Ref: EDC 5/1575/15
Catalogue Entry:
EDC 5 1575. 15 BANGOR ON DEE William Choulton rector c David Lloyd, Matthew and Reginald ap David for tithes – articles, responsions, sentence.
William Charlton, rector of Bangor-on-Dee, contra David Lloyd Matthew and Reginald ap David.
William Charlton claimed that David Lloyd Matthew and Reginald ap David were illegally withholding tithes of hay from land which they farmed in the parish of Bangor. He claimed two or three times the value of the tithes withheld, claiming that he was so entitled. During the course of the cause Reginald ap David capitulated, but David Lloyd Matthew continued with his claim that the land in question, which he rented from Edward ap Ellis, was not titheable, and that Edward ap Ellis had told him not to pay tithes.
Original Document
[1575/15 image 1]
In the name of God, Amen; before you William, by divine permission bishop of Chester, or your commissary general or other judge whomsoever competent in this regard, the party of the distinguished William Chorlton, clerk, rector of the parish church of Bangor, of Chester diocese and your jurisdiction, against David Lloyd Matthew and Reginald ap David, and against any other whomsoever lawfully intervening in judgement for the same by way of complaint and complaining to you in this behalf says, alleges and propounds in these writings in law jointly, severally and in articles as follows:
1 Firstly, namely that the said William Chorlton, clerk, had and has rightly and lawfully acquired the parish church of Bangor aforesaid, and having thus acquired it with its universal rights and appurtenances, has possessed it peacefully and quietly for some […] space of time now passed just as (saving what will be said below) he thus also possesses it at present and was and is commonly called, held, named and reputed openly, publicly and notoriously in the same parish and in other neighbouring places as true rector and occupier of the same church of Bangor, as will appear by lawful proofs in the outcome of this suit, and he propounds as above.
2 Also, that as well by the common law, statutes and injunctions of this realm of England, as by ancient laudable and lawful prescribed custom, hitherto inviolably and steadfastly used and observed from time immemorial of the beginning or to the contrary of which there exists no memory of men and often upheld in judgment in a contested cause, the right of receiving and having all and singular tithes, as well greater as lesser, mixed and minute and other church rights and emoluments whatsoever within the said parish and the bounds and limits and tithable places of the same, howsoever and whenever proceeding and arising belongs and belonged and thus should have belonged and ought also to belong in future to the rector aforesaid whomsoever or to his deputy; and he propounds jointly, severally and concerning any part thereof.
[1575/15 image 1]
In dei nomine Amen Coram vobis Willielmo permissione divina Cestrensi Episcopo vestroue commissario
generali seu alio Judice in hac parte competenti quocunque Pars discreti viri Willielmi Chorlton Clerici
Rector ecclesie parochialis de Bangor Cestrensis diocesis et vestre Jurisdiccionis contra et aduersus Dauid lloyd
Mathew et Reginaldum ap Dauid ac contra quemcunque alium coram vobis pro eisdem in Judicio
legitime interuenientem per viam querele et vobis in hac parte querelando dicit allegat et [in hijs]
scriptis in iure proponit Coniunctim Diuisim atque articulatim provt Sequitur
1 Inprimis <videlicet> Quod dictus Willielmus Chorolton Clericus fuit et est ecclesiam parochialem de bangor pre[dicte rite]
et legitime assequutus ac ipsam sic assequutam cum suis Juribus et pertinentiis vniuersis per nonullum […]
temporis spacium iam elapsum pacifice et quiete possedit prout (saluis infradicendum) sic etiam
possidet in presenti necnon pro vero rectore et possessore eiusdem ecclesie de
bangor fuit et est communiter <dictus> tentus, nominatus et reputatus palam publice et notorie in ead[em]
parochia alijsque locis vicinis provt in eventu huius litis per probaciones legitimas a[pparebit]
et ponit vt sup[ra]
2 Item Quod tam de iure [Communi stat]utis et Iniunctionibus huius regni anglie quam de antiqua
Laudabili legitimeque prescripta consuetudine a tempore immemorato cuius initii siue contrarij
memoria hominum non existit hucvsque inuiolabiliter et inconcusse vsitata et obseruata ac in
contradictorio Judicio sepius obtenta Jus percipiendi et habendi omnies et Singulas decimas tam
maiores quam minores mixtas et minutas ac cetera Jura et emolumenta ecclesiastica
infra dictam parochiam ac fines et Limites locaque decimabilia euisdem qualitercunque
et quandocunque
provenientes et contingentes ad rectorem predictum quemcunque eiusve deputatum pertinuit
et pertinet ac sic
pertinere debuit et debet etiam in futurum Et ponit Coniunctim diuisim et dequolibet
Original Document
[1575/15 image 2]
3 Also, that the current rector of the parish church aforesaid and of the tithable places of the same and his precursors and predecessors each and every one of them in their successive times for 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 years and before and since, and from the time and throughout the time of the beginning or to the contrary of which there exists no memory of men were, just as they should have been, in peaceful possession, or virtually so, of the right of receiving and having all and singular greater, mixed and minute tithes, and especially tithes of hay proceeding, growing, renewing and arising within the said parish of Bangor and its bounds and limits and tithable places of the same, and they themselves and their men took and freely disposed of them and so the current rector there took, had and disposed for all his time there until the time of the grievance set out below and this should take them in future; and he propounds jointly, severally concerning any part thereof.
4 Also, that by lawful statutes of this realm of England it is decreed and provided that anyone who carries away or subtracts predial tithes comes to be condemned in triple or double according to that statute to which etc.
5 Also, that the practice and custom of tithing or paying tithes of hay proceeding, growing, renewing and arising within the said parish of Bangor has prevailed from the time and throughout the time of the beginning or to the contrary of which there exists no memory of men, that any parishioner there whosoever should pay tithe of hay proceeding, growing, arising and renewing within the bounds and limits and tithable places of the same parish of Bangor according to and in accordance with the laudable and lawful usage, practice and custom of the parish and places from where these tithes come, or should do so; and he propounds as before.
[1575/15 image 2]
3 Item Quod Rector ecclesie parochialis predicte et locorum decimabilium in eadem modernus eiusque pre[cessores et]
predecessores omnies et singuli eorum temporibus successiue existentes a x, xx, xxx, xl, l et lxa annis
vltraque et citra necnon a tempore et per tempus Cuius inicij siue contrarij memoria hominum non
existit fuerunt pro vt [esse] debuerunt in pacifica possessione seu quasi iuris percipiendi et habendi omnies
et singulas decimas maiores mixtas [et minutas] et presertim decimas fæni provenientes crescentes renovantes et contingentes
infra dictam parochiam de bangor finesque et limites locaque decimabilia in eadem easque
per se et suos perceperunt et
libere disposuerunt sicque percepit habuit et disposuit rector ibidem modernus toto suo tempore vsque ad tempus
gravaminis infrascriptis ac sic percipere debuit etiam in futurum et ponit Coniunctim Diuisim et de quolibet
4 Item quod Statutis legitimis regni Anglie cautum et prouisum est quod qui decimas prediales asportauerit seu subtrax[erit]
in triplo vel duplo iuxta illud Statutum venit condempnandum ad quod et cetera
5 Item Quod mos et consuetudo decimandi siue solvendi decimas fæni provenientium crescentium renovantium et contingentium infra
dictam parochiam de bangor a tempore et per tempus cuius initij siue contrarij memoria hominum non existet
inoleuit quod quilibet parochianus ibidem redderet decimam fæni provenientium crescentium contingentium et renouantium infra
fines et limites locaque decimabilia eiusdem parochie de bangor iuxta et secundum laudabilem et legitimum vsum
morem et consuetudinem parochie et loci vbi huiusmodi decime proveniunt seu debentur et ponit vt supra
Original Document
[1575/15 image 3]
6 Also, that the said David Lloyd Matthew and Reginald ap David who had or have in any way nothing of right of tithes in the said rectory of Bangor or in the tithes aforesaid, heedless of the welfare of their souls, being induced, as it is believed, by an evil spirit, scorning these statutes of the realm and not fearing to fall under penalty of the law; in the months of March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October namely in the present 1575th year of our Lord, they themselves or their men, took and converted and applied to their own use tithes of hay proceeding, growing and arising on their lands within the parish aforesaid, paying, rendering or tithing no tithes of the same to the current rector there or to any deputy of his, nor otherwise duly compounding for them or any part of the same; and he propounds as before.
7 Also, that the true value or valuation of the tithes or tenth part of the hay thus cut down, kept back and subtracted by the aforesaid David Lloyd Matthew in the year and months libellate notoriously amounted and amounts to the sum of four shillings of good and lawful money of England; and this party proponent propounds of whatever other intermediate or lesser sum or value and of such and so great a sum of such amount as will come to be declared and proved in the event of this suit; and he propounds as before.
8 Also, that the true value or valuation of the tithes or tenth part of the hay thus cut down, kept back and subtracted by the aforesaid Reginald ap David in the year and months libellate notoriously amounted and amounts to the sum of four shillings of good and lawful money of England; and this party proponent propounds of whatever other intermediate or lesser sum or value and of such and so great a sum of such amount as will come to be declared and proved in the event of this suit; and he propounds as before.
[1575/15 image 3]
6 Item Quod dicti Dauid Lloyd Mathew et Reginaldus ap David qui nihil iuris in dicta Rect[oria]
decimarum de bangor vel in [decimis predictis] habuerunt aut habent aliqualiter animarum suarum salutis immemores spiritu vt cred[itur]
maligno ducti Statuta [regia] huiusmodi vilipendentes et in penam iuris cadere non formidantes <mensis> Martij Aprilis
Maij Junij Julij Augusti Sept[embris Oc]tobris videlicet in instanti anno domini 1575o decimas fæni provenien[tes]
crescentes et contingentes in terris suis infra parochiam predictam per se et suos perceperunt et in proprios vsus
conuertebant et applicuerunt nullas decimas de eisdem rectore ibidem moderno aut suo deputato
cuicunque soluendo reddendo aut decimando aliter debite componendo pro huiusmodi vel aliqua
parte earundum et ponit vt supra
7 Item Quod verus valor siue estimatio decimarum siue decime partis fæni sic per prefatum Dauid lloyd
mathew in anno <et mensis> libellatis decisi repositi et subtracti ad summam siue valorem quatuor solidorum
bone et legalis monete anglie notorie se extendebat et extendit Et ponit pars ista proponens
de qualibet alia summa siue valore intermedia vel minori ac de tali et tanta summa de
quali in eventu huius litis veniet declarandum et Comprobandum et ponit vt supra
8 Item Quod verus valor siue estimatio decimarum siue decime partis fæni sic per prefatum Reginaldum ad Dauid
in anno et mensis libellatis decisi repositi et subtracti ad summam siue valorem quatuor solidorum b[one]
et legalis monete anglie notorie se extendebat et extendit Et ponit pars ista proponens
qualibet alia summa siue valore intermedia vel minori ac de tali et tanta summa de
qua in
eventu huius litis veniet declarandum et Comprobandum et ponit vt supra
Original Document
[1575/15 image 4]
9 Also, that the aforesaid David Lloyd Matthew and Reginald ap David have often, or at least once, been asked and requested on behalf of the said rector to pay, transfer and deliver to the aforesaid William Chorlton, clerk, rector aforesaid, or to his deputy these tithes as thus aforesaid subtracted, taken, had and not paid by them and their men, or otherwise duly to compound for them; and he propounds as before.
10 Also, that although the aforesaid David Lloyd Matthew and Reginald ap David were thus asked and requested to do as in the premises or in any of them, they have not troubled but they have expressly declined and refused or at least unduly delayed and delay, and deny at present, to the grave danger of their souls and the pernicious example of other Christian faithful and to no small prejudice and grievance of the current rector; and he propounds jointly, severally and concerning any part thereof.
11 Also, that the said David Lloyd Matthew and Reginald ap David are of the parish of Bangor, of Chester diocese, and for that reason notoriously subordinate and subject to your jurisdiction; and he propounds as before.
12 Also, that it was and is on the part and behalf of the distinguished William Chorlton, current rector of Bangor aforesaid, that complaint is rightly and lawfully made to you, lord judge aforesaid, and to your Chester consistory court; and he propounds jointly, severally and concerning any part thereof.
[1575/15 image 4]
9 Item Quod prefati Dauid lloyd mathew et Reginaldus ap Dauid ad solvendum tradendum et liberandum
prefato Willielmo Chorlton Clerico Rectori antedicto aut eius deputato huiusmodi decimas sic vt prefertur p[er eos]
et suos subtractas perceptas habitas seu non solutas seu aliter debite componendum pro eijsdem
sepius seu saltem semel ex parte [dicti] Rectoris requisiti fuerunt et interpellati et ponit vt supra
10 Item Quod predicti Dauid lloyd mathew et Reginaldus ap Dauid licet sic requisiti et interpellati
premissa seu eorum aliquod facere non curauerunt sed expresse renuerunt et recusarunt seu saltem [plus]
debite distulerunt et differunt ac denegant in presenti in animarum suarum graue periculum aliorumque
christifidelium perniciosum exemplum dictique Rectoris moderni preiudicium non modicum et gravamen
Et ponit Coniunctim Diuisim et de quolibet
11 Item Quod dicti Dauid lloyd mathew et Reginaldus ap Dauid fuerunt et sunt parochie de
Bangor Cestrensis diocesis et eo pretextu vestre Jurisdiccionis notorie subditi et subiecti et ponit vt su[pra]
12 Item Quod fuit et est ex parte et pro partem discreti viri Willielmi Chorlton Rectoris
de Bangor predicte moderni ad vos dominum Judicem antedictum et ad Curiam vestram
Consistorialem Cestrensem rite et legitime querelatum et ponit Coniunctim Diuisim et de quolibet
Original Document
[1575/15 image 5]
Also, that all and singular the premises were and are true, notorious, manifest and equally well-known, and regarding and concerning this public voice and fame were and are circulating in the parish of Bangor and in other parishes neighbouring and surrounding the same.
Whereupon, due proof being made as required by law in this regard, the party of the said William Chorlton, rector aforesaid, prays that right and justice may be done and administered to him in all and singular the premises, and also that the aforesaid David Lloyd Matthew and Reginald ap David are condemned in the tithes aforesaid, subtracted by them and their men, and in triple the value of the same, in accordance with the statutes of the realm set forth in that behalf, and in the lawful costs incurred on the part of the said rector in this behalf and he protests those to be incurred, and, having been condemned, that they are canonically obliged and compelled to the due and real payment of the same tithes and expenses by you and passing your definitive sentence in this behalf, lord judge aforesaid. And otherwise, that what will have been of right and reason in the premises and anything whatsoever concerning them may be done, established and decreed. The party of the said rector propounds the premises and prays that they are done jointly and severally, not binding himself to prove all and singular the premises, nor to the burden of a superfluous proof, against which he protests, but so far as he shall prove in the premises so much may he obtain of the petitions, always reserving the benefit of law in all things, humbly imploring your office in the premises, distinguished lord judge aforesaid.
[1575/15 image 5]
Item Quod premissa omnia et Singula fuerunt et sunt vera publica notoria manif[esta]
pariter et famosa atque de et super huiusmodi in parochia de bangor et in alijs parochijs eidem
convicinis et circumvicinis laborarunt et laborant publica vox et fama
Vnde fac[ta]
fide de iure in hac parte requisita petit pars dicti Willielmi Chorlton Rectoris
antedicti Jus et Justiciam sibi in premissis omnibus et Singulis fieri et ministrari Nec[non]
prefatos Dauid lloyd Mathew et Reginaldum ap Dauid in decimis predictis [per] se et [suos]
subtractis et in Triplici valore earundem iuxta Statuta regia in ea parte edi[ta]
et in expensis legitimis per partem dicti Rectoris in hac parte factis et protestat[ur de]
fiendis condempnari ac condemnatos ad debitam et realem solucionem earundem decimas et
expensis Canonice cogi et compelli per vos et vestram Sentenciam diffinitiuam in hac
parte ferendam domine Judex antedicte Vlteriusque fieri statui et decerni in
premissis et ea concernentibus quibuscunque quod iuris fuerit et racionis Premissa proponit
et fieri petit pars dicti Rectoris Coniunctim et Diuisim non arctans se ad o[mnia]
et Singula premissa probanda nec ad onus superflue probacionis de quo
protestatur Sed quatenus probauerit in premissis eatenus obtineat in petitis
Juris beneficio in omnibus semper saluo vestrum officium in premissis domine Judex
egregie antedicte humiliter Implorando
Original Document
[1566/8 image 6]
Libel of the distinguished William Chorlton, rector of the parish church of Bangor, against David Lloyd Matthew and Reginald ap David in a cause of subtraction of tithes exhibited on the 6th day of October in the year of our Lord 1575.
[in pencil in a different hand]
No 15
[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]
Translation copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved
[1575/15 image 6]
[Libellus] discreti
viri Willielmi
Chorlton Rectoris
ecclesie parochialis de
Bangor contra et
aduersus Dauid
lloyd Mathew
et Reginaldum
ap David in
Causa subtractionis
decimarum exhibitus
vjo die mensis
Octobris Anno
domini 1575
[in pencil in a different hand]
No 15
[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]
Transcript copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved
Original Document
[1575/15 image 7]
The personal answers of David Lloyd Matthew made to the positions of the libel offered on behalf of the rector of Bangor taken at Chester on the 17th day of the month of November 1575.
1 To the first position of the libel, he admits that the same contains the truth in it.
2 To the second position, he admits that the same is true.
3 To the third position he answers and believes ‘that the nowe parson of Bangor douth and ought to receive all manner of accustomed tiethes in manner and forme as his predecessors haue had and receyved them but he beleueth there be certen places within the said parishe that tyme out of mynde haue not paid nor ought to paie any tythe haie in kinde parcell wherof this Respondent beleueth the ground wherevpon the tythe nowe in sute growed to be’.
4 To the fourth position he refers himself to the statute articulate, otherwise he knows nothing to depose.
5 To the fifth position he answers that he believes that the same is true except for the places already excepted ‘which he beleueth to be free’ as above.
6 To the 6th position he answers ‘that he hathe taken a peece of ground for his money within the parishe of bangor of one Edward ap Elles wherein he had certeyne haie the yeare libellat whereof he paid no tythe for that Edward ap Ellis his said landlord commaunded hym to paie no tieth thereof saing that the said grounde was tyme out of mynde free from payment of any tiethe haie’.
7 To the 7th position he answers ‘that he beleveth the tieth of the said haie if it had bene due to be paid in kinde had beene worth xijd’.
8 To the 8th position he answers that he is not to be examined on the same.
9 To 9 he answers that the same is true as regards he himself To 9 he answers that the same is true as regards he himself ‘& the cause whie he denied to paie the same was for that he beleueth he ought not to paie any’.
[1575/15 image 7]
[Respo]nsio[nes per]sonales D[av]id lloy[d Mathew]
facte positionibus libelli ex parte [rectoris de]
Bangor oblati Capta apud Ces[triam] xvijo
die mensis Novembris 1575
1 Ad primam positionem libelli fatetur eandem in se continere veritatem
2 Ad secundam positionem <fatetur> eandem esse veram
3 Ad tertiam positionem respondet et credit that the nowe parson of
Bangor douth and ought <to> receive all manner of accustomed
tiethes in manner and forme as his predecessors haue had
and receyved them <but> he beleueth there be certen places
within the said parishe that tyme out of mynde haue not <paid>
nor ought to paie any tythe haie in kinde <parcell> wherof this
Respondent beleueth the <ground wherevpon> the tythe nowe in
sute growed to be
4 Ad quartam positionem refert se ad Statutum articulatum alias nescit
5 Ad quintam positionem respondet quod <credit eandem esse veram exceptes
preexceptes locis which he beleueth to be free vt supra>
6 Ad vjtam positionem respondet that he hathe taken
a peece of ground for his money <within the parishe of bangor> of one Edward ap
Elles wherein he had certeyne haie the yeare
libellat <whereof he paid no tythe for> that Edward ap Ellis his said
landlord commaunded hym to paie no tieth thereof
saing that the said grounde was tyme out of
mynde free from payment of any tiethe haie
7 Ad vijam positionem respondet that he beleveth the tieth <of the said haie> if
it had <bene due> to be paid <in kinde> had beene worth <xijd>
8 Ad viijam positionem respondet <quod non est examinandum super eadem>
9 Ad ixam <respondet eandem esse veram quoad seipsum> Ad [9] respondet eandem esse veram quoad seipsum & the cause whie he denied to paie the same was for that he beleueth he ought not to paie any
[1575/15 image 8]
Ad xij respondet quod est querelatum de facto sed non de
Ad vltimam credit credita et negat negata et cetera
Original Document
[1575/15 image 9]
[The endorsement is illegible apart from the date, 1575.]
[in pencil in a different hand]
No 15
[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]
Translation copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved
[1575/15 image 9]
[The endorsement is illegible apart from the date, 1575.]
[in pencil in a different hand]
No 15
[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]
Transcript copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved
Original Document
[1575/15 image 10]
In the name of God, Amen: the merits and circumstances of a certain cause of subtraction of tithes which was disputed, is still disputed and is pending undecided before us having been heard, seen and understood and fully investigated by us, Robert Leche, Doctor of Laws, commissary general of the right reverend father in God, William, by divine permission lord bishop of Chester, and lawfully deputed official principal of his consistory court, rightly and lawfully proceeding, between the venerable William Charlton, clerk, rector of Bangor, the party plaintiff and complainant on the one part, and David Lloyd Mathew, of the same parish, diocese and jurisdiction, the defendant and party complained of on the other part; and the aforesaid parties appearing sufficiently and lawfully before us, namely, the party of the said William Charlton in person and by William Man, Master of Arts, his lawfully appointed proctor according to the acts of the court, while the party of the said David Lloyd Mathew was appearing in person and by John Prichard, Bachelor of Laws; with the party of the said William Charlton praying that sentence is passed and justice may be done to him, the party of the said David Lloyd Mathew also earnestly praying that justice may be done to him.
All and singular acts, enactments, deductions, propositions, allegations, confessions and proofs had and done by all sides in the said cause having first been examined and diligently inspected by us, and having reviewed, examined and considered them with promptness and diligence, from and with the advice of those learned in the law with whom we have communicated in this behalf, and having observed what according to law should be observed by us in this behalf, we have thus thought fit to proceed to the pronouncement of the passing of our definitive sentence or final decree in this cause, and we do proceed in this manner which follows;
Forasmuch as we know and clearly find by the acts enacted, brought, alleged, confessed and proved had and done in the said cause that the party of the said rector has sufficiently and fully established and equally proved his claim in a certain libel of his (the tenor of which follows and is thus; In the name of God,
[1575/15 image 10]
[In] dei nomine amen Au[ditis vis]is et intellectis
ac plenarie discussis per nos Robertum lech legum doctorem Reverendi
in christo patris et domini domini Willielmi permissione divina Cestrensis episcopi
commissarium generalem ac eius curie consistorialis officialem principalem
legitime deputatum Meritis et circumstantijs cuiusdam
cause subtraccionis decimarum que coram nobis inter discretum
virum magistrum Willielmum Chorlton clericum Rectorem ecclesie
parochialis de bangor partem actricem et querelantem ex vna et Dauid
lloyd Mathewe eiusdem parochie diocesis et Jurisdiccionis partem
ream et querelatam partibus ex altera vertebatur et adhuc
vertitur et pendet indecise rite et legitime procedentes partibus
predictis coram nobis sufficienter et legitime videlicet parte dicti Willielmi
chorlton per se personaliter et per Willielmum mann artium magistrum
eius procuratorem legitime apud acta constitutum parte quoque
dicti Dauid lloyd mathewe per se personaliter et per discretum
virum Johannem prichard in legibus baccallarium eius procuratorem
legitime apud acta constitutum comparentibus parte vero dicti Willielmi
Chorlton sententiam ferri et iusticiam sibi fieri parte etiam
dicti Dauid lloyd mathewe iusticiam etiam sibi fieri instanter
Visis primitus per nos et diligenter inspectis
omnibus et singulis actis inactitatis deductis propositis allegatis
confessatis et probatis in dicta causa hincinde habitis et factis
eisque cum maturitate et diligentia Recensitis examinatis et
ponderatis de et cum consilio Jurisperitorum cum quibus
in hac parte communicavimus servatisque per nos de iure
in hac parte seruandis ad nostre sententie dif[fini]tiue siue finalis
decreti prolacionem in huiusmodi causa ferende [sic] duximus procedendum
et procedimus in hunc qui sequitur modum
Quia per
acta inactita deducta allegata exhibita confessata et
probata in causa predicta habita et facta comperimus et luculenter
invenimus partem dicti Rectoris intencionem suam in quodam
suo libello cuius tenor sequitur et est talis In dei nomine
Original Document
[1575/15 image 11]
Amen; before you, William, by divine permission bishop of Chester etc., which libel we will have here read and inserted) namely that the aforesaid David Lloyd Matthew has subtracted his tithes of hay growing, renewing and arising on his ground or fields lying within the parish of Bangor aforesaid in the years or year libellate, he had not and has not agreed at present the subtraction of these tithes or any part of them with the current rector or any deputy of his whomsoever; and nothing effectual has been or is brought, alleged, excepted or proved on the part and behalf of the said David Lloyd Matthew which could destroy or in any way weaken the claim of the said rector.
Therefore we, the official aforesaid, having first called upon the name of Christ, and setting God himself alone before our eyes, from and with the advice of the learned in the law with whom we have consulted in a timely manner in this behalf, pronounce, decree and declare that the said David Lloyd Matthew is condemned in the tithes libellate, if they are still in existence, otherwise in triple the value of the same, which we calculate in the sum of 12 shillings of good and lawful money of England; and he is condemned in the costs incurred and to be incurred on the part of the said rector in this cause by this our definitive sentence or this our final decree which we pass and publish in these writings. Reserving taxation of these costs to us and to our office, which we thus we do reserve.
This sentence was read and issued by the judge aforesaid sitting publicly and judicially in the cathedral church of Chester in the consistorial place there on the 17th day of February in the year […] being then present there […].
[1575/15 image 11]
[Ame]n Coram vobis […] Willielmo
permissione diuina Cestrensi episcopo etcetera Quem libellum pro
hic lectum et insertum habere volumus
sufficienter et ad plenum fundasse pariter et probasse videlicet
prefatum Dauid lloyd mathewe decimas suas feni crescentium
Renovantium et contingentium in terris siue agris suis Jacentis
infra parochiam de bangor predictam annis siue anno libellatis
subtraxisse minime
pro illis vel aliquo parte earundem cum Rectore moderno eiusve
deputato quocunque subtraccionem huiusmodi
decimarum Ratum et gratum habuisse et in presenti habere Nihilque
effectuale ex parte aut per partem dicti Dauid lloyd mathewe
fuisse aut esse deductum allegatum exceptum aut probatum quod
intencionem dicti Rectoris elideret seu quomodolibet eneruaret
Idcirco nos officialis antedictus christi nomine primitus invocato
ac ipsum solum deum oculis nostris preponentes de et cum consilio
Jurisperitorum quibuscum mature in hac parte communicavimus
dictum dauid lloyd mathewe in decimis libellatis
si extant alioquin in triplici earundem valore quem ad
summam xijs[1] bone et legalis monete Anglie estimamus
condempnandum et in expensis per partem dicti Rectoris in hac
causa factis et fiendis condempnandum pronu[niciam]us decernimus
et declaramus per hanc nostram sententiam d[iffinitiu]am siue hoc
nostrum finale decretum quam siue quod fer[imu]s et promulgamus
[in] hijs scriptis Taxacionem expen[sarum] huiusmodi nobis et
officio nostro reseruantem quam sic Reseruamus
Lecta et lata fuit huiusmodi Sententia per Judicem antedictum
[in Ecclesia cathedralis Cestrensis in] loco [Consistoriali ibidem publice pro]
[tribunali sedenti] xvijo die Februarij Anno
[…] [Presentibus tunc ibidem] […]
[1] Parts of the section quantifying the value of the tithes subtracted has been struck through and the value of ‘xijs’ may have been replaced by ‘xs’.
[1575/15 image 12]
[… R]ectoris de ban[gor ]
contra Dauid lloy[d]
mathewe in causa
decimarum exhibit’
[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]
Transcript copyright ©2022 P J Cox All Rights Reserved
William Charlton, rector of Bangor – plaintiff
David Lloyd Matthew – defendant
Reginald ap David – defendant
Edward ap Ellis – owner of the land on which the tithes were claimed
Related Causes
Depositions in tithe causes from Bangor may be found in EDC 2/8 ff. 4-6, 8-9, 12.