Ref: EDC 5/1566/14

Catalogue Entry:

There is currently no catalogue entry for this cause but the papers are filed in a paper folder labelled EDC 5 (1566) NO 14 BANGOR


William Charlton, rector of Bangor-on-Dee, contra Richard Bate.






Type of Cause:

Tithes – unknown

Cause Papers:


Sentence (image 1)

Original Document

Click to view fullscreen


[1566/14 image 1]

In the name of God, Amen: the merits and circumstances of a certain cause of subtraction of tithes which was recently disputed, is still disputed and is pending undecided before us having been heard, seen and understood and fully investigated by us, Robert Leche, Master of Arts and bachelor of laws, commissary general of the right reverend father in God, William, by divine permission lord bishop of Chester, and lawfully deputed official principal of his consistory court, rightly and lawfully proceeding, between the venerable William Charlton, rector of Bangor, the party plaintiff and complainant on the one part, and Richard Bate, of the same parish of Bangor of Chester diocese and of our jurisdiction, the defendant and party complained of on the other part; and the aforesaid parties appearing sufficiently and lawfully before us, namely, the party of the said rector by William Man, Master of Arts, his lawfully appointed proctor according to the acts of the court, while the party of the said Richard was appearing for himself and in person; with the party of the said rector praying that sentence is passed and justice may be done to him, the party of the said Richard Bate also earnestly praying that justice may be done to him.

All and singular acts, enactments, deductions, propositions, allegations, confessions and proofs had and done by all sides in the said cause having first been examined and diligently inspected by us, and having reviewed, examined and considered them with promptness and diligence, from and with the advice of those learned in the law with whom we have communicated in this behalf, and having observed what according to law should be observed by us in this behalf, we have thus thought fit to proceed to the pronouncement of the passing of our definitive sentence or final decree in this cause, and we do proceed in this manner which follows;

Forasmuch as we know and clearly find by the acts enacted, brought, alleged, confessed and proved had and done in the said cause that the party of the said rector of Bangor, has sufficiently and fully established and equally proved his claim in a certain libel of his judicially given and offered in the said cause (the tenor of which certain libel follows and is thus; In the name of God, Amen: before you, William, by divine permission bishop of Chester etc., which libel we will have here read and inserted) and that nothing effectual has been or is brought, excepted, alleged or proved on behalf of the said Richard Bate which could destroy or in any way weaken the claim of the said rector.

Therefore we, Robert Leche, official aforesaid, having first called upon the name of Christ, and setting God alone before our eyes, and from and with the advice of the learned in the law with whom we have consulted in a timely manner in this cause, decree and declare that the same Richard Bate will be condemned in the tithes aforesaid, libellate as is thus aforesaid, and taken, had, subtracted and not paid by him, if they are still in existence, otherwise in their true value, which we calculate in the sum of twenty-seven shillings of lawful money of England; and we condemn him, Richard Bate, in the said tithes subtracted and in the lawful costs incurred and to be incurred on the part of the said rector in this behalf  by this our definitive sentence or this our final decree which we pass and publish in these writings. Moreover, reserving taxation of these costs to us in all matters, and we do reserve it.

This sentence was read and issued by the judge aforesaid the chapter house of Chester cathedral on the twenty-first day of the month of November in the year of our Lord 1566, being then present there, Master Robert Hebblethwaite, Hugh Dodd, clerk, Thomas Strete, literate man etc. witnesses etc..


[1566/14 image 1]

In dei nomine Amen Auditis Visis et Intellectis ac plenarie discussis per nos Robertum
Leche artium Magistrum et in legibus baccallarium Reverendi in christo patris ac domini domini Willielmi permissione divina
Cestrensis episcopi Commissarium generalem ac eius Curie Consistorialis officialem principalem legitime deputatum
Meritis et Circumstantijs cuiusdam cause subtractionis decimarum que coram nobis inter venerabilem
virum Willielmum Chorlton rectorem de Bangor partem actricem et querelantem ex vna et Ricardum Bate
eiusdem  parochie de Bangor Cestrensis diocesis et nostre Jurisdiccionis partem ream et querelatam partibus ex
altera nuper vertebatur et adhuc vertitur et pendet indecisa Rite et legitime procedentes partibus
predictis coram nobis sufficienter et legitime videlicet parte dicti Rectoris per Willielmum Man artium
Magistrum eius procuratorem legitime apud acta constitutum  parte quoque dicti Ricardi per se et personaliter
comparentibus parte quoque dicti Rectoris Sententiam ferri et Justiciam sibi fieri parte etiam dicti Ricardi
Bate Justiciam etiam sibi fieri instanter postulantibus

Visis primitus per nos et diligenter
inspectis omnibus et singulis actis inactitatis deductis propositis allegatis confessatis et probatis in dicta
causa hincinde habitis et factis easque cum Maturitate et diligentia recensitis examinatis et
ponderatis de et cum consilio Jurisperitorum cum quibus in hac parte Communicavimus Servatisque per
nos de iure in hac parte servandis ad nostre Sententie diffinitive siue  finalis decreti prolacionem in
huiusmodi causa ferende sic duximus procedendum et procedimus in hunc qui sequitur modum

per acta inactita deducta allegata exhibita confessata et probata in dicta causa habita
et facta comperimus et luculenter invenimus partem dicti Rectoris de Bangor Intentionem suam
in quodam suo libello in dicta causa Judicaliter dato et oblato Cuius quidem libelli tenor
et est talis In dei nomine Amen Coram vobis Willielmo permissione diuina Cestrensi episcopo etcetera
Quem libellum hic pro lectum et insertum habere volumus sufficienter et ad plenum fundasse pariter
et probasse Nihilque effectuale ex parte dicti Ricardi Bate fuisse aut esse deductum exceptum
allegatum aut probatum quod intentionem dicti rectoris elideret seu quomodolibet eneruaret

Idcirco nos Robertus Leche officialis antedictus christi nomine primitus invocato ac ipsum solum deum oculis
nostris preponentes de et cum consilio Jurisperitorum cum quibus Mature in hac parte communicauimus
Evndem Ricardum Bate in decimis predictis sic vt prefertur libellatis et per eum perceptis habitis subtractis
et non solutis si extent alioquin in earum vero valore quem ad Summam viginti septem solidorum
legalis monete anglie estimamus condempnandum fore decernimus et declaramus  Ipsumque Ricardum
Bate in dictis decimis subtractis et in expensis legitimis per partem dicti Rectoris in hac parte
factis et fiendis condempnamus per hanc nostram Sententiam diffinitiuam siue hoc nostrum finale
decretum Quam siue quod ferimus et promulgamus in his scriptis Taxacionem vero expensarum
huiusmodi nobis omnino Reseruantem et Reseruamus

lecta et lata fuit huiusmodi Sententia per iudicem <antedictum> in
domo capitulari cathedralis cestrensis vicesimo primo die Mensis
Nouembris Anno domini 1566 presentibus tunc ibidem Magistro Roberto
heblethwaite hugone Dod clerico Thoma Strete literato
et cetera  testibus et cetera

Sentence (image 2)

Original Document

Click to view fullscreen


[5/1566/14 image 2]


Sentence of the venerable William Charlton, rector of Bangor, against Richard Bate in a cause of subtraction of tithes, exhibited in the year of our Lord 1566.

[in pencil in a different hand]


[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]

Translation copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved


[5/1566/14 image 2]


Sententia Venerabilis Viri
Willielmi Chorlton Rectoris
de Bangor contra Ricardum
Bate in causa subtracionis
decimarum exhibita Anno domini

[in pencil in a different hand]


[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]

Transcript copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved


William Charlton, rector of Bangor – plaintiff

Richard Bate – defendant

Richard Hebblethwaite – witness to the sentence

Hugh Dodd, rector of Coddington – witness to the sentence

Thomas Strete – witness to the sentence


William Downham

Robert Leche


William Man – for the plaintiff





Related Causes

EDC 5/1566/15

EDC 5/1575/15



Depositions in tithe causes from Bangor may be found in EDC 2/8 ff. 4-6, 8-9, 12.