Subjects: Separation from bed and board
Although there was no procedure whereby a marriage could be ended by divorce, as we know it today, there were some circumstances, most frequently infidelity or cruelty, in which a formal separation could be awarded by the church courts, but the couple were not granted the right to remarry. This was often referred to as a ‘divorce a mensa et thoro’.
Sometimes arrangements were made for the payment of alimony to the wife for the rest of her life.
R. H. Helmholz, Marriage Litigation in Medieval England, (London, 1974), pp. 100-107
Ralph Houlbrooke, Church Courts and the People during the English Reformation , (Oxford, 1979), pp. 67-75
Adultery by the husband
EDC 5/1/2 – Elizabeth Levar contra Adam Levar
Adultery by the wife
EDC 5/1580/2 – Thomas Darcie, gentleman, contra Cecily Darcie
EDC 5/1580/3 – Thomas Darcie, gentleman, contra Cecily Darcie
Adultery and cruelty by the husband
EDC 5/1/5 – Anne Orell contra Piers Orrell
EDC 5/1580/1 – Elizabeth Cowley alias Johnson, wife of Richard Cowley alias Johnson, contra Richard Cowley alias Johnson