Ref: EDC 5/1580/3
Catalogue Entry:
EDC 5 1580. 3. CHESTER (St Peter) Alderman Thomas Darcye c Cecily Darcye for adultery with Francis Ederman – sentence.
Thomas Darcie, gentleman, contra Cecily Darcie – libel.
The sentence in this cause is filed at EDC 5/1580/2.
John Nutter contra Ralph Janion – exceptions against witnesses for the plaintiff in a defamation cause. This cause dates from 1582.
The depositions of the witnesses for the plaintiff, sentence and bill of costs in this cause are filed at EDC 5/1582/3.
Type of Cause:
Darcie – Matrimonial – separation from bed and board (adultery)
Nutter – Defamation – sexual slander
Cause Papers:
Libel (Darcie)
Exceptions against witnesses for the plaintiff (Nutter)
Original Document
[1580/3 image 1]
In the name of God, Amen; before you venerable Robert Leche, Doctor of Laws, lawfully deputed official principal of the Chester consistory court, the party of the distinguished Thomas Darcie, gentleman, of the parish of Saint Peter of the city of Chester, against Cecily Darcie, his pretended wife, and against any other person or persons whomsoever lawfully intervening before you in judgement for the same says, alleges and propounds in these writings in law in articles as follows:
Firstly, that although the same Thomas Darcie and Cecily lawfully contracted matrimony together and caused or obtained it to be solemnised between them in the face of the church, and afterwards cohabited together as man and wife in conjugal duty for some space of time, however, the said Thomas Darcie is not to be bound and compelled by law further to cohabit with the said Cecily, his wife, or to provide conjugal rights to the same inasmuch as the said Cecily, from the time of the aforesaid marriage contracted and solemnised between him and the same Cecily, as is previously set forth, regarded, just as she now regards, the said Thomas, her husband, with the greatest hatred and cruelty (ignoring God’s commandment) and he propounds jointly, severally and concerning any part thereof.
Also, that the said Cecily, having neither the fear of God nor dread of the censure of the church before her eyes, after the said marriage contracted and solemnised, as aforesaid, with the aforesaid Thomas Darcie, her husband, shamelessly and basely had intercourse with a certain Francis Ederman, born in Germany, and was and has been carnally known by the same and lived impurely with the same in adulterous embraces for some space of time wickedly committing adultery with the same (as is said); and he propounds as before.
Also, that the aforesaid Francis Ederman fathered a male child by the name of Francis, upon the body of the said Cecily Darcie, after the said marriage contracted and solemnised (as aforesaid) with the aforesaid Thomas Darcie, her husband; so notoriously that the afore-mentioned Francis was forced to leave this city to live in distant parts, greatly fearing ecclesiastical censure and penances to be imposed upon him by the ordinary; and he propounds as before.
[1580/3 image 1]
In dei nomine Amen Coram vobis venerabili viro Roberto
Leche legum doctori Curie Consistorialis Cestrensis officiali principali
legitime deputato Pars discreti viri Thomæ Darcie gene-
rosi parochie sancti Petri Ciuitatis Cestrie contra et aduersus
Ciciliam Darcye eius pretensam vxorem ac contra quemcunque siue quoscunque
coram vobis pro eadem in Juditio Legitime interuenientem seu Intervenientes
dicit allegat et in his scriptis in Jure proponit articulatim pro vt sequi[tur]
Inprimis Quod licet Idem Thomas Darcye et Cicilia matrimonium
adinvicem legitime contraxere ac illud in facie ecclesiæ inter se solemp-
nizari fecerunt seu obtinuerunt ac postea vt vir et vxor in obsequijs
coniugalibus aliquod temporis spatium insimul cohabitauerunt dictus tamen
Thomas Darcye cum dicta Cicilia vxore sua vlterius cohabitare
aut obsequia coniugalia eidem prestare non est de Jure arctandum et
compellendum pro eo videlicet et ex eo quod dicta Cicilia a tempore prefati
matrimonij inter ipsum et eandem Ciciliam (vt premittitur) contractum et
solempnizatum maximo odio et seueritate dictum Thomam maritum suum
(neglectis dei mandato) prosequebatur quemadmodum et nunc prosequitur
et ponit Coniunctim diuisim et de quolibet
Item Quod dicta Cicilia nec dei timorem pre occulis habens
nec ecclesie censuram veritam post dictum matrimonium sic vt premittitur
cum prefato Thoma Darcye marito suo contractum et solempnizatum
turpiter et flagitiose corpus suum cum quodam francisco Ederman in
germania nato communicavit et ab eodem carnaliter cognita est et
fuit et impure cum eodem in adulterinis complexibus per nonnullum
temporis spatium vixit addulterium cum eodem (vt dictitur) nequitur
perpetrando et ponit vt supra
Item Quod prefatus Franciscus Ederman ex corpore dictæ Cicilia
Darcye post dictum matrimonium cum prefato Thoma Darcye marito
suo (vt prefertur) contractum et solempnizatum <prolem masculam Franciscum nomine> suscitauit adeo notorie
vt etiam prelibatus Franciscus Ederman cogebatur ex hac vrbe
discedere et in remotis partibus viuere valde timens censuram
ecclesiasticam et penetentias sibi ab ordinario infligendis et ponit vt
Original Document
[1580/3 image 2]
Also, that the said Cecily Darcie took in the aforesaid Francis Ederman as a lodger in the house of her husband, Thomas Darcie, in the absence of her husband dwelling and spending time in parts beyond the sea, the which Francis (as aforesaid) not only had carnal knowledge of the same Cicely but also despoiled the goods of the same Thomas Darcie, he even (as aforesaid) carried out the carnal act in the accustomed dwelling house of the said Thomas; and he propounds as before.
Also, that the said Francis Ederman paid, or caused to be paid, to the said Thomas Darcie for this despoiling of goods 20 ‘markes’ of good and lawful money of England by the hand of William Stiles, ‘alderman’ of the city of Chester; and he propounds as before.
Also, that all and singular the premises were and are true, public, notorious and well known, and public voice and fame were and are circulating regarding and concerning this; whereupon the party of the said Thomas Darcie prays that right and justice may be done to him in the premises etc.
Humbly imploring your office etc. distinguished judge aforesaid.
[1580/3 image 2]
Item Quod dicta Cicilia Darcye accepit in hospitium et domum
mariti sui Thomæ Darcye prefatum Franciscum Ederman
in absentia mariti sui in transmarinis partibus commorantis et
degentis qui quidem Franciscus (vt predicitur) non solum carna-
liter eandem Ciciliam cognouit sed etiam spoliauit eundem Thomam
Darcye bonis suis sed (vt prefertur) cum eadem actum carnis
exercebat in domo solitæ habitationis dicti Thomæ et ponit
vt supra.
Item Quod dictus Franciscus Ederman pro spoliatione bonorum
huiusmodi soluit seu solui fecit dicto Thomæ Darcye xxo
markes bone et legalis monete anglie per manus Willelmi
Stiles Ciuitatis Cestriæ Alderman et ponit vt supra.
Item Quod premissa omnia singula fuerunt et sunt <vera> publica
notoria et famosa atque de et super <huiusmodi> laborarunt et
laborant publica vox et fama Vnde petit pars dicti
Thomæ Darcye Jus et Justiciam in premissis sibi fieri et cetera
Vestrum officium humiliter implorando et cetera
Egregie Judex antedicte
Original Document
[1580/3 image 3]
Libel of Thomas Darcie against Cecily Darcie exhibited 1580.
[in pencil in a different hand]
[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]
Translation copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved
[1580/3 image 3]
libellus Thomæ
Darcye contra
Ciciliam Darcye
exhibitus 1580
[in pencil in a different hand]
[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]
Transcript copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved
Original Document
[1580/3 image 4]
In the name of God, Amen; in a certain pretended cause of defamation or foul slander which was in dispute for a considerable time and is still in dispute and pending undecided before you, worshipful Master Robert Leche, Doctor of Laws, in the Chester consistory court, between worshipful John Nutter, clerk, preacher of God’s word, plaintiff and complaining party on the one part and Ralph Janion, pretended defendant and party complained of, on the other part; the party of the said Ralph Janion to every consequence of law and fact that can follow thereon against the said John Nutter and against any other whomsoever lawfully intervening before you in judgement for the same and also against Richard Wright, Nicholas Massie and Hugh Rogerson, pretended witnesses on behalf of the said John Nutter in whatever way, although invalidly, produced, admitted, sworn and examined before you upon a certain pretended libel given and offered before you on behalf of the said John in this behalf and the whole of their claim in the same, says, alleges and in these writings in law propounds jointly, severally and in articles as follows:
1 Firstly, this party, in excepting, propounds against the aforesaid Richard Wright, Nicholas Massie and Hugh Rogerson, that their testimony is null and void and not to be admitted in law and completely to be excluded and rejected inasmuch as they are conflicting, vacillating, singular, coached, suborned and their depositions are inconsistent as is more fully clear and appears in their evidence; and he propounds jointly, severally and concerning any part thereof.
2 Also, this party, in excepting, propounds against Richard Wright, first pretended witness abovesaid, that his testimony is null and void and not to be admitted in law and completely to be excluded and rejected inasmuch as for the whole time of his production, admission, oath-swearing and examination, and before and since, he was and is notoriously defamed of the detestable crime of adultery; and to have committed adultery with several, or at least with one woman, the which sin he admitted before Richard Bavand, mayor of the city of Chester, and he is an intimate friend of the party producing him and hostile to this proponent; for he who has confessed or been convicted of a crime cannot be a witness in the ecclesiastical court as Lanfranc observes in the chapter Quoniam contra falsam[1] about the depositions of witnesses; and he propounds jointly, severally and concerning any part thereof.
[Part of this paragraph relating to the appearance of Richard Wright before the mayor of Chester charged with adultery has been deleted and is not included above, a marginal note has been added in writing resembling that of Robert Leche.] Required
[A translation of the marginal note ] This has been deleted because it does not seem that the said mayor is or was judicially competent.
[1] This was a requirement laid down by canon 38 of Lateran IV (1215) which necessitated the recording in writing of all judicial acts in case of future doubt.
[1580/3 image 4]
In dei nomine amen in quadam pretensa Causa diffamacionis siue turpis [con-]
uitij que coram vobis venerabili viro magistro Roberto Leche [legum]
doctore in Curia Consistoriali Cestrensi Inter Venerabilem virum
Johannem Nutter Clericum verbi dei predicatorem partem Actricem
et querelantem ex vna et Radulphum Janion partem Ream
pretensam et querelatam partibus ex altera aliquandiu vertebat[ur]
vertiturque adhuc et pendet Indecisa Pars dicti Radulphi Janion
ad omnem Juris et facti effectum exinde sequi valentem contra et
aduersus dictum Johannem Nvtter ac contra quemcunque alium pro eodem
coram vobis in Judicio Legitime interuenientem necnon contra
Richardum Wright Nicholaum Massie et Hugonem Rogerson
Testes pretensos ex parte dicti Johannis Nutter coram vobis taliter
qualiter Immo nulliter productos admissos Juratos et examinati
super quodam pretenso Libello ex parte dicti Johannis in hac parte dato
et oblato totalemque Intencionem eorum in eodem dicit allegat et in hijs
scriptis in Jure proponit coniunctim diuisim atque Articulatim prout sequitur
1 In primis pars ista excipiendo proponit contra predictos Richardum
Wright Nicholaum Massie et Hugonem Rogerson quod eorum
testimonium est nullum et Invalidum ac de Jure non admitte-
ndum ac omnino reprobandum et reijciendum pro eo videlicet et ex eo quod sunt
varij vacillantes singulares Instruci subornati et in
eorum depositionibus discrepantes vt in suis attestaccionibus
plenius liquet et apparet et ponit coniunctim diuisim et de quolibet
2 Item pars ista excipiendo proponit contra Richardum Wright primum
pretensum Testem supradictum quod illius testimonium est nullum et
Inualidum ac de Jure non admittendum sed omnino reprobandum
et reijciendum pro eo videlicet et ex eo quod omni tempore eius pro-
duxcionis admissionis Juramenti prestacionis et examinacionis
anteaque et citra fvit et est de detestando adulterij crimine
notorie Infamatum
perpetrasse adulte-
rium cum diuersis seu saltem cum vna muliere quod quidem
dilictum suum fatebatur coram <Ricardo Bavand> maiore <Civitatis Cestrie>
est que Intimus amicus partis eum producentis
et Inimicus <istius> proponentis Infamis enim confessus vel
convictus de crimine non potest esse Testis in foro
Ecclesiastico vt notat Lanfrancus In Capite quoniam contra
falsam de testium depositionibus Et ponit coniunctim diuisim ac [de]
[Part of this paragraph relating to the appearance of Richard Wright before the mayor of Chester charged with adultery has been deleted and is not included above, a marginal note has been added in writing resembling that of Robert Leche.]
[The marginal note appears to say]
quia non
dictus maiore
esse vel
fuisse Judicaliter
Original Document
[1580/3 image 5]
3 Also, this party, in excepting, propounds against Nicholas Massie, the second pretended witness abovesaid, that his testimony is null and void and not to be admitted in law but completely to be excluded and rejected inasmuch as he is an intimate friend and of the household of the party producing him and liable to the said producent on account of many favours and is a bitter enemy to this proponent, and the said Nicholas Massie was and is the first and original speaker of the pretended and fictitious defamatory words specified in the libel of the said Master Nutter as is more fully clear and appears by his testimony, for the person who reports a crime cannot be a witness in the ecclesiastical court, as Lanfranc states in the above chapter; and he propounds jointly, severally and concerning any part thereof.
4 Also, this party, in excepting, propounds against Hugh Rogerson, the third pretended witness abovesaid, that his testimony is null and void and not to be admitted in law but completely to be excluded and rejected inasmuch as he has deposed nothing of his own knowledge or hearing, but only from the accounts of others, as is plainly made clear and appears from his testimony, and he propounds as before.
Also, that all and singular the premises were and are true, notorious, public, manifest and equally well-known and regarding and concerning this public voice and fame were and are circulating within the city of Chester aforesaid.
Whereupon, due proof being made as required by law in this regard, the party of the said Ralph Janion prays that right and justice may be done and administered to him with effect in all and singular the premises, and by reason of the premises he will be dismissed and absolved from the claim, petition and further vexation and disturbance by the said Master John Nutter, together with his costs incurred in this behalf and he protests those to be incurred, by you, lord judge aforesaid, and passing your definitive sentence in that behalf; which the party of the aforesaid Ralph Janion propounds and seeks to be done jointly and severally, not binding himself to proving all and singular the premises, nor to all superfluous proof and the premises, or any of them, have not been propounded in order that he might defame the parties aforesaid but only to defend his cause, concerning which he protests and so much as he shall prove in the premises so much may he obtain of the petitions, always reserving the benefit of law in all things, humbly imploring your office in the premises, distinguished judge aforesaid; and he asserts the right of adding to, correcting and amending etc..
[1580/3 image 5]
[3] Item pars ista excipiendo proponit contra Nicolaum Massie
secundum pretensum Testem supradictum quod eius testimonium est
nullum et Invalidum ac de Jure non admittendum sed omnino
Reprobandum et reijciendum pro eo videlicet et et [for ex] eo quod est
Intimus amicus et familiaris partis eum producentis dictoque
producenti ob multis beneficijs obnoxius istoque proponenti
Capitalis Inimicus, fuitque et est dictus Nicolaus Massie
primus et originalis denunciator verborum diffamatororium
pretensorum et fictorum in Libello <dicti Magistri Nutter> specificatorum vt per eius testimo-
nium plenius liquet et apparet, denunciator enim Crimi-
nis non potest esse Testis in foro Ecclesiastico vt dicit
Lanfrancus Capite supra Et ponit coniunctim diuisim ac de quolibet
4 Item pars ista excipiendo proponit contra Hugonem Rogerson
tercium Testem pretensum supradictum quod eius testimonium est
nullum et invalidum ac de Jure non admittendum sed
penitus reprobandum et reijciendum pro eo videlicet et ex eo quod
nihil deposuit ex propria Sciencia vel auditu sed tantum
ex relacione alterius vt per eius testimonium planie
Liquet et apparet Et ponit vt supra
5 Item quod premissa omnia et singula fuerunt et sunt vera
notoria publica manifesta pariter ac famosa ac de et super
huiusmodi infra Ciuitatem Cestrie predictam Laborarunt
et Laborant publica vox et fama,
Vnde facte fide
de Jure in hac parte requisita petit pars dicti Radulphi Janion
Jus et Justiciam sibi in premissis omnibus et singulis fieri et mi-
nistrari cum effectu Ac premissorum pretextu se ab Instantia
impeticione ac vlteriori vexacione et perturbacione dicti magistri
Johannis Nutter dimitti et absolui vna cum expensis suis
in hac parte factis et protestatur de fiendis per vos dominum
Judicem antedictum vestramque Sententiam diffinitivam in hac parte ferendam
Que proponit et fieri petit pars antedicti <Radulphi Janion> coniunctim et diuisim non Arct-
ans se ad omnia et singula premissa probanda nec ad omnes
superflue probacionis neque premissa aut eorum aliqua propo-
suisse vt partes supradicti diffamiaret sed tantum ad
defendendum Causam <suam> de quo protestatur quantumque probaue-
rit in premissis eatenus obtineat in petitis Juris
beneficio in omnibus semper saluo, vestrum officium in pre-
missis egregie Judex predicte humiliter Implorando
et protestatur de addendo corrigendo et emendendo et cetera
Original Document
[1580/3 image 6]
Exceptive material of Ralph Janion against the witnesses of Master Nutter, exhibited on the 21st day of May in the year 1582.
[in pencil in a different hand]
No 3
[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]
Translation copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved
[1580/3 image 6]
materia except[iva]
Radulphi Janion contra
testes Magistri Nutter
exhibita xxjo die
Maij Anno 1582
[in pencil in a different hand]
No 3
[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]
Transcript copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved
Darcie –
Thomas Darcie – plaintiff
Cecily Darcie – defendant
Francis Ederman – accused of adultery with defendant
William Stiles – acted as intermediary
Nutter –
John Nutter – plaintiff
Ralph Janion – defendant
Richard Wright – witness for the plaintiff
Nicholas Massie – witness for the plaintiff
Hugh Rogerson – witness for the plaintiff