuiuslibet caruce pisorum huiusmodi ad summam
siue valorem xs monete Anglicane ac libellat pars ista propo-
nens de qualibet alia summa siue valore cuiuslibet Caruce
pisorum predictorum medio vel minori vsque ad summam iijs iiijd
necnon de tali et tanta summa siue valore quali et quanta
per probaciones legitimas in euentu litis huiusmodi plenius veniet com-
probanda communi hominium estimacione notorie se extendebat et extendit
ac ponit vt supra
30 Item quod verus valor et estimacio decimarum siue decime partis
cuiuslibet caruce pisorum predictorum ad summam siue valorem xijd
ac dat et libellat pars ista proponens de qualibet alia summa
siue valore cuiuslibet [decime partis] caruce pisorum huiusmodi medio vel minori
vsque ad summam siue valorem iiijd Necnon de tali et tanta
quali et quanta per probaciones legitimas in euentu huius litis plenius
veniet comprobanda communi hominium estimacione notorie se extendebat et
extendit ac ponit coniunctim diuisim et de quolibet
Original Document
[5/10/1 image 10]
31 Also, that the aforesaid Richard Broster in the one thousand five hundred and forty sixth, 47th, 48th and 49th years of our Lord last, or in any of those years whatever, in one or other, held, kept and occupied two acres of meadow of the said half close aforesaid commonly called ‘Beggars boroughe’ and from there each year during the whole time aforesaid he took, collected and had three cartloads of hay, and this party propounding submits and libels of whatever other intermediate or lesser number of cartloads of this hay down to one cart load and also of such and so great a number of such sort and amount as may come to be declared more fully in the outcome of this suit; and he propounds jointly, severally and concerning any of these points.
32 Also, that the true value of any cartload of this hay notoriously amounted and amounts by common report of men to the sum or value of 5s of English money, and this party propounding libels of whatever other intermediate or lesser sum or value of any cartload of this hay down to the sum of 2s and also of such and so great an amount or value of such sort and amount as may come to be declared more fully by lawful proofs in the outcome of this suit; and he propounds jointly, severally and concerning any of these points.
33 Also, that the true value and valuation of the tithes or tenth part of any cartload of this hay notoriously amounted and amounts by common report of men to the sum or value of 18d, and this party propounding submits and libels of whatever other intermediate or lesser sum or value of the tithes or tenth part of any cartload of hay down to the sum or value of 2½d and also of such and so great an amount of such sort and amount as may come to be proved more fully in the outcome of this suit; and he propounds jointly, severally and concerning any of these points.
34 Also, that the said Richard Broster no tithes of the said herbage, oats, peas and hay aforesaid during the years and months aforesaid taken and had as is aforesaid and belonging by law to the aforesaid farmer of the church of Saint Oswald to the same
[5/10/1 image 10]
31 Item quod prefatus [Richardus B]roster Annis domini Millesimo quingentesimo
quadragesimo sexto xlvijo xlviijno et xlixno vltimis eorundem ve annorum et
mensium predictorum quolibet vno siue aliquo duas acras prati dicte
mediatatis clausure antedicte vulgariter vocati Beggars boroughe
tenuit seclusit et occupauit ac inde annuatim durante toto termino
predicto percipiebat colligebat et habebat tres carucas feni ac dat
et libellat pars ista proponens de quolibet alio numero carucarum
feni huiusmodi medio vel minori vsque vnam carucam Necnon de
tali et tanto numero quali et quanto per probaciones legitimas in euentu
huius litis plenius veniet declarando ac ponit coniunctim diuisim et
de quolibet
32 Item quod verus valor cuiuslibet caruce feni huiusmodi ad summam siue
valorem vs monete Anglicane se extendebat ac libellat pars
ista proponens de qualibet alia summa siue valore cuiuslibet
caruce feni huiusmodi medio vel minori vsque ad summam siue valorem
ijs necnon de tali et tanta summa siue valore quali et quanta
per probaciones legitimas in euentu huius litis plenius veniet
declaranda communi hominium estimacione notorie se extendebat et
extendit ac ponit coniunctim diuisim et de quolibet
33 Item quod verus valor et estimacio decimarum siue decime partis
cuiuslibet caruce feni huiusmodi ad summam siue valorem xviijd
ac dat et libellat pars ista proponens de qualibet alia summa siue
valore decimarum seu decime partis cuiuslibet caruce feni huiusmodi
medio vel minori vsque ad summam siue valorem ijd oboli Necnon de tali et
tanta quali et quanta per probaciones legitimas in euentu huius litis plenius
veniet comprobanda communi hominium estimacione notorie
se extendebat et extendit ac ponit coniunctim diuisim et de quolibet
34 Item quod dictus Richardus Broster nullas decimas dictos herbagij
Auenarum pisorum et feni predictorum per annos et mensis predictos
vt premittitur perceptorum et habitorum ac ad prefatum
firmarium Jure ecclesie sancti oswaldi predicte spectantes ejsdem
Original Document
[5/10/1 image 11]
this, but subtracted, took and had all and singular the same tithes wickedly and unjustly by himself or his men and had and converted to his own use, and converts at present, to the grave danger of his soul and to no little prejudice of the said farmer; and he propounds jointly and severally and concerning any of these points.
35 Also, that the aforesaid Thomas Wright and Richard Broster were often or once suitably and lawfully asked and requested respectively on behalf of the same farmer to pay, hand over and deliver to the aforesaid William Aldersey, farmer above-mentioned, all and singular the tithes aforesaid by them, as is aforesaid, taken, had and subtracted or not paid in the months and years aforesaid, if they are still in existence, or the true value of the same, or otherwise duly to compound with the same farmer for these tithes; and he propounds as before.
36 Also, that although the same Thomas and Richard were thus asked and requested to do as in the premises or in any of them, they have delayed and delay at present; and he propounds jointly, severally and concerning any of these points.
37 Also, that the said Thomas Wright and Richard Broster were and are of Chester diocese, and notoriously subordinate and subject to your jurisdiction; and he propounds as before.
38 Also, that it was and is on the part and behalf of the aforesaid farmer that complaint is rightly and lawfully made to you, lord judge aforesaid; and he propounds as before.
39 Also, that all and singular the premises were and are true, public, notorious, evident and well-known, and public voice and fame were and are circulating of and upon the same. Whereupon, due proof being made as required by law, the party of the said William Aldersey, oft-mentioned farmer, prays right and justice to be done and administered to him with effect in all and singular the premises respectively, by you and your definitive sentence or your final decree, Lord Judge aforesaid; he propounds the premises and the party of the said farmer prays that they are done jointly and severally, not binding himself to prove all and singular the premises, nor to the burden of a superfluous proof, concerning which he protests, but as far as he may prove in the premises, thus far may he obtain in the petitions, always reserving the benefit of law; humbly imploring your office lord judge aforesaid.
[5/10/1 image 11]
huiusmodi sed easdem decimas omnes [et sing]ulas nequiter et iniuste per se aut
suos subtraxit percepit et habuit atque habet et in eius vsus proprios
convertebat et in presenti convertit in anime sue graue periculum dictique
firmarij preiudicium non modicum ac ponit coniunctim et diuisim et de quolibet
35 Item quod prefati Thomas Wright et Richardus Broster ad soluendum tradendum
et liberandum prefato Willielmo Aldersey firmario memorato decimas predictas
omnes et singulas per eos vt prefertur Annis et mensibus predictis perceptas
habitas et subtractas seu non solutas si extent alioquin eorundem verum valorem
seu aliter ad debite componendum cum eodem firmario pro decimis huiusmodi ex parte eiusdem firmarij sepius seu semel congrue et legitime respectiue requisitis
fuerunt et interpellatis ac ponit vt supra
36 Item quod ijdem Thomas et Richardus sic requisiti et interpellati premissa seu eorum aliquod facere distulerunt et differunt in presenti ac ponit coniunctim diuisim et de
37 Item quod dicti Thomas Wright et Richardus Broster fuerunt et sunt Cestrensis
diocesis vestreque Jurisdictionis notorie subditi et subiecti ac ponit vt supra
38 Item quod de et super premissis omnibus et singulis fuit et est ex parte et per
partem prefati firmarij ad vos dominem Judicem antedictum rite et legitime
querulatum ac ponit vt supra
39 Item quod premissa omnia et singula fuerunt et sunt vera publica notoria
manifesta et famosa atque de et super eijsdem laborarunt et laborant
publica vox et fama. Vnde facta fide de iure requisita petit pars
dicti Willielmi Aldersey firmarij sepefati Jus et iusticiam sibi in premissis
omnibus et singulis respectiue fieri et ministrari cum effectu per vos et
vestram sententiam diffinitiuam siue vestrum finale decretum domine Judex
antedicte premissa proponit et fieri petit pars dicti firmarij coniunctim et diuisim
non arctans se ad omnia et singula premissa probanda nec ad onus
superflue probacionis de quo protestatur sed quatenus probauerit in
premissis eatenus obtineat in petitis Juris beneficio saluo vestrum officium
domine Judex antedicte humiliter implorando
Original Document
[5/10/1 image 12]
[…] a cause of tithes between William Aldersey, plaintiff, and Thomas Wright and Richard Broster […] etc.
[in pencil in a different hand]
[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]
Translation copyright ©2024 P J Cox All Rights Reserved
[5/10/1 image 11]
causa decimarum inter
Willielmum Aldersey partem
agentem et Thomam Wright
et Richardum Broster […]
et cetera
[in pencil in a different hand]
[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]
Transcript copyright ©2024 P J Cox All Rights Reserved
William Aldersey – plaintiff
Thomas Wright – defendant
Richard Broster – defendant
George Wilmesley – official principal
A deed drawn up in 1551 during the reign of Edward VI records a lease made by either the Abbey or the Dean and Chapter of Chester during the reign of Henry VIII of a pasture called ‘Beggaston’ in ‘Saughton’. This lease was granted to Thomas Wright and Richard Broster of Chester for 60 years at an annual rent of 49s 8d. (Cheshire Sheaf, 3rd series, xxiv, pp. 37-38.)