Ref: EDC 5/10/2
Catalogue Entry:
EDC 5/10/2 – Sentence in tithe cause: Roger Fulbek, Nicholas Jacson & Ellen Fulbeke, farmers of Irton co. L. v. John Sherween, Nicholas Sherween & Rowland Hartley of pa. Irton. 13 Apr. 1549.
Roger and Ellen Fulbeke and Nicholas Jacson, farmers of the tithes of Irton, contra John and Nicholas Sherween and Roland Hartley.
Roger Fulbeke and his wife, Ellen, together with Nicholas Jacson had leased the tithes of the parish of Irton from John Fox, who had leased them from Sir Hugh Askew, the king’s cellerer, who had a lease from Henry VIII following the dissolution of Seton nunnery in 1536 (CALS EDC 2/4 p. 72a).
This cause is unusual in the Chester Consistory Court as the defendants resided in the archdeaconry of Richmond where the tithes in question arose; the vast majority of such causes were heard in Richmond. The parishes of residence of the plaintiffs are not given.
The sentence sets out the value of the tithes awarded to the plaintiffs and quantifies their costs, setting out the date for payment of the amount adjudged to be due.
Original Document
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[…] the merits and circumstances of a certain cause of subtraction of tithes […] investigated by us, George Wilmesley, Bachelor of Laws, vicar general in spirituals of the right reverend father in Christ, John, by divine permission bishop of Chester upheld by the supreme authority of the most illustrious Prince in Christ and our master, Edward the sixth, by the grace of God King of England, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith and on earth supreme head of the English and Irish church under Christ, and sufficiently and lawfully deputed official principal of the consistory of the same reverend father which was for some time disputed and is as yet disputed and pending undecided before us between the honest men Roger Fulbeke, Nicholas Jacson and Ellen Fulbeke farmers of the lord King of the parish church of Irton of Chester diocese the party complainant on one part, and John Sherween, Nicholas Sherween and Roland Hartley of the parish of Irton aforesaid the defendant and party complained of on the other part rightly and lawfully proceeding; the parties aforesaid appearing before us in judgement sufficiently and lawfully, the party of the said Roger, Nicholas and Ellen fervently praying that sentence is passed and that justice may be done to their party, moreover the party of the said John, Nicholas and Roland also urgently praying that sentence may be passed […] for their party.
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[…] discussis [per nos] Georgium Wilmysley in [legibus] Baccall[arium]
Reuerendi in Christo patris domini Johannis permissione diuina Cestrensis Episcopi suprema
auctoritate Illustrissimi in Christo principis et domini nostri domini Edwardi
Sexti dei gracia Anglie Francie et Hibernie Regis fidei defensoris
et in terra ecclesie Anglicane et Hibernice supremi capitis
fulciti vicarium in spiritualibus generalem, et Consistorij eiusdem Reuerendi
patris Officialem principalem sufficienter et legitime deputatum
meritis et circumstancijs cuiusdam cause subtraccionis decimarum
que coram nobis inter honestos viros Rogerum fulbeke Nicolaum
Jacson et Elenam Fulbeke firmarios domini Regis Ecclesie parochialis
de Irton Cestrensis diocesis partem querelantem ex parte una, et
Johannem Sherween Nicolaum Sherween et Rouland hartley
parochie de Irton predicte partem ream et querelatam ex parte
altera aliquamdiu vertebatur, et adhuc vertitur et pendet
indecisa rite et legitime procedentes partibus predictis coram nobis
sufficienter et legitime in Judicio comparentibus parteque dictorum Rogeri
Nicolai et Elene sententiam ferri et Justiciam fieri pro parte sua
parte vero dictorum Johannis [Nicolai] et Rolandi sententiam
eciam fieri et […] instanter postulantibus
Original Document
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[…] acts, enactments, deductions, […] allegations and proofs had and done by all sides in this cause, and having reviewed and considered them with promptness and diligence, with the advice of those learned in the law with whom we have communicated in this behalf, and matters which according to law should be observed in this respect having been observed by us, we have thus thought fit to proceed to making the pronouncement of our definitive sentence or our final decree in the said cause, and we do proceed in this manner which follows;
forasmuch as we know and clearly find by the acts enacted, set forth, exhibited, propounded and likewise proved had and done by all sides in the said cause that the party of the aforesaid Roger, Nicholas and Ellen …. their claim as to the right, title and possession of the right of receiving all and singular tithes proceeding and arising in the aforesaid parish of Irton and the bounds and limits and the tithable places of the same set forth in their libel previously judicially given and offered by their party before us in the cause mentioned (the tenor of which libel follows in these words […] In the name of God, Amen: before you, the venerable
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[…] actis inactitatis ded[…]allegatis et probatis
[in] huiusmodi causa hincinde habitis et factis, eisque cum maturitate
et diligencia recensitis et ponderatis de consilio Jurisperitorum
cum quibus in hac parte communicauimus, seruatis per nos de Jure
in hac parte servandis, ad nostre sententie diffinitiue siue decreti
nostri finalis in dicta causa ferendum prolacionem sic duximus
procedendum et procedimus in hunc qui sequitur modum,
per acta inactita deducta exhibita proposita <pariter et> probata
in dicta causa hincinde habita et facta
comperimus et luculenter Invenimus partem prefatorum Rogeri
Nicolai et Elene intencionem suam quoad ius titulum
et possessionem Juris percipiendi omnes et singulas decimas
in prefata parochiam de Irton finesque et limites ac loca
decimabilia eiusdem provenientes et contingentes in libello suo
alias per partem suam coram nobis in causa memorata Judicaliter
dato et oblato deductam cuius quidem libelli tenor sequitur
in hec verba [… In dei] nomine Amen Coram vobis venerabili
Original Document
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[…] John, by divine permission lord bishop of Chester sufficiently and lawfully deputed by the authority of the most illustrious Prince in Christ and our master, Edward the sixth, by the grace of God King of England, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith and on earth supreme head of the English and Irish church or any other judge whomsoever competent in this regard, the party of the distinguished men Roger Fulbeke, Nicholas Jacson and Ellen Fulbeke farmers of our lord King of the parish church of Irton of Chester diocese against John Sherween, Nicholas Sherween and Roland Hartley of the parish of Irton aforesaid of the archdeaconry of Richmond of the said Chester diocese and against any other whomsoever et cetera, which certain libel as here read and inserted, we hold and wish to be held as sufficiently founded and proved, and nothing effectual on behalf of […] has been or is excepted, set forth, alleged or proved which could destroy or in any way weaken the claim of the aforesaid farmers. Therefore we, George Wilmesley, official principal abovesaid, having first called upon the name of Christ, and having God himself alone before our eyes, as by right, title and possession or quasi possession by the said Roger, Nicholas and Ellen, farmers aforesaid, of the parish church of Irton […] all and singular tithes abovesaid […] tithable places of the same, howsoever and […] arising, as well as the right
[5/10/2 image 3]
[…] dominum
Johannem permissione diuina Cestrensem Episcopum Auctoritate Illustrissimi in
Christo principis et domini nostri domini Edwardi Sexti dei gracia
Anglie Francie et Hibernie Regis fidei defensoris et in
terra ecclesie Anglicane et Hibernice supremi capitis sufficienter
et legitime deputatum aut alio Judice in hac parte competenti quocunque
Pars discretorum virorum Rogeri Filbeke Nicolai Jacson
et Elene Filbeke firmariorum domini nostri Regis ecclesie parochialis
de Irton Cestrensis diocesis contra et aduersus Johannem Sherween
Nicolaum Sherween et Rouland Hartley parochie de Irton
predicte Archidiaconatus Richmond dicte Cestrensis diocesis, ac contra quemcunque
alium et cetera quem quidem libellum pro hic lecto et inserto habemus
et haberi volumus sufficienter fundasse et probasse < nihilque effectuale ex parte […] exceptum deductum allegatum aut probatum fuisse
et esse quod intencionem prefatorum firmariorum elideret seu quomodolibet enervaret Idcirco nos Georgius Wilmysley Officialis principalis antedictus
Christi nomine primitus invocato ac ipsum solum deum pre
oculis nostris Habentes pro Jure titulo et possessione seu quasi
dictorum Rogeri Nicolai et Elen firmariorum antedictorum
ecclesie parochialis de Irton <[…] omnis [et sin]gulis decimis infradictis […]> loca decimabilia eiusdem
qualitercumque et [… con]tingentis Jus quoque
Original Document
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[…] belonged and appertained to Roger, Nicholas and Ellen, farmers of the parish church of Irton, during their […] term, by right and in the name of the parish church aforesaid and so ought to have belonged and to belong and appertain, likewise we pronounce, decree and declare that John Sherween, Nicholas Sherween and Roland Hartley have subtracted these tithes set out above from the said farmers and the parish church of Irton aforesaid or have not paid them in the months, years and places libelled in this respect arising and proceeding within the parish of Irton aforesaid and belonging and appertaining to the said farmers aforesaid in the manner and form expressed and declared in the said libel, or at least have ordered and caused that they should be thus subtracted or not paid and also had and have made and approved and similarly accepted this subtraction and non-payment; and that they, John, Nicholas and Roland, and any of them, according to the rate applicable to them respectively, to the payment, supply and satisfaction of the tithes aforesaid by them and [any] of them
[5/10/2 image 4]
[…] Rogerum Nicolaum et [Elenam firm]arios de ecclesie
parochialis de Irton durante termino <…> suo Jure et nomine
ecclesie parochialis predicte spectasse et pertinasse et sic spectare
et pertinere debuisse et debere dictos quoque Johannem Sherween
Nicolaum Sherween et Rouland Hartley decimas
Huiusmodi infrascriptos mensibus annis et locis in hac parte
libellatas infra parochiam de Irton predictam contingentes et
provenientes atque ad dictos firmarios antedictos spectantes et
pertinentes modo et forma in dicto libello expressis et declaratis
dictis firmarijs <et ecclesie parochiali de Irton predicte> respectiue subtraxisse <aut> non soluisse,
seu saltem sic subtrahi aut non solui mandasse et
fecisse, Necnon subtracionem et non solucionem huiusmodi
sic factas, ratas et gratas habuisse et habere pariter et
acceptas pronunciamus decernimus et declaramus, Ipsosque
Johannem Nicolaum et Rouland et eorum quemlibet iuxta
ratam eos respectuie concernentem ad solucionem prestacionem
et satisfac[ionem] decimarum predictarum per eos et eorum
Original Document
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[…] John Sherween in the tenth part of fifteen bushels of wheat arising in the said parish of Irton in the one thousand five hundred and forty-eighth year of our Lord which tenth part we assess at the amount or value of 2s 3d and in the tenth part of fifteen bushels of barley at the amount or value of 2s and in the tenth part of forty bushels of oats at the amount or value of 2s of money of England according to what has been proved against him and Nicholas Sherween in the tenth part of thirty five bushels of wheat arising in the said parish of Irton in the one thousand five hundred and forty-seventh and forty-eighth years of our Lord which tenth part we assess at the amount or value of 5s 3d and in the tenth part of thirty five bushels of barley in the said years at the amount or value of 4s 8d and in the tenth part of one hundred bushels of oats in the said years at the amount or value of 5s of money of England according to what has been proved against him and Roland Hartley
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[…] Johannem
Sherween in decima parte quindecim modiorum [s]iliginis anno
domini Millesimo quingentesimo xlviijo in dicta parochia de Irton provenientium
quam quidem decimam partem ad summam siue valorem ijs iijd
et in decima parte quindecim
modiorum ordij quam ad summam siue valorem ijs
et in decima parte quadraginta modiorum avenarum
quam ad summam siue valorem ijs monete Anglie estimamus
iuxta probata contra eum Et Nicolaum Sherween in decima parte
triginta quinque[1] modiorum [s]iliginis annis domini
Millesimo quingentesimo quadragesimo septimo et quadragesimo
octauo in dicta parochia de Irton provenientium, quam quidem
decimam partem ad summam siue valorem vs iijd
< et in decima parte triginta quinque modiorum ordij dictis annis quam ad summam iiijs viijd>
et in decima parte Centum modiorum
Avenarum < dictis annis> quam <ad> summ[am siue va]lorem vs monete Anglie
estimamus iuxta probat[a contra eum Et] Rouland Hartley
[1] The number ‘triginta quinque’ has been crossed through and replaced by ‘septuaginta’. The insertion has then been deleted and the word ‘stet’ added next to the original words, meaning ‘let this stand’.
Original Document
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[…] arising [in the said parish] of Irton which tenth part we assess at the amount of 12d halfpenny and in the tenth part of twelve bushels of barley which […] at the amount of 20d and in the tenth part of forty bushels of oats at the amount or value of 2s of money of England according to what has been proved against him to be bound by law and we pronounce, decree and declare that John Sherween, Nicholas Sherween and Roland Hartley must pay, make good and satisfy to the farmers aforesaid the aforesaid tithes subtracted or not paid by them respectively as aforesaid, if they are still in existence, otherwise the true value of those tithes as duly requested to do, having refused and refusing or at least having unduly delayed and delay; and we condemn them respectively in the said tithes, if they are still in existence, otherwise in their values aforesaid, and in the lawful costs incurred and to be incurred on the part of the aforesaid farmers in this behalf (which expenses […] shillings of money of England
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[…] de Irton provenientium
quam quidem decimam partem ad summam siue valorem xxijd obulus
<et in decima parte duodecim modiorum ordij […] quam ad summam xxd et in decima parte quadraginta
modiorum Avenarum quam ad summam siue valorem ijs monete
Anglie estimamus iuxta probata contra eum de Jure teneri
dictos que Johannem Sherween Nicolaum Sherween et Rouland
Hartley ad soluendum prestandum et satisfaciendum firmarijs
antedictis prefatas decimas per eos ut premittitur respectiue
subtractas seu non solutas si extent, alioquin earundem
decimarum veros valores debite requisitos ad facere
recusasse et recusare seu plus iusto distulisse et differe
pronunciamus decernimus et declaramus. Et Ipsos in dictis
decimis si extent alioquin in earum valoribus antedictis, et
in expensis legitimos per partem prefatorum firmariorum in hac parte
factis et faciendis respectiue condempnamus (Quas quidem
expensas […] solidorum monete Anglie
Original Document
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[…] and they [are] to pay to the aforesaid farmers the expenses aforesaid taxed by us as is aforesaid before the feast of the Ascension of our Lord next coming upon pain of excommunication, forthwith and henceforward which we pass and promulgate if they and each of them do not appear upon our monition, warning them peremptorily in these writings we pronounce, decree and declare them to be by this our definitive sentence or this our final decree which we pass and publish in these writings.
This sentence was read and passed by the judge aforesaid on the 13th of April in the year 1549; being then present there John Hurmefroy and Peter Gillam, literate laymen etc.
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[…] eosdemque ad soluendum prefatis [fir]marijs
expensas predictas per nos ut premittitur taxatas citra
festum ascensionis domini[1] proximum futurum sub pena excommunicacionis
quam in ipsos et eorum quemlibet monicionibus nostris non parentes
exnunc prout extunc et extunc prout exnunc ferimus et promulgamus
in hijs scriptis peremptorie monendos fore pronunciamus
decernimus et declaramus per hanc nostram sententiam diffinituam
siue hoc nostrum finale decretum quam siue quod ferimus
et promulgamus in hijs scriptis
Lecta and Lata fuit hec sententia per Judicem
predictum xiijo Aprilis Anno 1549 presentibus tunc ibidem
Johanne Hurmefroy et petro Gillam laicis literatis etc
[1] This is difficult to read and seems to have been inserted hurriedly after the main text was written and the transcription may not be correct. The Feast of the Ascension was traditionally celebrated on the sixth Thursday after Easter Sunday. In 1549 this would have been 30th May.
Original Document
[5/10/2 image 8]
Sentence Filbeke against Sherween and others associated with this suit in a cause of tithes
[in pencil in a different hand]
1549 Apl 3
[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]
Translation copyright ©2024 P J Cox All Rights Reserved
[5/10/2 image 8]
Sententia Filbeke contra {contra} Sherween et
alios litis consortos in causa decimarum
[in pencil in a different hand]
1549 Apl 3
[Produced with the permission of the Chester Diocesan Board of Finance.]
Transcript copyright ©2024 P J Cox All Rights Reserved
Roger Fulbeke – plaintiff
Ellen Fulbeke – plaintiff
Nicholas Jacson – plaintiff
John Sherween – defendant
Nicholas Sherween – defendant
Roland Hartley – defendant
Peter Gillam – witness to sentence
John Hurmefroy – witness to sentence
George Wilmesley – official principal
Sir Hugh Askew, the original lessor of the tithes of Irton, came from Lincolnshire. It is possible that Roger and Ellen Fulbeke also lived in Lincolnshire as theirs is not a name local to Irton and their parish is not given in the sentence.