Ref: EDC 5/1566/11

Catalogue Entry:

There is no catalogue entry for this cause, but the papers are filed in a paper folder labelled EDC 5 (1566) No 11 – Prescot


Edward Ogells [Ogle] contra Richard Carter.

Richard claimed that John Layton rather than Edward Ogle was lawful farmer of the tithes in dispute.




Type of Cause:

Tithes – hay

Cause Papers:

Exceptions against the libel

Exceptions against the libel (image 1)

Original Document

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[1566/11 image 1]

In the name of God, Amen: before you William, by divine permission bishop of Chester, or your commissary general or any other judge whomsoever competent in this regard, the party of the distinguished Richard Carter of the parish of Prescot of Chester diocese against Edward Ogells, gentleman, of the parish of Huyton of Chester diocese and of your jurisdiction, and against any other whomsoever lawfully intervening before you in judgement for the same and also against the pretended libel or pretended material and his entire claim, such as it is, set forth judicially against the said Richard Carter, and also against the whole and entire process carried out by you thereupon, by every better and more effective way, methods and form of law by which, according to law, he was or is better and more effectively able and to every sound effect of law to follow therefrom says, alleges and responding in these writings, he propounds jointly, severally and in articles as follows:

Firstly, and above all, responding the party aforesaid says and alleges to the first article that Master Edward Ogells never was or is farmer of a certain parcel of land or hamlet called Widdes[1] lying and being within the parish of Prescot aforesaid, as falsely alleged in the same article, nor has he ever been or at present is called, taken, held, named or reputed as farmer of the tithes and church rights coming, growing and arising within the bounds and limits and tithable places of the said parcel of land or hamlet called Widdes; and he propounds jointly, severally and concerning any part thereof.

Also, responding to the second article, this party says that neither were nor are the said Edward Ogells or his precursors or predecessors called, named or reputed as farmers of the said parcel of land nor were they in peaceful possession of the same; and he propounds jointly, severally and concerning every part thereof.

Also, responding, this party says that John Layton, gentleman, was and is named, taken, held and reputed as farmer of all and singular tithes belonging and appertaining to the perpetual vicarage of the parish church of Prescot and the bounds and limits of the same,

[1] This may be the township of Widnes, which was in the parish of Prescot at this time.



[1566/11 image 1]

In dei nomine Amen Coram vobis Willielmo permissione divina Cestrensi
episcopo vestroue Commissario generali seu alio Judice in hac parte competenti
quocunque Pars discreti viri Richardi Carter parochie de Prescot
Cestrensis diocesis contra et aduersus Edwardum Ogells generosum parochie de
Hyton Cestrensis diocesis et vestre Jurisdiccionis ac contra quemcunque alium Coram vobis
pro eodem in Judicio legitime Intervenientem ac etiam contra pretensum libellum
siue pretensam Materiam Totalemque eius intentionem taliter qualiter in
Judicio contra dictum Richardum Carter deductum necnon contra totum et
integrum processum inde per vos factum omnibus melioribus et efficatioribus
via modis et Juris forma quibus melius et efficatius de Jure
poterit aut potest et ad omnem Juris effectum inde sequi valendum
dicit allegat et in hijs scriptis Respondendo proponit coniunctim diuisim
et articulatim pro vt Sequitur

Imprimis et ante omnia Respondendo dicit et allegat pars predicta ad
p[rimum arti]culum  quod Magister Edwardus Ogells nunquam fuit vel est
firm[arius] cuiusdam parcelle terre siue hamlet’ vocat’ Widdes Jacentis
et ex[istentis] infra parochiam de Prescot predictam vt false in eodem articulo
alleg[atum] nec pro firmario decimarum et Jurium [ecc]lesiasticorum infra
fines [e]t limites locaque decimabilia dicte parcelle terre siue hamlet’
vocat’ Widdes provenientium crescentium et contingentium vnquam <fuit vel in presenti> est dictus tentus
habitus nominatus vel reputatus ponit coniunctim diuisim et de quolibet

Item Respondendo ad Secundum articulum pars ista dicit <neque> dictus Edwardus
Ogells eiusve precessores vel predecessores fuerunt vel sunt dicte parcelle
terre firmarij dicti nominati vel reputati neque in passifica eiusdem
possessione extitere et ponit ponit Coniunctim Diuisim et de quolibet

Item Respondendo dicit pars ista Quod Johannes Laton generosus fuit et est
pro firmario decimarum omnium et singularum ad vicariam perpetuam
ecclesie parochialis de Prescot finesque et limites eiusdem spectantium et pertinentium

Exceptions against the libel (image 2)

Original Document

Click to view fullscreen


[1566/11 image 2]

and has lawfully acquired and is possessed of the farm of the same; to which John, as true farmer as aforesaid, he paid his tithes of hay due in the present year […] on the aforesaid land lying and being, or at least lawfully compounded for his same tithes of hay with the same John Layton, as in the event of this suit will become clear and more fully and plainly appear; and he propounds jointly, severally and concerning every part thereof. 

All and singular of which matters were and are public, true, manifest, notorious etc. Whereupon, due proof being made as required by law in this regard etc.             


[1566/11 image 2]

nominatus tentus habitus et Reputatus firmamque eiusdem legitime est assequutus
cui quidem Johanni Laton tanquam vero firmario decimarum fæni vt
predicitur decimas suas fæni in prefate […] terre Jacenti et
existenti instantique anno debitas persolvit [seu] saltem pro eijsdem decimis
suis fæni cum dicto Johanne Laton legitime composuit vt in eventu
huius litis liquebit et plenius ac planius apparebit [et ponit] coniunctim
diuisim et de quolibet

Quæ omnia  et singula fuerunt et sunt publica vera
Manifesta notoria et cetera Vnde facta fide de Jure
in hac parte Requisita et cetera

Exceptions against the libel (image 3)

Original Document

Click to view fullscreen


[1566/11 image 3]


[The endorsement is illegible apart from the date, 1566.]

[in pencil in a different hand]


[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]

Translation copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved


[1566/11 image 3]


[The endorsement is illegible apart from the date, 1566.]

[in pencil in a different hand]


[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]

Transcript copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved



Edward Ogle (Ogells) – plaintiff

Richard Carter – defendant

John Layton – possible rightful farmer of the tithes in question




William Downham







