People: Beetham, Margaret
Beetham (Betham)
Marital Status
At Issue
Spouse Name
Sir Robert Worsley
Career: Her husband, Sir Robert Worsley, considered that his marriage to his first wife, Alice Tyldesley, had been dissolved on the grounds of her alleged adultery. The church authorities did not agree, and his second marriage to Margaret was considered bigamous. This probably explains the following reference to her the 1547 will of Alice’s father ‘notwithstanding yt my sone in law Sir Robert Worsley knight is married to Margerit Bethum his wif yet levyng yet I remyt and pardon to him vijli xs apon condicion yt he geve yerly unto my doughter Alis his wif vli or mor for hir exhibicion duryng her absens from him or apon condcion yt he take his said wif into his company and intreat hir as he ought to do’ (Piccope, Wills, pp. 100-101).
Rev. G. J. Piccope (ed.), Lancashire and Cheshire Wills and Inventories from the Ecclesiastical Court, Chester (Chetham Society, old series, 33, 1857 (First Portion), pp. 97-114
F. R. Raines (ed.), The visitation of the county palatine of Lancaster, made in the year 1664-5, by Sir William Dugdale, Knight, part III (Chetham Society, old series, 88, 1873), pp. 339-340
EDC 5/11/2 – Sir Robert Worsley