People: Snape, Henry
Approx Year of Birth
Marital Status
Occupation Status
Clerk; curate of St Oswald's, Chester and later of St Mary's, Chester
CCEd person ID 31663
Career: in 1548 he was aged about 50, so was born in about 1498. In 1548 he had been a curate at St Oswald’s for about five years.
Further notes: At the time of the Royal Visitation of 1559, as curate of St Mary’s on the Hill, he was said to be ‘a commen haunter of alehouses and besides verye necgligente in readinge of the sarvice’. In 1562 he was again in trouble for frequenting ‘Alehouses and Tavernes inordinatly’ and was also required to read a declaration for his ‘shaven Crowne’; it seems that after the Elizabethan Settlement of religion he continued to be tonsured as Catholic priests would have been.
However, in 1563 he signed the Three Articles with other Cheshire clergy.
C. J. Kitching (ed.), ‘The Royal Visitation of 1559; Act Book for the Northern Province’, Surtees Society, 197 (1975 for 1972), p. 85
Cheshire Sheaf, 3rd Series, i, p. 34
CALS EDC 2/4, f. 23
CALS EDA 12/2, f. 81 (Ecclesiastical Commission)
EDC 5/13/6 – witness to the sentence, although the witness is not described as curate at St Oswald’s it has been assumed that this is who he was